Shaundakul's Crypt of the Everflame PbP Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Let's get started on some character concepts. I'll post some info on the module so you can come with some background info later today.

Okey, will do.

Also love the name. My real-life group I'm in I play in a pathfinderized Forgotten Realms campaign and Shaundakul as my deity rules now! with Travel and Chaos domain. He's a level 13 gnome Cleric of Shaundakul.

Male Human Traveler / 8

I'm considering a sorcerer. That may change once Shaundakul has a chance to post some info on the module. I don't know anything about it, so depending on what's posted I might end up changing my mind.

I'm not a big fan of optimizing my characters so I'll probably go with a non-human.

Working on a shapeshifter ranger.

The basic concept of the module is that you are all in a small town of about 700 people in the country of Nirmathas. Every few years the town has a ceremony where residents that are coming of age are sent on a quest. This sort of lends itself to all characters being residents of the town, but I'm sure we can think of some concepts.

For instance for Denis (Tiefling) we could say he is new to the town, but being distrusting of such an odd looking person (town wizard might know what a tiefling is probably noone else) they send him along to prove himself.

Elf Rogue HP: 11/17 | AC 18 | T 14| FF 14 | CMB +2 | F +1| R +7 | W +0| Init +4 | Per +7(+8 Traps)

Comes from an adventurer family, Not your typical thief type, more Indiana Jones.

Shaundakul DM wrote:

For instance for Denis (Tiefling) we could say he is new to the town, but being distrusting of such an odd looking person (town wizard might know what a tiefling is probably noone else) they send him along to prove himself.

That's fine, being a Tiefling he's designed to be a loner and unable to communicate very well. Tieflings are usually rare and strange creatures as even in Forgotten Realms campaign settings where they first appeared (to my knowledge) they were rare too.

Not to mention, you're the DM so anything goes :)

Just noticed the post about another rogue. Don't worry I'll change the character to Jan (Yan) Whetstone. Dwarf Fighter.

Male Dwarf Fighter/1st

Fighter here should be good. Can't have too many Fighters.

Elf Rogue HP: 11/17 | AC 18 | T 14| FF 14 | CMB +2 | F +1| R +7 | W +0| Init +4 | Per +7(+8 Traps)

Are we doing Traits?

Alanthian Darlok wrote:
Are we doing Traits?

Yes two traits. I believe all of the traits minus campaign traits are in the APG.

Male Human Traveler / 8

My thoughts about my sorcerer character is that he's just a typical son of the village, raised to be a farmer/ baker/ whatever. A few years back he started noticing strange things happening to him and feeling a little freaked out about it, kept it quiet. He spends a lot of afternoons and evenings alone, trying to figure out how he does what he does and what it all means, too scared by it all to speak of it to anyone else.

Since he's coming of age, he'll go as any other chosen lad, having no expectation of actually using these strange abilities of his...

Anyway, if anyone else is a regular villager, it's likely that my PC would know him/ her and perhaps even being friendly with them, though still keeping his sorcery skills a secret even then.

Alanthian: I just peeked at your profile a bit and saw that you're referencing Kozaric in your character description. Just thought I'd mention that.

DM: Average starting gold?

Elf Rogue HP: 11/17 | AC 18 | T 14| FF 14 | CMB +2 | F +1| R +7 | W +0| Init +4 | Per +7(+8 Traps)

Thanks Wander Weir, fixed

If I used power attack with a primary natural attack with furious focus would it effect both claws or would the second claw take -2 to attack?

havoc xiii wrote:
If I used power attack with a primary natural attack with furious focus would it effect both claws or would the second claw take -2 to attack?

It appears to me that in order to use furious focus, you have to have a two-handed weapon, or a one-handed weapon held in two hands, so I don't believe that feat would apply to two natural claw attacks.

Post the question on the rules question forum for Pathfinder and see what comes back. For now I'm saying furious focus wouldn't apply, but maybe I'm interpreting it a little narrowly.

Let's get characters going, and shoot for a start of Friday or Saturday if that works for everyone. By the way, I live in Arizona which is currently pacific time. I'm not sure what that is in GMT, maybe GMT -8?

Male Human Traveler / 8

My character is coming together. I should have it done by Friday.

Elf Rogue HP: 11/17 | AC 18 | T 14| FF 14 | CMB +2 | F +1| R +7 | W +0| Init +4 | Per +7(+8 Traps)

<=======Should be ready to go. Please take a look and let me know.

No your interpretation is right I forgot about the two-handed part.

Wander Weir wrote:

DM: Average starting gold?

Missed this question. Let's go with max starting gold for your class.

Alanthian Darlok wrote:
<=======Should be ready to go. Please take a look and let me know.

Looks good. To clarify, I'm going to say you are not actually a member of the Pathfinder Society yet, but that is your goal. Your uncle retired from the Pathfinders many years ago, so would only know a few veterans. He hasn't kept in touch with the lodge, so they are not aware that any retired Pathfinders reside here. Mainly because, the hook after this adventure involves a Pathfinder, and depending on how things go, we may want to move on to the next adventure.

Elf Rogue HP: 11/17 | AC 18 | T 14| FF 14 | CMB +2 | F +1| R +7 | W +0| Init +4 | Per +7(+8 Traps)

Sounds good, thats the way I was headed. His parents were pathfinders and died, his uncle (may not be his real uncle)is a retired pathfinder and trained Alanthian. His goal is to become a pathfinder

Any ideas for feats thinking point blank and precise since there aren't any feats I can find that will help with the claws at 2nd lvl.

Male Human Traveler / 8

If you're going with a ranger who specializes in the bow, Point Blank and Precise Shot are practically the only choices.

No I know that he is going to go the natural weapon route trying to think of anything that will mesh well with natural weapons.

havoc xiii wrote:
No I know that he is going to go the natural weapon route trying to think of anything that will mesh well with natural weapons.

I haven't seen your stats, but Weapon Finesse would be a good choice if your Dex is higher than your Str.

As a recap, we have a fighter, shapeshifter ranger, rogue, and a sorceror.
So far, we haven't heard from Cyra XIII, or MundinIronHand. I'll give to the end of the day to see some sort of post or will start letting in someone from the waitlist.

Male Human Traveler / 8

I've started a profile for the sorcerer, but I've still got a lot of work to do with him. I'm hoping to finish it up this evening, however.

So far I've decided on a halfling sorcerer, born to a local farmer, either Fey, Elemental or Dragon Bloodline.

Ah sorry Cyra is working on a witch.

Sorry for the wait am starting up a Atia a witch now.

Male Human Traveler / 8

Tonight was busier than I'd planned. Anyway, I got a rough draft of the character sheet completed. I just need to add it to my profile and polish it up.

And the halfling sorcerer is finally up for review. I tend to go a little long with back stories, so I apologize in advance for that. It's also been a while since I created a sorcerer so let me know if there's anything missing or incorrect.

- Wander Weir

Male The rules don't contain a specific for a mix of all races..... Drafter 20/Father 8

I will get something up tonight. When are we planning on starting?

I will try to post the start of the module tomorrow, but it may be Sunday. I haven't completely reviewed all of the characters, I'll post any comments on those tonight or tomorrow. It looks like Cyra and Havoc haven't quite finished their characters yet either.

Male The rules don't contain a specific for a mix of all races..... Drafter 20/Father 8

Sounds good, thanks.

Male The rules don't contain a specific for a mix of all races..... Drafter 20/Father 8

Ok, so I am up in the air between Cleric and Monk Half-Orc. It really depends on how you guys feel about our healing ability. Any suggestions?

Will have my ranger up tonight as will Cyra and we will have our history either tonight or tomorrow but mechanically they will both be up to night.

I'd like cleric since at the moment Cyra will be providing all the healing till I get spells. Though honestly play what ever you want the point is to have fun. So which ever you want to play more I say play it.

Male The rules don't contain a specific for a mix of all races..... Drafter 20/Father 8

Starting as Monk then probably multiclassing to Cleric of Cayden Cailean later. Tired of living life defending himself and his heritage, he traveled to Kassen. Looking to start anew, he was given room and board with one of the merchants.

Celestial Half-Porc wrote:
Starting as Monk then probably multiclassing to Cleric of Cayden Cailean later. Tired of living life defending himself and his heritage, he traveled to Kassen. Looking to start anew, he was given room and board with one of the merchants.

I'm curious as to how you will pull that off. Monks are required to be lawful, and a cleric needs to be within 1 alignment slot of their deity. Since Cayden is CG, you would need to be NG, CG, or CN to gain spells.

Male The rules don't contain a specific for a mix of all races..... Drafter 20/Father 8
Shaundakul DM wrote:
Celestial Half-Porc wrote:
Starting as Monk then probably multiclassing to Cleric of Cayden Cailean later. Tired of living life defending himself and his heritage, he traveled to Kassen. Looking to start anew, he was given room and board with one of the merchants.
I'm curious as to how you will pull that off. Monks are required to be lawful, and a cleric needs to be within 1 alignment slot of their deity. Since Cayden is CG, you would need to be NG, CG, or CN to gain spells.

Yeah, sorry. Noticed that last night. Will have to reconsider a bit. It has been a little while since I played lol. I was thinking more of a brawler not a structured martial artist. I am going to go straight cleric and make everyone happier :)

Any way I could incorporate a Summoner into the game?

Tulip Weatherhollow wrote:

And the halfling sorcerer is finally up for review. I tend to go a little long with back stories, so I apologize in advance for that. It's also been a while since I created a sorcerer so let me know if there's anything missing or incorrect.

- Wander Weir

Tulip, your character looks pretty good, a couple of minor errors. You still have 1 point left to spend on attributes, so you can raise your CON, WIS, or STR by 1. Your stealth should be +6 not +5 as you have +2 DEX. Finally, you don't have any ranks in Knowledge:History, so even though your trait gives you a +1, you would still be at zero as that skill cannot be used untrained.

Nice background.

Jan Whetstone wrote:
Fighter here should be good. Can't have too many Fighters.

Jan, Fighter looks good. Took me a while to find the Conspiracy Hunter Trait. I see it is from Council of Thieves. I'll allow it. Just need background info.

OK, so we have three approved one with a couple of tweeks left:

Alanthian Darlock - Human Rogue
Jan Whetstone - Dwarf Fighter
Tulip Weatherhollow - Halfling Rogue

Almost done:

Gargos Ku'Thark - Half-Orc Cleric

Still Waiting on:
Atia Moon - Witch
Unnamed - Shapeshifter Ranger

As soon as I review everyone, I will get the game thread started. Hopefully by tomorrow.

romuken wrote:
Any way I could incorporate a Summoner into the game?

Sorry Romuken, I already have six players and four people on the waitlist.

Ok here is most of Vahn he is going to be a beastmaster instead of shapeshifter. Also would devote of the green and child of nature traits stack?

A little more gear and some fluff and he will be good to go.

Male Human Traveler / 8
Shaundakul DM wrote:

Tulip, your character looks pretty good, a couple of minor errors. You still have 1 point left to spend on attributes, so you can raise your CON, WIS, or STR by 1. Your stealth should be +6 not +5 as you have +2 DEX. Finally, you don't have any ranks in Knowledge:History, so even though your trait gives you a +1, you would still be at zero as that skill cannot be used untrained.

Nice background.

Thanks for catching those. I originally used Herolab to create the character and then made a couple of changes and didn't remember to update everything. Anyway, STR has been bumped up to 11, and fixed the two skill errors.

Glad to hear you liked the background. Looking forward to playing.

Vahn Hawkwing wrote:
Ok here is most of Vahn he is going to be a beastmaster instead of shapeshifter. Also would devote of the green and child of nature traits stack?

Looks good so far. To answer your question, no, trait bonuses do not stack.

Lurking, hoping for inclusion on the waitlist. I think that might put me at about fifth, so I won't hold my breath. Have a great game, all!

Male The rules don't contain a specific for a mix of all races..... Drafter 20/Father 8

I really want to play, but haven't had the time nor inspiration for a backstory. I'm gonna bow out and let someone who can do this in a timely manner take a swing. Thanks for the opportunity.

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