Bright Idea?

Off-Topic Discussions

Ever have one; then forget what it was?

Liberty's Edge

Daily. Usually more than once.

Good to know it is not just me then.

I had a thread I wanted to post and questions I wanted answered and when I got to it, I couldn't remember. So I came off topic and did this instead.

The Crimson Jester, Rogue Lord wrote:
Ever have one; then forget what it was?

Yes... wait a sec... it was...

actually no

Scarab Sages

I can't remember.

Sometimes, after a couple of beers, I reach a point (somewhere between not drunk and drunk) where I get what folks call 'a moment of clarity', where I seem to understand how everything in the universe works. Sadly, I can never retain this knowledge the next morning. lol



Ultradan wrote:

Sometimes, after a couple of beers, I reach a point (somewhere between not drunk and drunk) where I get what folks call 'a moment of clarity', where I seem to understand how everything in the universe works. Sadly, I can never retain this knowledge the next morning. lol


Try to tape record it.

Then laugh when you can't understand it.

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