Suggestion: Arcana Limited 1 / Day Also Get a Point Cost for Additional Uses

Round 3: Revised Magus Discussion

Dark Archive

Why can't you use some points to uses the day-limited Arcana more? Something like 2 points for the second usage, 3 points for the third, and so on. I was thinking about this last night and the power level doesn't seem off the charts, it might even be underpowered after Improved Pool Spell. Before level 11, the two points you'd uses to get an extra use of Empower for, say, Scorching Ray could be used to get another whole Scorching Ray. After 11, it's worth 2 additional Scorching Rays. Of course, by 11 you can cast Ball Lightning and whatnot, but Scorching Ray is probably going to do more damage on average since it doesn't allow a save.

Am I missing some reason why it would be unbalanced to allow a Magus to choose a bit more quality over quantity?

I suggest simply making them useable multiple times, with each activation costing X pool points (where X equals the level increase.)

Dark Archive

If there is a Arcane Pool cost to Empower, Concentrate, etc, I won't use them. The Pool is already really limited and I'd rather spend one point on Hasted Assault or use Pool Spell than spend two points on Empower as well as have to get the Arcana.

I'd be able to accept a point cost only if the Arcana for the metamagic became free class features.

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