Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye Part 2?

Mummy's Mask

The Exchange

This has been kicking around on other boards, but there are hints the forces that are working against the Pharoh might be the Osirian branch of the Esoteric Order! No confirmation, but that would be so awesome.

For those that didn't play/read Carrion Crown the Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye fought against the forces of the Whispering Way in Ustalav. Their founder was a Ustalavian nobel who travled to Osrion in his youth and studied the magics and traditions there. Their whole methology and ideology is deeply rooted in Osirion thought.

Yes, they are basically undead fighting freemasons in the Golarino setting.

Wouldn't it be awesome if THEY are the ones who removed the heart and mask of the Pharoh to prevent him from rising again to power?

Thoughts on this theory?

In some old and dusty museums even older and dustier basement lies a plain wooden box with some scorched markings on the sides...

The current archivist, a secret member of the EOPE, has no records of its arrival or contents.

The Exchange

*hears music playing* That belongs in a Museum!

Liberty's Edge

So do you!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Don't worry about that box, old bean. We have top men working on it now.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

One can only hope.

Scarab Sages

TOP... men.


7 people marked this as a favorite.

Don't worry, you'll be getting some more Palatine Eye love in 2014. ;)

The Exchange

Excellent. Mwahahaha!

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Don't worry, you'll be getting some more Palatine Eye love in 2014. ;)

Good to hear! I featured one of their Order members in my Road to Damnation Campaign (Which, hilariously enough, starts in Osirion), and it was frustrating how little info there was on 'em. I can't wait to see if I represented them well :3


DM Crustypeanut wrote:
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Don't worry, you'll be getting some more Palatine Eye love in 2014. ;)
Good to hear! I featured one of their Order members in my Road to Damnation Campaign (Which, hilariously enough, starts in Osirion), and it was frustrating how little info there was on 'em. I can't wait to see if I represented them well :3

DM CP--you know there's a whole 3,000+ word article on them in Pathfinder #44, right?

Yep! It was the primary source of information I used, in fact. I just needed moar. Well, I didn't need more, but it was a fascinating read anyways.. made me want more. :P

I also missed that they were in PF #47.. but overall, the Order doesn't play a huge role in the campaign, not like I see them doing in this campaign. My campaign is also set in the alternate setting of Ruins of Pathfinder, and in that campaign, the 'bad guys' won in Carrion Crown - so the Order was in shambles. This campaign mainly features a single member, an Osirionologist (And missionary for Pharasma) named Dr. Pinkerton.

Spoiler alert for my campaign:
My campaign is based around a descendant of Aldus Canter seeking to rekindle his order by seeking out the very same sages that Aldus stumbled upon in 3985 AR. Though a distant relative - he doesn't share the Canter surname - he believes he is the one destined to follow in the footsteps of Aldus. Theres also one of his old colleagues, a distant cousin of his (and former partner) who turned to 'worship' of Razmir, who opposes him with his own rival adventuring group. However.. some stuff will end up happening that will send the players on a road trip through the lower planes in search of collecting the true pieces of the Book of the Damned.

Anyways, I can't wait to see how the Order is featured in this campaign! I also notice the woman on the cover of the first book has a book with the Order's symbol on it.. and her garb looks Ustalavan. Am I correct in thinking she's part of the Order?


Ooooo...I had not noticed that illustration--had to go look it up. Great eye! I actually have no earthly idea if that means anything at all, as I'm not involved with that AP. Maybe just artistic license using an Egyptian theme? Or something more insidious?

I remember reading about your campaign previously! Yes--very good stuff. Sounds like quite a campaign! While I couldn't say anything when I last posted, a very interesting product very pertinent to your interests and this discussion has since been announced. You should keep your eyes on this. =-)

Sovereign Court Developer

Just to manage expectations, the Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye does not play a role in the Mummy's Mask AP. The AP's focus is set firmly on Osirion, and while the Order has some Osirian trappings, they are primarily an Ustalavic organization. The character on the cover of "The Half-Dead City" is not Ustalavic, and the scarab on her book is not related to the Order.

But never fear, plans are in motion, and there's a good chance the Esoteric Order will appear again in the not-too-distant future!

Oooh.. I wonder if they include anything on the Lost Gospels of Tabris in that one? :D

May is so far away.. Q.Q

On that note:

More Spoilers for my campaign:
Since you wrote that article on the Esoteric Order, any chance you could describe how exactly the Lost Gospels is a powerful artifact? My theory (and current plan in my campaign) is that the Lost Gospels will ultimately help lead the players to each piece of the Book of the Damned, while also serving as a way to help bind the chapters together into the completed book. As for its mechanical benefit, I'm not entirely sure what to go with, if anything. In that sense, it is a plot device much like each Shard is in Shattered Star. I have a plan for the bit about the rebirth of a primordial being, as well.. but I'll leave that out for now, in case one of my players decides to get sneaky and read these spoilers.

*Edit* Ah well, good to have clarification, even though I am sad to hear that. I suppose I was playing too much on their origins in Osirion, figuring that they had their boot firmly in that door. Still, its not farfetched to think of a few Osirionologists being amongst them.

Now I'm curious to learn more about this woman and her book, though. :P

Sovereign Court Developer

Oh, there are totally some Osirionologists in the Order, and a PC in Mummy's Mask could easily play a member of the Order. It's just that we chose to focus on other elements in the AP itself - but that doesn't preclude a GM from incorporating them into the Mummy's Mask or any other campaign.

hmm.. a bardish noble scion and dabbler in all things osirion would be such a perfect member. Perhaps a few levels of fighter to learn the kopesh?

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