sadie |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Italian translation!
If you have a look at, you can now download a translated version of the character sheets!
It currently only has Italian (and US English, for those of you unable to write proper English), but a few others are in the works. If you'd like to help by contributing a translation for your own language, send me a PM.
Also, there are some Kingmaker sheets - find them under the "Game Master" section, along with some nice hex maps.
DaRaDu |
When you have the revised sheets done are you going to have a separate DL for all the sheets? (like you have for the pre beta sheets)
Have you considered adding prestige class sheets? Those would be handy.
Fighter feat sheet was something I was asked for by one of my players, something as simple and similar to the spell book pages.
I've been using these sheets for almost 3 years now and they have been a great success at my game table. Anytime I run out and have to use another sheet my players look quite sad, asking when I will get more of your sheets printed. Never in the many years of playing have I had players ask for a specific sheet until I used these.
sadie |
When you have the revised sheets done are you going to have a separate DL for all the sheets? (like you have for the pre beta sheets)
You mean the big single-page PDFs? Probably not, unless people really want it. As the list of classes got bigger they were taking longer to maintain, and adding Archetypes wouldn't be at all practical. Unless I can automate it somehow. But stop giving me ideas, I have a holiday, wedding and anime convention on my mind.
Have you considered adding prestige class sheets?
I've looked at them, but decided against them - at least for now. I'd rather do more base classes and archetypes, bringing more third-party material in.
I've been using these sheets for almost 3 years now and they have been a great success at my game table. Anytime I run out and have to use another sheet my players look quite sad, asking when I will get more of your sheets printed. Never in the many years of playing have I had players ask for a specific sheet until I used these.
**warm fuzzy feeling!**
You know, my revised sheets have a Flattr button on them... :)
sadie |
Ugh. Version 2 of the Play framework seems to be really tricky about dependencies and versions. It appears to have automatically upgraded the JRE, in a way that's incompatible with version 2.9.1 of Scala, but versions of Play, SBT, Scala and your project are all tied together in annoying ways. It's going to take me while to fix this one.
The beta site is, as the name suggests, not ready yet. If it were I'd have switched over by now.
> Are the Kingmaker Sheets going to be updated for the changes in Ultimate Campaign?
At some point, yes. How different are they?
Kingmaker probably has the highest density of house rules of any AP - every gaming group does it differently. So my sheets need to be flexible enough for everyone.
Azaelas Fayth |
> Are the Kingmaker Sheets going to be updated for the changes in Ultimate Campaign?
At some point, yes. How different are they?
Kingmaker probably has the highest density of house rules of any AP - every gaming group does it differently. So my sheets need to be flexible enough for everyone.
As far as I can tell they actually address most of the Problems that people implement house rules to fix...
They simply expand on the Kingdom Rules and integrate them with the Settlement Rules as far as I can tell.
(I haven't really gotten to deep into the original Kingmaker Rules...)
sadie |
Right, the beta site is back up!
After a scrambled night of coding I've replaced the code that uses Salat with larger, dumber code that just used Play Json decoding. I also had to fix an issue where the JDK and JRE on that machine were different version, which confuses Play no end. The moral of the story is not to use cutting edge technologies no matter how cool they are.
I still need to fix some issues with the iconic images. Apparently my host (who does this for free) wants to kill or move the old VM with the current site, so I should try to move over to the new version promptly.
sadie |
Having now got my mits on the Ultimate Campaign book, but not read it in any great depth, it looks basically the same as the rules we've been playing with. I'll have to sit down with my GM for Kingmaker and see if we can figure out the details.
Ian Eastmond |
I am SOOOOOOOO glad this is still being updated! I came across it through about 2-3 years ago and browsing through the PDF found the links to more updated stuff.
Although I am kind of disappointed because I am currently playing a Qinggong Monk archetype and the Character Builder doesn't have it as an archetype option, I understand why.
Much love and thanks for all your hard work, sadie!
sadie |
Although I am kind of disappointed because I am currently playing a Qinggong Monk archetype and the Character Builder doesn't have it as an archetype option, I understand why.
The Qinggong Monk would be really hard to make a good sheet for, which is why I skipped it. I suppose something similar to the Rogue sheet, with lots of space for the many options?
sadie |
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It's not the host, it's me. :(
The old site is CPU-bound, and running on an old slow machine. Any more than a few people at once makes the poor thing grind to a halt. I'm not sure why it's down right now.
The new site is rewritten to be significantly faster, and is running on a more powerful server. But I can't get my head around Upstart boot scripts, so I need to manually start it. My linux-fu isn't weak, but for some reason Upstart does my head in.
Also, I get hosting for free, so I'm not complaining.
sadie |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |
Right, after months in beta I've finally released the new version to the live site! I was hoping to do this release in victory, rather than in response to abject technical patheticness, but c'est la vie.
New version!
And here it is:
What's in the new version
- Archetypes! Not all of them, but most of the base classes.
- Third party classes, including Psionics and NeoExodus
- New fonts, all legally available and included in the repo so that you can make your own modifications.
- Translations. Currently it only has Italian as a reasonably full translation. I've also included an option to switch to US English, for those of you in the new world incapable of appreciating the proper spelling of things.
- The option to include your character's picture on the inventory page. Select from any of Paizo's public domain images (thanks, Paizo!) or upload your own picture.
- Various other additions, such as maps, Kingdom sheets (for Ultimate Campaign or Kingmaker), etc.
- All manner of fixes, fiddles and fine-tuning across the board. If something has been bugging you for months, there's a good chance I've already fixed it in the new version.
- New website, streamlining the process of building your character. It should also be faster and more reliable than the old one.
- Still free. Even the archetypes and stuff. If you'd really like to encourage me there's an option to donate with Flattr, but the preferred method is still to meet me and donate a pint of real ale.
- Still open source. If there's anything you'd like to add, modify or bastardise, check out the new repository on GitHub. You may need to learn how to use git, or at least find your way round GitHub's web interface.
- 100% legal! It's not easy being legal nowadays, but I'm definitely now complying with Paizo's Community Use Policy, the OGL, the licence for the fonts, everything. You can tell it's legal because there's acres upon acres of pointless small print.
Coming soon
- Fixes to some of the stuff that I already know is broken.
- More languages. Translating stuff takes a lot of work and a long time, so be patient, but more languages are on the way.
- A much nicer interface for selecting the iconic pictures.
- Mythic sheets.
- More archetypes, third party classes etc. My time is limited, so be patient. Remember, much as I love third parties, Paizo's material comes first.
How you can help
- More languages. If you speak a language and would like to translate into , then you can help me translate. Even if you can't do the whole set yourself, you can still join in and help out. Leave me a message and I'll get back to you with details of how it works.
- Find artwork that I can use. I'm on the look out for more "iconic" type pictures, ie a single person on a transparent background. It has to be out of copyright, public domain or otherwise legal for me to use.
- Flattr me. If the site ever nets enough money, it'll be going to adding Louis J. Porter's Image Portfolios to the set of available portraits.
- Find bugs, problems or omissions and report them to me. But remember my time is limited - I have a 9-to-5 job, an anime society to run and two D&D groups - so there's no promise I can do anything quickly.
- If there's anything you think I need to add, let me know. Again, don't expect me to do everything at once.
- Even better, add it yourself! Create extra pages or fix existing ones, send them to me and I'll include them in the project for everyone.
- Tweet, like, +1, or just make a post on your favourite message board to spread the word.
- Finally, just drop me a line to let me know you like it.
Azaelas Fayth |
I was asked to post these to you...
Dear sadie,
We wish to inform you that we love these sheets. We use them almost exclusively. They are well crafted. You have really provided a great resource to the community.
We also have a request. Would it be possible to add in an advanced inventory page that makes use of a page for the Armour/Shields with Enchantment space and Container Information set-up for the Piecemeal Armour System then a second page for Magical Items and potions/wands?
The Order of the Crane.
sadie |
Piecemeal Armour is one of the variant rules in Ultimate Combat, right? Those are definitely on my list, but I think finishing the core archetypes come first. Since you know the variant rules better than I do, you could speed up the process by having a go yourself - either with Illustrator or with a big green crayon.
Right now I'm mostly focused on making sure the web server stays up and does its job, and fixing up the iconic pictures functionality.
williamoak |
Beautiful stuff sadie. Won't replace myth-weavers for me yet (since I rely on online stuff and roll20 for the moment) but it's quite beautiful.
I was wondering, was there a chance there would be an integration of the Qiggong monk and wanderer archetypes for the monk? Because of their dependance on a number of ki abilities, it might be worth having a version with a spell list or something like that.
Jiggy RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
sadie |
Whether it squeezes it to the wrong shape or just leaves a big border on the sides is between you and your printer. Of course, I'd recommend just getting some A4, it's not that rare.
As a brit, I just think A4 is nicer - golden ratio and all that.
Azaelas Fayth |
Piecemeal Armour is one of the variant rules in Ultimate Combat, right? Those are definitely on my list, but I think finishing the core archetypes come first. Since you know the variant rules better than I do, you could speed up the process by having a go yourself - either with Illustrator or with a big green crayon.
Right now I'm mostly focused on making sure the web server stays up and does its job, and fixing up the iconic pictures functionality.
I get that. We have switched to using a Word Sheet that my friend designed. If you want I can send you a copy.
Jiggy RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
So I played my first session using one of these sheets, with my 9th-level PFS cleric. It was pretty sweet; I have all my PFS PCs in a binder with character sheets in plastic sleeves. The layout of your sheets mean that outside of combat, I'm mostly just looking at a list of skills (yay Diplomacy!), but then when combat starts I turn the page and I'm looking at a two-page spread where I can see all my combat stats AND all my domain powers and prepared spells. Aside from a Knowledge check on Round 1, there was no page-flipping during combat, yet I never felt like I was lacking important info. Well done!
I just have one point of confusion: why do wands only have 30 charges worth of checkboxes when wands have 50 charges by default? My wand of CLW is currently marked with 20 tally marks and then several checked boxes. Which works, I suppose, but it's a bit of a head-scratcher.
sadie |
I just have one point of confusion: why do wands only have 30 charges worth of checkboxes when wands have 50 charges by default?
You're not the only one who's asked that. I have two answers: first so that you have more space to write interesting stuff about the wand, like save DC or duration.
The other reason is that fifty checkboxes is a lot. Really a lot. It just looks weird, facing a vast sea of checkboxes, like a scene out of I, Robot or Pitch Black or Lemmings... *shudders*
bobsayshi |
Anyone else getting an error? I cannot create/download any character sheet.
One Character, i've tried several characters and multiple, along with various other configurations, all when you click 'download' results in "Oops, an error occurred" page.
Ideas? from all the good comments about this, i'd like to give it a try.
also, i've tried using both Chrome and IE.
sadie |
I think that's fixed... but I have very few internets with which to test right now.
The problem was the difference between "Pathfinder.png" and "pathfinder.png", the failure of Git to notice this and the difference between Java on Windows versus Linux.
Assuming it is working now, you should have the option to choose a character picture and an appropriate logo for your sheet. Many, many props to Paizo for releasing so many of their pictures and logos under the Community Use Policy.
Azaelas Fayth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
@Jiggy: Most people I know use one set of 10 as the 10s Place and another as the 1s Place.
So a Wand with 43 Charges would have 4 boxes filled in the 10s set and 3 in the 1s set.
And I am working on getting the basic set-up redone given it is a Word Document and not an Open Text Format and I can't open it...