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Alphatian 3 | 15/17 hp | AC 7 | F15 A10 C14 D13 H11 W12 | Mv 40' | Detect/Read Magic 2-6


Cantrip (3-6) | Charm Person, Sleep, Binding / Invisibility, Wizard Lock

About Zynazyr


Male Low Alphatian
Level: 3
XP: 5737 (+XP 15%, next level at 5000)
Alignment: Neutral

THIRST COUNT: 0 (penalty: -1)
HUNGER COUNT: 0 (penalty: -1/3 = 0)
Total Penalty: -0 to hit, -0 to damage, -0 to ability checks, -0 to maximum HP


Strength: 10 (STR 0)
Intelligence: 18 (INT +3)
Wisdom: 11 (WIS 0)
Dexterity: 15 (DEX +2)
Constitution: 15 (CON +2)
Charisma: 10 (CHA 0)

HP: 17/17 (1d4+1d3x3+2x3) (3,1,5)
AC: 7 (9 - [0 + 0 + 2])
Attack Progression: +1 (1/3 per level, round up)
Combat Move: 40'

Languages:Alphatian, Common, Literacy, Dragon, Elvish, Sylvan

Base: F+3, A+5, C+4, D+3 H+5, W+6
Save Progression: +2 (1/2 per level, round up)

FORCE: 15 20 - (3 + 0 + 2)
ALERTNESS: 10 20 - (5 + 3 + 2)
CHARM: 14 20 - (4 + 0 + 2)
DODGE: 13 20 - (3 + 2 + 2)
HEALTH: 11 20 - (5 + 2 + 2)
WILL: 12 20 - (6 + 0 + 2)

Find Traps: 1 in 6
Find Secret Doors: 1 in 6
Hear Noise: 1 in 6
Other: 2 in 6 detect magic


THACO (light weapons): 17 (20 - (1 + 2))
Dagger: Damage 1d4 (R 10/30/50, +1/0/-1)
Ustar: Damage 1d4 (R 20/40/60, +1/0/-1)
Stick: Damage 1d3

THACO (normal weapons): 19 (20 - (0 + 1))
THACO (two-handed weapons): 19 (20 - (0 + 1))


Spell Defense: +3 save vs. spells if spellcaster is seen
Detect/Read Magic: 2 in 6
Cantrip: 3 in 6

Unlike other spells, a Cantrip can have one of a variety of effects:

• Create a magical light as bright as a candle - this light can be attached to an object or caused to float in the air a specific distance from the caster. The light lasts as long as the caster is conscious, unless dismissed by the caster or until he creates another such light.
• Open or close an unlocked door or container within 30 feet which is no larger than man-sized.
• Light a candle, torch, lantern, flammable oil, or dry tinder within 30 feet.
• Create a puff of smoke within 30 feet large enough to obscure a person which disperses in one round.
• Move an object within 30 feet telekinetically which weighs no more than 1 tenth of a pound for every two levels the caster has (round up) at a rate of no more than 5 feet per round.
• Clean an object no larger than man-sized or cause such an object to become dirty.
• Create a ray of magical energy that does damage of 1 to the caster's level (i.e. if the caster is 3rd level the ray does 1-3 points of damage). The ray has a range of 60 feet.
• Cause a small item (small enough to fit in the caster's hand) to become invisible for one round.
• Create eerie or ominous sounds emanating from a point within 30 feet, such as the creaking of a door, the whistling of wind, footsteps, whispering, etc. While sounds like voices may be created, they will not be intelligible to listeners.
• Cause a slight gust of wind capable of blowing out candles, scattering papers, and ruffling hair and curtains.
• Cause a person within 30 feet who meets the Magician's gaze to hear a phrase or sentence as if the Magician had spoken it to him. No one aside from the target can hear this voice.
• Create any minor magical effect the DM decides is comparable to the above effect. The effect may not duplicate an existing spell.

Spells Known:
Lvl 1: Sleep, Magic Missile, Protection from Evil, Charm Person, Shield
Lvl 2: Invisibility, Web, Stinking Cloud, Spider Climb
Lvl 3: Lightning Bolt

Spells Prepared: 3/2
Lvl 1: Sleep, Sleep, Binding
Lvl 2: Invisibility, Web

3 Daggers
1 Stick
2 Ustars
3 Silver Ustars

Waterskin (empty)
Scroll case
Papyrus (10 sheets)
Ink, vial
Quill pens (10)
Chaulk (10)
Twine (100’)
Small sack
Flask of old oil

8 sp

+06 Weapon Weight
+08 Equipment Weight
+14 Total Equipment Weight


Zynazyr grew up in Archpoint. When it was determined he had magical ability, he was enrolled in study. He was a fast learner and was always pushing himself to learn more. However, it always bothered him that the "Pure" Alphatians were considered above him even if he was a better student. Soon after completing his studies, he realized that he would never reach his full potential stuck in the caste system. He decided to travel in order to expand his spellbook and become appreciated for his abilities. After a long trek across the continents, he joined the caravan to earn some coin and travel to the Golden City to see what magic he could learn there.

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