Magus TWF

Round 1: Magus

Would the Two-weapon fighting feat reduce the -4 penalty to a magus' attacks to -2 when using the Spell Combat feature?

Kratzee wrote:
Would the Two-weapon fighting feat reduce the -4 penalty to a magus' attacks to -2 when using the Spell Combat feature?


thats what improved and greater spell combat are designed to do

Dark Archive

Kratzee wrote:
Would the Two-weapon fighting feat reduce the -4 penalty to a magus' attacks to -2 when using the Spell Combat feature?

Not as it is currently implemented no they wouldn't, the only reason TWF is mentioned in the crunch is to give reference to something players are familiar with.

I discussed changes to this feature in this thread in which things Magi would be awarded TWF automatically as they level and spells are treated as off-hand attacks.

Yes, I am shameless.

If it stays as is, and not say like Carbon suggested, how would TWF function with Spell Combat?

And to be clear, I'm suggesting something like a gauntlet, armor spikes, etc.

Furthermore, how is it to interact with natural attacks?

If I have claws, can I attack with both and still use Spell Combat? Do I have to be holding a dagger in my hand while I cast, then drop it (free action), and attack with both?

Ok, I reread imp/gtr spell combat. It makes sense that the Magus would not be very good at casting and hitting in the same round at early levels. I think if I were playing one, I wouldn't even bother with Spell Combat until Ievel 8.

Carbon - Reading your post reminds me of a Battle Sorcerer I made, but never really got to play, that I wanted to TWF with. He would attack with his melee weapon and blast with a ray. I realized during the build that there was no way to do it well. I think this Magus class fixes that issue. I like your solution too.

Varthanna wrote:
If it stays as is, and not say like Carbon suggested, how would TWF function with Spell Combat?

For spells that require a touch attack, it would reduce the penalties just like normal. Nonattack roll spells, it would apply as described in the class description.

Furthermore, how is it to interact with natural attacks?

No idea. Spell combat allows as many attacks that a character can make so I imagine it wouldn't apply.

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