Channel Negative Energy Question

Rules Questions

I recently had a combat take place inside a tent.

An evil cleric in the tent used Channel Negative Energy.

I ruled it affected everyone outside the tent as well, should the tent have blocked line of effect.

Or is the power of an evil god stronger than a sheet of canvas?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Pindar wrote:

I recently had a combat take place inside a tent.

An evil cleric in the tent used Channel Negative Energy.

I ruled it affected everyone outside the tent as well, should the tent have blocked line of effect.

Or is the power of an evil god stronger than a sheet of canvas?

A channel effect is a burst centered on the cleric.

PRD wrote:

Burst, Emanation, or Spread: Most spells that affect an area function as a burst, an emanation, or a spread. In each case, you select the spell's point of origin and measure its effect from that point.

Burst spell affects whatever it catches in its area, including creatures that you can't see. It can't affect creatures with total cover from its point of origin (in other words, its effects don't extend around corners). The default shape for a burst effect is a sphere, but some burst spells are specifically described as cone-shaped. A burst's area defines how far from the point of origin the spell's effect extends.

An emanation spell functions like a burst spell, except that the effect continues to radiate from the point of origin for the duration of the spell. Most emanations are cones or spheres.

A spread spell extends out like a burst but can turn corners. You select the point of origin, and the spell spreads out a given distance in all directions. Figure the area the spell effect fills by taking into account any turns the spell effect takes.

The bolded part is the important part. Hope this helps.

Thanks, I read those before posting. I guess that by RAW a burst couldn't affect someone through a tent.

I just wonder if some materials are not sturdy enough to block some spell effects.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Pindar wrote:

Thanks, I read those before posting. I guess that by RAW a burst couldn't affect someone through a tent.

I just wonder if some materials are not sturdy enough to block some spell effects.

From a non-RAW standpoint...

This came up in a game I was in, and we used the same rules for detects as far as what would stop the effect, so much wood, so much stone, etc.
I think though you could safely rule that cloth/canvas only granted soft cover, and thereby the channeling effect bypasses it.
As DM you can houserule anything. Use what makes sense to you.

Kryzbyn wrote:

From a non-RAW standpoint...
This came up in a game I was in, and we used the same rules for detects as far as what would stop the effect, so much wood, so much stone, etc.
I think though you could safely rule that cloth/canvas only granted soft cover, and thereby the channeling effect bypasses it.

Good idea.


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

The key statement is total COVER.

A brick wall provides cover and concealment. Concealment because nothing can be seen behind the wall and cover because weapon and spell effects don't penetrate the stone.

A canvas wall provides concealment but no cover. Well, maybe cover from a thrown stone but arrows, sword/spear thrusts and spell effects like a lightning bolt or scorching ray will penetrate it.

I would interpret the RAW in this case that a canvas wall doesn't protect from a negative energy burst as the canvas doesn't provide cover from negative energy. Because if it did, adventurers would be running around in canvas burquas...

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