Copper Dragon

E-Eternal's page

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MinstrelintheGallery wrote:

Now here's what you need to fix- your characters with better stats are better at killing, that's the biggest problem. Some would just use higher CR adversaries, but that gives the players more XP, moving things along much quicker. Here's what I do: all enemies have MAXed health- since the biggest benefit to higher stats is being better at killing, make the enemies harder to kill. It's worked for me so far.

An option I use quite a bit to compensate for high stat characters is applying the Advanced simple template (quick rules) to opponents as needed without increasing xp given (my call).

KilroySummoner wrote:
Post a level 5 rogue and I will post a legal level 5 summoner who will do over 4x the contributory DPR (assume in a group with 2 melees).

Please, not another thread derail into summoner argument.

Keep in mind the APG was not even out yet when this AP was written. I see no problem making the change of B...I did.

In general yes but...I know of at least one npc that has a quest associated with them in a later book.

Having a blast running Kingmaker but in prepping for VV I seem to have missed where Handout 1 at the top of page 26 is supposed to come into play. Granted I haven't concentrated on Vordekai's lair much yet. It seems to be a big clue that contradicts some of the other misdirection.

Spell selection I recommend selecting Sleep or Color Spray or both. They are very effective 1st level offensive spells.

hogarth wrote:
walter mcwilliams wrote:

Likewise, I hate when players sub-optimize.

"My PC is a commoner with 7 Con who flees at the onset of anything violent or scary! He has no reason whatsoever to be an adventurer. Aren't I awesome? I'm thinking outside the box!"

AKA - Crafty Wimp TM.

Correct Papa.DRB.

ossian666 wrote:
Rathendar wrote:

Clever use of game mechanics but I think its a DM call how the spell works/originates.


Richard Pett wrote:

Who's there?

You'll soon find out...

Land Shark...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

When Akiros flips comes to mind. This is a factor totally up to the GM. Perhaps ,as news of the pcs has filtered back and the fort prepared, he has been itching for his chance to break free even more so. The owlbear being released against the pcs but actually ends up doing more damage to bandits (many variables here - positioning etc). Diminished morale of bandits due to news of the pcs exploits. Just a few thoughts, good luck.

Brian Bachman wrote:

RAW discussions can, at their best, be fascinating intellectual exercises, and the RAW does indeed provide a bit of common ground for discussion. However, too many people extrapolate from the RAW to try and "prove" their opinions about such topics as the balance between classes and spells and feats. Such arguments usually quickly devolve into relatively silly arguments when deprived of context or when the folks arguing it fail to recognize the context they each, knowingly or unknowingly, are bringing to the table. After all, very few people out there are actually playing completely by RAW (even if they think they are), and even the RAW is subject to an awful lot of interpretation....

Great post!!

Welcome to pen an paper roll playing games.

These games are not run by a robot or computer. We all bring our different perspectives and biases to these games.

A LONG standing tenet has been that the rules provide a basis and guideline that each GM/DM can alter to their preference. House rules have been around as long as these games have. Granted vast variances from rules as written can lead to abuse. Then again these are the games/GMs that don't last long.

The sticking point in my opinion is society play and those demanding that all society games be close to exactly the same in regards to rules. This flies in the face of generations of gaming.

The old crafty wimp syndrome...

With that said you know the people and situation but I would caution going down this path. It can be fun to get the most out of a character or play in an unexpected way but the millstone of an intentionally underpowered character is unnecessary imo. It may "just be a game" but time, effort and enjoyment by all involved must be factored.

It may all be fun and games (for you in particular with your deception)until a character dies or a critical plot point is failed due to the character's substandard nature where a normal character would have added more. Others may also tire of taking up the slack and wondering why your not carrying your "weight".

Again you know the people and the situation, just be careful and considerate of the others involved.

Your mileage may vary, just my opinion.

Sigurd wrote:

I am not sure that is the intent. How does this interpretation not follow your PSRD quote?

The penalties for Two-weapon fighting clearly stick to the attack bonus and frequency of attacks.

Damage definitions for Light and Normal weapons are clear within the Two Weapon fighting Rules. The core has rules for light weapons wielded in both hands - No Bonus. I think all the rules have been followed.

Double Slice is a separate feat. It's still a fine feat for single weapons.

More leverage and momentum is logical for a weapon wielded with two hands. I don't see anything that says its no longer a two handed weapon for the sake of its damage done.

Dual wielded kukri's and falcatas etc... eat double weapons for lunch. I think this is better balance too.

In retrospect I'll just stay out of this.

Though if you perform a single standard attack (not twf) using a double weapon two handed you would receive 1.5 STR mod to damage.