Pool Spell = Free metamagic?

Round 3: Revised Magus Discussion

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Do you need to possess the metamagic feat that you intend to apply to the spell you are casting via Spell Pool?

The wording seems ambiguous to me.

Well, it doesn't explicitly say you need the feat, so, sure, why not, free metamagic.

I doubt it is the intent, but yes, the wording is quite ambiguous, it should say "He can cast spells with his metamagic feats..." (or explicitly say that you can use metamagic feats you don't have if this is the intended use).

It´s isn´t perfectly clear the way its written.

I would argue that the default state, that you can´t use a metamagic feat unless you have it, is still in effect.

Dark Archive

Banpai wrote:

It´s isn´t perfectly clear the way its written.

I would argue that the default state, that you can´t use a metamagic feat unless you have it, is still in effect.


The wording should be cleared up but I don't think it's hard to gauge intent in this instance.

It´s not really a point about power here, just intent. I acutally would not mind the free use of things like silent and still spell, and maybe intensify.

Grand Lodge

I'd read it as "He can use metamagic feats with these spells" and infer that the magus has to have the feat as normal. I agree it's vaguely worded.

I have been using the assumption you need the feat. What would be nice to clarify is if the magus Arcana empower/Maximise etc count as knowing those feats to use the spellpool

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