Pure Ranger


I'm currently playing an archer Ranger with the 'Skirmisher' variant from the APG. (This removes the ability to cast spells and instead provides some limited use utility moves)

I've enjoyed a period of ascendancy up to level 12, taking Favoured enemy Humanoid (human) to +6/+6 in a campaign where 90% of enemies are human. I'm looking now at the last 8 levels of Ranger, and it strikes me that other than some slow improvements to my animal companion (already very frail in combat, and without buffs largely useless against any real opposition) and effectively another +2 to my favoured enemy, (i'm unlikely to make much use of the level 20 bonus)there's not a lot to look forward to, especially as I won't get any of the high level spells (or any spells for that matter)

I'm wondering whether now would be a good time to cut loose the Ranger levels, and dip into another class. My stats are Str 20, Dex 22, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10. I'm put off Paladin due to my low charisma, but I see it as an option along with the obvious Fighter. Any suggestions?

Looking at those level 13+ abilities, it seems you better at stealth, and slightly increase your favored enemy abilities. If you're interested in more DPR and a few non-ranger tricks, I agree that Fighter is the way to go.

SigmaX0 wrote:

I'm currently playing an archer Ranger with the 'Skirmisher' variant from the APG. (This removes the ability to cast spells and instead provides some limited use utility moves)

I've enjoyed a period of ascendancy up to level 12, taking Favoured enemy Humanoid (human) to +6/+6 in a campaign where 90% of enemies are human. I'm looking now at the last 8 levels of Ranger, and it strikes me that other than some slow improvements to my animal companion (already very frail in combat, and without buffs largely useless against any real opposition) and effectively another +2 to my favoured enemy, (i'm unlikely to make much use of the level 20 bonus)there's not a lot to look forward to, especially as I won't get any of the high level spells (or any spells for that matter)

I'm wondering whether now would be a good time to cut loose the Ranger levels, and dip into another class. My stats are Str 20, Dex 22, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10. I'm put off Paladin due to my low charisma, but I see it as an option along with the obvious Fighter. Any suggestions?

I agree that Paladin would be very appealing if your CHA weren't poo. What is you feat selection and general combat mode, ranged, melee or switch?

You could certainly benefit from 4 levels of Rogue: 2 potential feats and 2d6SA, probably most beneficial for a melee or switch hitter.

Barbarian is also fine, but probably below the par of Fighter. I lurve Invulnerable Rager, though. Horizon Walker is also a fine PrC that can be sick with a little Barb, choosing the Desert Mastery line for immunity to fatigue and exhaustion.

Its hard to say what would be best for you without knowing more about your character. And by more, I mean basically all his feats, skills, Hunter's Tricks, and fighting methods.

The next few levels of Ranger can be very good for you if you are a stealthy ranger. More favored terrain, more tricks and more uses of them, and eventually HIPS.

But that not be what you are good at, so something else might work well too.

Basically, what are you trying to achieve with this character? and how have you been going about achieving it so far? Once we know that we can offer some advice on directions to take.

Personally I like Rogues so I'd go that route. Sneak attack is always a nice addition to a Skirmisher type.

Liberty's Edge

If your now missing your spells Druid or Cleric might be good. If you are a stealth user I agree with the Rouge sugestion. Witch I might add can be juiced up with even just one level of Barbarian. The base speed boost and d12 hit die are always good and the rage comes in handy for when your cornered. plus 4 to strenth for melee dmg and an extra 2 hp per Hit die adds up. At your curant 12thn level thats BOOM 24 more hit pionts between you and death.

Im currently playing a level 1 barbarian 3 rouge elf in the Serpant Skull arch and its pretty effectiv. Raging sneak attaks pack alot of punch. Cross that with your fav enemy bonus and the fact that you have a built in flanking buddy with your animal companion. And youve got a whole new angel for your game play and use of the animal as all it has to do is be on the other side of the bad guy, dosent mater if it cant hit the broad side of a gaurd tower.

Have you considered prestige classes like horizon walker or assuming you have the feats shadowdancer?

Some more information:

Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Deadly Aim, Weapon Focus (Longbow), Improved Critical (Longbow), Bleeding Critical, Rapid Shot, Many Shot and Improved Precise Shot.

There's one more feat but I can't remember what it is, which is irritating me.

Skills wise, I have pumped ranks into Perception, Stealth, Climb, Acrobatics and Swim.

My favoured terrains are Urban and Forest.

Hunter's Tricks are Sic 'em, Tangling Shot and Chameleon Step.

The aim of the character is to achieve maximum ranged destruction combined with some stealth and mobility.

I've just picked up Camouflage, so HIPS is possible in Urban terrain, which is where most of the campaign is set. Picking up HIPS later will be of only moderate benefit.

I would probably add 5 levels of fighter to pick up Weapon Specialization and Point Blank Master, using the additional feats to add to your "situational strategies".

Then finish off the build with 3 levels of Horizon Walker to gain flight as an ability. As an archer the best defense for you is to have distance between you and your target/enemy, and flight is a very easy way to obtain that distance.

Shadow Lodge

I'd probably avoid getting into Fighter since the really good stuff needs four or six levels of devotion and meanwhile your skills and Favorite Terrain abilities suffer and you only gain some feats and Armor Training, which you don't really need with your horrendous dexterity.

So, I've got a couple of ideas, both include getting a Headband of Wisdom. +4 should be around your ballpark. The first one absolutely requires it, since you'll be staying a pure Ranger and enjoying nifty spells like Gravity Bow, Bow Spirit, Versatile Weapon and Aspect of the Stag.

The second idea doesn't exactly require more Wisdom, but it will help. I'm writing about the APG Horizon Walker, of course. Really, likely the nicest boost you get would be from taking levels in Alchemist and boosting yourself via mutagens and extracts, but your Intelligence is so horrible(I've never understood other dumb stats than Str and Cha) that it's out of the question, not to mention the fact that your BAB will start to suffer.

Now, Horizon Walker will give you several Favored Terrains, which will help you less than say, a fighter with none who takes up the class, but they are a gateway to the pure awesome Terrain Masteries and Dominances. Going by the HW class abilities, you'll be getting 4 Masteries and 2 Dominances with your 8 levels. I see you've decked yourself out with two Favored Terrains already, so this will be a tough choice. Urban and Forest Masteries are only so-so, while the Dominances are decent enough. The point of taking either of those up to Mastry is that you can treat all creatures native to those environments as your Favorite Enemies. That's a very good bonus, definitely worth it if you keep adventuring in either one.

The second option is spearheading straight to the most powerful abilities of the class for an archer: Air Mastery and Astral Mastery. Make no mistake, their Dominances are just as laughable as with Urban and Astral, but the Masteries...so sweet. Astral gives a you minor bonus against outsiders, which is barely better than the Air Dominance ability, but it also bestows dimension door as a spell-like ability 3+Wis times a day. Can you say Quickened Dimension Door? Can you? Because that is exactly what I would do with the SLA, take the Quickened SLA feat from the Bestiary and go wild. Air Mastery on the other hand bestows Fly as an SLA which is a massive boon and just as Quickenable since both abilities use your character level as their caster lvl.

I can just imagine an archer zapping around the battlefield. Teleporting in mid-air and appearing somewhere while keep up a constant rain of death! Get an ability that grants concealment against ranged attacks and you're all set.

I'd never really looked at the Horizon Walker before, it looks very interesting indeed.

Thanks a lot for all of the suggestions!

I wouldn't suggest fighter or paladin because your skills would suffer considerably. You'd be down to 1 skill point a level plus your human bonus skill point. Paladin has some nice abilities, but the low cha and low int will make it so not worthwhile. Fighter won't pay off till at least 5 more levels, and you will be giving up a lot for a few bonus feats and a slight boost to attack and damage.

Rogue can work, but I don't think I'd go more than 4 levels in it, otherwise your BAB will start to suffer. But 4 levels isn't bad, getting 2d6 sneak attack, uncanny dodge, and a couple rogue talents. The sniper rogue would offer some benefit to you. And you'd get more skill points as well, and a broader range of skills.

Barbarian could work as well, although it doesn't sound like it would fit your character concept. The movement speed increase is nice, and I'm sure there are some rage talents that could be used.

Frankly though, I think that either Ranger or Horizon Walker is best.

The next few levels of Ranger do have some offerings for you. Additional favored terrain, favored enemy, and combat style feat (Point blank Master?). Additional hunter's tricks, and more uses thereof. And a stronger animal companion. And after a few levels you get Imp Evasion and HIPS. And don't underestimate HIPS; being able to stealth while obeserved is very big. Basically you could stand right next to somebody and hide from them, as long as you are in your favored terrain.

The only other option I'd really consider is the Horizon Walker. The favored terrain bonuses can get really big really fast, and considering that it applies to Initiative, Perception, and Stealth those can be very nice bonuses. Granted the Urban terrain mastery and dominance abilities are sub-par for you, but as Muser pointed out, you can treat creatures native to that terrain as favored enemies. Or you could go the other way and pick up terrain mastery/dominance with terrains that give better benefits.

One final option I just thought of is Monk. Seeing as you apparently qualify for Paladin then you could qualify for Monk as well, being lawful. Obviously Zen Archer would be the way to go. In addition to not losing any skill points, you get a very nice boost to saves, no loss to BAB when doing a 'flurry', and a couple bonus feats. The big benefit is gaining Perfect Strike with the bow, which is normally not easily attainable by archers. And at 3rd level gaining Point Blank Master. Granted some of the monk abilities may not be that useful to you if you are wearing armor, but those are really minor at lower levels. Additionally, you could use the bonus feats from monk to jump into Shadowdancer to get a different version of HIPS. Say, Zen Archer Monk 3 or 4 and then Shadowdancer for Hips, uncanny dodge, darkvision, and eventually summon shadow and shadow jump.

Personally, I'd probably stick with Ranger, but I think either Horizon Walker or Monk could work as well.

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