So, I want to try something different


Liberty's Edge

Yeah, like the title says. The group is starting off at level 7. The GM doesn't like the party to discuss what class they are. He likes the more realistic approach of you never know who you are going to end up with. I want to keep my class a secret from the other players as well. I want to play a Commoner. I think a Commoner would be a fun challenge. I've played pretty much every class there it. I really would like some advice in making him viable. I know he won't be in melee that is a given. So I am going going sneaky, ranged, UMD route...

Gregory Lane:

Commoner level 7
NG Medium Human
Init +4; Sense Perception +11
AC 19, Touch 14, Flat footed 15
(+5 Armor, +4 Dex)
HP 36 (7d6)
Fort +5,Ref +10,Will +6
Spd 40'
Ranged Heavy Crossbow +10(1D10/19-20/x2)
Ranged Heavy Crossbow +9(1D10+2/19-20/x2)
Str 10,Dex 18(20),Con 10,Int 12,Wis 12,Cha 16
Base Atk +3;CMB +3;CMD +18
Feats Deadly Aim, Light Armor Proficiency, Magical Aptitude, Skill Focus (UMD), Weapon Focus (Heavy Crossbow)
Skills Heal +5, K. Nature +5, Perception +11, Spell craft +6, Stealth +12, Survival +3, UMD +12.
Languages Common, Dwarven
Gear +1 Mithral shirt, +1 Heavy Crossbow, Boots of springing and striding,Belt of Dexterity, Wand of Cure light wounds, Wand of Acid Arrow, Wand of magic missile, wand of charm person, wand of Cause fear.
potion of true strike x2, potion of remove fear, potion of comprehend, everburning torch, tanglefoot bad x4, potion of comprehend Language.

Any further suggestions?


Commoner has all poor save progressions, 2+int skills, D6 hit dice, and BAB max at +10......

has one good save will, 4+int skills, and D8 hit dice, BaB up to +15.....

good will save, 6+int skills, D8 hit dice, and BAB up to +15
*any 10 skills as class skills....

Liberty's Edge

No, I want it to be a commoner, the weakest possible class. I was talking along the lines of feats and set-up. I don't want optimization I want to be a worthy team mate with out them knowing what i am. Then why I die tell them!

TheOrangeOne wrote:
No, I want it to be a commoner, the weakest possible class. I was talking along the lines of feats and set-up. I don't want optimization I want to be a worthy team mate with out them knowing what i am. Then why I die tell them!

Well, if you're not going to metagame (I'm a member of the party because I have PC tattoed on my forehead), you'll need to bring something to the party that they can at least delude themselves that they want/need. UMD-monkey is a possible role I suppose---get the trait for it (dangerously curious I think) to make it a class skill and you should have enough UMD to fairly reliably use wands (it'll push your UMD up to +16 if your GM allows traits, which uses a wand on anything but a 1-3 and never fails by much. Can you afford a wand of haste? If you can, you might not even get your party killed in engagements balanced for standard 7th level characters.

oh ok commoner all 7 levels.....

Heirloom weapon for 1 trait, possibly a polearm with trip and reach.....

Quickdraw as a feat
Quickddraw shield

Crossbow, heavy as your simple weapon.......

TheOrangeOne wrote:
No, I want it to be a commoner, the weakest possible class. I was talking along the lines of feats and set-up. I don't want optimization I want to be a worthy team mate with out them knowing what i am. Then why I die tell them!

When you are not pulling your weight they may get frustrated since you may get one of them killed. I would take that into consideration. UMD will only be useful if it is needed. When I see you not casting spells or fighting it would not take me long to figure out something is wrong.

PS: I just noticed you have a 50% chance to hit CR appropriate opponents. That is a lot better than I thought it would be. You may be able to hide this longer than I thought.

I changed my mind
heirloom weapon longbow
Other trait hunter's eye

Really thinking about extra traits as the first feat......

Build into Dex, it will help reflex saves, AC and hitting BBEGs

The old crafty wimp syndrome...

With that said you know the people and situation but I would caution going down this path. It can be fun to get the most out of a character or play in an unexpected way but the millstone of an intentionally underpowered character is unnecessary imo. It may "just be a game" but time, effort and enjoyment by all involved must be factored.

It may all be fun and games (for you in particular with your deception)until a character dies or a critical plot point is failed due to the character's substandard nature where a normal character would have added more. Others may also tire of taking up the slack and wondering why your not carrying your "weight".

Again you know the people and the situation, just be careful and considerate of the others involved.

Your mileage may vary, just my opinion.

Sovereign Court

Mithril chain shirt has 0 ACP so you can exchange Light Ar Prof for another feat.

You seem to have added +3 to each of your saves for some reason, and I'm not sure where its coming from.

You would do more damage switching your dex and strength, and using a reach weapon, as well as helping with flanking. However, you also could get butchered. Still, 1d10 damage a round, I hope your friends take it in good humour.

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