Last one to post wins

Forum Games

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No happy ending for anybody, in the end it is not well.


No it isnt

No happy endings for Sunny's. They have all been taken ill, on account of being clones and hence all having such similar constitution scores.

I win"

Yeah, skull. You win. Congratulations! =)

Dark Archive

Crushing the skull of Xabulba under foot. As I walk to take my prize. I win.

Steal prize from nasty orc. I Win.

Dark Archive

Nasty orc is it. You another one of Mr. Scholz's spawn I think. Well no matter as I warned him before. Never send a boy or girl for that matter to do a grown ups work. The nasty orc wins again.

Missed. I Win.

Dark Archive

Smiles as what she thought was a miss was him cutting the rope to heavy load of frieght unseen above her. She of course misses her reflex save and is promptly squashed like a bug from the crates. The nasty orc wins.

Chaos will endure long after reality has been obliterated again. That means I win.

The Nasty Orc crushes silly jester man and wins.

Only a flesh wound. I win.

as Schism dusts herself off. Nasty Orc is there to finish the job. Nice heavy mace to the face. For the win.

Ithaca double barreled firing marine flares to the midsection, or Do I burn you up? I at least win

The Nasty Orc wrote:
The Nasty Orc crushes silly jester man and wins.

Jester Man points Restraining Order* at orc and keeps the win for himself.

*That's the name for my weapon. It's an epic +10 anarchic power ugly dread solar dissolver.

I have an even stronger, even bigger weapon, which I call "subtlety".

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Your chaotic subtlety is nothing compared to my shadowy powers. I win.

Scholz wins, yay!

Dark Archive

KaeYoss wrote:
The Nasty Orc wrote:
The Nasty Orc crushes silly jester man and wins.

Jester Man points Restraining Order* at orc and keeps the win for himself.

*That's the name for my weapon. It's an epic +10 anarchic power ugly dread solar dissolver.

I have an even stronger, even bigger weapon, which I call "subtlety".

Jester Man point thingy at Nasty orc and tickle him. Maybe funny man not too bad. But Gruumash told nasty orc to win him prize so nasty orc do so. Sorry Funny hat man me crush you now. Takes out Gruumash's Will a large mace +10 bane vs. enemies of Gruumash and bashes KaeYoss's head in again.

Dark Archive

Ah Mr. Scholz decided to come out from the shadows did he? Perhaps you should go back once again or I will thrash theee a third time. I win.

y'all argue it out, i'll just win.

Charles Scholz wrote:

Your chaotic subtlety is nothing compared to my shadowy powers. I win.

Turns out lights No more shadows. I win.

Gruumash . wrote:
Takes out Gruumash's Will a large mace +10 bane vs. enemies of Gruumash and bashes KaeYoss's head in again.

How will you hit me? You can get no leverage without a planet to stand on.

Plus, Gruumash is not my enemy. He's my victim.

I win.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
KaeYoss wrote:
Charles Scholz wrote:

Your chaotic subtlety is nothing compared to my shadowy powers. I win.

Turns out lights No more shadows. I win.

KaeYoss forgot I have darkvision as well as a Dark Vision.

Light helps create shadows; absense does not dispel them.

I Win.

I have visions of grandeur, I win

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

My visions of illusion spell is working on Irv. I win.

My inborn visions of delusion trump your visions of illusion, I win

Yawn, I win again.

Dark Archive

As you yawn I have crushed you and all other opponents. And no one even was aware of it.

I win yet again.


Dark Archive

KaeYoss wrote:
Gruumash . wrote:
Takes out Gruumash's Will a large mace +10 bane vs. enemies of Gruumash and bashes KaeYoss's head in again.

How will you hit me? You can get no leverage without a planet to stand on.

Plus, Gruumash is not my enemy. He's my victim.

I win.

Everyone is Gruumash's enemy. As for leverage, bah I am god I need not concern myself with such things. You are crushed and I win. For Gruumash is never anything's victim all are his.

I refuse to see myself as victimized, I win

Dark Archive

No irv you are the exception you are just my booty.

I win.

I don't care what people call me, I’m a driver, I’m a winner; things are gonna change I can feel it.

Gruumash . wrote:
As you yawn I have crushed you and all other opponents. And no one even was aware of it.

Can't have been much of a crushing, then. You probably just imagined things again.

Gruumash . wrote:
I am god

Orcs probably consider anyone god who can do two things at once, like walk and breathe.

Irv wrote:
I don't care what people call me, I’m a driver, I’m a winner; things are gonna change I can feel it.

This is a flying race. Your driving won't avail you.

I win.

And I fly so high when I'm stoned.

I win

Irv wrote:

And I fly so high when I'm stoned.

I win

When you finish the process of coming down, you will realize that I have won!

Yeah, but between the meds they have me on, and the disease they're supposed to cure, I'm alright, nobody worry about me. Why you got to gimme a fight? Can't you just let it be?

Dark Archive

KaeYoss wrote:
Gruumash . wrote:
I am god

Orcs probably consider anyone god who can do two things at once, like walk and breathe.

Ah how easily we are under estimated. As you do such we crush you and see you driven before us and then listen to the cries of your women. So again I am victorious and the jester man falls.

Oh, this is good you'll give me a driver, and listen to my girlfriend cry so I don't have to?

I have not just won, I've died and hit the lottery!

*sneaks away with the win*

passes my perception check

nobody gets away with nothing around here.

Orcs couldn't kill time so I win.

I have plenty of time to kill

so I can win

Yeah, Irv wins.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Traitor. I win.

Dark Archive

So long as I am around you will never win Charles Scholz nor the Jester Man. I win.

Liberty's Edge

I claim victory for great justice!!!

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