Obama disappoints (again)

Off-Topic Discussions

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Heathansson wrote:
Nah, Frank never came back. He got a week ban, and decided it wasn't worth the trouble.

Frank also got perma-banned over on Dumpshock (the Shadowrun forum) for different reasons

Seriously guys (and gals), trying to prove someone being an @sshat (even if he/she is or not) by being @sshats in return isn't really going to accomplish anything, no matter how frustrating the situation might be.
Flag the post (or not, if you don't think it'll accomplish anything) and move on. No reason to waste time or energy on something you don't like. :-)

GentleGiant wrote:

Seriously guys (and gals), trying to prove someone being an @sshat (even if he/she is or not) by being @sshats in return isn't really going to accomplish anything, no matter how frustrating the situation might be.

Flag the post (or not, if you don't think it'll accomplish anything) and move on. No reason to waste time or energy on something you don't like. :-)

I'm flagging your post for being rational. :p

Urizen wrote:
GentleGiant wrote:

Seriously guys (and gals), trying to prove someone being an @sshat (even if he/she is or not) by being @sshats in return isn't really going to accomplish anything, no matter how frustrating the situation might be.

Flag the post (or not, if you don't think it'll accomplish anything) and move on. No reason to waste time or energy on something you don't like. :-)
I'm flagging your post for being rational. :p

I'm flagging your post for flagging mine... I find that incredibly offensive! :-p

GentleGiant wrote:
Urizen wrote:
GentleGiant wrote:

Seriously guys (and gals), trying to prove someone being an @sshat (even if he/she is or not) by being @sshats in return isn't really going to accomplish anything, no matter how frustrating the situation might be.

Flag the post (or not, if you don't think it'll accomplish anything) and move on. No reason to waste time or energy on something you don't like. :-)
I'm flagging your post for being rational. :p
I'm flagging your post for flagging mine... I find that incredibly offensive! :-p

I ban GentleGiant for fl-, er... sorry, wrong thread.

GentleGiant wrote:
Urizen wrote:
GentleGiant wrote:

Seriously guys (and gals), trying to prove someone being an @sshat (even if he/she is or not) by being @sshats in return isn't really going to accomplish anything, no matter how frustrating the situation might be.

Flag the post (or not, if you don't think it'll accomplish anything) and move on. No reason to waste time or energy on something you don't like. :-)
I'm flagging your post for being rational. :p
I'm flagging your post for flagging mine... I find that incredibly offensive! :-p

I'm flagging you for flagging me for flagging you because now i'm offended and annoyed and whatever it is that you say in danish that I can't read!11


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm flagging the flagging flags for flagging.

Liberty's Edge

Huzzah for summary proclamations of moral indignation once the actual slugfestival is over and done with!
Good show, brave sage; good show!
we're safe now that calmer heads have appeared to take charge. *whew*

Heathansson wrote:

Huzzah for summary proclamations of moral indignation once the actual slugfestival is over and done with!

Good show, brave sage; good show!
we're safe now that calmer heads have appeared to take charge. *whew*

How DARE you call me moral or calm!!! Flagged!!!

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

Huzzah for summary proclamations of moral indignation once the actual slugfestival is over and done with!

Good show, brave sage; good show!
we're safe now that calmer heads have appeared to take charge. *whew*
How DARE you call me moral or calm!!! Flagged!!!

I mean to tell you! Moral a Slaad.......PULEEEZE!

Silver Crusade

Wow...just wow.

I haven't bothered to look up anything in regards to Jared, but did he seriously serve? Didn't strike me as the type to do something so selfless and honorable.

I disappear for a while and the thread just degenerates into rampant chaos.

No fair throwing the party without me.

Blayde MacRonan wrote:

Wow...just wow.

I haven't bothered to look up anything in regards to Jared, but did he seriously serve? Didn't strike me as the type to do something so selfless and honorable.

I disappear for a while and the thread just degenerates into rampant chaos.

No fair throwing the party without me.

He didn't serve more then his butt on a silver platter.

Silver Crusade

Hadji...great if you're in Jonny Quest, not so much for any other reason.

I never understood the use of that name for derogatory purposes.

Course, I never liked being called a Seaman Recruit either.

Liberty's Edge

Blayde MacRonan wrote:

Hadji...great if you're in Jonny Quest, not so much for any other reason.

I never understood the use of that name for derogatory purposes.

Course, I never liked being called a Seaman Recruit either.

Well, you know, it was the Navy...

Blayde MacRonan wrote:
The Crimson Jester, Rogue Lord wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
Blayde MacRonan wrote:

Wow...just wow.

I haven't bothered to look up anything in regards to Jared, but did he seriously serve? Didn't strike me as the type to do something so selfless and honorable.

I disappear for a while and the thread just degenerates into rampant chaos.

No fair throwing the party without me.

Don't diss Jared, he'll get you with his +3 Skilcraft pencil of Haji Slaying.
The Ultimate Warrior is the one who can fight a war through paperwork only.

He's just Warrior now...and the man is nuttier than a pecan log.

Have you read any of his blogs?

he has Blogs???

Urizen wrote:
GentleGiant wrote:
Urizen wrote:
GentleGiant wrote:

Seriously guys (and gals), trying to prove someone being an @sshat (even if he/she is or not) by being @sshats in return isn't really going to accomplish anything, no matter how frustrating the situation might be.

Flag the post (or not, if you don't think it'll accomplish anything) and move on. No reason to waste time or energy on something you don't like. :-)
I'm flagging your post for being rational. :p
I'm flagging your post for flagging mine... I find that incredibly offensive! :-p

I'm flagging you for flagging me for flagging you because now i'm offended and annoyed and whatever it is that you say in danish that I can't read!11



Jason Ellis 350 wrote:
This is the guy who put the "kill her" fatwa on the Seattle Weekly cartoonist for drawing Mohamed. The guy who has been connected to several acts of domestic terrorism. I don't feel sorry for him. I normally oppose the death penalty, but someone like him would be able to issue fatwas from inside his prison cell pretty easy. Too dangerous to leave alive, no cell can protect society from this clown.

Just to point out that if we truly wanted to avoid using the death penalty, but also avoid the issues you suggest it is certainly possible. Being imprisoned means the authorities have ultimate control over what, who, and when this person gets contact to the outside world. If he didn't have access to any people, any outside resources, or any communication. It is hard to see how this person would be able to identify people to put a fatwa on, let alone tell anyone else about it.

Of course, personally I would think the above would be less humane than just straight execution. But if someone believes that it is more humane to put someone in a hole for decades with essentially no human contact of any sort than to put them to death, then it is certainly within our capabilities.

Liberty's Edge

pres man wrote:
Jason Ellis 350 wrote:
This is the guy who put the "kill her" fatwa on the Seattle Weekly cartoonist for drawing Mohamed. The guy who has been connected to several acts of domestic terrorism. I don't feel sorry for him. I normally oppose the death penalty, but someone like him would be able to issue fatwas from inside his prison cell pretty easy. Too dangerous to leave alive, no cell can protect society from this clown.

Just to point out that if we truly wanted to avoid using the death penalty, but also avoid the issues you suggest it is certainly possible. Being imprisoned means the authorities have ultimate control over what, who, and when this person gets contact to the outside world. If he didn't have access to any people, any outside resources, or any communication. It is hard to see how this person would be able to identify people to put a fatwa on, let alone tell anyone else about it.

Of course, personally I would thing the above would be less humane than just straight execution. But if someone believes that it is more humane to put someone in a hole for decades with essentially no human contact of any sort than to put them to death, then it is certainly within our capabilities.

That's pretty much how the ADX at Florence, CO is. Zero human contact, the guards have 100% control over everything you see, no visitation or communication outside of letters (which you have to read off of a video monitor), etc...

Silver Crusade

The Crimson Jester, Rogue Lord wrote:
Blayde MacRonan wrote:
The Crimson Jester, Rogue Lord wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
Blayde MacRonan wrote:

Wow...just wow.

I haven't bothered to look up anything in regards to Jared, but did he seriously serve? Didn't strike me as the type to do something so selfless and honorable.

I disappear for a while and the thread just degenerates into rampant chaos.

No fair throwing the party without me.

Don't diss Jared, he'll get you with his +3 Skilcraft pencil of Haji Slaying.
The Ultimate Warrior is the one who can fight a war through paperwork only.

He's just Warrior now...and the man is nuttier than a pecan log.

Have you read any of his blogs?

he has Blogs???

Sorry about just completely disappearing like that. The wife needed me to help with something and afterwards, I kinda sat down and dozed off.

Anywho, check out the link below.


RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Thread locked, since there's very little hope for it getting back to its original subject. A number of posts have been removed for breaking the messageboard rules.

Please folks, flag it and move on. Certain personalities thrive on the attention. If you don't respond to them, they'll get bored and go somewhere else.

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