Smerg's Dresden Files DFRPG - Omens

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Human

Well, I didn't actually suggest dating multiple Triad daughters at the same time, but if you wanted to go that route, I certainly wouldn't try to stop you. All I ask is a fair percentage of all the fate points that you'd be accruing.

And I like your contribution to the story, Nathaniel. Updated the sheet to include it, and I'm thinking about copying your aspect or at least using it to polish mine somehow. Just 'cause he's crazy doesn't mean he's wrong

For Barcas and Ragadolf (Welcome aboard) who are in Supporting Roles....

Phase Three: The Story: What was your first adventure?

Many artifacts of a First Nations nature have gone missing. Pernilla was given the assignment from her superiors in Monoc Securities to find the items and return them. It took some time, but with the help of several contacts and her fellow agents she was able to track down the shapeshifters who had taken the items. Interrupting a ritual a confrontation ensued. Most of the small pack escaped and have vowed to get Pernilla for messing with them. Pernillia returned not only the items she was sent for but many other recovered artifacts. She was not only able to complete her assignment but exceed her superiors’ expectations. As such she was granted her agent status

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Barcas, I may have missed it but what was your story? Would you post it again, please?

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Supporting Role in Hannah LeFevre's story...
(not sure if it was supposed to be an addition or a collaboration?)

Title: The Valkrie Gets the Knockdown
Finally on the 7th someone started firing with a gun and Hannah was hit... to the ground rather hard. "Sorry... it was not your time." Hannah hears from a woman dressed in dark colors with short blond hair as she continues past to the other side of the small stage carrying what seems to be a small axe. She disappears from sight for a moment before getting thrown back onto the stage landing quite hard... (feel free to add or such)

(looking for an aspect to do with the fate of the warriors/fallen, but cannot come up with something that works just now)
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Songdragon - During 2005, Sergeant David Monroe of the New Orleans Police Department was trying to help evacuate the city as Hurricane Katrina swept through. In the midst of the storm, he stumbled upon an arcane ritual being performed. A strange beast attacked him, undeterred by shotgun blasts. He stumbled into the center of the ritual and picked up an old-looking dagger, stabbing the beast to good effect. There were, however, the ones performing the ritual, people who appeared decreasingly human.

If you cared to, we could combine your story with mine. Pernilla could have tracked them to New Orleans, where they were being used by the shapeshifters to summon the hurricane (for some unknown purpose, perhaps part of the Winter/Summer conflict). Perhaps she could have bailed out Sgt. Monroe. If you're okay with that, I'll work out some aspect that ties into it.

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1
Songdragon wrote:

Supporting Role in Hannah LeFevre's story...
(not sure if it was supposed to be an addition or a collaboration?)

I already explained this to divineshadow last page. You add on to the story of the person you're guest starring in, you don't make an entirely new story that happens to involve the two you.

Male Human

After rereading the section on rotes, it finally clicked that rotes may only be Evocations. Will rework my rotes now.

Grand Lodge

Songdragon -> I'm considering expanding the 1st story to include the idea that the attacks were reprisal for turning down a faerie bargain. Say Countess Ilyanna made an offer to retain Hannah as part of her court to keep a lock on her as an oracle. When Hannah refused, Ilyanna decided the next best thing to retaining a diviner was denying anyone else access to one.

That could mean there were changeling trolls or redcaps to fight when Pernilla showed up. Feel free to work that in. I'll rework the story to include that.

Davi The Eccentric wrote:
I already explained this to divineshadow last page. You add on to the story of the person you're guest starring in, you don't make an entirely new story that happens to involve the two you.

That is what I thought, but there was little story to add Pernilla to. I guess I will think on it and revise how to fit in Hannah's story.

Okay I thought about it... I was going to add it to Barcas' story, but I like how the story's work out there. So I will be adding Trolls to ithuriel's story.

Pernilla was enjoying the concert of an up and comer and as a gun shot rang out instead of running for an exit like most, stayed. Good thing too, as the doors were barred and the hired muscle was oddly huge and darn ugly to boot. Looking to the woman that went down hoping she was fine she took up some toppled mic stand and snapped off the bottom, and made for the ugly beasties now blocking the exits. The woman with the aid of a rune or two was able to defeat two of the brutes with only minor injuries before leading the majority of the crowd out. She returned once it was clear of common folk to see what aid she could give...

Aspect: Troll Slayer

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Barcas... Works for me! :) Since you are also part of my story I am fine with the mixture.

Pernilla's story has the time component that She needed help in finding out just who was behind the thefts and in doing so found herself down in New Orleans following a lead.

So adding to Sergeant David Monroe's story...

Coming to New Orleans during one of the worst on coming storms one could think of, Pernilla was on the hunt for nasty no good shifters. Moving into the warehouse that the beasts were using. Several blasts of a shotgun rang out and a cry of a man being tossed about. Rounding several boxes she say the man grab up some sort of dagger and stab some half beast with it. The creature howled as others, closer to Pernilla, took notice. As several moved in to aid their companion, the woman stepped out, axe in hand and battle ready, several took immediate notice and came at her. But she was ready and before long one more of their creatures were killed. Considering their options the rest grabbed up what they could and fled the building. Pernilla moved to the police officer's side and helped him up and introduced herself. The woman was able to retrieve two minor artifacts from what had been left. Pernillia remained for a few more days to help Sgt Monroe out before departing New Orleans to continue hunting the shifters and the artifacts still in their possession.

Aspect: (Options: Striking Beauty, When Fate Brings Us Together, (need sleep... might consider others or if anyone has suggestions?)
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Grand Lodge

I intentionally kept it short. Maybe I was following the book a little too literally there where you give just a couple of sentences of story which the others add on to. I left it completely open ended to allow anything the guest stars might want to introduce. Now that I see everyone is going on in a bit more detail here, I'll expand mine as well.

ithuriel wrote:
I intentionally kept it short. Maybe I was following the book a little too literally there where you give just a couple of sentences of story which the others add on to. I left it completely open ended to allow anything the guest stars might want to introduce. Now that I see everyone is going on in a bit more detail here, I'll expand mine as well.

No worries... I am a writer at heart. Even when my grammar and spelling sucks at times.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

For all the people that are writers, the annual NaNoWriMo starts on Nov 1. I've done this for the last three years.

National Novel Writing Month

Davi-Thx for the link to the 'basic' FATE rules! Very much-o help!
(At least NOW, I have a clue!) ;P

Songdragon- Thx for the welcome!

Is it the general consensus that they would prefer to see a changeling as opposed to a Native American Sorcerer? (Conjuration would go good with Indian lore, but we already have one of those!) I'm a little leery of making a changeling, as I thought That's what Valkegrim was playing? (Although there are MANY different possibilities for changeling, and playing a struggling actor would be easy, almost typecasting you might say!) ;)

I would love to take a whack at the national writing month challenge, writing is something I like to do. (FOr better or worse, I do like it!)

Unfortunately, plotting is my nemesis,... ;P

ROTES can only be evocations? So how does Molly (And later Harry) whip up an invisibility spell so darn quick? Reading the blurbs on the website and the PC creator, I was under the impression that the ROTES came from whatever magics you could work, but were spells that you practiced so often that they were the fastest and easiest to cast? (Molly's Invisibility, Harry's 'Fuego' etc.) Inother words, what If I create a character that doesn't take evocation? He has no ROTES and has to spend a FATE point for everything he does?

Sorry, I may just have to pony up and buy the rulesbook. (Not that I mind! But money's a little tight right now.) Until that happy day, I hope you don't mind questions! :)

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1
Ragadolf wrote:
ROTES can only be evocations? So how does Molly (And later Harry) whip up an invisibility spell so darn quick? Reading the blurbs on the website and the PC creator, I was under the impression that the ROTES came from whatever magics you could work, but were spells that you practiced so often that they were the fastest and easiest to cast? (Molly's Invisibility, Harry's 'Fuego' etc.) Inother words, what If I create a character that doesn't take evocation? He has no ROTES and has to spend a FATE point for everything he does?

A basic veil that only covers a small area is evocation. (Mechanically, it's roughly the same as your basic shield sort of spell, only it's defending against someone's Awareness roll instead of their attack roll.)

Also, you never have to spend a fate point on a spell. You only take a point of mental stress and have to make a few rolls. Rotes just mean you don't need to roll Discipline to control the spell when casting it. We can get into the specifics of spellcasting later, but suffice to say less rolls mean less chances to fail horribly.

Ah, thx Davi, that helps.

(I guess I'm still trying to shoe-horn everything into the D&D classifications, including Evocation!) ;P

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Asking questions is good.

Invisibility can be done two different ways.

The first way is through evocation.

It is a spirit block spell. This is the 'purest' form of invisibility.

A fire mage could absorb light creating dark smudgy shadows (again, a block spell but using fire). Several types of mages could erect a barrier using a block spell (dust with earth, rain with water, dust again or electricity with air) to again stop someone from seeing something.

All of these evocation spells are short term spells that last pretty much as long as the caster keeps concentrating on them (though the rules allow for these types of spells to be measured in a scene for length instead of rounds though shifts can be applied to get them to last longer).

The second way is through thaumaturgy.

It is basically the same as the evocation spell but you are setting the spell to function when you aren't around and concentrating to keep the spell working.

You can thus create an 'invisible' door which could be either a door way that you don't notice as existing or as a doorway that instead looks like something else to the observer.

The magic is still described as a block spell in this situation which has a level of effect that is opposed to some skill that a player or NPC might possess.


Davi has it right on Fate points. You don't need to spend them to do magic but you do take mental stress. I think that I wrote a more detailed answer on this topic answering a similar question on the previous page.


I have a couple of styles for plotting.

I use a 'tent pole' system for plotting a story that generally flows around a few major story events with usually a big finish at the end.

I use a 'follow the detective' system for plotting out crime stories.

If you want more information on those methods then let me know.

Oh, and there are whole forums with many threads dedicated to helping people solving plotting problems (and other problems) on the NaNoWriMo site.

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1
Ragadolf wrote:

Ah, thx Davi, that helps.

(I guess I'm still trying to shoe-horn everything into the D&D classifications, including Evocation!) ;P

Since you went and posted, I'll just put my explanation of magic in a new post then.

For Evocation:
1. Figure out what you're doing and what element it's under(Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Spirit)
2.Determine what kind of action it is
-Block(Helps block an opponent's roll against you. (For defenses and veils and such))
-Maneuver(Places a temporary aspect like Buffeted By Wind or Held In Place on something)
-Counterspell(Also obvious)
3. Determine how many shifts you want to use for the spell(Let's just say more shifts=more power for now), for each shift over the amount of Conviction you have you take one more mental stress. (You have Conviction +3 and cast a spell with 6 shifts, you take 4 mental stress)
4. Roll Discipline to cast the spell, the difficulty is equal to how many shifts you used.

1. Figure out what you want to do and how many shifts it would take to do(It's complexity)
2.If the complexity is less than or equal to your Lore, continue on. If it isn't, you have to do some preparation.
-Invoke aspects to add two shifts per aspect
-Make a Declaration(Basically a skill roll to make an aspect), then tag that aspect to get +2 shifts. (You can tag that aspect for free once since you introduced it)
-Accept a Consequence or inflict one on someone else(You read the post I made on Consequences earlier, right? You get as many shifts as boxes of stress that type of Consequence would negate)
-Skip a scene to gain one shift per skipped scene(In a regular game, you'd only do this if you had to leave the table for a while anyway. So, only do this if you're going on vacation or something.)
3. Cast the spell. Choose an amount of power to funnel into the spell, then roll Discipline to control it. Unlike Evocation, you don't have to funnel it all in with one roll. You can just break it up into a bunch of smaller rolls and the only downside would be how long you spend casting it. When the power put in equals the complexity of the spell, the spell is cast.

There. Done.

I just realized, a shift is basically equal to +1 for dice rolls.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

I am thinking my concept would fit just about anyone; I am thinking my character is probably working at a chinese restraunt party time in the area of chinatown as a prep chef; walks around china town a lot as a wanderer; and has a part time job in the morning at a diner where he slings hash and eggs to the local; probably gives our savy retired cop a few free cups of coffee :) Working at the diner, he would get to overhear all the locals and listen for any trouble or rumors. At the Chinese restraunt, he would be able to talk to all the bus boys and shipping people as since his work is prep work; he would help unload and such; probably works a shift to prep for lunch ;then a few hours break; then prep work for dinner. Goes to local watering taverns and stays out with locals in the alleys having a beer; probably plays checkers or cards. He would also make it a point to meet and greet all the local store owners; and chat them up; ask about how things are going and stare down any punks or troublemakers. Get a bead on the local gangs to see who things stand and their interests. Polish my armor and weapons every night and wonder about my birth and the future, knowing that trouble is just over the horizon. He would talk to these mom and pop store owners; find out who didnt show up for work; who might be missing; these places tend to hire from the extended family; so, I would be like; "your nephew didnt show up two nights now eh, want me to go knock on his door and see if he is ok; no, well, let me know; I have been known to slay a few proverbial dragons." Very much the concerned citizen, but play it cool with any authority figures like cops; dont want anybody looking to hard into my troubled past.

Ragadolf wrote:

Davi-Thx for the link to the 'basic' FATE rules! Very much-o help! (At least NOW, I have a clue!) ;P

Is it the general consensus that they would prefer to see a changeling as opposed to a Native American Sorcerer? (Conjuration would go good with Indian lore, but we already have one of those!) I'm a little leery of making a changeling, as I thought That's what Valkegrim was playing? (Although there are MANY different possibilities for changeling, and playing a struggling actor would be easy, almost typecasting you might say!) ;)

Sorry, I may just have to pony up and buy the rulesbook. (Not that I mind! But money's a little tight right now.) Until that happy day, I hope you don't mind questions! :)

One thing that may not be clear, a changeling, as I understand it is merely a human with the blood of another being (fae normally, but not exclusively)An example, have troll blood. You can gain some abilities and the like as you embrace your fae side, but as long as you stay at 1 refresh you do not let your basic trollish instincts take effect. Meaning you have control.). It is not a shifter/lycanthrope type of creature, they are different in the Dresdenverse.

As for the books... yeah I just got them myself as and early birthday Christmas gift (they are en route: had them shipped to family in the US for free and then shipped up here to Canada. $35 for shipping is EEEKish. There is always the option of the PDFs as well.

I think in the end... Play what you want to play. You want to enjoy the game, especially with a new system.

Pernilla's Abilities

Ritual Magic (Runes) (-2)
Refinement (using it for more slots)(-1)
Inhuman Recovery (-2)
Catch - Weapons made by the Norse (??) or should it merely be non-mortal weaponry?

Not sure what else I should get right now any suggestions?

There is the option of
Supernatural Senses [–2] Can sense the threads of fate, able to tell when someone is fated to die, or track down a creature she is fated to confront. There may be other things she can determine as well.

or Inhuman Strength(-2) ???

With the runes as sort of mentioned by Smerg previous, and the refinement I could have up to 8 runes. Some could simulate the above. ie Rune of Strength (boost strength for a short time). I have several ideas (that I will run by you Smerg) once I get more of the above worked out.

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A question about skills.

Changing Athletics to 4 and Weapons to 3. Better physical defences, would weapons suffer a lot?

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
divineshadow wrote:

Okay I should make the profile and everything come sunday. As works kicking me in the head right now. I have my refresh spemt out just haven't had time to post it till now.

Refresh +9

Supernatural powers-6
Autumn magic -4
Toughness package -2 total
The catch cold iron +4
Supernatural toughness -4
Inhuman recovery -2

Stunts -2
Martial artist -1
Armed artist -1

Ending +1

I was reviewing your 'catch' by looking to p185 YS. 'If the catch is by passsed by something that anyone could reasonably get access to, but usually doesn't carry on them (like Cold iron), you get a +2.'

There is also the question of how well known the 'catch' is. Wizards and the like know of this but regular folk don't know which makes it worth +1.

I looked to the Faerie section of p42-54 OW and looked at the faeries like Gruffs, Goblins, Fetches, and Elves. They award +1 for Elves (just inhuman toughness so can't reduced the cost below -1 refresh) to +3 Gruffs ( creatures with 4 or more points of Toughness and Recovery abilities).

That would make your Supernatural package -7 refresh (catch is worth +3). To bring it in balance, you might consider reducing your toughness to Inhuman. You would reduce your Supernatural package to -5 and net your character to +2 Refresh.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Valegrim wrote:
I am thinking my concept would fit just about anyone; I am thinking my character is probably working at a chinese restraunt party time in the area of chinatown as a prep chef; walks around china town a lot as a wanderer; and has a part time job in the morning at a diner where he slings hash and eggs to the local; probably gives our savy retired cop a few free cups of coffee :) Working at the diner, he would get to overhear all the locals and listen for any trouble or rumors. At the Chinese restraunt, he would be able to talk to all the bus boys and shipping people as since his work is prep work; he would help unload and such; probably works a shift to prep for lunch ;then a few hours break; then prep work for dinner. Goes to local watering taverns and stays out with locals in the alleys having a beer; probably plays checkers or cards. He would also make it a point to meet and greet all the local store owners; and chat them up; ask about how things are going and stare down any punks or troublemakers. Get a bead on the local gangs to see who things stand and their interests. Polish my armor and weapons every night and wonder about my birth and the future, knowing that trouble is just over the horizon. He would talk to these mom and pop store owners; find out who didnt show up for work; who might be missing; these places tend to hire from the extended family; so, I would be like; "your nephew didnt show up two nights now eh, want me to go knock on his door and see if he is ok; no, well, let me know; I have been known to slay a few proverbial dragons." Very much the concerned citizen, but play it cool with any authority figures like cops; dont want anybody looking to hard into my troubled past.

This works for me.

Do you need any help picking out powers or stunts?

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Yes I do.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Songdragon wrote:

Pernilla's Abilities

Ritual Magic (Runes) (-2)
Refinement (using it for more slots)(-1)
Inhuman Recovery (-2)
Catch - Weapons made by the Norse (??) or should it merely be non-mortal weaponry?

The worth of a catch comes in two factors.

The first factor is how easy it is to obtain.
Anyone can get it +2
Some people can get it +1
Only a handful of people can get it +0

The second factor is how well known is the problem.
Popularized by Hollywood like Bram Stoker's Dracula +2
Can be determined with some research or knowledgeable people +1
Only personal contact will find out then +0

Weapons made by Norse or Non-mortal weapons would both be weapons that only some people can get +1

The question is how well known that such a weapon will work on you. It certainly isn't a Hollywood type of 'catch'. That leaves it to be either discoverable through research for +1 or someone has to find it out by basically seeing you get hurt with such an item which is +0.

Gard is not listed in OW as getting a discount for a catch but that might be a reflection that there hasn't been anything yet pointed out. That would suggest a weakness that is only known by a few since it isn't something 'written' down under the heading of Valkyrie.

This would lead me to a feeling of Catch of +1. I think the term Non-Mortal weapons would be better as that would mean Trolls with their swords are a 'threat' but your average thug isn't a threat.


Not sure what else I should get right now any suggestions?

There is the option of
Supernatural Senses [–2] Can sense the threads of fate, able to tell when someone is fated to die, or track down a creature she is fated to confront. There may be other things she can determine as well.

or Inhuman Strength(-2) ???

With the runes as sort of mentioned by Smerg previous, and the refinement I could have up to 8 runes. Some could simulate the above. ie Rune of Strength (boost strength for a short time). I have several ideas (that I will run by you Smerg) once I get more of the above worked out.

You could go with the Senses, Strength, Toughness as powers.

You could look at Stunts for Weapons or Endurance.

You could consider getting a flying horse (Pegasus) companion.


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A question about skills.

Changing Athletics to 4 and Weapons to 3. Better physical defences, would weapons suffer a lot?

If you go with the Athletics as higher then you might want the Stunt Riposte which allows you in melee to turn your defense into an automatically successful attack.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Valegrim wrote:
Yes I do.

What is your importance of

Leadership (you mentioned at one point ability to have an army)
Do you have exceptional senses?
Do you have a magic weapon?

What I need to know ideas like;

Are you stronger than a troll, ogre, giant?

If you get hit with a sword, do you bleed? If you get hit by a bus do you bounce and pick yourself up or are you sent spinning 50' into a mangled pile of broken bones.

If you get into a street fight, are your bruises healed in an hour, by morning, of last for a few days to a week.

If you are running can you catch a bus, a horse, a cheetah, tokyo express train?

A few references on these types of questions will help me and others suggest options for powers that fit your concept.

Dark Archive

Smerg wrote:
divineshadow wrote:

Okay I should make the profile and everything come sunday. As works kicking me in the head right now. I have my refresh spemt out just haven't had time to post it till now.

Refresh +9

Supernatural powers-6
Autumn magic -4
Toughness package -2 total
The catch cold iron +4
Supernatural toughness -4
Inhuman recovery -2

Stunts -2
Martial artist -1
Armed artist -1

Ending +1

I was reviewing your 'catch' by looking to p185 YS. 'If the catch is by passsed by something that anyone could reasonably get access to, but usually doesn't carry on them (like Cold iron), you get a +2.'

There is also the question of how well known the 'catch' is. Wizards and the like know of this but regular folk don't know which makes it worth +1.

I looked to the Faerie section of p42-54 OW and looked at the faeries like Gruffs, Goblins, Fetches, and Elves. They award +1 for Elves (just inhuman toughness so can't reduced the cost below -1 refresh) to +3 Gruffs ( creatures with 4 or more points of Toughness and Recovery abilities).

That would make your Supernatural package -7 refresh (catch is worth +3). To bring it in balance, you might consider reducing your toughness to Inhuman. You would reduce your Supernatural package to -5 and net your character to +2 Refresh.

Okay I was going with the +2 for it as all the lefends I'm familar with tell how the fey can't abide cold iron. So I figured it would be a +2 based of the fact that anything except maybe an american child sahould know my catch. I mean if we went to Europe even the smallest child there would know once he got over his "that can't be real moment" I'll drop it down two inhuman toughness so the packge sits at a +1 it gives me more refresh I just didn't want to have a point of catch go to waste.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Strong; but not mega stong; am thinking can lift a car, but its a struggle.

Endurance/Toughness. Bones dont break; bludgeon damage does very little, bruises heal in an hour, can be cut but not easily, dont get papercuts or little nicks and scrapes, but real cuts take a couple days to heal. The armor gives him protection vs cuts; when he is wearing it. So; he could be hit by a bus; might knock him out for a few hours; but wouldnt break his bones or damage his organs; something poking out might cut him. Some abilty to shrug off damaging spells. He isnt that bright though; can be fooled or tricked or enraged. No particular resistance to illusions or mind magic unless it conflicts with his earth sense. Can be poisoned; but will eventually recover. Immune to normal human diseases; regeneration and slowed aging; comes from the rituals of being dipped in the river Styx and being fed True Ambrosia. He doesnt know about either of these things; so if his mother doesnt give him more Ambrosia each century; he will begin to age and be affected by disease.

Speed; am thinking can run like 35 miles an hour; not really fast; but his dexterity should be fantastic and hand to eye coordination. Should be able to feared by anyone to cross swords with him as was true with Achilles; called the greatest warrior in the world. His true talent is war; swords; spear; fists, bow; classic weapons; can use a gun very well; but dislikes them.

I am thinking he is stronger and more aware while on the ground; as his mother is Demeter; mother earth; so if he is suspended in the air; in an airplane or standing on or in wood; fire; water (using the classic Greek elements) and not the earth which includes stone; cement; oil products like plastics and polyesters which is all from the black blood of the earth. So he fears the sky a bit and the water a bit; very at home in a cave, like the womb of his mother so to speak. Have instictive knowledge of safe ground. So on the earth he has something like tremorsense; and instinctive feel of people and things around him; any thing or being on the earth specifically. Am thinking he is half as strong; half as fast; half as invulnerable while not on the earth; another good reason to wear armor.

I am thinking those that are like him; certain people with the do the right thing yet somewhat mercenary type ideals; would be drawn to him; buy him a beer; meal; have a kinship on an unspoken man to man level. In great need; he could summon these people like is he goes to war. Veterans and soldiers and the like recognise him as someone who has walked a few miles in there shoes. Might let him bend the rules a bit where they wouldnt for someone else. It would be cool to have an instictive intensive knowledge of weapons.

His sword; am thinking it is magic and very very sharp; much like the warden blades; cuts through enchantments and just about anything. Made for him; usable by him. It should be fueled by his rage as a source of energy. His shield; there is a really good description of it online; his weapons and armor made by Vulcan; or Hesphestus - the armorer of the gods; the scene on the shield has all the woes of mankind on the face from monsters to the vices of man; is pretty cool; you can query Sheild of Achilles for a picture and description. It should be magical; his armor and weapons designed to be used to benefit mankind and be used to protect them from the scourge of those who pray on mankind. Though he is stronger than any man he isnt strong as the really strong monsters; it is really his godly skill in fighting that should make any creature be concerned. A thug; not a thinker. Pretty tuff all by himself in normal clothes; but when in his armor and intent with rage against some monster that is preying on people; he should be a terror to behold.

He has a love/hate relationship with his armor and weapons; after all; he doesnt know the world he comes from; and wearing them; he might be noticed. So far he is hidden; moves around; and hasnt drawn any notice from the Gods; but that cant last and he doesnt know what or who is mother is or why he was created or that the three goddesses had a hand in bringing him about. The only thing he remembers is he was raised by his sister for a while; who was really the nymph who was Achilles mother; then she went away and he was an orphan, but she put the fear of the sky and water and the undead into him; he doesnt know they are the big three of the Grecko/Roman pantheon.

Is something like this doable?

Smerg wrote:
Valegrim wrote:
Yes I do.

What is your importance of

Leadership (you mentioned at one point ability to have an army)
Do you have exceptional senses?
Do you have a magic weapon?

What I need to know ideas like;

Are you stronger than a troll, ogre, giant?

If you get hit with a sword, do you bleed? If you get hit by a bus do you bounce and pick yourself up or are you sent spinning 50' into a mangled pile of broken bones.

If you get into a street fight, are your bruises healed in an hour, by morning, of last for a few days to a week.

If you are running can you catch a bus, a horse, a cheetah, tokyo express train?

A few references on these types of questions will help me and others suggest options for powers that fit your concept.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Okay, Valegrim, I'll look over the list and figure out various cost options.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Valegrim, here are my thoughts on your options. You won't be able to afford everything on this list with 9 Refresh (max 8 that you can spend) but you can get an idea of your options. If you have an idea for something not here or a variation of what is here then let me know.

0 Refresh: Wizard's Constitution allows you Long Life.

-2 Refresh: Inhuman Speed (Just past human) allows;
. Alertness +4 on Initiative
. Athletics +1 including for dodging
. Stealth +2 because you move so fast
. Move one area and still take an action with no penalty

-2 Refresh: Inhuman Strength allows;
. Might +3 to lifting
. Might +1 to grapling
. Fist & Weapons attacks get +2 Damage

-4 Refresh: Supernatural Toughness;
. Armour 2 (this is enough to stop knives and small firearms and will reduce larger firearms down to the level of knife hits without a good skill roll on the other person's part).
. +4 boxes of physical stress capacity (a normal person has 2 boxes and a tough character has 4 boxes usually so you can soak up a large amount of damage)

-2 Refresh: Inhuman Recovery;
. recover one step faster on wounds then a human
. once per scene clear off a minor consequence

+2 Refresh: Catch
. toughness and recovery only function when touching earth.
. This is easy to cause but only likely to be known by someone who learns of your specific heritage to Demeter.

+2 Refresh: Item of Power
. armour, sword, and shield are obvious items that can be stripped from you.

-1 Refresh: Equivelent of Refinement for Magic Item slots
. 2 slots for sword 3 with 3 uses per session of sword 6 or counterspell 6. Could be 1 slot if the sword inflicts 1 mental stress per usage.
. armour
. shield

-1 Refresh: Supernatural Sense
. Tremorsense (see in area but not through walls)


-1 Refresh: Leadership for efficiency of commanding and controlling people
-1 Refresh: Mighty Thews for +2 to Lifting Capacity

Male Human

Okay, updated character sheet again. Rewrote rotes. Added guest stars and aspects (I'm a little happier with the new aspects but still open to suggestions). Changed items slightly.

Valegrim: If you're afraid of water we might have an interesting scene or two to play out, and a fear of the undead could prove interesting for you given some of the sites we've put together in Toronto. If you really want your skill at arms to the most fearsome thing about you, I'd make your Superb (+5) skill weapons.

My main concern with Changeling is that I don't want to build my PC up into an eventual NPC, but I'm sure that we can work that out when we get there! ;P

So here's what I have, trying to fit it into 'aspects' and figure out essential skills, powers, etc.

Danny Kaye Yes, I know, working on a name! :P Is a young (mid-20's) struggling actor and part-time rock band member. He currently makes his living performing at Ren fairs, the odd rock concert (in small pubs and underground venues), and whatever small theater shows he can do.

His performance skills (Acting, SInging, dancing, playing guitar & other instruments) are all good to superb. He has middling self esteem, but when called upon to perform, or help a friend, he shines as if he has the confidence of Fred Astaire, (OR Al Pacino, depending upon what he's trying to do!) He's equally good at stirring a crowd up and getting them into the show as he is at calming them down at the end. He will definitely be our 'teams' social combatant, able to defuse a tense situation with witty banter, or 'attack' another with scathing retorts.

He seems to always have the best, or worst, luck of anyone he knows. He has been 'discovered' several times by people who have seen him sway crowds to joy & tears at a performance with music that he wrote or cares about, but can never make an impression doing 'real' theater with a script he has no vested interest in. He began dating a beautiful oriental girl, then discovered that she was twins, BOTH of whom were interested in him! THEN discovered that they were from a family of the TRIAD. And his luck continues,...

What 'Danny' has only recently discovered is that he is the son of a Fae and a mortal lover. Fae possibly a siren, or dryad -type creature? His skills/powers derive from his heritage, and he is starting to learn to control them. He possibly has an Item of Power, (a gift from his mother, a musical instrument, ring, amulet, or other token) which he uses to help control and boost his powers.

For Powers I'm thinking he should have Thaumaturgy/Channeling/ritual of some type, to represent his effects on crowds during 'performances'(?), and Evocation for his 'hasty' powers. {possible powers I've thought of: Sound/Stun burst, shield from sight (Invis), Make Center of Attention (distraction), Mezmerize Opponents (slow/stun/daze), incite/calm emotions (possible counter to White Vamp emotion powers?) etc}

He'll be 'decent' in self-defense physically (say he took a little martial arts in college) but his primary skills are performance and verbal repartee'. Since he gets around so much, he probably should have decent street contacts too.

I'll post up a proposed skill tree tomorrow. Going to bed now! ;)

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1
Ragadolf wrote:


My main concern with Changeling is that I don't want to build my PC up into an eventual NPC, but I'm sure that we can work that out when we get there! ;P

Unless you get your refresh rate below zero(at which point anyone would be an NPC) or someone forces you to choose at a dramatically appropriate time, you won't turn into an NPC. Besides, if you're forced to choose you can always just become a regular mortal.

His performance skills (Acting, Singing, dancing, playing guitar & other instruments) are all good to superb.

So, uh, his Performance is in the +3-+5 range. Deceit's probably in that range too.

He began dating a beautiful oriental girl, then discovered that she was twins, BOTH of whom were interested in him! THEN discovered that they were from a family of the TRIAD. And his luck continues,...

Stay with one love interest, you barmy.

He will definitely be our 'teams' social combatant, able to defuse a tense situation with witty banter, or 'attack' another with scathing retorts

Ithuriel's already playing a social combatant, so make sure your characters are different in other ways than your skill lists. At the very least, be more different than my character and Torolf's.

For Powers I'm thinking he should have Thaumaturgy/Channeling/ritual of some type...

In this case, I'd go with either Glamours(Just veils and illusions) or Sponsored Magic(Seelie). The thing about Sponsored Magic is mainly that it lets you cast Thaumaturgy at the same speed as Evocation if it's in your patron's themes. Since the Summer Court covers life and growth and rebirth and all those other seemingly-positive things, it might be useful to have.

There are a few Stunts that might be worth considering too. I'll write some of them up tomorrow.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Fear part of his stay hidden thing; doesnt want any undead reporting about him to someone that might put the clues together and tell Neptune or Hades or Zues; which is why he doesnt wear his armor unless he has too; minimize risk. Now the Big Three may or may not care; but he doesnt know; only that his sister warned him about it as a child and he is concerned; so like in game terms, he would try to make sure no bad guys escape or if they do; would be concerned what they know and hunt them down maybe. he very much tries to look like an ordinary guy; but he feels very protective of venerable people and children and also get involved whenever there is a pattern of people murdered or missing. ie bad thing happen and people die; but if something is killing someone every day; well, he is gonna hunt them down.

Doctor Carding wrote:

Okay, updated character sheet again. Rewrote rotes. Added guest stars and aspects (I'm a little happier with the new aspects but still open to suggestions). Changed items slightly.

Valegrim: If you're afraid of water we might have an interesting scene or two to play out, and a fear of the undead could prove interesting for you given some of the sites we've put together in Toronto. If you really want your skill at arms to the most fearsome thing about you, I'd make your Superb (+5) skill weapons.


Interesting idea with the You could consider getting a flying horse (Pegasus) companion. I kinda like it. What would you count this cost as?

The other question is where does one stable a pegasus? One option I considered is of Pernilla had a Monoc Securities paid for rooftop apartment and a small stables was built there.

And the last question with that is... flying around on pegasus is not the norm, seems it would hit the news or some such at some point... more likely youtube. Of course I could work it to that being one of her contacts I suppose. They let Pernilla know what they hear and see that is not normal, and she lets them in on news worthy things she comes across.

For Contacts, do you want a few of those contacts done up in some fashion by me? Or will you be taking that up?

One of the last questions right now (about to head off to bed, I work the very early AM (up before 1am Pacific time) for Endurance, is it possible to make a stunt or such that lets say an Endurance roll take mental damage as physical? Body Over Mind sort of thing. Just a though, since my mental stats are lower than my physical.

Be back about 2-3 EST, have a good day everyone.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

How is this for skills:

Weapons 5

Might 4
Endurance 4

Presence 3
Athletics 3

Fists 2
Guns 2
Intimidation 2

Alertness 1
Conviction 1
Discipline 1
Empathy 1
Resources 1

Did I do that right; putting this together with the options you picked below; is this a pretty viable warrior thug? I dont really know what all the numbers mean other then generally higher is better and followed the scheme of someones points a page or so back.

I am not sure which is better; Athletics 4 or Endurance 4; what is the game effect of endurance?

Smerg wrote:

Valegrim, here are my thoughts on your options. You won't be able to afford everything on this list with 9 Refresh (max 8 that you can spend) but you can get an idea of your options. If you have an idea for something not here or a variation of what is here then let me know.

0 Refresh: Wizard's Constitution allows you Long Life.

-2 Refresh: Inhuman Speed (Just past human) allows;
. Alertness +4 on Initiative
. Athletics +1 including for dodging
. Stealth +2 because you move so fast
. Move one area and still take an action with no penalty

-2 Refresh: Inhuman Strength allows;
. Might +3 to lifting
. Might +1 to grapling
. Fist & Weapons attacks get +2 Damage

-4 Refresh: Supernatural Toughness;
. Armour 2 (this is enough to stop knives and small firearms and will reduce larger firearms down to the level of knife hits without a good skill roll on the other person's part).
. +4 boxes of physical stress capacity (a normal person has 2 boxes and a tough character has 4 boxes usually so you can soak up a large amount of damage)

-2 Refresh: Inhuman Recovery;
. recover one step faster on wounds then a human
. once per scene clear off a minor consequence

+2 Refresh: Catch
. toughness and recovery only function when touching earth.
. This is easy to cause but only likely to be known by someone who learns of your specific heritage to Demeter.

+2 Refresh: Item of Power
. armour, sword, and shield are obvious items that can be stripped from you.

-1 Refresh: Equivelent of Refinement for Magic Item slots
. 2 slots for sword 3 with 3 uses per session of sword 6 or counterspell 6. Could be 1 slot if the sword inflicts 1 mental stress per usage.
. armour
. shield

-1 Refresh: Supernatural Sense
. Tremorsense (see in area but not through walls)


-1 Refresh: Leadership for efficiency of commanding and controlling people
-1 Refresh: Mighty Thews for +2 to Lifting Capacity

Valegrim wrote:

How is this for skills:

Weapons 5

Might 4
Endurance 4

Presence 3
Athletics 3

Fists 2
Guns 2
Intimidation 2

Alertness 1
Conviction 1
Discipline 1
Empathy 1
Resources 1

Did I do that right; putting this together with the options you picked below; is this a pretty viable warrior thug? I dont really know what all the numbers mean other then generally higher is better and followed the scheme of someones points a page or so back.

I am not sure which is better; Athletics 4 or Endurance 4; what is the game effect of endurance?

Yes, it looks like you followed the skill pyramid. Higher numbers are better. A Superb (+5) skill is the peak of human skill. Where a Fair (+2) skill is a professional level of skill.

Endurance is your general physical toughness and how much physical punishment you can take.

Athletics is your general defense skill for dodging physical attacks (though you'll be able to use your weapons skill to defend against melee attacks) as well as your running speed, athleticism, etc.

Ragadolf: Ha! I love the twins idea! And I agree with Davi that you should go for Glamours (only take Seelie Magic if you want the pull of the Summer Court being a constant part of your story) and thus not have to worry about the Laws of Magic at all. It also keeps your concept unique. Additionally, the Incite Emotion power might fit your concept.

Thx again Davi!
(I don't know what time zone your in, but you always seem to be answering my questions right as I'm going to bed!) ;P

So, Sponsored Magic from Summer (Thaumaturgy) would give him access to more 'flexible' magic than Evocation, but he could do it at Evocation speed?! Cool. And Summer would give him access to things like healing? Combine that with Glamours (Veils/Illusions) as you mentioned, I think that should make me different enough from the others! I'd be a crowd control/illusionist/healer instead of a lightning bolt thrower! :)

So, Discipline, Conviction & Lore. Lore controls the strength of my spell? And the others control how easy it is to CAST said spell? Am I understanding this correctly? (Trying to figure out if I need all 3 at 3 pts each, or 1 at 4 and the others at 2, etc.)

(I know I don't sound like it, But I AM starting to understand all this. Slowly!) ;)

EDIT- Thx Torolf! (My original response when someone mentioned twins above was 'I refuse for my PC to see more action than I do!' But then I thought, 'As long as I'm dreaming,... Hey, it;s MY story!') ;P

Yeah, I'm not sure I want the CONSTANT attention of the Summer court. Yet. (Maybe I can start with Glamours, then buy it up to Sponsored magic as I discover my heritage, and am discovered b the Courts in turn?!)

Incite Emotion, I saw that while perusing the PC creator last night. Very much a possibility!

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1
Ragadolf wrote:

Thx again Davi!

(I don't know what time zone your in, but you always seem to be answering my questions right as I'm going to bed!) ;P

I'm in the "Staying Up Too Damn Late In The Eastern" time zone.

So, Sponsored Magic from Summer (Thaumaturgy) would give him access to more 'flexible' magic than Evocation, but he could do it at Evocation speed?! Cool. And Summer would give him access to things like healing? Combine that with Glamours (Veils/Illusions) as you mentioned, I think that should make me different enough from the others! I'd be a crowd control/illusionist/healer instead of a lightning bolt thrower! :)

Sponsored Magic only lets you cast spells that would be in-theme for your patron, be they Evocation or Thaumaturgy. A deal with the devil would let you toss around hellfire and maybe summon some demons, the Summer Court would let you do things associated with growth and life and rebirth and all that other good stuff, etc. Also, you can take a point of debt to your patron instead of spending a fate point while casting a spell. Lastly, your patron always knows when you cast a spell, so only take Sponsored Magic if you want your patron to be important to the story.

So, Discipline, Conviction & Lore. Lore controls the strength of my spell? And the others control how easy it is to CAST said spell? Am I understanding this correctly? (Trying to figure out if I need all 3 at 3 pts each, or 1 at 4 and the others at 2, etc.)

Lore is only how strong your Thaumaturgy can be. The only thing limiting Evocation is how much power you can put into it without breaking your mind like a twig, which is governed by Conviction. You roll Discipline to keep the power you put into the spell doing what you want, and if the Evocation spell you're casting is a Rote you don't even have to roll for it.

Heh, Gotcha Davi. I'm very much in the 'Staying up too late because it's the only time I can get anything accomplished' Central Time Zone myself! ;)

Sponsored magic = Evocation & Thumaturgy, but only in your sponsors realm I see said the blind man.
So even under Sponsored magic something obviously Thaumaturgic, say healing, would still be limited by Lore? And an Evocation, (say, a 'Blinded by the Light' spell) Would still be limited by Conviction.

Thx- Just wrapping my head around this. ;)

I think that since we already have an 'Autumn Knight' using Seelie magic, I'll probably go the Glamours route to stay different. (Is Glamours/Veils/Illusions just Evocation vs Senses??) Maybe I'll buy it up when the story builds up to it! :)
Hm, CAN I do a 'Blinded by the Light' spell under Glamours??

In the interest of being different, I'll probably go with the 'Incite Emotion' stunt. (Hm,... maybe he feeds off of it somehow? Not to the extent that a White Court does, but as a performer i can attest that it IS a rush when you get applause!) ;P

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Songdragon wrote:


Interesting idea with the You could consider getting a flying horse (Pegasus) companion. I kinda like it. What would you count this cost as?

It depends on the skill levels you wanted the pegasus to have. I have the Starblazers book which is a Fate game book.

The first way that a companion would be rated is in terms of their skills. This is either Average +1, Fair +2, or Good +3 in one area (Physical, Mental, or Social). A pegasus would likely be a Physical companion ( Physical companions are called sidekicks, Mental companions are called Assistants, and Social companions are called Aides).

The Pegasus could be built as either an Animal Companion or a Spirit Companion. An Animal companion has 4 advances to spend on abilities while a Spirit companion has 3 advances to spend on abilities. The spirit companion has the ability to appear when you call and doesn't need stabling (it basically lives in the Nevernever until called).

For -1 Refresh the Pegasus will start with Average Quality in Physical skills (Might, Fists, Athletics) and Mediocre in other skills along with a number of 'advances' which you can choose to improve the quality. The quality of the Pegasus will also determine the number of Physical Stress it can take with it being 2 + Quality. Maximum Quality on a companion is Good.

Things to spend Advances upon.

Communication (1 Advance) and you have a secret way to communicate at almost all times with your companion. A Villian has to do something special to block this.

Independent (1 Advance) send your companion on a mission for you without spending a Fate point. Companion uses your fate points and up to two of your aspects when on the mission.

Stunt (1 Advance) you purchase a power or stunt for your companion. This is how you would purchase 'Fly' for you Pegasus at a cost of 1 point. You could also choose to have a 1 point where your pegasus turns into a person.

Quality (1 Advance per level maximum 2 purchases) 1 point raises the physical skills to Fair and 2 points raises the physical skills to Good. This also increases the related stress boxes.

Scope (1 Advance per additional area) The companion is not limited to the original Physical, Mental, or Social and can instead help in another area. Each purchase gives Average skill in the new area. Improvements to the skills requires additional purchases of Quality.

-1 Refresh allows you to add 3 more Advances to your companion.


The other question is where does one stable a pegasus? One option I considered is of Pernilla had a Monoc Securities paid for rooftop apartment and a small stables was built there.

And the last question with that is... flying around on pegasus is not the norm, seems it would hit the news or some such at some point... more likely youtube. Of course I could work it to that being one of her contacts I suppose. They let Pernilla know what they hear and see that is not normal, and she lets them in on news worthy things she comes across.

When it comes to stabling you have several ways to go. The first way is the summonable companion where they lurk in the Nevernever and you just need to call them to crossover to reach you (you need to pay a 1 advance 'stunt' cost if your companion can open a way for you to cross into the Nevernever or more if the opening works for more than just you). Your pegasus is the spirit companion build but instead is on a charm when not in use that you call forth. Your pegasus could change into a person or normal horse when they are not in pegasus form (stunt cost above describes this). Your pegasus really spends all its time as a pegasus but is stabled somewhere to be called when needed.

The question on why people don't see you on youtube is why people don't see video of vampires. The concept of hexing and messing up technology covers much of this. Current technology seems to have troubles and people often dismiss what they see as a hawk, seagull or some other winged event.


For Contacts, do you want a few of those contacts done up in some fashion by me? Or will you be taking that up?

This is the point of contacts as a skill. It represents numerous people in your phone contact list that you have various associations with. If they are a regular part of your life that will travel on an adventure instead of answer questions then you should consider buying them as a companion.


One of the last questions right now (about to head off to bed, I work the very early AM (up before 1am Pacific time) for Endurance, is it possible to make a stunt or such that lets say an Endurance roll take mental damage as physical? Body Over Mind sort of thing. Just a though, since my mental stats are lower than my physical.

Be back about 2-3 EST, have a good day everyone.

Hmm, this is a bit trickier. I've looked for something and the best I can come up with is;

Discipline Stunts;
. Calm Blue Ocean giving +2 to keep emotions under control
. Unshakable giving +1 only to opponents when your aspects are tagged for mental or social things.

Endurance Stunt (from Starblazers)
. Persistance which allows you to spend a Fate Point to cancel mild consequence (note consequences aren't typed (physica, mental, social) so this can cancel any mild consequence though having Inhuman Recovery you would have something like this ability already.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Thank-you Davi and Torolf for answering Valegrim and Ragadolf's questions. Sorry, my fingers only type so fast; so, it is good having everyone help each other.

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1
Ragadolf wrote:

Sponsored magic = Evocation & Thumaturgy, but only in your sponsors realm I see said the blind man.

So even under Sponsored magic something obviously Thaumaturgic, say healing, would still be limited by Lore? And an Evocation, (say, a 'Blinded by the Light' spell) Would still be limited by Conviction.

No, they're both limited by Conviction. You can just channel the power in smaller chunks over longer periods of time for Thaumaturgy. Note that you have to channel all the power at once if you're casting Thaumaturgy at the same speed as Evocation, so you won't be doing any really big spells in a few seconds.


I think that since we already have an 'Autumn Knight' using Seelie magic, I'll probably go the Glamours route to stay different. (Is Glamours/Veils/Illusions just Evocation vs Senses??) Maybe I'll buy it up when the story builds up to it! :)

Hm, CAN I do a 'Blinded by the Light' spell under Glamours??

Technically he isn't using Seelie(Summer Court) or Unseelie(Winter Court) magic since he isn't getting it from either Court. Still, we already have two people using fey magic. Anyway, Glamours let you roll Deceit or Discipline to create an illusion, veil or otherwise.

In the interest of being different, I'll probably go with the 'Incite Emotion' stunt. (Hm,... maybe he feeds off of it somehow? Not to the extent that a White Court does, but as a performer i can attest that it IS a rush when you get applause!) ;P

Do whatever you want with Incite Emotion. You won't need to feed on it unless you take the Feeding Dependency power, but you probably don't want that.

Smerg wrote:
Thank-you Davi and Torolf for answering Valegrim and Ragadolf's questions. Sorry, my fingers only type so fast; so, it is good having everyone help each other.

+1 from me! :D

Hey, it is a new system, (At least to me!) The more we all talk about it, the faster/better we all understand it! (The fact that it helps me out a lot is strictly bonus!) ;P

My next question is,
Can someone (anyone!) tell me the actual game stats/costs for 'Glamours'(Veils/Illllusions/Etc), and how to make that work in the PC creator? (I didn't see it as a choice last night, and I'm on a MAC at work, the PC creator is NOT MAC compatible!) :P

EDIT- Thx for the above Davi!
(I have to go and actually do work now!)

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

-2 Refresh: Glamour
. Allows minor Veils
. Allows Seemings which are minor illusions

It should be listed under Faerie magic.

While I suggested the character generator, I haven't been using it as I have the books; so, not sure on the good and bad of the program. I do understand it is still under development.

I haven't tried the PC creator, but the refresh cost for Glamours is -2.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

How could I redo the pyramid to have higher than human skill in Weapons; is it possible? Is Discipline only for spells? I thought maybe conviction; discipline and empathy might help on spell defense; but I dont have a book so dont really know what they are for; perhaps my points better spend somewhere else. How does advancement work; how hard would it be to rais his weaponskill over time?

Torolf wrote:
Valegrim wrote:

How is this for skills:

Weapons 5

Might 4
Endurance 4

Presence 3
Athletics 3

Fists 2
Guns 2
Intimidation 2

Alertness 1
Conviction 1
Discipline 1
Empathy 1
Resources 1

Did I do that right; putting this together with the options you picked below; is this a pretty viable warrior thug? I dont really know what all the numbers mean other then generally higher is better and followed the scheme of someones points a page or so back.

I am not sure which is better; Athletics 4 or Endurance 4; what is the game effect of endurance?

Yes, it looks like you followed the skill pyramid. Higher numbers are better. A Superb (+5) skill is the peak of human skill. Where a Fair (+2) skill is a professional level of skill.

Endurance is your general physical toughness and how much physical punishment you can take.

Athletics is your general defense skill for dodging physical attacks (though you'll be able to use your weapons skill to defend against melee attacks) as well as your running speed, athleticism, etc.

Ragadolf: Ha! I love the twins idea! And I agree with Davi that you should go for Glamours (only take Seelie Magic if you want the pull of the Summer Court being a constant part of your story) and thus not have to worry about the Laws of Magic at all. It also keeps your concept unique. Additionally, the Incite Emotion power might fit your concept.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Superb or +5 is the maximum level allowed for any beginning character's skill level based on the specifications that I provided.

To go over +5 you will need to invoke aspects for modifiers and get a good die roll.

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1
Valegrim wrote:

How could I redo the pyramid to have higher than human skill in Weapons; is it possible?

You literally can't have a skill higher than +5 at this stage of the game. It caps at Superb during character creation. Besides, you're at the peak of human skill. There are maybe a dozen mortals alive today that are as good at stabbing things as you are.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

To put it in perspective, a person with a Black Belt has likely a +3 in Fists with a Stunt or two.

A person with 3 to 5 Dans is likely a +4 in Fists

A person with 7 to 8 Dans is likely a +5 in Fists.

With a +4 you can compete in national tournaments and do well.

With a +5 you can win national tournaments and compete in global tournaments and do well.

Remember also that something like +5 Weapons means you are familiar with dozens of types and styles of weapons and likely 'mastered' the usage of several different weapons.

If you roll well and get a boost from an aspect, you are likely to be called the greatest sword wielder on a given day (likely only powerful sidhe, gods, and demi-gods are going to be better and many will be worse relying on their non-skill abilities).

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

cool; thanks for giving me some game perspective; appreciate it

For Monroe's 4th Aspect, I'll pick Stormy Partnership With Monoc. Following the successful partnership with Pernilla and his retirement, Monoc Securities has given him odd jobs that they need a mortal representative (for whatever reason) for. However, their secrecy ticks him off, something he is fairly vocal about. He will get to the bottom of their plans one day, but the partnership serves both for now.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
DM Barcas wrote:
For Monroe's 4th Aspect, I'll pick Stormy Partnership With Monoc. Following the successful partnership with Pernilla and his retirement, Monoc Securities has given him odd jobs that they need a mortal representative (for whatever reason) for. However, their secrecy ticks him off, something he is fairly vocal about. He will get to the bottom of their plans one day, but the partnership serves both for now.

Sounds good.

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