Battle Herald


Okay, perhaps one part (bigger part) of this post is better suited in Rules question.

But did i get it right or is Inspired Command a bit lacking in versatility compared to Inspired Courage ? As i read it in Inspired Command only Command's work its not Inspired Courage plus Command, or am i completely wrong ? Cause whats point of capstone ability than ?

Now for 2nd part, how would you go around making one for Kingmaker? Without spoilers i am concerned with following - i know its mostly outside, but is it charge viable ? If it isn't is it flying archery viable ? Meaning trees for concealment, etc.

Dark Archive

I don't have a good answer for the inspire courage/inspired command mechanic... it seems wonky, wordy, and maybe a little contradictory at parts.

So far in out game of Kingmaker AP 1, I would have to say about 1/3 of the time has been spent in areas that are wide open for charges, 1/3 in INCREDIBLY cramped quarters where normal movement is even difficult, and 1/3 being somewhere in between. That being said we haven't ventured into the forest very much yet so that may vary.

I don't know a lot about how the later parts of kingmaker play out but I was under the impression that you end up having reign over the realm. You won't come even CLOSE to getting into this PRC in the first 2 books and the dynamic changes significantly from what I have heard. by that coin I would imagine you would end up being able to help decide where and when major battles will take place, and you are ALWAYS going to want to play to your own advantage so...

Thanks for the fast reply, but i am still wandering how does the mechanics work, cause otherwise normal bard is much better, no limited Inspire Courage, still got spells, but lacking in BAB compared to the Battle Herald.

As far as I can tell. inspired command and inspire courage overlap.
When ever you inspire command you follow the action rules of inspired command, and gain all the benefits of said ability at the bonus dependent on your herald level as well as the benefits of inspire courage at what ever bonus you would have as a bard equal to your bard level plus your herald level.
You can spend rounds of this ability from both your Bard or Herald reserves, but you can't spend rounds of Herald to do things like Counter song or distraction.
And while you can inspire command and gain the benefits of inspire courage. You cannot inspire command and counter song or distract at the same time. Though feats that extend the duration of these benefits after you stop using the abilities.

Ryan Richter wrote:

As far as I can tell. inspired command and inspire courage overlap.

When ever you inspire command you follow the action rules of inspired command, and gain all the benefits of said ability at the bonus dependent on your herald level as well as the benefits of inspire courage at what ever bonus you would have as a bard equal to your bard level plus your herald level.
You can spend rounds of this ability from both your Bard or Herald reserves, but you can't spend rounds of Herald to do things like Counter song or distraction.
And while you can inspire command and gain the benefits of inspire courage. You cannot inspire command and counter song or distract at the same time. Though feats that extend the duration of these benefits after you stop using the abilities.

It actually says you cannot have both up, "The battle herald cannot maintain an inspiring command and a bardic performance at the same time..."

As i thought, its absolutely useless till level 10 when you can pop both up ...

I think it effectively just provides extra rounds of courage per day at a reduced bonus.

can it be made good then?

I want to like the class (the fluff is solid) but it does seem kinda weak...

It is weak and its not weak at the same time ...

Well it can be made to work - but solo bard wins hands down in support part for first 15 levels, Battle Herald simply can't compete.

First some of the pro's you can wear mithral breastplate without needing to waste a feat, you've got full BAB for hitting things and your bonus progresses faster (6th, 9th,12th, 15th) compared to bards (5th, 11th, 17th) (note i am talking about character levels and not counting 1st level presuming its bard, even if its 2nd it doesn't change anything really) and it tops at +5(+6 if you go with bard 5/cavalier 1, ergo you get 1 level later into BaH or however you want it) instead of bards usual +4.

Now cons Commands are way more limited compared to inspire courage, first 60 feet around you, inspire courage doesn't have that limit, 2nd you are starting with 1 command, commands themselves are more limiting, some not by much, some by a lot, but are still limited to specific positioning (pincer maneuver) or by certain actions (Call to Charge). I wouldn't do justice to Battle Herald if i wasn't to mention that each command gives something else, not necessarily bonus on attacks, saves, etc so in that way its more versatile. I also wouldn't do justice to Bard if i wasn't to say that as a Battle Herald you don't progress with casting. Also there Battle Herald got Banner which is kinda nice (kinda cause it works only on charges) and stacks with Inspire Command (which is actually competence bonus).

So it comes down to personal opinion of which is better:
Inspire Courage plus spellcasting vs Inspired Command + Commands (i won't count in rest of bard's special abilities and rest of his bardic performances same as i won't count Banner and so on in for BaH)

Biggest note ever - if you are okay with sucking (personal thinking) for first 15 levels of campaign or you are starting campaign as a high level, BaH wins hands down and laughs at bard with its capstone ability being able to maintain Inspire Courage and Inspire Command at the same time, best of all is that they stack brining to table wooping +10 or +12 (except with some commands that stick with morale bonus).

Now personally i find straight up bard stronger cause he is more straight forward and there is no need for pulling your hair out when you don't have a command you need (all through i can see Call for Charge and Pincer Maneuver being only ones you will need) as well as spells covering and surpassing versatility of Commands. Also one thing i will never personally forgive BaH is that his mount doesn't progress, so if you decide to use your mount you either a) need to feed him so many Boon Companion feats that its silly(2-3 at least to be more precise) or b) need to prepare yourself mentally that he is gonna die from every AoE thrown in your direction.

Welcome to Paizo's design policy. They have stated they want it to be a "choice" for PrCs vs Class. They don't want it to be take PrC and just increase this Class ability AND get some more goodies. If there are reasons to do one or the other and the choice isn't clear cut, it is a good thing.

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