Adventuring Optimized - Hobgoblins in Cinderland


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Female Tian Rogue

checking in, i have an appointment tomorrow. but i will be online for the next hour or few.

Female Tian Rogue

i am back from my appointment and wish to check in.

Dark Archive

Commoner 1/Ex-Paladin 1

Ash is still busy arguing about Charisma, so I guess we're waiting on that thread being locked.

Male Drow (noble) 14 Ranger


Dark Archive

Commoner 1/Ex-Paladin 1

Checking in, but I'm beginning to expect no updates every time I refresh, so that's a bad sign.

Female Tian Rogue

checking in, i have my weekly game tomorrow with my saturday group, and next week, i will be out of state for thanksgiving.

Male Drow (noble) 14 Ranger

Do PBP's usually go like this?

Kryzbyn wrote:
Do PBP's usually go like this?

No, I'm just really bad at PBP games. :P Besides posting the odd debate about Charisma over on the general boards, I've also been working on some 3PP Projects going on, which I'm trying to get finished before the end of the month (but I'll likely be lucky to just get one done) and on sale a bit before Christmas. Unfortunately, I'm rather new at this whole Open Game Publishing thing and so it's rather slow going. I'm writing some material for my own campaign setting, a book about hobgoblins (part of a series of racial books), and updating the 3.5 Psionics Rules to a Pathfinder-Friendly state (not really happy with what I've seen Dreamscarred doing). I haven't really even got to run any games for my Heroes of Alvena campaign in the past week (Q.Q). This coming week I'll also be helping my dad put a new roof on the house. Busy busy.

Soren heads back into the bar and asks the bartender where everyone went, as it seems he missed their conversation prior to arriving at the inn, and it seems little Umbriere had slipped out when he wasn't looking. Bartender: "Well, they were all talking about the hobgoblins, and I think at least one of them was going to go see the girl who escaped the hobgoblins a few months ago. Her name was Sarah, and she stays at the small cottage across the street. The one with the brick wall with the vines on it." he notes. "You might try looking for her there; though I can scarcely imagine why such a sick little girl would be trudging through the streets to see her on a day like today."

Meanwhile, at Sarah's house...
Umbriere seems to be making a fine impression on Sarah, perhaps due to her determination despite her physical shortcomings. Sarah nods to her and seems to try and relate a bit, revealing more about herself.

Sarah: "I wasn't a warrior either, but you'll get there eventually. I was taken into the Irongfang hobgoblin clan almost fifteen years ago. I was far from a warrior then. Just a pitiful human girl with no sense of strength. Living with hobgoblins is a hard experience for a human, especially a girl of my age. All the lessons in manners and civility, and upbringing to not get my clothes dirty did nothing for me there. I was put to work. A slave and, eventually, a member of their clan. I was given to a soldier named Gel'zek, and had three children before I was sixteen. They clothed me, fed me, and raised me. Taught me how to fight, how to live, how to kill, and how to die. Early last year, Gel'zek died in skirmish with a dwarven patrol up north, and so I decided to return home.

I arrived a few months ago, but I question if I'm really home. It's good to see my mother, but my father seems too scared to look at me. I guess he doesn't know where his little girl went, hidden somewhere inside. When I was first taken by the hobgoblins, I wanted nothing more than to get away, to run, to cry. Now, I feel like I don't fit in out here. I guess I'll probably go back to the Ironfangs before the winter comes. They'll need an extra hand when the snows set in." she says chewing on some pecans.

"I guess I'm rambling now, but, the point is that you can be so much more than you are now, girl. You may feel weak, and frail, and helpless, but life has a way of slapping a sword in your hand and saying stand the hell up and fight for your right to live, and fight for your right to die well. It's not the strength of your body that makes you a warrior, but your desire to fight. Our own weakness is the greatest enemy of all." she adds, glancing out of the window at the rain as she does.

"Anyway, do you guys have any more shit you wanted to ask me?" she says abruptly, ending what would have otherwise been a very respectable bit of encouragement with a rather moment-killing comment.

Dark Archive

Commoner 1/Ex-Paladin 1

Gremy replies brusquely: "That's been quite enough talk for one day, and we got what we came for. I say we head out to those ruins while the rain is still providing us with some concealment." He looks at Sigfried, who has been silent awhile. "We might need some more help if we're to succeed at this. That fellow in the tavern said he was a cousin of Umbriere's, right?"

Male Drow (noble) 14 Ranger

Soren will head to this house...

Dark Archive

Commoner 1/Ex-Paladin 1
Kryzbyn wrote:
Soren will head to this house...

It might take you awhile to get there ;)

Male Drow (noble) 14 Ranger
Mergy wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:
Soren will head to this house...
It might take you awhile to get there ;)

Ahhh, life in the big city...err...wait...

Dark Archive

Commoner 1/Ex-Paladin 1

Checking in. Ash, we know you're probably busy, but if you really feel like you can't do this, let us know.

Mergy wrote:
Checking in. Ash, we know you're probably busy, but if you really feel like you can't do this, let us know.

Sorry for being so slow, Mergy (and everyone else). My posting has slowed to a crawl. This week I've been spending my days on the rooftop, putting down a new metal roof. It's kind of fun (but kind of stressful since I'm illogically terrified of heights, despite knowing I'm not in danger). I haven't really even been on OpenRPG the last few days either (so my Heroes of Alvena games are pretty much in the hands of my volunteer GM team).

If you guys are bored, 'cause I'm posting so slowly, it's ok if you don't want to play. It might be easier to actually download OpenRPG and rebuild your characters for my Heroes of Alvena games. It's a persistent world, and you'd interact with more players and GMs (for better or worse), and it's faster paced at least.

Feedback is appreciated. ^-^

Dark Archive

Commoner 1/Ex-Paladin 1

I'd be happy to continue like this so long as you and the others have not given up. I think the weirdest part was you posting so often in the charisma thread, but not checking in to this one. Anyway, your choice whether you want to continue! :)

Gremy waggles his eyebrows at Sigfried.

Well, I am rather slow with these PBP games. I guess I've been spoiled by OpenRPG (I used to play on The Nexus back when I was younger, but I haven't been doing PBP games in years. Maybe it would be easier to end the game early. Maybe we can get together on OpenRPG and play something. If you have MSN, we could also chat on that (scott_dragonmaster @

I know at the moment I'm being very slow in posting, and it's really not fair to you guys. I like what you guys have posted so far (what little bit we did do), and you guys deserve a good game. You could try signing up with some of the other PBP games here, since I think they are far more active, and you've already got 15 PB characters ready to go. ^-^

Male Drow (noble) 14 Ranger



Nevermind :P

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