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2 people marked this as a favorite.

Q: What's the difference between a banjo and a trampoline?

A: You take your shoes off to jump on a trampoline.

That one really took me longer then it should have.

Waterhammer wrote:

Q: What's the difference between a banjo and a trampoline?

A: You take your shoes off to jump on a trampoline.

You might.

Hmm you snuck this one by me pulg. I'll just get back to winning now.

Sovereign Court

That's pretty funny, waterhammer. Although I'm guessing that you're not a fan of music, or at least the banjo.

No one tells you to stop walking on the banjo either.

Or to stop using the chainsaw on the banjo...

Or really to stop destroying the banjo in any way.

Scarab Sages

Hey everyone, there's somebody wandering around here asking about becoming a cheese-scented Kensei Magus lich. I dunno, should we help ith? *prepares cyanide-cream pie for tossing*

You know... No one wonders if they should help the banjo.

Know the difference between a banjo and a bagpipe? Bagpipes can be played well.

All that banjo hate.

The Game Hamster wrote:
Know the difference between a banjo and a bagpipe? Bagpipes can be played well.

Yeah, but you'd look pretty stupid going to Alabama with some bagpipes on your knee.

At some point, I am going to create a quartet consisting of banjo, piano-accordian, bagpipe and oboe, which will set the world on FIRE.

Before the world sets us on FIRE.

And that, freinds, will be my moment of climactic triumph.

Just remember pulg with all that hair your highly flammable.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Strike him down, and he shall become hairier than you can possibly imagine!

Bagpipes are very typical Galician, but I have never been too fond of Galician bagpipe music. I like Irish bagpipe, though.

Aye lass But I be preferin Scottish.

Pulg wrote:
The Game Hamster wrote:
Know the difference between a banjo and a bagpipe? Bagpipes can be played well.

Yeah, but you'd look pretty stupid going to Alabama with some bagpipes on your knee.

At some point, I am going to create a quartet consisting of banjo, piano-accordian, bagpipe and oboe, which will set the world on FIRE.

Before the world sets us on FIRE.

And that, freinds, will be my moment of climactic triumph.

Pulg - banjo

Weird "Al" Yankovic - accordion
Scottish dragoon - bagpipe.
Duck - oboe

Why don't I get an instrument?

Pulg wrote:

Yeah, but you'd look pretty stupid going to Alabama with some bagpipes on your knee.

You haven't heard my rendition of "Och, Susanna!"

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Why don't I get an instrument?

You can play the didgeriddo

GoatToucher wrote:
Pulg wrote:

Yeah, but you'd look pretty stupid going to Alabama with some bagpipes on your knee.
You haven't heard my rendition of "Och, Susanna!"

Yes I have, and I still don't know how you managed it without ever putting the bagpipe chanter in your mouth.

Sovereign Court

Pulg, this GoatToucher we're talking about, he does things in ways that you do not wish to think about.

To quote a historic innovator "It's not going in -that- end, Mr. Lightbody..."

Vidmaster7 wrote:
All that banjo hate.

I know banjo players who hate on the banjo... And nearly every blue-grass player I know hates on them as well.

Lunch is served. And some reading material to boot.

*uses dimensional scissors (ala Star vs. the forces of evil) walks out of Kat's stomach.*
Er... Did I miss anything?

How did you know I can play a didgeriddo?

Sovereign Court

He often tours the Golarion outback, besides, who else knows the mating call of the rare and very dangerous trumpeter lizard?

On another note, real world me is trying to reassemble the Mighty Morphing Mutants (Via pen and paper) using Seven monsters from all three seasons of Mighty Morphing Power Rangers. Here's the current list:

Red Mutant - Commander Crayfish (leader), from season one
Pink Mutant - Vampirus, from season three
Green Mutant - The Invenusable Flytrap, from season two

As you can see, I'm lacking the Yellow Mutant, Blue Mutant, Black Mutant and the White Mutant. So if anyone has any ideas, let me know. One simple rule: no main villains (like Rita Repulsa or Lord Zedd) no generals (such as Goldar or Finster) and no putties. Just monsters from any of the three seasons of Mighty Morphing Power Rangers.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ill look into it. its been awhile

I'll say...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

like 1995 awhile ago.

Sovereign Court

Cool, the various wiki pages help. That's where I found out about some unused monsters from all the power rangers series (from Mighty Morphing onwards).

Oh Good.

I always liked Meaty Smurphin' Paltrow Rangers better. That's what they called it in the UK.

I don't believe you.

Even if you would, you shouldn't.

Sound advice^

Vidmaster7 wrote:
I don't believe you.

Why ever not?

Vidmaster7 wrote:
How did you know I can play a didgeriddo?

That's a lie!

No one plays a didgeriddo.
People blow through a didgeriddo!

Sovereign Court

Do they really? Well, that's a new one to me. And I have lived on Venus Island for nigh on 400 years.

Suddenly I'm more trusting of the fiend then the hamster and hairball.

That's not a good thing.

You did this to me!

Oh, so now you're blaming the hamster!

For once, I must agree with Pulg, you are blaming a hamster.
WELL... Game Hamster, anyhow...

Stop blaming the rodent.

Hamsters can be sweet, you know?

(Pats the hamster on the head)

*Presents the hamster with a hamster ball*

Scarab Sages

A devil just offered you treasure, Game Hamster. What are you going to do?

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
A devil just offered you treasure, Game Hamster. What are you going to do?

Give it to Todd?

Sovereign Court

You know what he's going to say and do to THAT particular scenario.

Todd: "Oh ho, no! No more devil's gifts, not today not ever!"

And to illustrate his point, he'll use a mop and bucket like a lance and shield (and the bucket WILL be full of dirty water, as he'll have just cleaned the floor).

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