
Latrine, the cook?!'s page

10 posts. Alias of Torinath.

About Latrine, the cook?!

Description: Latrine is an unnaturally small human woman with wild eyes that hold a glimmering spark of insanity. She wears a tattered dress, cloak, headband, and apron. In her right hand she clutches a rusty iron pot, and occasionally a tiny scorpion can be seen crawling on her shoulders, hands, and through her hair. Binding her tattered dress at the waist, underneath her apron, is a belt with a small pouch on the left-hand side. Hung from her apron is an odd assortment of items including what appear to be metal jars of spices, a bag of flour that appears to be oozing something green in an easily accessible pouch, and keener eyes notice an assortment of grotesque trophies, or ingredients, including eyeballs, testicles, vials of blood, clumps of hair, eggs, etc hanging from various metal hooks and twine loops.

The spices are the cursed dust in small metal jars that can be popped open.
The bag of flour is a tanglefoot bag.
The small pouch is for spell components.


Latrine: It used to be $hithouse!
Race: Human
Class: Witch
Size: Small
Alignment: CE

Buffing rounds:
Mage Armor
Potion of Shield
Reduce Person

Ability Scores:
Str 8 (10 Base, -2 Reduce Person)
Dex 18 (14 Base, +2 Belt, +2 Reduce Person)
Con 14
Int 24 (16, +2 Race, +2 4th&8th, +4 Headband)
Wis 14
Cha 8

Special Qualities:
Witch’s Patron(Wisdom)
Witch’s Familiar(Scorpion)
Witch1: Hex(Flight)
Witch2: Hex(Slumber)
Witch4: Hex(Misfortune)
Witch6: Hex(Fortune)
Witch8: Hex(Cackle)

Eyes and Ears of the City (+1 Perception, Perception is a class skill)
Reactionary (+2 Initiative)

Human: Toughness
Witch1: Improved Initiative
Witch3: Dodge
Witch5: Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Witch7: Greater Spell Focus (Conjuration)

80 points (16 Base, +56 Int, +8 Human)
Acrobatics: +17 (8 Ranks, +4 Dex, +5 Boots)
Fly: +25 (8 Ranks, +3 Class, +4 Dex, +4 Good, +4 Witch8, +2 Size)
Heal: +13 (8 Ranks, +3 Class, +2 Wis)
Knowledge (arcana): +18 (8 Ranks, +3 Class, +7 Int)
Knowledge (nature): +18 (8 Ranks, +3 Class, +7 Int)
Knowledge (planes): +18 (8 Ranks, +3 Class, +7 Int)
Perception: +16 (8 Ranks, +3 Class, +2 Wis, +1 Trait, +2 Alertness)
Profession (Cook): +13 (8 Ranks, +3 Class, +2 Wis)
Spellcraft: +18 (8 Ranks, +3 Class, +7 Int)
Use Magic Device: +10 (8 Ranks, +3 Class, -1 Cha)
Sense Motive +4 (+2 Wis, +2 Alertness)

Artisans Outfit (- | 4lbs)
Boots of Elvenkind (2,500gp | 1lb)
Dagger (2gp | 1lb)
Iron Pot (.8gp | 4lbs)
Pearl of Power(1st) (1,000gp | -)
Spell Component Pouch (5gp | 2lbs)
Tanglefoot Bag (50gp | 4lbs)
+1 Amulet of Natural Armor (2,000gp | -)
+1 Ring of Protection (2,000gp | -)
+2 Belt of Incredible Dexterity (4,000gp | 1 lb)
+2 Cloak (4,000 | 1lb)
+4 Headband of Vast Intellect (16,000gp | 1lb)
Total: 32,302 | 19lbs

Dust of Sneezing and Choking x3 (Dust of Tracelessness; 750gp | -)
Buffed w/Potion of Shield (50gp | -)

Defensive Stats:
HP: 66 (6 Witch1, +28 Witch7, +16 Con, +8 Toughness, +8 FavCla)
AC: 26 (10 Base, +4 Armor, +4 Shield, +4 Dex, +1 NA, +1 Ring, +1 Dodge, +1 Size)
CMD: 19 (10 Base, +4 BAB, +4 Dex, +1 Ring, +1 Dodge, -1 Size)
Fort: 6 (2 Base, +2 Con, +2 Cloak)
Ref: 8 (2 Base, +4 Dex, +2 Cloak)
Will: 10 (6 Base, +2 Wis, +2 Cloak)

Offensive Stats:
Initiative: +12 (4 Dex, +2 Reactionary, +4 Improved Initiative, +2 Scorpion)
Movement: 30’ | Fly 60’ (Good +23)
Senses: +16 Perception
CMB: 4 (+4 BAB)
Ranged - Ray:
Touch attack: +9 (4 BAB, +4 Dex, +1 Size)
Melee - Iron Pot (Using stats for a club):
Attack: +5 (4 BAB, +1 Size)
Damage: 1d4-1 (-1 Str)
Melee - Dagger:
Attack: +5 (4 BAB, +1 Size)
Damage: 1d3-1 (-1 Str)

Spells Known:
0th(DC17): Bleed | Dancing lights | Daze | Detect magic | Detect poison | Guidance | Light | Mending | Message | Putrefy food and drink | Read magic | Resistance | Spark | Stabilize | Touch of fatigue
1st(DC18): Beguiling Gift | Burning Hands | Chill Touch | Cure Light Wounds | Enlarge Person | Mage Armor | Obscuring Mist | Ray of Enfeeblement | Reduce Person | Shield of Faith
2nd(DC19): False Life | Glitterdust(DC21) | Owl’s Wisdom | See Invisibility | Spectral Hand
3rd(DC20): Lightning Bolt | Magic Vestment | Ray of Exhaustion | Stinking Cloud(DC22) | Vampiric Touch
4th(DC21): Black Tentacles | Globe of Invulnerability (lesser) | Moonstruck

Spells prepared:
0th (4): Detect Magic, Light, Spark, Touch of Fatigue
1st (4 Base, +2 Int): Beguiling Gift x2 | Chill Touch | Mage Armor(cast) | Reduce Person(cast) | Ray of Enfeeblement
2nd (3 Base, +2 Int): False Life | Glitterdust x2 | See Invisibility | Spectral Hand
3rd (3 Base, +2 Int): Lightning Bolt | Ray of Exhaustion | Stinking Cloud x2(1 cast) | Vampiric Touch
4th (2 Base, +1 Int): Black Tentacles | Globe of Invulnerability (lesser)(cast) | Moonstruck

Converted from Giant Scorpion
Race: Scorpion
Size: Tiny
Ability Scores:
Strength: 3 (19 Base, -16 Large to Tiny)
Dexterity: 16 (10 Base, +6 Large to Tiny)
Constitution: 10 (16 Base, -6 Large to Tiny)
Intelligence: -
Wisdom: 10
Charisma: 2

Special Qualities:
Alertness | Deliver touch spells | Empathic link | Improved evasion | Share spells | Speak with animals of its kind | Speak with master

Defensive Stats:
HP: 33 (half of master)
AC: 21 (10 Base, +3 Dex, +9 NA(+7 Base, -2 Large to Tiny, +4 Witch8), +2 Size)
CMD: 11 (10 Base, +4 BAB, -4 Str, +3 Dex, -2 Size)
Fort: 6 (6 Base)
Ref: 9 (6 Base, +3 Dex)
Will: 2 (2 Base)

Offensive Stats:
Movement: 20'
CMB: 2 (+4 BAB, -2 Size)
Melee - 2 claws:
Attack: +7 (4 BAB, +3 Dex)
Damage: 1d2-4 (-4 Str)
Melee - Sting:
Attack: +7 (4 BAB, +3 Dex)
Damage: 1d2-4 plus poison(-4 Str)
Poison (Ex) Sting—injury; save Fort DC 16; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Strength damage; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitutuion-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.