Vital Strike - Am I reading this wrong?

Rules Questions

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Ok, I was just looking over the feats in the core rule book and I found this doozy. I am wondering if I am reading it wrong. Here is what the core rule book says about Vital Strike

Vital Strike (Combat)

You make a single attack that deals significantly more damage than normal.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: When you use the attack action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage. Roll the damage dice for the attack twice and add the results together, but do not multiply damage bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities (such as f laming),or precision-based damage (such as sneak attack). This bonus damage is not multiplied on a critical hit (although other damage bonuses are multiplied normally).

Am I reading this right? This effectively DOUBLES the weapon damage for your highest bab attack every round? If I am reading this correctly, then my level 6 barbarian who gets two attacks per round would effectively double the normal 2d6 +7 damage of my greatsword on my first attack so I would get 4d6 +7? Every round? Presumably this doesn't work with cleave?


Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

When you use Vital Strike, you only do a single attack.

It dosent work with cleave or spring attack and you cannot use it in conjunction with a full attack. So it's great for a round where you move in or move out to beef up the one hit you make that round. it also is a great move for those rounds where you spend a move action to overcome the effects of a dirty trick maneuver.

Your confusion comes from the use of attack action in Vital Strike. It is a defined term used for a single standard action attack. Therefore, Vital Strike is a standard action to use and cannot be combined with other standard action feats like cleave. You cannot full attack and use Vital Strike.

There is an unofficial errata from James Jacob that it can be used with Spring Attack. But in any event it takes a standard action to perform a Vital Strike, so it cannot be done in conjunction with a full attack. However, it CAN be used in conjunction with a move action, so if you have to move you can use it to inflict extra damage, which makes up a bit for the inability to full attack while moving.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
Dabbler wrote:
There is an unofficial errata from James Jacob that it can be used with Spring Attack. But in any event it takes a standard action to perform a Vital Strike, so it cannot be done in conjunction with a full attack. However, it CAN be used in conjunction with a move action, so if you have to move you can use it to inflict extra damage, which makes up a bit for the inability to full attack while moving.

The official errata came out in the last one making spring attack a full round action, thus vital strike is not valid to use with it anymore.

Caineach wrote:
Dabbler wrote:
There is an unofficial errata from James Jacob that it can be used with Spring Attack. But in any event it takes a standard action to perform a Vital Strike, so it cannot be done in conjunction with a full attack. However, it CAN be used in conjunction with a move action, so if you have to move you can use it to inflict extra damage, which makes up a bit for the inability to full attack while moving.
The official errata came out in the last one making spring attack a full round action, thus vital strike is not valid to use with it anymore.

I think a lot of people will house-rule that one ...

Caineach wrote:
Dabbler wrote:
There is an unofficial errata from James Jacob that it can be used with Spring Attack. But in any event it takes a standard action to perform a Vital Strike, so it cannot be done in conjunction with a full attack. However, it CAN be used in conjunction with a move action, so if you have to move you can use it to inflict extra damage, which makes up a bit for the inability to full attack while moving.
The official errata came out in the last one making spring attack a full round action, thus vital strike is not valid to use with it anymore.

Why would that change anything? It wasn't like spring attack was standard action before.

Dabbler wrote:
Caineach wrote:
Dabbler wrote:
There is an unofficial errata from James Jacob that it can be used with Spring Attack. But in any event it takes a standard action to perform a Vital Strike, so it cannot be done in conjunction with a full attack. However, it CAN be used in conjunction with a move action, so if you have to move you can use it to inflict extra damage, which makes up a bit for the inability to full attack while moving.
The official errata came out in the last one making spring attack a full round action, thus vital strike is not valid to use with it anymore.
I think a lot of people will house-rule that one ...

We house ruled it that it works with cleave, spring attack and on full attack actions. Melee guys need good stuff. We treat unofficial rulings as house rules given by the developers.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
voska66 wrote:
Dabbler wrote:
Caineach wrote:
Dabbler wrote:
There is an unofficial errata from James Jacob that it can be used with Spring Attack. But in any event it takes a standard action to perform a Vital Strike, so it cannot be done in conjunction with a full attack. However, it CAN be used in conjunction with a move action, so if you have to move you can use it to inflict extra damage, which makes up a bit for the inability to full attack while moving.
The official errata came out in the last one making spring attack a full round action, thus vital strike is not valid to use with it anymore.
I think a lot of people will house-rule that one ...
We house ruled it that it works with cleave, spring attack and on full attack actions. Melee guys need good stuff.

I hope you are aware of what happens when somebody (say, a Giant with class levels) with a Huge+ weapon takes the full Vital Strike chain and does a full attack ?

Fact. the whole goose / gander thing

/really just want to post under Gorbacz for double bag of devouring action

I'm fine with Vital Strike working with Spring Attack, because Spring attack is (to my thinking) just a move action and an attack action, but with the move split before and after the attack. The other options ... not so keen. Pathfinder melee classes are a lot harder than their 3.5 counterparts now.

Gorbacz wrote:
voska66 wrote:
Dabbler wrote:
Caineach wrote:
Dabbler wrote:
There is an unofficial errata from James Jacob that it can be used with Spring Attack. But in any event it takes a standard action to perform a Vital Strike, so it cannot be done in conjunction with a full attack. However, it CAN be used in conjunction with a move action, so if you have to move you can use it to inflict extra damage, which makes up a bit for the inability to full attack while moving.
The official errata came out in the last one making spring attack a full round action, thus vital strike is not valid to use with it anymore.
I think a lot of people will house-rule that one ...
We house ruled it that it works with cleave, spring attack and on full attack actions. Melee guys need good stuff.
I hope you are aware of what happens when somebody (say, a Giant with class levels) with a Huge+ weapon takes the full Vital Strike chain and does a full attack ?

Yup, been there done that and it's nasty. Certainly makes Giants more of a threat. But then so are the players.

Scarab Sages

Caineach wrote:
Dabbler wrote:
There is an unofficial errata from James Jacob that it can be used with Spring Attack. But in any event it takes a standard action to perform a Vital Strike, so it cannot be done in conjunction with a full attack. However, it CAN be used in conjunction with a move action, so if you have to move you can use it to inflict extra damage, which makes up a bit for the inability to full attack while moving.
The official errata came out in the last one making spring attack a full round action, thus vital strike is not valid to use with it anymore.

I do not understand something: Spring Attack = Move + Attack = Full round action.

So Spring Attack always been a full round action, so why now we cannot combine Spring Attack + Vital Strike

and by the way: Move + Standard action = Full round action also.... (?)

And I cannot houserule cause I am playing PFS, have Spring Attack and planning to choose Vital Strike as my next feat....

ESSEL wrote:
Caineach wrote:
Dabbler wrote:
There is an unofficial errata from James Jacob that it can be used with Spring Attack. But in any event it takes a standard action to perform a Vital Strike, so it cannot be done in conjunction with a full attack. However, it CAN be used in conjunction with a move action, so if you have to move you can use it to inflict extra damage, which makes up a bit for the inability to full attack while moving.
The official errata came out in the last one making spring attack a full round action, thus vital strike is not valid to use with it anymore.

I do not understand something: Spring Attack = Move + Attack = Full round action.

So Spring Attack always been a full round action, so why now we cannot combine Spring Attack + Vital Strike

and by the way: Move + Standard action = Full round action also.... (?)

And I cannot houserule cause I am playing PFS, have Spring Attack and planning to choose Vital Strike as my next feat....

An attack is normally a standard action anyway.

Spring attack allows you to move, attack, and move again. It basically give you two move actions. Like many other feats it allows you to break normal rules.

ESSEL wrote:

I do not understand something: Spring Attack = Move + Attack = Full round action.

So Spring Attack always been a full round action, so why now we cannot combine Spring Attack + Vital Strike?

Because not all single attacks are the "Attack (standard action)" action. E.g. you can't Vital Strike on a charge, either.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Staff response: no reply required.

And if Vital Strike is now a standard action, then the text in the PRD

'When you use the attack action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage.'

Should be changed for

'As a standard action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage.'

As a PFS GM, I do not want to spend 30min explaining this to a player, when you run short in a fixed time game slot....

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Welcome to the "Wonky Wording of Vital Strike" show, on the tour since 2009 and still hittin' it high !

ESSEL wrote:

And if Vital Strike is now a standard action, then the text in the PRD

'When you use the attack action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage.'

Should be changed for

'As a standard action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage.'

Personally, I'd prefer for the specific standard action (referred to in the Vital Strike feat, etc.) to be called something like "Basic Single Attack" or something like that rather than "attack action".

It's not going to happen, though.

ESSEL wrote:

And if Vital Strike is now a standard action, then the text in the PRD

'When you use the attack action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage.'

Should be changed for

'As a standard action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage.'

As a PFS GM, I do not want to spend 30min explaining this to a player, when you run short in a fixed time game slot....

I agree. They should change that. I will hit the FAQ button to see if we can get it in the next errata.

wraithstrike wrote:

An attack is normally a standard action anyway.

Spring attack allows you to move, attack, and move again. It basically give you two move actions. Like many other feats it allows you to break normal rules.

I would say, it allows you to split a move action in two with a standard action in between. Your total movement when using Spring Attack is your normal movement for one move action.

Dabbler wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:

An attack is normally a standard action anyway.

Spring attack allows you to move, attack, and move again. It basically give you two move actions. Like many other feats it allows you to break normal rules.
I would say, it allows you to split a move action in two with a standard action in between. Your total movement when using Spring Attack is your normal movement for one move action.

That's how I look at it too.

voska66 wrote:
Dabbler wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:

An attack is normally a standard action anyway.

Spring attack allows you to move, attack, and move again. It basically give you two move actions. Like many other feats it allows you to break normal rules.
I would say, it allows you to split a move action in two with a standard action in between. Your total movement when using Spring Attack is your normal movement for one move action.
That's how I look at it too.

It could be looked at either way I guess.

I just view it that way because normally once you move and attack your turn is over.

This may have been answered elsewhere, but this raises a question I have had for a while. The text of the feat states that you:


Roll the damage dice for the attack twice and add the results together, but do not multiply damage bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities (such as flaming),or precision-based damage (such as sneak attack).

Does this include the weapon's flat +X enhancement? It isn't specifically called out in the description, and it (in my mind) isn't necessarily a weapon ability. I can see an argument for either case, so an official clarification would be appreciated, if one is available.

h0rnman wrote:

This may have been answered elsewhere, but this raises a question I have had for a while. The text of the feat states that you:


Roll the damage dice for the attack twice and add the results together, but do not multiply damage bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities (such as flaming),or precision-based damage (such as sneak attack).
Does this include the weapon's flat +X enhancement? It isn't specifically called out in the description, and it (in my mind) isn't necessarily a weapon ability. I can see an argument for either case, so an official clarification would be appreciated, if one is available.

No, you just roll the dice. If your greatsword is 2d6 + 4 strength +2 enhancement + 1 weapopn training, then vital strike just adds 2d6. If you critical, it's still just 2d6.

It looks pretty called out in the description to me: "Roll the damage dice twice and add the results together", "Do not multiply damage bonuses" ... to me that reads very simply: Double the dice, not any bonuses. It really can't get much more clear than that.

Liberty's Edge

Caineach wrote:
Dabbler wrote:
There is an unofficial errata from James Jacob that it can be used with Spring Attack. But in any event it takes a standard action to perform a Vital Strike, so it cannot be done in conjunction with a full attack. However, it CAN be used in conjunction with a move action, so if you have to move you can use it to inflict extra damage, which makes up a bit for the inability to full attack while moving.
The official errata came out in the last one making spring attack a full round action, thus vital strike is not valid to use with it anymore.

I am marking this as an FAQ just to be sure one way or the other.

ciretose wrote:

I am marking this as an FAQ just to be sure one way or the other.

no need here it is

Really, it's a blessing. They are saving people from themselves ... anyone still spring attacking at mid level (when vital strike can be taken) is doing it wrong.

This is really nothing new. Attack action has been defined as a type of standard action since at least 3.5, maybe 3.0. Anything that says it is an attack action can only be used as a standard action with a basic attackk, including the vital strike line and sunder. The old wording of spring attack was vague, and it was unsure of whether or not the melee attack in it was a normal attack action or a special action. When this was first brought up, James said no, it should not work together. Then, it was pointed out that one of the APs has an NPC who uses them together (not sure which one), so he said people can use it that way if they like and he would get an official errata. Jason decided on the errata and made spring attack into a full round action, thus removing the vagueness and making it clear that vital strike does not work with spring attack. They have come out and said many times that you should house rule it if you don't like it. There have been a couple threads about this already since the errata, which Jason has commented on. The fact that this is still a suprise to so many people is more suprising to me.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Gorbacz wrote:
When you use Vital Strike, you only do a single attack.

I'll use Gorbacz's comment as a starter for my comment.

The best way to think of VS is it is a standard action that deals your weapon damage (times two; so Longsword would be 2d8) plus any bonuses that would be to hit or damage if you made a single attack with that weapon. So you add weapon tohit/dmg once, str bonus once, flaming weapon 1d6 once, sneak attack once, etc.

In short, with a Longsword VS adds exactly and only 1d8 to a successful hit.

Maveric28 wrote:
It looks pretty called out in the description to me: "Roll the damage dice twice and add the results together", "Do not multiply damage bonuses" ... to me that reads very simply: Double the dice, not any bonuses. It really can't get much more clear than that.

It could have said "Don't double extra damage such as X, Y and Z" instead of "Don't double damage from X, Y and Z". But that ship has sailed already.

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