Ardenup |
have noted a fair bit on the wiz/sorc/witch advice threads everyone says displacement is a must.
Now I know the value of 50% miss chance but why no love for blacklight?
It's available 1 level lower grants 50% miss to anyone who enters the field (which they need to do to attack you) they get no save vs being blind in the field (the save only works if you cast it AT someone)
Cast this on your staff or something you carry. 50% miss PLUS blind and flatfooted if an enemy comes at you.

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have noted a fair bit on the wiz/sorc/witch advice threads everyone says displacement is a must.
Now I know the value of 50% miss chance but why no love for blacklight?
It's available 1 level lower grants 50% miss to anyone who enters the field (which they need to do to attack you) they get no save vs being blind in the field (the save only works if you cast it AT someone)
Cast this on your staff or something you carry. 50% miss PLUS blind and flatfooted if an enemy comes at you.
Is blacklight in the core rules? I'm pretty sure I've never seen it in PFRPG and only in some 3.5 splatbooks.
Also, blacklight does nothing against enemies who have darkvision or monsters with tremorsense or blindsense (which, between those three things, adds up to a rather significant chunk of the bestiary).

Blueluck |

BlacklightIs in the SRD and the source is, "Pathfinder Campaign Setting 206".
School evocation [darkness]; Level darkness 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
Casting: Time 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area: 20-ft.-radius emanation
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates or none (object); Spell Resistance yes or no (object)
You create an area of total darkness. The darkness is impenetrable even to darkvision, but you can see normally within it. Creatures outside the spell’s area, even you, cannot see through it.
You can cast the spell on a point in space, but the effect is stationary unless cast on a mobile object. You can cast the spell on a creature, and the effect then radiates from the creature and moves as it moves. Unattended objects and points in space do not get saving throws or benefit from spell resistance.
Blacklight counters or dispels any light spell of equal or lower level. Daylight counters or dispels blacklight.

therealthom |

BlacklightIs in the SRD and the source is, "Pathfinder Campaign Setting 206".
** spoiler omitted **It seems just about as good as Displacement, but they're both 3rd level spells.
It's also tagged as "Fan created or Fan conversion".

Zaister |
The site at d20pfsrd.com is not "the SRD". Please note the banner with the spell in question stating "This is fan-created content or a fan conversion."
In fact, "SRD" correctly refers to the Open Gaming Content listing for the 3.5 version of the game by Wizards of the Coast. Paizo's Open Gaming Content listing for the Pathfinder RPG is correctly called the PRD ("Pathfinder Reference Document") and is located at http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd. That other site contains a lot of additional content not only by Paizo, but also by 3rd parties, or fan-created content. Be sure to check the banners there to see what is actually part of the default Pathfinder RPG rules, which my be important, for example, regarding organized play.
The spell in question is indeed from the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting hardcover, however, that book was designed for the 3.5 version of the game, and thus the spell is not part of the default Pathfinder RPG rules.

Blueluck |

The site at d20pfsrd.com is not "the SRD". Please note the banner with the spell in question stating "This is fan-created content or a fan conversion."
In fact, "SRD" correctly refers to the Open Gaming Content listing for the 3.5 version of the game by Wizards of the Coast. Paizo's Open Gaming Content listing for the Pathfinder RPG is correctly called the PRD ("Pathfinder Reference Document") and is located at http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd. That other site contains a lot of additional content not only by Paizo, but also by 3rd parties, or fan-created content. Be sure to check the banners there to see what is actually part of the default Pathfinder RPG rules, which my be important, for example, regarding organized play.
The spell in question is indeed from the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting hardcover, however, that book was designed for the 3.5 version of the game, and thus the spell is not part of the default Pathfinder RPG rules.
Thank you for both clarifications. I was sloppy with PRD/SRD, and after years of saying "SRD" I don't know if I'll get better any time soon.

Zaister |
Thank you for both clarifications. I was sloppy with PRD/SRD, and after years of saying "SRD" I don't know if I'll get better any time soon.
You're welcome, and I can understand the confusion about "SRD" well enough.

james maissen |
have noted a fair bit on the wiz/sorc/witch advice threads everyone says displacement is a must.
Now I know the value of 50% miss chance but why no love for blacklight?
I think you'll find that conventional wisdom is to adventure in a group as well.
Displacement is a nice spell to cast on whomever the bad guy is going to attack, while blacklight is going to mess with everyone but you.
That and blacklight might not be allowed in your campaign, so people tend to stick to core spells for advice.