Last one to post wins

Forum Games

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*wakes up again*

*feels its head*

Matt Damonnn...

Dark Archive

"Yeah I bet that hurt. By the way I win."


Zips across the thread

*Eats the delicious bug*

I am on fire

'Finally!, something I can eat besides hippies"

*chases after chicken*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That won't do, pig. That won't do.

Run, pig, run! You cannot escape!

Go! Get that pig!

Bacon for you if I catch him, Chicken!


*digs a pit, places a net over it and covers it with leaves*

Hey, Matt Damon Puppet! See if you can't herd the pig over this way!

Beginner's luck. I win!!!

*makes a flurry of arms in the direction of the pig*


This is a post.

But it is not the last.

Nor is your post the last one.

And yes, I could do with a nice slice of bacon.

I will put it down in my "WIN" sandwich, besides the salad dressing !

Quiche Lisp wrote:

Nor is your post the last one.

And yes, I could do with a nice slice of bacon.

I will put it down in my "WIN" sandwich, besides the salad dressing !

Matt Damon!

[*throws his sandwich at the puppet*]

I lost my appetite, and no thanks to you !

How could you do that, MDP?

The Vicious Chicken of Bristol wrote:
How could you do that, MDP?

Matt Damon.

Your solicitude would be touching...

if it weren't for the fact that by merely showing this very solicitude, you're trying (and failing, I might add - and I do!) to steal my win.

My, what a vicious chicken you are (and from Bristol, no less, which I can't find faulty [however I may try - and I'm trying] but which nonethelesss feels iffy in some imprecise but deeply felt way) !


You really can't say 'cuz I'm pimp'. That doesn't even make sense.

The Vicious Chicken of Bristol wrote:
You really can't say 'cuz I'm pimp'. That doesn't even make sense.

Beeeeen... Aff..


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Dude! Language!

I admit it: I like to read my name in the box in the bottom right-hand corner of my computer screen which is titled "Recent threads in Forum Games" !

That's the gnomish way: By embracing your secret shame you transform it into a powerful and mad drive for WINNING (or banning, or naming the poster above you, or whatever).

In the end... all your thongs will be are belong to us !*

* Except you, Carl Glittergold. You can keep your thong to yourself !

He, I won again.

Muhahahahahahahahah !


"Cuz I'm pimp !"

Hehehehehehe. I said it !

My evil knows no bounds !

Or is it my gnomishness ?

Anyway, I win !

No, Quiche, we all win as I topple your evil empire of gnomish nonsense.

[*being toppled*]

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !

I will be baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack....

[*sound fades into distance*]

Worse than Team Rocket...At least Jesse and/or James were cute.

The Vicious Chicken of Bristol wrote:
No, Quiche, we all win as I topple your evil empire of gnomish nonsense.

"Wooof ! Grrrrrr ! Woof ! Wooof !"

[*tries to catch the Black Chicken to eat it*]

The Vicious Chicken of Bristol wrote:
Worse than Team Rocket...At least Jesse and/or James were cute.

Matt Damon.

The Vicious Chicken of Bristol wrote:
Worse than Team Rocket...At least Jesse and/or James were cute.

"Grrrroooooaaar !"

Woof ! grrr ! woof ! wrote:
The Vicious Chicken of Bristol wrote:
No, Quiche, we all win as I topple your evil empire of gnomish nonsense.

"Wooof ! Grrrrrr ! Woof ! Wooof !"

[*tries to catch the Black Chicken to eat it*]


*tries to catch Woof! grrr! woof! to eat it*

Matt Damon Puppet wrote:
The Vicious Chicken of Bristol wrote:
Worse than Team Rocket...At least Jesse and/or James were cute.
Matt Damon.

"Agggrrrrooooo !"

[*suddenly bites Matt Damon's hand*]

Matt Damon Puppet wrote:
The Vicious Chicken of Bristol wrote:
Worse than Team Rocket...At least Jesse and/or James were cute.
Matt Damon.

No, I'm not explaining myself.

"Wiiihhhmmmppp ! Wiiihhhmmmppp !"

[*runs away from Bleached Otyugh*]

*stares at the stump of its arm, and is then pulled along as the puppet strings pull it after the running dog*

MAAAAAAAAATT DAAAAAAmoooooooooonnnn....

The Vicious Chicken of Bristol wrote:
Matt Damon Puppet wrote:
The Vicious Chicken of Bristol wrote:
Worse than Team Rocket...At least Jesse and/or James were cute.
Matt Damon.
No, I'm not explaining myself.

[*bubbles up from infraspace, and is suddenly there, hovering on his retro-pulsers*]

"Well, you should, avian thing. Or else someone could tell it to my boss..."

Isn't that the second time you've lost your hand? You're Anakin Skywalker now! Little Orphan Ani!

*kicks Bob, quantum device sidekick into Scott Bakula's trash can*

Leap home now, ya cheap Amiga-wannabe!

*narrowly manages not to be trampled by the giant feet of the hungry otyugh, before the arm string snaps*

*collects itself, sees that the arm was just its prosthesis*

Matt Damon...

*finds a stick to put in place of its lower arm*

*puts on a pair of goggles and looks sulky and angry*


[*rotates one of its sides to look at the Matt Damon puppet as it's being dragged away by its strings while screaming incoherently. Shudders*]

"There are some things that quantum-device-kind was not meant to know ! Science does not allow for such creature !"

*stares at eDdlAP*

*jumps up and down*


*throws a magnificent huff*

*has a HUGE number of midichlorians, so there!*

Matt Damon.

El Dios De Los Almas Perdidas wrote:

*kicks Bob, quantum device sidekick into Scott Bakula's trash can*

Leap home now, ya cheap Amiga-wannabe!

"I'll tell it to my boss, you meanie... aztecan... whatever !

[*vanishes into the trash can*]

"Jar-Jar Binks."

Now, you are powerless against me!

[*bobbles bubbles bobbles*]

This thread's a mess ! Hopefully, I'll never post in there !


[*bobbles bubbles bobbles*]

Now, wait a minute...

Weren't you on Sealab 2021?

El Dios De Los Almas Perdidas wrote:

"Jar-Jar Binks."

Now, you are powerless against me!

A kind of trap opens in the thread floor and... huffing and puffing Quiche Lisp, gnome extraordinaire, climbs out of it.

"Who... puff puff... are you... puff whizzes... calling powerless, hu ?"

"I... cough whizzes puffs... I... coughs... WIN !"

Enough of your tomfoolery. You lose.

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