Two Teams Enter, One Team Leaves (PBP PVP)

Gamer Connection

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Shadow Lodge

wraithstrike wrote:


base stats
Str: 14 [2] <12>
Dex: 16 [5] <14>
Con: 12 [2] <10>
Int: 12 [2]
Wis: 12 [2]
Cha: 20 [10] <16>
I am assuming you started with an 18, and used your level increases to boost it to 20

As of right now you are using a 36 point buy but you are only allowed 23 points.

I have a Belt of Physical Perfection that grants +2 Str, Dex, and Con. The original scored are Str 12, Dex 14, and Con 10.

My cha started at 16 with a +2 Racial, and a +2 for levels.

Dark Archive

My Strength is 14(13+1), with the plus one being from the 4th level ability score adjustment.

Ray Demon caller:
good to go

Now you only have 21 points used when you should have 23
Str: 12 [2]
Dex: 14 [5]
Con: 10 [0]
Int: 12 [2]
Wis: 12 [2]
Cha: 16 [10]

Kaze and Garinol:
waiting on posts from both of you

I need your stat attributes broken down

Off to work again. I will check tonight to see if everything is done.

Alright folks, lets get these fixes in...I'm aching to kill something ;)

"Well, I'm happy to oblige ya.... wait... no! I meant... grrrrrr!"

Shold be everything now

Lethe wrote:
Shold be everything now

You are missing your free skill focus feat for being a half-elf

wraithstrike wrote:
Lethe wrote:
Shold be everything now
** spoiler omitted **


Actually swapped it for the alternative racial class feature dual minded from the Advanced players guide (gives her +2 to her will saves)

Lethe wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
Lethe wrote:
Shold be everything now
** spoiler omitted **


** spoiler omitted **

Good to go

The arena is 40 feet high just like last time. The blue and red squares activate even if you fly over them. Once activated they lose they ability. I think all of you have editing rights so you can just remove the comments.
I think I have verified everyone except for two people. Everyone should have been reviewed everyone at this point. If you have not been reviewed or you can not find the post that says "good to go" or fix X then let me know so we can get body count going.

PS:I just remembered that I have to come up with an opening speech for the audience. I also want everyone to tell me what weapon they start out holding, and any visible items, such as spell component pouches, and holy symbols. You can just put it in your character profile or make a post here. If you already have this info in your profile disregard this message.

wraithstrike wrote:

The arena is 40 feet high just like last time. The blue and red squares activate even if you fly over them. Once activated they lose they ability. I think all of you have editing rights so you can just remove the comments.

I think I have verified everyone except for two people. Everyone should have been reviewed everyone at this point. If you have not been reviewed or you can not find the post that says "good to go" or fix X then let me know so we can get body count going.

PS:I just remembered that I have to come up with an opening speech for the audience. I also want everyone to tell me what weapon they start out holding, and any visible items, such as spell component pouches, and holy symbols. You can just put it in your character profile or make a post here. If you already have this info in your profile disregard this message.

Character is pretty much as the picture in her profile probably a potion or two on her belt somewhere and a cloak but thats about it


I am logged into the spreadsheet right now, but can´t seem to move my char around.
How is that supposed to work? I CAN type in other cells, just can´t move the images around. The only thing that it lets me do is from their drop-down menu, there is Edit, Delete, Assign Script. Edit opens a window with the image, where you can draw or paste in new images.

Hyundai has a descripton in his profile, I will keep that updated thru-out the game with any noticeable spell effects, and his general apparent health. I guess we should spoiler our actions with ´Line of Sight to X square´, ´Spellcraft X DC´ and so forth thru-out the game? Or are we assuming the arena announcer is calling all the actions to everybody? (which would make it simpler)

Quandary wrote:

I am logged into the spreadsheet right now, but can´t seem to move my char around.

How is that supposed to work? I CAN type in other cells, just can´t move the images around. The only thing that it lets me do is from their drop-down menu, there is Edit, Delete, Assign Script. Edit opens a window with the image, where you can draw or paste in new images.

Hyundai has a descripton in his profile, I will keep that updated thru-out the game with any noticeable spell effects, and his general apparent health. I guess we should spoiler our actions with ´Line of Sight to X square´, ´Spellcraft X DC´ and so forth thru-out the game? Or are we assuming the arena announcer is calling all the actions to everybody? (which would make it simpler)

If you move the arrow toward the top of your icon it should change into a hand. I had trouble with it at first also. Once it changes into a hand you should be able to drag it around the map. You may have to log out and log back in. If that does not work I may have to try to get with Barcas.

You can describe the action on your own actions.
When you cast a spell it would go something like

Round 1, Initiative 15

Free Action:Insult Player X
Move Action: Move to E14
Standard action: Spellcraft DC 23

spell cast:

Silver Crusade

Ok, I will add 2 points to Con, taking my base Con to 12 and 14 with the Belt.

Init 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

Garinol steps out almost ignoring the crowds distraction as he scans the area for enemies. He is wearing a dark black mage's robe, covered in stange occult trinkets and components, (a trained spellcaster will recognize that about half are fake components and probably more for stage).

Beneath the robe, covered in runes and glyphs is a "pure silver" Breastplate, showing what seems to be a scene of a meteor falling onto some landmass. He moves in both the armor and the robe with ease, indicating that he is well trained in both. In his right hand is an adamantine Bastard Sword, which he also seems to know how to use well.

He also wears a very nice, groin-protecting loincloth/belt and it seems like a rune/glyph covered cloak that blends in perfectly with the robe, worn more over his left shoulder to conceal that arm when not in use. Like any proper mage, there is a small assortment of scrolls, wands, and potions hanging from his spell component pouch for quick and easy access.

He looks very much the eldrich knight, ready to unleash magic and blade. His face is emotionless as he scans for victims and waits for the battle to begin.

I'll recopy this to the arena as well when that is ready.

Wraithstrike and my Team:
Remember I am deaf, so keep in mind those hand signals we talked about. I have a good perception, though.

I updated my gear. It should have been a Scroll of Heroism instead of a Scroll of See Invisibility.

wraithstrike wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Off to work again. I will check tonight to see if everything is done.

I just saw that i had missed this post. WHat do you need from me? I'd made the adjustments you suggested before.

I think Kaze is ready to step into the arena. :)

Hey Wraith, would you be able to post an updated list of any info you are still waiting for from any of us? Just so we can all be sure we have fixed everything you are waiting on.

I'm hoping we can get going sometime today as I won't have a lot of time to deal with the opening stuff tomorrow.

Otm-Shank wrote:

Hey Wraith, would you be able to post an updated list of any info you are still waiting for from any of us? Just so we can all be sure we have fixed everything you are waiting on.

I'm hoping we can get going sometime today as I won't have a lot of time to deal with the opening stuff tomorrow.

I am only waiting on Kaze and Garinol.

My internet was down for the past day and a half, and I am not home right now. I will be back online late tonight if my internet is fixed.

What do I need to modify? I answered your original query about my character sheet, changing one entry and showing you the math on the other.

Let me know if you still see an error.

Silver Crusade

What are you waiting on me for?

@Wraithstrike/My Team (Mofiddy, Eben, Beckett, Dragonborn):
From a bit of team discussion, I decided to minorly tweak my consumables and pre-buff rounds.

my buff rounds now look like: (removed See Invis and now using Enlarge Person in pre-buff rounds)
1 Rage, Shield of Faith Potion, UnRage, Cast Mirror Image Scroll
2 Cast Bull´s STR Scroll, draw Barkskin Potion
3 Cast Enlarge Person Scroll, Roused Anger, Rage, Barkskin Potion, Unrage, Heart of Fields

Now carrying into the arena (post-buff): (BOTH Resto and CSW now, in place of Enlarge Person)
Shield Potion 50
Lesser Restoration Potion = 300
CSW Potion@CL13 (3d8+13) = 1950 MW spears.

I´m waiting to hear what my entire team is actually doing in the 3 pre-buff rounds before posting the ´effective´ numbers. I have an idea of some, but I´m not sure of other buffs I might receive and want to get them all in one go. I guess once my Init comes up I will update the profile to also contain char stats (w/ running spell buffs) so Wraith can adjudicate if I don´t log in to verify hits vs. my AC or whatever. I think it is useful if everybody posts their buff-round actions to the thread for clarity (spoiler vs. other team).

NPC d'Eben wrote:

What do I need to modify? I answered your original query about my character sheet, changing one entry and showing you the math on the other.

Let me know if you still see an error.

I missed your post. Now that I found it you are good

Garinol wrote:
What are you waiting on me for?

Good to go.

I will think of an entrance and then the games can begin.

Dark Archive

sweet! Can I get a link to the arena xD when there is one available

Deiros wrote:
sweet! Can I get a link to the arena xD when there is one available


Quandary wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Wraithstrike, Eben, Beckett, Dragonborn3, Quandary:

I used 3 of my scrolls in the pre-buff rounds: Owl's Wisdom, Bear's Endurance, and Heroism.

Does Heroism buff initiative checks?

MoFiddy's Gladiator wrote:
Quandary wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

No it doesn't.

Kaze's team:
See Invisible
Mirror Image
Good Hope (group buff - applies to us all)

Choose a different group buff, if you can. Heroism doesn't stack with, and doesn't apply to as many things as Good Hope. So I'm thinking we should only cast one of them, and I'm already doing Good Hope. :)

Wraithstrike, Eben, Beckett, MoFiddy, Quandary:

Summon Monster IV(the spell): 1d3 ⇒ 3 Lantern Archons
Haste(Everyone, plus two of the archons)
Shield(on Ray)

Wraithstrike, Kaze:
Ahhh...forgot about that from the emails. I'll just go back to my original setup (See Invisibility scroll instead of Heroism), if that is ok.

I'll cast Mirror Image on myself instead.
1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 images

Haven't read through all this thread yet and so if I'm posting in the wrong place or out of line please forgive, but are there still any openings in this 'game'? Pretty Please? : )

This round is set-up and ready to go.
People are considering different arena set-ups for future rounds, so you can probably play in one of those... or GM a round if you want. It´s kind of open-ended after this.

1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 Mirror Images
We need team names....
I propose ¨The Team You Didn´t Want to Fight¨ :-)

Hyundai Head-Smasher wrote:

This round is set-up and ready to go.

People are considering different arena set-ups for future rounds, so you can probably play in one of those... or GM a round if you want. It´s kind of open-ended after this.

Thanks! Where are they discussing it?

Does the witch flight hex require an activation? I cannot find anything that implies it does or does not. What kind of activation may also change my buffing priorities

They would be discussing it in this thread, but everybody is focused on the current game, so probably just check back in a week...

Latrine, the cook?! wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I will full that it is always on.

Let's get this show on the road! I have everybody set up in the arena, ready and waiting to kill each other horribly.

wraithstrike wrote:
Latrine, the cook?! wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
I will full that it is always on.


I thought I had posted a 2nd entry after the first one was eaten. I will check the other thread.

I was still waiting on Beckett´s confirmation of buff actions, but I´ll start paring down my character stats anyways. Here is my Init for Hyundai: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20 I guess you will call out each player in order as their Init comes up, and after that we can just have Init order posted? EDIT: WOW, that is way better Init than I was expecting!

I am about to post init for everyone that has not already done so, and I would like for everyone to post their alignment along with the starting weapons. Anyone that does not have eschew materials that can cast spells needs a spell component pouch. I noticed that I missed that on one person so when you describe your starting gear that is visible that should be listed. I have had two post eaten. This time I will post the initiative in ms word and the copy it into the website.

The battle should be starting in about 15 minutes.

Do you want us posting those physical descriptions here or in the arena? I just assumed you meant in the arena, but will do whatever you want.

Ray you don't have an initiative modifier and you forgot to choose traits.

You also did not get a spell component pouch, but you don't have eschew materials. You can post your initiative, and then we can begin.

NPC d'Eben wrote:
Do you want us posting those physical descriptions here or in the arena? I just assumed you meant in the arena, but will do whatever you want.

In the Arena

Okay, cool. I'll (eagerly) await your kick-off post, then. :)

Dark Archive

Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Added what was needed. Ready to go!


Kaze 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
Lethe 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Daveth 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Deverau 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
Latrine 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21
Bryan 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Rallick Nom 1d20 ⇒ 20

Note:I forgot to add Rallick's init modifier so he has a 28.
Fighting Order

Bryan And Deveth tied so there will be a roll to see who goes first between those two

Bryan 1d20 ⇒ 16
Deveth 1d20 ⇒ 8

Current fighting order, not including Ray.
Rallick Nom 28
Latrine 21 (+12)
Garinol 21 (+3)
Kaze 20 (+11)
Quandary(Hyundai) 20 (+1)
Bryan 18
Daveth 18
Deverau 14
Lethe 12

Rallick you can go head and take your action.

Guess I was caught winking at a fair lady in the public when the fight started lol so much for high initiative

Excellent! I will be posting my actions in a little bit but I do have a couple questions first:

How high are the walls in this arena? I have looked but have been unable to find the answer posted anywhere.

What about starting positions? Right now the arena has us all lined up together along the walls, and as I understand it we are actually standing outside the arena proper. Are we just leaving it as is, or do we want to spread ourselves out?

I believe those are our starting positions. We start in our little tiny side-rooms, and the doors open. it's up to you to move about the grid on your initiative.

That's what we've been doing on the other combats, anyway.

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