Looking to join a PF pbp that doesn't end after 35 posts

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Introduction to the Scarred Lands Universe

The Scarred Lands were not always so. Less than two centuries ago, the world of Scarn was healthy -- its forests were green, its seas pure, and its very heart pulsed with magic. The mortal races toiled the land and hunted the beasts, building entire civilizations, stone by stone. It was no paradise, but it was a prosperous world.

Of all Scarn's beings, both magical and mundane, the most awesome were the titans. The titans were entities of monstrous power, and their strength was derived from Scarn itself. The elements of the world and the skies above nourished them, granting them near-limitless abilities. Given sufficient time and patience, a titan could sculpt islands and mountain ranges, cut rivers, and breathe life into entirely new species of creatures. If they combined their powers, they could create entire continents. Even so, they were entities of raw fury, forces of nature that lacked the vital spark that would make them into something more.

Mighty though the titans were, they were not yet gods. But their children...

Although philosophers have difficulty explaining just why and how it could have happened, the children of the titans were not truly titans themselves. Like their progenitors, they drew some power from the world of Scarn, but the remainder of their potency derived from another source. They drew the greatest portion of their strength from the world's mortal races, feeding on the intensity of belief and on the vibrant mortal condition. The power these children called from the mortal races made them something new, something better. It made them gods.

The gods' enviable connection to the mortals of Scarn was destined to set them against their parents. For although the titans were at one with the essential elements of heaven and earth, they cared little for the world in their charge. If a titan was disappointed with how a coastline developed, he thought nothing of reducing it to sand with a series of tidal waves, cleaning the slate. If a titan grew bored with the thriving mortal races in her domain, she might give birth to horrific monsters to make things more "interesting."

The gods, who felt the suffering of the mortal races to their very souls, decided that the titans' reign had to end. Even the cruelest of the gods realized that if the titans were to cleanse the world of mortals on a whim -- a very real possibility -- loss of the mortals' faith and vitality would cripple the gods. So these celestial lords met in secret and plotted rebellion. When Denev, the titan of the earth itself, spoke out against her brethren, the gods took it as a sign -- and the Titanswar erupted.

Eight gods and one titan went to war against a dozen other titans. The revolution shook the heavens' pillars, shattered the blazing iron streets of hell, and raged across the face of the world. Under the force of combatants' blows, mountains split into rubble-strewn plains. Islands sank as warriors used them as stepping stones. Gods and titans alike spawned races of monsters and humanoids as foot soldiers in their feud. And divine blood spilled across Scarn, warping the very land.

Terrible though the war was, it finally came to an end. With the help of Denev, the gods were victorious. They could not kill the titans, once and for all, however -- not even they possessed such power. Each titan had to be restrained or imprisoned, prevented from regaining his strength and seeking revenge. The gods pulled the teeth from Gaurak the Glutton before burying the Ravenous One beneath the earth, ensuring that he could not chew his way out. They cut Mormo the Serpent Mother into pieces, scattering the parts far and wide so the Queen of Witches could not reform. And so the gods dealt with each titan in turn, stripping them of their power and sealing them away.

Now, Scarn is no longer the world it once was. The land bears horrible scars where gods felled titans. The Kelder Mountains are split with chasms left by a heavenly axe. The Hornsaw Forest has grown gnarled and twisted after feeding on the spilled blood of Mormo. Great deserts and badlands linger where verdant fields once lay. An entire sea runs red with the blood of a titan who lies chained at its depths. The world has twisted and changed wherever the titans or their dismembered remains lie. Many of the monstrous races created by the titans and gods during the war still survive in the gouged reaches of the land. Those races favored by the gods prosper. The titans' chosen are less fortunate, watching and waiting from their wilderness exile, plotting to restore their fallen patrons.

Scarn is no longer. To many of its inhabitants, it is now simply the Scarred Lands -- a wounded world that has yet to heal.

But there is hope. Cities begin to prosper once again under the watchful eyes of their patron deities. Mortals sharpen their skills of war and magic, the better to hunt the monstrous beasts that prey upon the weak and injured. The followers of the gods are ever vigilant, careful that the titans' scattered minions do not succeed in restoring their heartless lords. The Scarred Lands are a place of fierce barbarism and intense struggle -- and yet, the mortal races aspire to something much greater. With good fortune, bravery, sorcery and skill -- and no small amount of providence -- perhaps the Scarred Lands can be rebuilt. Perhaps Scarn can be restored.

But first, the heroes of the Scarred Lands must survive.

The Exchange

Oh and there is no specific campaign setting book, for the scarred lands.

Liberty's Edge


Hot Damn... I'm sold!

I forgot that was the intro. Been a loooong time since I pulled out that book - Relics and Rituals. Duh... it does say on the cover... CORE RULEBOOK!!!

What level do we start at?

The Exchange

Sunphoenix72 wrote:


Hot Damn... I'm sold!

I forgot that was the intro. Been a loooong time since I pulled out that book - Relics and Rituals. Duh... it does say on the cover... CORE RULEBOOK!!!

What level do we start at?

Not sure, I have been thinking of doing a PBP again for some time. Just want a group who actually wanted to play. Plus as an aside they have 3 types of dwarves, 4 types of elves, a couple of variant half-elves and half-orcs, a twist on the halfling and no Gnomes.

Liberty's Edge

Relics and Rituals does not mention the variant races ...I'd be interested in a half-elf maybe...though I am leaning toward a human paladin...

It really all depends on what Nightflier gets running first... I'd REALLY like to play his Korvosa Game with my Paladin 7th... but the Scarred Lands sounds really interesting! Though... I'll admit... I'm kinda tired of ALWAYS having to start out at 1st level again {sigh!} I'd be content with 3rd though! The level based system leaves low level characters pretty much ...meh... faceless with few skills and no real individuality or competence at anything in particular.

One of the reasons I prefer point based systems like Shadowrun, or CthulhuTech. I may not be the best starting out...but I'm not just the same as any other 1st lvl fighter with weapon focus. +2 to hit... join the crowd!

But...if the game is interesting and sparks my imagination..I can overlook a lot of... 'meh'ness. I'm flexible and will see whats offered - keeping an open mind.

Zyren Zemerys wrote:

The problem is, your wizard is already lvl 6 and the rest of the party is only lvl 1.

Nevertheless, we are again experiencing problems with a maybe (edit: oh, he just posted) inactive player...geez...

i can tone it down to level 1 really quickly and d oit over. i deleted all the level 6 related info. the level 6 was just to see if i could get into a certain gimmicky pbp i didn't realize was already full. i could just axs easily redo her as a level 1 pc. no chance of the level 6 high magic pbp i tried to apply for.

Shifty made some good points and I'll add what my preferences are when looking for players. I recently posted a request in this thread and got some good responses. Here's what I originally posted:

No one knows who carved the cyclopean faces that perch on the cliffs below the city of Kaer Maga, gazing sternly upon the lands of Varisian below. Some say these visages depict the legendary Runelords of Thassilon, while others claim they represent deities far more ancient than the upstart gods of modern Avistan. Their depths are still unplumbed, their mystery still unsolved, for when you venture inside the mouth of a god, who knows what you might find?

Howdy folks and an early Happy New Year to everyone!
I am looking for 2-4 mature players for an adventure set in Kaer Maga, the City of Strangers. I currently have two (2) committed players and three (3) players who have yet to commit.

Game stuff you need to know:
1/ Pathfinder Rules - Core and Advanced Player's Guide - I will also consider other guides if you have a link or can post me the info on some specific trait or feat, etc.

2/ PC's are "monster" races and you have many to choose from: any of the Goblinoid races, and suitable monster PC's with no more than CR 2. Currently, the two players are running a Drow Necromancer and a Halfling Wererat Rogue. For character creation, use a 30-pt buy, max HP at first level, average gold, and one (1) magic item worth no more than 2000 gp. Sound good?

3/ This is an EMAIL pbp game. I might create a discussion thread on here, but the majority of the game will be via email. Email allows me to attach group posts, files, pics, maps, music, etc. If you have Gmail, you're set to go.

4/ Posting frequency will be 2-3 group posts a week. This will not be a fast-paced game. Most of us have jobs and families, so I don't expect players to be "plugged in" every minute and post every day or multiple times a day. Post when you can, at least twice a week, and we'll go from there.

5/ This game will be rated "R" - so I would like an age statement with your character submission; I am looking for mature players, age 21 and over, who will not be offended by an occasional sentence or three of vulgarity or a graphic pic used for game flavor. All of my players are in their mid-30's, with a couple of us pushing (ahem) fifty. No adolescents please!

6/ I am a rules-lite DM - meaning, the rules are guidelines and if they need to be bent to move the game along or to make it a bit more fun, so be it! No rules lawyers need apply! I'm an old-timer, been gaming/DMing since '83 in college. I've ran numerous 1E-3.5E games, but this is my first Pathfinder game as a DM, so I'm excitedly nervous! Ha!

I'm sure there's a few things I'm forgetting, and if they come to me I'll post 'em here. Ask any questions you wish and good luck. You can submit your characters here or send me an email:


Here's a little bit more about the adventure that I'll leave you to think about:

Deep below the anarchic city of Kaer Maga, someone—or some thing—has begun stealing corpses from the city’s most prestigious tomb, the Godsmouth Ossuary. Fearing the worst, the clerics of Pharasma in charge of maintaining the crypts quietly call for aid, not wanting to risk their own members in combating whatever horrors may have crept in from the tunnels and hidden chambers of the legendary Undercity. Yet when the PCs venture below the closed-off sections of the crypt, what they find may be more than they bargained for.

Liberty's Edge

MUST we be monster RACES?

And... I wish nightflier would chime in on what he's planning on doing...

...as I was saying...

Sunphoenix72 wrote:
MUST we be monster RACES?

That was just for MY game - most pbp's use Core races to start.

Dark Archive

Shifty wrote:
...as I was saying...

Perhaps you were too... subtle?... try adding a flashing neon sign. ;)

Yeah, some folks kill me when the add says something like "core races, core classes" or the like and you always have at lest one guy going..."can I play a half troll, shadowboxer from the book of boxing"

I have seen this so many times, some people just do not want the kind of game the GM is running.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
seekerofshadowlight wrote:

Yeah, some folks kill me when the add says something like "core races, core classes" or the like and you always have at lest one guy going..."can I play a half troll, shadowboxer from the book of boxing"

I have seen this so many times, some people just do not want the kind of game the GM is running.

I agree. We've experienced this together in a game I believe. It's always a red flag to me, because that player is going to be more concerned with his character than making the game/group work. If I see this in a PbP game I'm trying for, I usually withdraw.

PS: Still waiting for you to start up another cool World of Darkness game. :-).

Dark Archive

Phoenix, go to one of my game discussion pages, and we'll talk there. My internet was down for a long time and as a result of that I have mounds of emails and other stuff I need to reply to and take care of, so I'll gonna be little slow in replying.

scranford wrote:

I agree. We've experienced this together in a game I believe. It's always a red flag to me, because that player is going to be more concerned with his character than making the game/group work. If I see this in a PbP game I'm trying for, I usually withdraw.

PS: Still waiting for you to start up another cool World of Darkness game. :-).

Indeed,I have seen this a few times on both sides of the screen. I always toy with starting a 3rd game, but I have been slammed enough by real life of late that I dropped out of all my games but one just so I could keep my two games running.

Still life will settle down in time and I'll get that itch for a 3rd game, Not sure what it'll be if it comes about, but I have 2 pathfinder games so most likely some other system I want to toy with. I did enjoy gaming with ya however, and ya changed your avatar I see.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
seekerofshadowlight wrote:
scranford wrote:

I agree. We've experienced this together in a game I believe. It's always a red flag to me, because that player is going to be more concerned with his character than making the game/group work. If I see this in a PbP game I'm trying for, I usually withdraw.

PS: Still waiting for you to start up another cool World of Darkness game. :-).

Indeed,I have seen this a few times on both sides of the screen. I always toy with starting a 3rd game, but I have been slammed enough by real life of late that I dropped out of all my games but one just so I could keep my two games running.

Still life will settle down in time and I'll get that itch for a 3rd game, Not sure what it'll be if it comes about, but I have 2 pathfinder games so most likely some other system I want to toy with. I did enjoy gaming with ya however, and ya changed your avatar I see.

yeah. This one looks a lot more like me...:-). Have you taken a look at FATE? I'm quickly switching this to my favorite system. Getting ready to start up a group in one of the Pathfinder AP's and see how easy the conversion is. Tried it in a module, and pretty much did it on the fly.

Also keep me in mind if something opens up in one of your PF games. I think you've still got my email address.

Looked at FATE, hard to wrap my head around, not sure why I'll look back at it later as many people seem to like it, but something is not clicking for me there. Right now I am looking at eclipse phase which I like alot and looking into rogue trader. Not really into 40k but looks kinda interesting.

Yeah I got your email, my two PF game are pretty stable both with 6 or 7 players each. But if we loose another player I'll let ya know. I am running savage tide and legacy of fire by the way.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
seekerofshadowlight wrote:

Looked at FATE, hard to wrap my head around, not sure why I'll look back at it later as many people seem to like it, but something is not clicking for me there. Right now I am looking at eclipse phase which I like alot and looking into rogue trader. Not really into 40k but looks kinda interesting.

Yeah I got your email, my two PF game are pretty stable both with 6 or 7 players each. But if we loose another player I'll let ya know. I am running savage tide and legacy of fire by the way.

The new "Strands of FATE" core book, clears things up a bit, and makes it easier to understand. It's generic as well, so no fluff.

Heard of it but had not looked into it. I might at some point but really no one I know seems interested in the fate system. So I might get to it at some point but not really in a rush to do so.

Aye, as a newbie to the whole Pathfinder thing, I've liked what I've seen regarding PbP here on the forums. Seems so... efficient. Good luck to me actually finding a game though! Even after completing my read of the Core books, I'm still worried that I'd confuse the crap out of myself trying to play PbP.

I suppose being under the age of 20 doesn't exactly help my case <.<;;;

Mahorfeus wrote:

Aye, as a newbie to the whole Pathfinder thing, I've liked what I've seen regarding PbP here on the forums. Seems so... efficient. Good luck to me actually finding a game though! Even after completing my read of the Core books, I'm still worried that I'd confuse the crap out of myself trying to play PbP.

I suppose being under the age of 20 doesn't exactly help my case <.<;;;

Your age does not get posted across the screen in huge capital letters. All people see is what you type...

One of the good things about a PbP is the relatively slow speed at which they progress. I allows one to open the books and look for that item they don't understand, as opposed to 'Making things up on the fly' to keep the game moving when playing face to face. *Bows*

And another game of which I partake ceases for the moment...nay I doth fold....*sigh*

, wrote:

Your age does not get posted across the screen in huge capital letters. All people see is what you type...

One of the good things about a PbP is the relatively slow speed at which they progress. I allows one to open the books and look for that item they don't understand, as opposed to 'Making things up on the fly' to keep the game moving when playing face to face. *Bows*

True enough. One of the games I took a peek at has been going on for nearly a year now; while that wouldn't always be the case, it certainly seems to set an example. Of course, juggling a PbP game with a RL game and college might not be such a good idea.

Mahorfeus wrote:
I suppose being under the age of 20 doesn't exactly help my case <.<;;;

Indeed, age isn't a problem.

If you can write and contribute then its hugs and smiles all round.

Sovereign Court

Mahorfeus wrote:
Of course, juggling a PbP game with a RL game and college might not be such a good idea.

Alas, no one made me aware of this a year or so ago :P.

As for age- I find it rarely comes across. I'm one of the youngest posters on the boards still I think.

scranford wrote:
seekerofshadowlight wrote:

Looked at FATE, hard to wrap my head around, not sure why I'll look back at it later as many people seem to like it, but something is not clicking for me there. Right now I am looking at eclipse phase which I like alot and looking into rogue trader. Not really into 40k but looks kinda interesting.

Yeah I got your email, my two PF game are pretty stable both with 6 or 7 players each. But if we loose another player I'll let ya know. I am running savage tide and legacy of fire by the way.

The new "Strands of FATE" core book, clears things up a bit, and makes it easier to understand. It's generic as well, so no fluff.

Hello Scranford, you got me curious so I took a look at it and I'm definitely interested if you start your project. In the meantime, your Janku's cold and needs a save!

*Patiently awaits a Pathfinder/Pazio game to start/be offered*

, wrote:
*Patiently awaits a Pathfinder/Pazio game to start/be offered*

As am I.

The Exchange

RaFon wrote:
, wrote:
*Patiently awaits a Pathfinder/Pazio game to start/be offered*
As am I.

Aren't we all?

Get in line. :)

, wrote:
*Patiently awaits a Pathfinder/Pazio game to start/be offered*

Patience is a virtue...

Shieldknight wrote:
RaFon wrote:
, wrote:
*Patiently awaits a Pathfinder/Pazio game to start/be offered*
As am I.

Aren't we all?

Get in line. :)

I started this line...lol!

Whenever I find myself muttering about the quality or quantity of play-by-post/play-by-email games, I start one myself. Of course, they've all died early deaths (although one lasted over a year), but that doesn't mean I won't keep trying.

I'm happy for now, though. :-)

I actually did start a Kingmaker thread. We have 17 submissions so far, but I'm accepting them all into next week.

No more Rangers or Clerics though. I have 3 submissions for each.

DM Barcas wrote:

I actually did start a Kingmaker thread. We have 17 submissions so far, but I'm accepting them all into next week.

No more Rangers or Clerics though. I have 3 submissions for each.

I will look and try to submit. Thanks.

The Exchange

Shieldknight wrote:
RaFon wrote:
, wrote:
*Patiently awaits a Pathfinder/Pazio game to start/be offered*
As am I.

Aren't we all?

Get in line. :)

I thought I had offered..... maybe I should make another thread and be very specific.

The Exchange

Crimson Jester wrote:

I thought I had offered..... maybe I should make another thread and be very specific.

Yes, I believe you had, but it probably got lost in all the angst.

Please start a new thread with your planned Adventure with requirements.

I have already applied on DM Barca's thread. We'll see how that goes.

The Exchange

Linky for those wanting to play.

I am currently in three PbPs:

DM-J's Council of Thieves, where I was the first alternate - the person playing the Druid pulled out, Jeremiziah asked me if I'd be willing to play a Divine caster, and we put together a build via Email. It's gotten to the point where we're all relatively comfortable with it, but the plot can sit on idle while everyone waits for someone else to do something.

I'm in DM CH-Ps Council of Thieves as well - which is running at a slower pace. I'm using the character I originally spec'd up for DM-J's game in this one. We are at the point on this one where sometimes the DM doesn't seem to post for a week, which is disconcerting.

I'm in DM downrightamazed's homebrew game, which, when he got a dozen submissions he liked, he split into two groups. My concept 'clicked' when I rolled outrageously on the die rolls. (I don't generally like die rolls).

I was in Smerg's Dresden Files game, but found, during the character creation process, that I was going to be the 'lone normal' in a group that was way more supernatural than I'd wanted to be with, so I told the GM "Hi, the concept I'm thinking about isn't going to work for this - and I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the rules. Let's give someone else a shot, and have a good game."

So, I've managed to be accepted into four PbP games since October, and have never missed the cut, save for the first, when I was first Alternate.

Therefore, I can claim to know what the heck I'm talking about in terms of getting INTO a game.

First things first:

Read what the GM posts. Think carefully about what kind of character you want to make to fit into that background. Your job is to make sure that you're part of an ensemble cast of characters.

You. Are. Not. Batman.

You may well be Captain Mal, or Jayne Cobb, or Simon Tam, though.

You have to make a character that other people will want to interact with, not hide from, worship, or otherwise treat the other players as mere set pieces by which your Sheer Awesomeness is Demonstrated.

Write carefully. Nothing makes a worse first impression in a text-based medium than a poorly written introductory post. Having an introductory post that reads like this:

hi im intrestded in plyaing a rouges-palndin-drgn-scrrd in ur game. hes an orpan child who saw his parents killed an dresses liek a wombat 2 get rvenge!

...or even not quite so parodic,the GM is going to go "Uh, no.".

Not using capitalization and punctuation in your posting is the equivalent of showing up at a game con not having bathed in 3 days, and with lard smeared across your beloved My Little Ponies Get Gang Raped tee shirt, sitting next to the only female in the room, and talking about how all women are biyatches at the top of your lungs.

And always remember:

You. Are. Not. Batman.

Demonstrate, with your concept, that you've read the background material. In an ideal world, spend a few skill ranks on 'background' skills. Write your backstory up such that your character has a reason to get involved in the events being fed to you. Making a character that must be constantly 'talked into' the adventure is not giving the GM a reason to be creative, it's making him spend more time trying to get your character into the story.

Try to find a background and motivation that's something other than "My girlfriend/parents/sibling/grandparents/favorite teacher/insurance representative"

Your character background should cover the concepts. If you can't cover the concepts in 300 words, then you're trying too hard.

I have a secret weapon. I stat out my characters in Minimus after reading the GM's backgrounder, and before I start doing the Paizo build stuff. I start with life changing events and goals and work from there.

Great comment AdAstraGames! And so true... I often see people arguing with the DM during character creation, for posts and posts, or ask for certain OP change to the rules...

Makes you wonder what they think will come out of it.

I might quote you if I start a game in the near future.

35 posts, how about after 8 posts such as these guys

Lost DM

Crimson Jester wrote:
Linky for those wanting to play.

Are there still places in the offing for those who woud wish to join your game, sir?

Still searching for that elusive DM to start up a game for all of us left out in the cold.

What's the main reason that so many players/DMs just drop off into nowhere?

I mean, I can imagine that commitments change but there should at least be some courteous note of "hey, can't do this anymore".

I'm still unfamiliar with the nature of PBPs, but have been reading on the others and it's a shame that they drop off so swiftly. Eventually I was wanting to run Age of Worms (Pathfinderized) on another forum, and wanted to learn from trying out a couple shorter-story games here. Yet demand is so huge that as soon as an opening comes, there's seventeen applications sometimes with lavish detail suddenly dropped upon it.

I'll keep watching the newer ones that stop up and take notes of what seems to work and what doesn't.

Sometimes its RL, but often its the game is to slow or the GM does not realize how much work and effort it takes. I had a GM drop as they were in such a different timezone from everyone else it seemed like a 2 day lagg from post to post and they though people had lost interest.

Games have momentum, which can be lost fairly easily.

What did you say you were using for your maps, Barcas? If none of the current opportunities pan out, I may attempt to run a Kingmaker game since there seems to be a lot of demand for it.

I finally found a way to use Civ5, which is about 10% as interesting as Civ4, which I played for years while maintaining interest. One of the few things that Civ5 improved on was the look of the map and the introduction of hexes.

Liberty's Edge

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
Sometimes its RL, but often its the game is to slow or the GM does not realize how much work and effort it takes. I had a GM drop as they were in such a different timezone from everyone else it seemed like a 2 day lagg from post to post and they though people had lost interest.

Was that me?

If so, yeah, it was a combination of me feeling that people had lost interest along with RL commitments at my end that were making it hard for to find the time to GM 3 pbp games.

One thing to note (not for you Seeker, you were there), is that I didn't just disappear or stop posting, I posted to give the group my reasons for stopping the game. I really don't get why so many pbp GMs (and players) seem to just stop posting without explaination. I can think of quite a few very good reasons why people may be physically unable to post, but I don't think those very good reasons come up often enough to account for the amount of people who just seem to vanish without word.

Well, if we're putting "Posting" records on our sleeves. To date there has only been one game where I felt I couldn't commit too...

Also seekerofshadowlight can attest to my fidelity. *Bows*

Much cheers to you and yours.

This thread is nearly longer than the longest PbP game I've played...so sad.

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