foresight school and foretelling

Rules Questions

5 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

bumped a thread in the archives, then realized it doesn't show on the main rules page.

never answered that i could find. is foretelling a free action, a standard action, or what?

Bumping this old thread because I don't think I've ever seen a response and am searching for the answer myself.

I'd assume standard action simply since it's a supernatural ability, but I'm interested in what others think.

Scarab Sages

I would also assume that it is a standard action. However, since the Prescience feature is also a supernatural ability and is a free action, I suppose that can't be assumed. As a standard action, it's not a bad ability, granting bonuses to the entire party or debuffing an enemy group. As a free action or even a move action, it's outstanding, allowing all the benefits along with casting a spell. I'd go with a standard action until there is an official clairification from the designers.

Foretell (Su)

Supernatural Abilities (Su): Using a supernatural ability is usually a standard action (unless defined otherwise by the ability's description).

Since the action is not defined in the description of Foretell, it's a standard action. Obirandiath has it right, especially about the relative power level if another action was used.

Sovereign Court

9 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 3 people marked this as a favorite.

Does it require a standard action to activate it each round?

There is an odd phrasing:
You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to your wizard level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

That indicates you don't have to activate it each round, but just once. But is it a free action to stop it, and can you activate it several times untill you use all the rounds???

Badly written, bad author!

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