Which Pathfinder Iconic would you like to read about?


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Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
Andrew Crossett wrote:

As you can tell, we all love the iconics. Will we one day get to read about their adventures in novels? If we really really want to?

People keep asking about this. I'll talk with Sutter about it.

If Paizo did such a line, which iconic would you like to read about first? I vote Valeros.

Sovereign Court

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What fanboy doesn't want a Seoni story? ;)

But seriously.. why only ONE iconic? Why not a small group? I'd love to see that. I'd also love to see some of the iconics make "cameo" appearances in Pathfinder Tales. Nothing detailed, just quick mentions or brief tavern encounters just to make the Tales-Golarion and the Pathfinder-Golarion more entwined.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

Alain. Good heroes are pretty easy to write. I want to see someone write a good Neutral hero.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Valeros, Merisiel, Kyra and Seoni. (Or Valeros'Angels). There's just something inherently interesting about this party mix.

Especially if they were in competition with Alain, Seltyel, Damiel and Amiri. To retrieve a McGuffin.

Shadow Lodge

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Especially if they were in competition with Alain, Seltyel, Damiel and Amiri. To retrieve a McGuffin.

I don't see that group lasting very long before Amiri snapped and killed the rest.

Give me story about Feiya. Or at least a damned "Meet the Iconic" blog.

Dark Archive

amiri, lini, the inquisitor and the lem <--the comic team

Liberty's Edge

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

Valeros, Merisiel, Kyra and Seoni. (Or Valeros'Angels). There's just something inherently interesting about this party mix.

Especially if they were in competition with Alain, Seltyel, Damiel and Amiri. To retrieve a McGuffin.

I'm betting "Valeros' Angels" would be pretty popular, and with good (as per both the alignment and the sexy) reason, but I think I'd rather read about the exploits of the "B" team mentioned here. Brainy guys and tough chicks are a big win for me, and as James Martin mentioned above, the unprecedented d-baggery of Alain cries out for elaboration, IMHO. I do like the opportunity to contrast Valeros against Alain, and I would relish the opportunity to see Merisiel go toe to toe with Damiel. Stabby elf vs. burn-y elf, each probably thinking, "Wow, good think I'm not crazy like him/her!" I could see Damiel developing a creepy crush on Merisiel, though. Rarrgh! Curse you, DM_aka_Dudemeister! Now I desperately want to read this nonexistent story!

A party containing both Lem and Seelah would be fun; both are do-gooders to the core, but approach it from different angles, which could cause conflict and/or character growth. Lem, Seelah, Ezren, and Amiri? Two Goods, two Neutrals, two straightforward warriors, two party members willing to consider stealth or other more subtle options. Alliances would shift from situation to situation.

*does mental math*...huh. Come to think of it, there are way more Good female iconics than male. What d'you suppose that's all about? *thinks way too far into it*

Seltyel, Amiri, Harsk, and Feiya

Amiri. First and foremost, I'd love to see my favorite oversized-blade-wielding barbarian get some screen time all to herself. If I hadn't been asleep at the wheel for the Pathfinder fiction contest, I would have submitted some of it myself, and may do it the next time such a contest is offered.

Apart from that, other characters I'd like to see get screen time, singly or in company with each other, are Seoni, Merisiel, Harsk, Valeros, Kyra, the Oracle, and the Inquisitor. Upon consideration, "party fiction" sounds like it could be pretty cool.

But if we only get one vote for one character, then I vote Amiri.

Silver Crusade

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Imrijka, first and foremost.*

Amiri and Seelah, tied. Hell, put 'em together in one book actually. Make it an odd couple adventure!

Then Harsk or Kyra.

*Especially if she uses gratuitous Spanish for no reason at all. Freehold DM sold me entirely on her icing undead with "Vaya con dios."**

**Although seriously, the Ustulavian equivalent is fine too. ;)

Silver Crusade

Courtney! wrote:
I do like the opportunity to contrast Valeros against Alain,

SPOILER WARNING: Valeros decks him.


Dark Archive

Lini definitely Lini

Being a traditionalist i'l like there was a "single weapon/shield" heavy tank iconic, and of course it has to be a fighter. But the only iconic fighter is a TWF one, so i'll stick with the "basic" team of Valeros,Merisiel,Seoni,Kyra.

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

Valeros, Merisiel, Kyra and Seoni. (Or Valeros'Angels). There's just something inherently interesting about this party mix.

Especially if they were in competition with Alain, Seltyel, Damiel and Amiri. To retrieve a McGuffin.

Paizo, let it be so. The Dudemeister hath spoken.

Dark Archive

Valeros and Seelah are my two favorite iconics. Personality-wise, I suspect they'd be interesting to see teamed up.

Add two of; Ezren, Harsk, Lem or Lini, and that could be a funky party.

We totally need an Iconic Goblin Wizard (pyromancer) with some sort of variant spellbook (knotted cords or whatever).

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Courtney! wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

Valeros, Merisiel, Kyra and Seoni. (Or Valeros'Angels). There's just something inherently interesting about this party mix.

Especially if they were in competition with Alain, Seltyel, Damiel and Amiri. To retrieve a McGuffin.

I'm betting "Valeros' Angels" would be pretty popular, and with good (as per both the alignment and the sexy) reason, but I think I'd rather read about the exploits of the "B" team mentioned here. Brainy guys and tough chicks are a big win for me, and as James Martin mentioned above, the unprecedented d-baggery of Alain cries out for elaboration, IMHO. I do like the opportunity to contrast Valeros against Alain, and I would relish the opportunity to see Merisiel go toe to toe with Damiel. Stabby elf vs. burn-y elf, each probably thinking, "Wow, good think I'm not crazy like him/her!" I could see Damiel developing a creepy crush on Merisiel, though. Rarrgh! Curse you, DM_aka_Dudemeister! Now I desperately want to read this nonexistent story!

A party containing both Lem and Seelah would be fun; both are do-gooders to the core, but approach it from different angles, which could cause conflict and/or character growth. Lem, Seelah, Ezren, and Amiri? Two Goods, two Neutrals, tw o straightforward warriors, two party members willing to consider stealth or other more subtle options. Alliances would shift from situation to situation.

*does mental math*...huh. Come to think of it, there are way more Good female iconics than male. What d'you suppose that's all about? *thinks way too far into it*

Of course if Damiel took his Mutagen it could create a Nutty Professor moment as Damiel becomes a smooth talking ladies man who somehow makes even the stabby young Merisiel blush.

Uh oh, I may have inadvertently invented iconic erotica.

I'm so sorry internet, but we are powerless before Rule #34.

Silver Crusade

15 posts before it happened. That's a good run, all things considered.

well, personally i wouldn't mind to see Merisiel put in cell and forced to show some skin....but better i stop here :)


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Imrijka, my love.


Lini or Merisiel. :)

Damiel and/or Seltyiel.

Seoni, Merisiel, Kyra, and Amiri. There's already way too many male-lead books around, give us more girl power!

Liberty's Edge

Seltyiel for sure. Others can be included but a big thing for me is that Seltyiel seems a lot personality wise like Artemis Entreri, who was by far the greatest character Salvatore had to tell stories of from my point of view.

Sovereign Court

Valeros, Merisiel, Lini and Amiri

Seoni or Feiya for my inner fanboy. Or maybe both of them together.

But if we're talking the guys, then Seltyiel. How many modern heroic fantasy novels have an evil protagonist who isn't portrayed as a complete monster?

Shadow Lodge

I'd like to see the following Prestige Class Iconics in adventuring group-type novel: Master Chymist, Dragon Disciple, Holy Vindicator, and the Shadowdancer.

But that's just because I'd like to see that adventuring party in a game, just like my next choice.

Sorcerer, Wizard, Eldritch Knight, and Arcane Trickster.

Sovereign Court

The love life of Merisiel ... now, that's a title I'd buy.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I suppose he doesnt count as an iconic since he's not published anywhere as far as i know but I consider him the most iconic after reading prince of wolves and the stories in the AP.

Radovan - hands down or rather MORE Radovan from dave gross And I want to see stats for him and jaggare.

Seoni + Seltyiel would be my next choices. Seoni is the sorcerer right?

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'd love to see Alahazra in a story. I could see some great work done with the oracle curse and her transition from societies, remembering traversing the desert, etc.

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Imrijka and Seltyiel throw in a little Alain for good measure and perhaps some Kyra to round out the group. That I want to see.

Silver Crusade

I love to hear some plans brewing when PaizoCon comes around. ;)


We've got something in the works. I can't talk about it yet, but rest assured that your words have been heard. :)

Dark Archive

yay!... now who's words have been heard?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Martin wrote:
Alain. Good heroes are pretty easy to write. I want to see someone write a good Neutral hero.

Outside of the cleric and the paladin, Aren't all the others neutral as well?

Having just read Ed Greenwood's contribution to the Paizo blog, I'd want to read more about our gunslinger iconic.

Dark Archive

LazarX wrote:
James Martin wrote:
Alain. Good heroes are pretty easy to write. I want to see someone write a good Neutral hero.
Outside of the cleric and the paladin, aren't all the others neutral as well?

Lem, the bard, is CG. Ezren, the wizard, is NG. Valeros, the fighter, is NG.

But yeah, Harsk, Lini, Amiri, Seoni, Sajan and Stabbychick the Elf are all varying shades of neutral, so there are a good number of neutral iconics.

The artwork for some of the Prestige Classes are super-evocative, and I'd love to read about the 'iconic' Asssassin, Dragon Disciple, Duelist, Loremaster and Mystic Theurge.

Also Balthazar and Imrijka, from the APG.

Intriguing characters abound!

Liberty's Edge

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Iconics by Alignment:

Amiri the Barbarian: CN
Lem the Bard: CG
Kyra the Cleric: NG
Lini the Druid: N
Valeros the Fighter: NG
Sajan the Monk: LN
Seelah the Paladin: LG
Harsk the Ranger: LN
Merisiel the Rogue: CN
Seoni the Sorcerer: LN
Ezren the Wizard: NG

Damiel the Alchemist: CN
Alain the Cavalier: LN
Imrijka the Inquisitor: NG
Alahazra the Oracle: LG
Balazar the Summoner: N
Feiya the Witch: CG

Hayato the Samurai: LG
Reiko the Ninja: N
Lirianne the Gunslinger: CG

Seltyiel the Magus: LE

So of the 21 Iconics, 10 are Good and 10 are Neutral, with Seltyiel as the token Evil guy.

Arbitrarily, while I've got 'em listed like this, 8 are Lawful, 7 Neutral in regards to Law/Chaos, and 6 are Chaotic.

In fact, I'll do a by-alignment breakdown:

LG: 3 (Alahazra, Hayato, Seelah)
NG: 4 (Ezren, Imrijka, Kyra, Valeros)
CG: 3 (Lem, Feiya, Lirianne)

LN: 4 (Alain, Harsk, Sajan, Seoni)
N: 3 (Balazar, Lini, Reiko)
CN: 3 (Amiri, Damiel, Merisiel)

LE: 1 (Seltyiel)

Huh. That's a surprisingly good distribution, really. Cool.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Deadmanwalking wrote:
Huh. That's a surprisingly good distribution, really. Cool.

Almost like it wasn't coincidental at all ;-)

Dark Archive

Deadmanwalking wrote:

Iconics by Alignment:

Huh. That's a surprisingly good distribution, really. Cool.

Awesome! I was gonna do that, but I don't have APs with several of them, and had no idea about the APG or UM classes!

I love to make up charts like that, to see what Domains are represented by what alignments, or what races or genders have been more or less represented between the 3.X and PF iconics.

It's fun to make characters that represent little-seen options, like dwarven wizards or female fighters or non-human paladins or monks. Paizo did a cool job of mixing things up with a gnome druid and a dwarven ranger and a halfling bard!

Liberty's Edge

Mark Moreland wrote:
Almost like it wasn't coincidental at all ;-)

Well, I sorta assumed that to some degree, but still, it's done well and very organically. :)

Set wrote:
Awesome! I was gonna do that, but I don't have APs with several of them, and had no idea about the APG or UM classes!

Glad to be of service. :)

And they're actually all available free on this website (the Corebook ones in the various previews featuring their stats [though I actually remembered most of those], the UC ones in the PFS pregen versions of them, and the APG ones in the free Master of the Fallen Fortress stuff, which also reveals Imrijka's deity as Pharasma, something I was lamentably unaware of previously).

And...I may love the Iconics more than is entirely healthy, having known where all that was to be found off the top of my head prior to searching it out for this.

Set wrote:
I love to make up charts like that, to see what Domains are represented by what alignments, or what races or genders have been more or less represented between the 3.X and PF iconics.

Yeah, I (quite obviously) like 'em, too. And I remember your domain list provoking some very interesting discussions.

Set wrote:
It's fun to make characters that represent little-seen options, like dwarven wizards or female fighters or non-human paladins or monks. Paizo did a cool job of mixing things up with a gnome druid and a dwarven ranger and a halfling bard!

I dunno, much as I love Halflings, Bards, and Lem specifically, Halfling Bard doesn't strike me as that unusual (though Dwarf Ranger certainly is). Still I agree for the most part, and find such characters quite interesting.

I considered doing a Race list, but with 2 Elves, 2 Half Eves, 2 Gnomes, 1 Dwarf, 1 Half Orc, 1 Halfling, and the other 12 Humans, it didn't seem to make a substantial enough list.

Liberty's Edge

Whichever one the gay one is. It's time for some gay heroes in mainstream fantasy.

Silver Crusade

My number one choice is Kyra but I would think Ezren would make for an interesting contrast between the two. Two Neutral Good characters who couldn't be more different from each other? Sold. I would also not mind seeing something where Merisiel and Alain team up for some reason. I'm sure the two would have a good time at each other's expense.

Liberty's Edge

Coridan wrote:
Whichever one the gay one is. It's time for some gay heroes in mainstream fantasy.

Well Merisiel is canonically bisexual (with a preference for women), and Kyra appears to be straight (or at least somewhat straitlaced), but we have no data on the rest (though I suppose that Valeros and Alain's womanizing is probably evidence they aren't completely homosexual) and we have been told to assume they're all bisexual until proven otherwise.

Or to put it another way: What makes you think only one of them is gay?

I'm all for at least one gay Iconic showing up, though. Hell, I'm all for finding out what their sexualities are. I'm curious.

It's also been implied that at least one of them may be transgender, and I'm even more curious who that might be, so them showing up might be nice as well.

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I'd want a Thieves' World style anthology where all the iconics live in the same town, drink at the same bar, but cross paths only occasionally.

Silver Crusade

Deadmanwalking wrote:
It's also been implied that at least one of them may be transgender, and I'm even more curious who that might be, so them showing up might be nice as well.

My money's on Seoni!

Y'know, looking at the fandom's work more than a few iconics seem to be preferred as bisexual at least.* (I still say Seltyiel could have done much better than Alain though)

*and at least three of the gods

Silver Crusade

Hitdice wrote:
I'd want a Thieves' World style anthology where all the iconics live in the same town, drink at the same bar, but cross paths only occasionally.

I would buy this.

Any and all. I love good fiction

Liberty's Edge

Mikaze wrote:
Hitdice wrote:
I'd want a Thieves' World style anthology where all the iconics live in the same town, drink at the same bar, but cross paths only occasionally.
I would buy this.

As would I.

Though I'd want them to work together, possibly offscren, but still. We have all this 'they adventure together' vibe goin, and I'd hate for that to go away.

Deadmanwalking wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Hitdice wrote:
I'd want a Thieves' World style anthology where all the iconics live in the same town, drink at the same bar, but cross paths only occasionally.
I would buy this.

As would I.

Though I'd want them to work together, possibly offscren, but still. We have all this 'they adventure together' vibe goin, and I'd hate for that to go away.

Cameos and walk-ons are cool:)

Talking about Thieves' World, I was just thinking about how all the stories were centrally located, and any character could walk around the corner at any moment, but each story had its own "author vibe" if you know what I mean.

The Exchange

I truly want to get to know more about the Iconic Prestige Classes.

Holy Vindicator
Nature Warden
Mystic Theurge
Rage Profit



Those two groups would be the ones I would read about.

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