Jlighter's Serpent's Skull Group - OOC Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Human Sorcerer 2 Arcane Bloodline
Torolf wrote:
Looks like he ain't killed yet. :)

Of course, that was before we all blew our save vs. soup :)

Not sure I can ever admit to that...

Even the Iron Dwarf 20 CON blew the save! A tough way to start.


I was very surprised to see that roll, actually. Kinda like, "Wait. How'd that happen again?" Methinks the dice are playing a cosmic joke this round.

I've never tried to grapple using PF rules before. I hope I am getting it right.

Male Human Sorcerer 2 Arcane Bloodline
z'Graggen the Free wrote:
I've never tried to grapple using PF rules before. I hope I am getting it right.

Looks like you did awesome - one down due to a grapple:)

Map is great, jlighter. Thanks for the work on this

Half Elven Witch/1

Have I mentioned that I hate dice? I hate the dice. I almost never use them outside combat when I run a game, and I try to limit them in combat. I have no problem with a killing off a character based on stupid or heroic decisions, but the dice should never kill characters.

Also I suppose it's too early to really ask what's going on, because none of us know. However, I think I'll still ask what's determining what order we wake up in. Those fortitude rolls, maybe?

Male Half-Orc Alchemist 1

Do I have on me the materials to use my bomb ability? I think there is a place to put it where the splash damage hits a scorpion and nobody else is hit.


Alexi: In fact, the order is being determined by the Fortitude rolls, although a few of them were determined by direct effect. Since one of them dealt damage to z'Graggen, he woke up out of turn, hence his waking up in the same turn as Aerys. Otherwise, he would have woken up last of all of you. And correct, I can't tell you what's going on yet. As far as using dice, I probably won't make you roll for more than combat and select skill checks. Otherwise, from here on out, I'll do any necessary rolling in the real world or "assign" a roll result based on what you do. Example: Diplomacy checks might be rolled, such as when used as Gather Information, or they might be merit-based depending on how convincing an argument one uses to persuade. Bluff could go the same way, etc.

Varrick: If you have them on you when you fall asleep, then yes. Otherwise, only what you had on your person when you went to bed.

Male Human Sorcerer 2 Arcane Bloodline

Finally a decent fort save roll. I looked at Great Fortitude, but then thought - how many times will i really need this at first level.. :)

Is the wreckage of the Jenivere accessible? Did it have a dinghy or small boat like the one that made the marks on the beach? If so, can we see if it is still attached to the jenivere or if it is missing?

Aerys is operating under the assumptions that: all passengers were drugged; He finds the captain's actions the previous night suspicious, as well as the cook's - doesn't know about the rest of the crew. Doubtful that the captain knew that whatever was going to occur would involve wrecking the ship, but as the captain had not acted strangely prior to the previous night, this knowledge prolly came quite recently - maybe info cook brought back in senghor? Or else the cook was just making a run to the local poison-mart...

Aerys would be whispering his concerns to his companions, waiting to see if the other passengers voiced such thoughts as well.


You know, I was waiting for you to get a decent roll. Two fumbles = not happy. At least it wasn't worse.

It would be possible to get to the wreckage of the Jenivere. It's not as simple as just walking to it, but it is possible to swim to it or climb across the cliffs to it.

Male Human Sorcerer 2 Arcane Bloodline

Since my climb/swim skills are only suprassed by my awesome fort save, does either way to the ship seem slightly more plausible? Of course, we may actually be the first party in history to NOT have 50' of rope :)

The prisoner, Jask Derindi - do any of us have any clue as to what he supposedly did?


You Climb and Swim skills aren't terrible. I'd definitely seen worse and played worse. Your Fort mod isn't bad, either. I have a 5th level character in another campaign with a lower one.

I don't know how I missed that not one of you carries rope. This will prove most interesting.

Nope. You don't know what he did, but he is right there. You could ask him.

Male Human Sorcerer 2 Arcane Bloodline

heh - water skin might have been wise.

just realized i had figured out the stats for a heavy mace, but neglected to put one under equipment - do i have one? Just asking to see if that would be a more fitting weapon for z'Graggen - i'm fine with giving the spear if i don't. If i'm wading into melee, something's gone terribly wrong... :)

Rope, no, but Alexi does have a waterskin and several days rations. A generous DM might allow survival to allow construction of a rope substitute, and if z'Graggen really needs a weapon, he could have Alexi's broom (staff/club). I'm sure he'd be more effective with it, and it would be much, much more amusing.


Aerys: If you had expended the gold for one, then I see no reason why you can't include one in your gear. And wasn't a waterskin part of the default equipment list I gave everybody for free? z'Graggen doesn't have one because he gave up everything, but you should. That does make only 4 skins, though.

Torolf: If you guys can find some kind of fibrous material that can serve as the base and make the appropriate Craft checks, I'll allow you to construct your own rope. There is likely to be some on the ship, though, given that it was a sailing vessel.

Both of you: As far as finding weapons for z'Graggen, he did find a piece of driftwood that will serve him as a club (cudgel), and it's possible that more equipment or supplies for constructing equipment may turn up with further exploration of your present circumstances and the nearby area.

Couple more questions, doesn't a person heal twice as fast under the care of a healer? Wouldn't that also include Aerys' ability damage?

And I was under the impression that survival also included the ability to cook and prepare food, thus making the barbarian and the witch the most likely candidates for cook. Alexi would be able to start cook fires easily, though I suppose you might give a -2 penalty if you wanted for lack of proper tools.

Male Human Sorcerer 2 Arcane Bloodline

Looks like z'Graggen's gone from being unarmed to a virtual weapons buffet. Let me know if you'd prefer the heavy mace (or broom :). Hopefully we can scavenge some additional equipment from the ship.

Z'Graggen likes to be resourceful when it comes to weaponry - using whatever he can get his hands on. He is very happy with the spear right now, thanks! (although you can be sure he admires Varrick's axe!)

But if he throws the spear, the mace might make a good backup smasher. If Aerys feels comfortable lending weapons to the Dwarf that's fine.

I realize that he can purify gallons of water, but we need more skins to carry the water after he purifies it..


Torolf: Survival does include cooking, yes. The Barbarian and the Witch are the best cook candidates for this, although so is the Ranger among the NPCs. Still, she's not ready to help out yet.

Yes, Heal does double damage healed. I forgot about that. If somebody makes the appropriate Heal check come nightfall, then Aerys will likely heal both points of Dex damage.

z'Graggen: Ah. Yes, that might be a problem. We might be able to improvise something, or you might discover some.

Since Aerys did present himself for healing, do you mind if I make a retroactive heal check, or would you rather wait until they return from the ship? Also, were there any tidbits left over from the sea scorpions? edible bits to be cured, poison to be carefully gathered or at least menacing-looking stingers to be collected?


With regards to the heal check, taking care of someone to help speed up their recovery requires at least a full 8 hours of work, if not more. The Heal check to help Aerys recover his Dex damage will have to wait until after he gets back. I get the impression that z'Graggen gathered all the edible bits and cooked them already, but the stingers wouldn't have been part of the edible meat and could still have the poison sacks. I'll check your Alchemy roll to see about that.

Male Human Sorcerer 2 Arcane Bloodline

Regarding whatever it is making the scratching sound on the ship - is there a door or hatch that would appear to lead directly to its location? Does it appear possible for someone to fling open the door to let it out on deck, while Aerys casts grease right in front of the doorway, in hopes of it just sliding right off the deck?


There's the hatch to the next deck down. You may be able to get it to come up the steps and come out the hatch into a grease patch.

Male Human Sorcerer 2 Arcane Bloodline

Wow - just assumed with no armor & not carrying anything outrageously heavy (like an anvil in my backpack or something)I would be lightly encumbered. It adds up tho - with z'Graggen carrying my spear, I'm one pound over - although waterskin weight is listed at 4lbs - i'm assuming that's full? Could Aerys leave the water skin or bedroll on the ledge if he's feeling a little weighted down, and then have an equip-the-npc's sale back at camp?

What do you guys think of the grease idea? Of course, if it works, it's prolly some major plot hook we're slip 'n sliding right off the ship :). Or you guys just want to open the door & head on down?


Keep in mind with the weight thing that the one suit of clothing (clothes, not armor or accessories) that you are wearing does not count against your weight limit.

Although with that I'm getting you in at 5 lbs. over a light load.

Male Human Sorcerer 2 Arcane Bloodline

Are you figuring in the spear z'Graggen is currently carrying? Although that's only 3lbs. I can definitly donate the blanket and oil to common camp supplies, and when we get z'Graggen better equiped, i'll either trade him the spear for the heavy mace, or give it to one of our new acquaintances that earns our trust.


I think the bulk of the weight that I was getting was from the mace, the crossbow and bolts, and the rations. Those total 18 lbs. already, and then you had a further 20 lbs. in mundane gear. The bedroll and the waterskin are 9 lbs. together, so it's easy to see how it builds up. That's already 27 lbs. with just weapons, rations, waterskin and bedroll. Breakdown I saw was as follows:

Light Crossbow - 4
Heavy Mace - 8
Waterskin - 4
Bolts (20) - 2
Backpack - 2
Bedroll - 5
Blanket - 3
Scroll case - .5
Caltrops - 2
Chalk, tindertwigs, inkpen, ink, paper - 0
Mirror - .5
Oil (2) - 2
Rations (4) - 4
Dagger - 1

Total - 38

Male Human Sorcerer 2 Arcane Bloodline

wow - defin. makes strength less a dump stat. Like i said, i'll definitely ditch the blanket & the oil, although that just gets me under. I'll definitely have to be selective in my looting with this character...

Survival can be an important skill if Strength is your dump stat.


One of the things to remember is to keep any loot/gear in a place where you can easily drop it. Example: You have a heavy backpack, and then combat starts. First round you drop the backpack and draw a weapon. That removes the encumbrance penalties and also puts a weapon in your hand. Alternatively, if you're just carrying a sack of loot, you can drop that as a free action. A backpack would be slightly harder, but probably only a move action.

Male Human Sorcerer 2 Arcane Bloodline

That's a good idea. Could a backpack just be carried by a strap & then dropped when needed? (assuming no potions & breakable stuff in it?)


If you make it a general practice (and state it at least a couple of times initially), then I'd probably rule it a free action to just shrug it off. It would be nice if you could state which way you choose to wear it at times when you reference it (i.e. Aerys picked up his backpack, hooked it over one shoulder, and set off into the jungle for a day's hike).

If Aerys asks nicely maybe z'Graggen will carry some gear.

Male Human Sorcerer 2 Arcane Bloodline

Thanks - might have to take you up on that!

Am still paying attention. Just waiting for the ship party to get back to camp.

Male Human Sorcerer 2 Arcane Bloodline

I predict we're all going to go rushing down the steps below deck & fall victim to a grease spell the creature has waiting for us. You gotta love a character death due to irony :)

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Torolf wrote:
Am still paying attention. Just waiting for the ship party to get back to camp.

Same here.

Male Human Sorcerer 2 Arcane Bloodline

potions in a leather bag brought back from the ship:
4x Cure Light Wounds
1x Cure Moderate Wounds
4x Restoration, Lesser
1x Remove Disease
1x Water Breathing
1x Water Walking

Do we maybe want to give out the cure lights to 4 of us for emergencies, with the cure mod going to either darius or z'graggen? Or should it go to someone not in melee to give to one of them should they get knocked into negatives?

Shadow Lodge

Undead masquerading as Human

So, just as a quick check. Are Varrick and z'Graggen still in? Haven't seen a post from z'Graggen in almost three weeks, and Varrick in about a month. Any word, or have they perished of dysentery?

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Sorry was waiting for the boat stuff to end. I am back.

Shadow Lodge

Undead masquerading as Human

Ah. Well, a couple of things are awaiting your action/response, now that the boat stuff is all over.

Shadow Lodge

Undead masquerading as Human

Before I decide to take over z'Graggen as a character, does anybody have any contact information for his player? Going through the main ID and the various aliases, I'm not seeing any posts from that person since November 5th or thereabouts.

Shadow Lodge

Undead masquerading as Human

So, I'd like to hear from those of you who are still here. We seem to have run into a slight snag. People haven't been able to post maybe, or have gone on to bigger and better things. What it boils down to, though, is that we seem to have lost z'Graggen, Alexi, and possibly Varrick. Of our original 5 players, that leaves us with only Aerys and Darius. Shall we hold off for a bit while I track down two or three more players to join the party, or should we continue on as-is and see if they come back?

Male Human Sorcerer 2 Arcane Bloodline

Feeling up to starting again?

still here - have an ugly feeling i might be the sole survivor tho - hopefully darius pops back in. Whatever you feel up to doing is fine by me - hopefully we hear back from from the all of the originals, but i don't think they've posted anything for quite some time...

Shadow Lodge

Undead masquerading as Human

I'm open to continuing, although if you're the only one left, we'll have to arrange a few new castaways to join you, or just to fill in the gaps. Or, potentially, we find you some new party members and we start over? We haven't gotten particularly far.

Male Human Sorcerer 2 Arcane Bloodline

It looks like the players for darius & varrick are still on the boards - don't think i'm seeing anything for z'graggen or alexi.

Hey. Saw that you had posted and wanted to let you know where I stand on things. I wasn't for sure what was happening and thought things had shut down. I have put Darius into another game. I would be happy to continue on or start new, but I would probably want to use another character so there would be no confusion.

Let me know. Thanks.

Shadow Lodge

Undead masquerading as Human

If you would want to use another character, it would probably be easier to just start this fresh. Would you two be up to trying to start this fresh and I'll grab a couple of new players to round out the party? I'm guessing you'd want to keep Aerys as-is, since you didn't get much chance to play him through?

Male Human Sorcerer 2 Arcane Bloodline

Anything's fine by me - whatever works best for you guys. I can keep aerys unless new party make-up requires something different.

Shadow Lodge

Undead masquerading as Human

Okay. We'll start the campaign over since we didn't get terribly far, and I'll put out the call for two more players. We'll see what we get as far as a party this time. As far as character creation, we'll probably go with the same thing as last time. 18/8 and 10-point or 15-point buy for the rest, and a starter kit of basic supplies I think.

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