Combat Manager application

Homebrew and House Rules

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Kyle Olson wrote:
Dedlin wrote:

Second: how bout a tab that has the skills, and the rules governing each skill use. You know like DC's and modifiers for perception/stealth diplomacy.
This is on my TODO list.

Actually to go along with that another great reference tab would cover all the various combat maneuvers and related rules...

Hey Kyle,

any chance you might post your current todo/feature list (ordered by priority) so we can see what you are currently working on and what we can expect to come in future releases? :)

I just used this tool last weekend and it worked really good after a short time of getting used to it (I used to let my players write down the initiative list... so I always asked whose turn it was, just to get some annoyed looks of my players ;))

I can't wait to get my hands on a new version with new features though!

eXaminator wrote:

Hey Kyle,

any chance you might post your current todo/feature list (ordered by priority) so we can see what you are currently working on and what we can expect to come in future releases? :)

The TODO list is just a stack of features, unordered, and sometimes I even forget what I meant by a note on it. I would post it up just so you could see but it's in OneNote on a computer at home so I don't have it right now.

I just started working on initiative grouping, and hopefully I'll have that out reasonably soon with a few other minor features I already have done.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Kyle Olson wrote:
eXaminator wrote:

Hey Kyle,

any chance you might post your current todo/feature list (ordered by priority) so we can see what you are currently working on and what we can expect to come in future releases? :)

The TODO list is just a stack of features, unordered, and sometimes I even forget what I meant by a note on it. I would post it up just so you could see but it's in OneNote on a computer at home so I don't have it right now.

I just started working on initiative grouping, and hopefully I'll have that out reasonably soon with a few other minor features I already have done.

Yay! I can't wait for initiative grouping!

This is awesome.

I wish that it were clearer where you are moving the players when you drag them to a different place in the imitative. A line would be a simple fix.

I also wish you could drag and drop the party members and Monsters (not that that important at all.)

It would like more options for delaying and preparing actions.

It would also be nice to name personal weapons.

The Exchange

Downloaded the app. Looks good. I might have to convince by technophobic group to let me give this a g next time a GM.

A couple of suggestions. You might be able to do these already. If so let me know how.

1) Be able to mark PCs and monsters as Readying or Delaying.

2) Have a way to quickly jump from the monster in the combat tab to it's entry in the monster tab.

Bug: In the conditions tab, clicking on the scroll down button twice adds a condition to the character in error.

kingpin wrote:

2) Have a way to quickly jump from the monster in the combat tab to it's entry in the monster tab.

Why would you need that? If you click on a Monster its statblock is shown directly on the main screen...

@Kyle: Any chance the "Universal monster rules" reference and linking will be in the next release? ;)

Making another tab after combat for skills would be interesting. In my campaign Perception is used more then any other skill if you had a button to roll perception and sort the players according to how well they roll you would help out for deciding who was in the surprise round.

I don't suggest having a listing for ALL skills just the ones that a GM might need to roll: such as Perceptin and Appraise

kingpin wrote:

Bug: In the conditions tab, clicking on the scroll down button twice adds a condition to the character in error.

Thanks for noticing this. I'll see if I can get this fixed.

Well done Kyle... Brilliant, Have you thought about turning it into an iPhone/iPad app?

The Exchange

eXaminator wrote:
kingpin wrote:

2) Have a way to quickly jump from the monster in the combat tab to it's entry in the monster tab.

Why would you need that? If you click on a Monster its statblock is shown directly on the main screen...

@Kyle: Any chance the "Universal monster rules" reference and linking will be in the next release? ;)

Yeah. Just figured that out. The first point stands though.

I just noticed that there are quite a few dragons (or at least a few age categories since I could only find ancient, adult and young) missing... esprcially since d20pfsrd did create alle dragons with all age categories and I guess you took the data from their database?

The 8th Dwarf wrote:
Well done Kyle... Brilliant, Have you thought about turning it into an iPhone/iPad app?

I've thought about it, but my best friend has his own iPad app "Spells" which I share data with and so I haven't had the initiative to write one. If I ever get the energy to write a Mac version I would probably do a iPhone/iPad version too. I wouldn't keep your hopes up, though.

eXaminator wrote:
I just noticed that there are quite a few dragons (or at least a few age categories since I could only find ancient, adult and young) missing... esprcially since d20pfsrd did create alle dragons with all age categories and I guess you took the data from their database?

When I pulled the data down last (after the Bestiary 2 update), it didn't have the extra dragons in there. They've got all the dragons nicely mapped out on pages, but not in the DB file. I could parse the pages, but I haven't gone through the work to build a parser yet. I certainly would like to have them in at some point.

I am going to hold my breath until you put out an update.

Kyle Olson wrote:
kingpin wrote:

Bug: In the conditions tab, clicking on the scroll down button twice adds a condition to the character in error.
Thanks for noticing this. I'll see if I can get this fixed.

I've noticed this as well, and it happens in all the places where a double click on the list item also has another effect. The other places I've seen it be an issue are

-on the monster list on the main page (adding to combat)
-on the add weapon pop-up window (adding to a weapon set)

It happens when an item is selected, and the user clicks the scroll buttons rapidly enough to trigger a double-click event. Don't know if you can separate whether the double-click action occurred on the scroll bar or the list itself.

Combat Manager Update to 1.1.3:

Added ability to group monsters
Added level filter for spells view
Allow monster and player entries to switch lists
View stat blocks for imported players and monsters in player list
Fixed some bugs for Windows classic theme
Fixed double click on list scroll bars

Combat Manager website:

Kyle Olson wrote:

Combat Manager website:

I can breath now!

Karlgamer wrote:
I can breath now!

I'm surprised you made it 20 hours.

Kyle Olson wrote:
Karlgamer wrote:
I can breath now!
I'm surprised you made it 20 hours.

I'm related to Guybrush Threepwood.

(Inside joke for the win.)

Great work once again Kyle. Love the new features and they all look to be working great!

This tool just keeps getting better and better. Keep up the great work!!!!

I second that, I love the grouping, though it would be nice to be able to collapse the groups in the initiative list so that the list doesn't get to long in big fights (i.e. 20 Kobolds or something).

Okay, The roll initiative button is just too tempting. I kept pressing it instead of next turn button. Could with have a lock or an undo?

I honestly didn't think you could make this program any better, but you went ahead and did it. LOVE! the grouping initiative, that will come in uber-handy for some of my bigger combat sequences. If this program got any better it would GM the whole campaign itself.

Great work as usual Kyle.

The Exchange

It would still be nice to be able to mark people as delayed and readied in the left hand column. It is pretty key to running initiative. Is this something you have thought about and decided not to go with?

kingpin wrote:
It would still be nice to be able to mark people as delayed and readied in the left hand column. It is pretty key to running initiative. Is this something you have thought about and decided not to go with?

I guess it's just another quite big feature that just didn't make it into this release.

I'd rather see a lot of releases with small improvements and new features then one release every 2 or 3 month with a load of new stuff. So let's just wait and see if and when it's coming (since you can still handle this the old fashioned way and just move the player up or down in the list...). I'd actually prefer to see some features to get needed data faster. Having statblocks for imported players and stuff will definetly make things easier since I just started to test PCGen for creating monsters and npcs.

I'd still love to see some more stuff like universal monster rules in this (and have them linked in statblocks). Becaus I think that makes the whole DMing much easier since it's much faster to look up things (just like the integrated spell list!).

Edit: I DO say "stuff" quite a lot, don't I? Please excuse me since I'm not a native speaker ;-)

kingpin wrote:
It would still be nice to be able to mark people as delayed and readied in the left hand column. It is pretty key to running initiative. Is this something you have thought about and decided not to go with?

I know it's a feature I've discussed with him a couple times - so hopefully we see it sometime soon. <nudges Kyle> LOL

Give me that and a reference tab for combat maneuvers, and one for skills, and I'll be a totally happy camper!

The only thing better would be combat manager automatically applying and removing the disabled, dying, and dead conditions as hit point totals change.

Cutter wrote:
kingpin wrote:
It would still be nice to be able to mark people as delayed and readied in the left hand column. It is pretty key to running initiative. Is this something you have thought about and decided not to go with?

I know it's a feature I've discussed with him a couple times - so hopefully we see it sometime soon. <nudges Kyle> LOL

Give me that and a reference tab for combat maneuvers, and one for skills, and I'll be a totally happy camper!

The only thing better would be combat manager automatically applying and removing the disabled, dying, and dead conditions as hit point totals change.

That sounded like a subtle way of trying to get Kyle to add those things to his TODO list...

Subtle Cutter, very subtle. Almost Machiavellian in it's positivity, and that's hard to pull off.

Of course, I have to agree a reference tab for Combat Maneuvers and Skills would definitely be very handy. If that came to pass, I could almost drop my GM screen, because the Combat Manager would be (already is for most things) my one stop information tool.

Oh, while we're at it:

  • I'd like to see some sort of indicator in the actual initiative list that a certain creature is having a condition applied to it. I don't need an icon for each applied condition there, but one icon that says "hey, remember to look at this monster, it has a condition!" would be good ;)
  • Like I stated before, but I'll list it anyway (together with the wishes of the others, just to second those): Tabs for Universal Monster Rules, Combat Maneuvers and Skills. If possible they should be linked in the statblocks
  • I just noticed that spells don't seem to be linked in statblocks. That would be great, too!
  • Yeah, I'll second the wish for some sort auf "ready" status too

Damn you Paizo board! It didn't save my edits to the last post!

Ok, I just played around with it a bit more and tested a few things. Here is what I noticed:

Importing data from PCGen (in this case: lvl 2 human sorcerer)

  • It doesn't show class features (or even the class itself)
  • It doesn't show the human extra feat (in my case: Skill Focus (Knowledge [history])
  • It doesn't show how the AC is calculated (in my case: +1 dex, +1 natural from amulet of natural armor +1)
  • It doesn't show spells!
  • It doesn't show any items.

There would probably be more, but that's what I just noticed and what I'd really like to see for this tool to actually replace word statblocks and a lot of paperwork.

Also I found a bug:
If you add 1 (imported) character to the party and several monsters, you can have an entry selected in both columns (each having a red'ish background). So if you have the (single!) character selected and then select any monster, it'll show the monsters statblock on the right side (which is correct so far). But if you want to get back the characters statblock, you can't (since it is already selected). My suggestions: Either have only one entry selected in both lists or put the "show statblock" command into some sort of "on click" event (regardless if the entry is already selected).

kingpin wrote:
It would still be nice to be able to mark people as delayed and readied in the left hand column. It is pretty key to running initiative. Is this something you have thought about and decided not to go with?

Still on my mind, just lots of features to get to.

eXaminator wrote:

Importing data from PCGen (in this case: lvl 2 human sorcerer)

  • It doesn't show ...
  • I've got a plan to fix this, but it involves importing from a different export file from PCGen. It's a matter of getting the time to write a new import routine. I still don't expect perfect PCGen import, but hopefully I can get it to the level of the HeroLab import.

    eXaminator wrote:

    Also I found a bug:
    If you add 1 (imported) character to the party and several monsters, you can have an entry selected in both columns (each having a red'ish background). So if you have the (single!) character selected and then select any monster, it'll show the monsters statblock on the right side (which is correct so far). But if you want to get back the characters statblock, you can't (since it is already selected).

    D'oh, this is an obvious problem. I'll get this fixed.

    Kyle Olson wrote:
    I'll get this fixed.

    Just want to let you know that we all really appreciate your work. I know that theres a lot that you want done and you probably don't have enough time to fix everything.

    *holds breath*

    Combat Manager Update to 1.1.4:

    Simple readying and delaying icons in context menu on initiative list
    Fix affliction tooltip spell display bug
    Fix monster display selection bug
    Spell roman numerals sort in spells
    Fix text for some monsters

    Combat Manager website:

    Kyle Olson wrote:

    Combat Manager Update to 1.1.4:

    Simple readying and delaying icons in context menu on initiative list
    Fix affliction tooltip spell display bug
    Fix monster display selection bug
    Spell roman numerals sort in spells
    Fix text for some monsters

    Combat Manager website:

    Holy crap that was fast!

    Love the right-click ready/delay icons. I was always just moving the people up and down the initiative order before, so the icons will just make it that much easier. Great work, as usual!

    MendedWall12 wrote:

    Holy crap that was fast!

    The spell tooltip bug was pretty bad so I wanted to get that out quick, and the icons took me just 30 minutes to add. Most updates won't be that easy.

    You're awesome Kyle!

    Combat Manager Update to 1.1.5:

    Add rules tab with combat rules, combat maneuvers, conditions, creature types, and universal monster rules
    Add magic items tab

    Combat Manager website:

    You rule!

    Kyle Olson wrote:

    Combat Manager Update to 1.1.5:

    Add rules tab with combat rules, combat maneuvers, conditions, creature types, and universal monster rules
    Add magic items tab

    Combat Manager website:

    Dude?! Seriously?! This is too much! You are a software creative genius. You're the Einstein of Pathfinder combat managers.

    Holy cow Kyle!

    I am seriously impressed, and I can't say thanks enough! This latest update makes Combat Manager the best tool for running the game - period!

    I think it has everything I want now, so I can run the game without ever reaching for the rule book. Unreal!!!

    Pathfinder GM's everywhere owe you a major debt for this one.

    I found "player 1013." Although I suppose theres no reason to limit the number of players and or monsters you have(unless it causes memory issues) I don't think that I will need any more then 32 of ether(if that.)

    I still wish the Roll Initiative button were less tempting to click (because one click ruins the whole point of owning the software.)

    Maybe if it were a slide button like the things used to open Iphones and such. Slide the red D20 like your rolling it! If this is asking too much I'll settle for a right click undo. Reseting things to as they were before you re-rolled.

    The drag and drop for players in the combat sequence is nice but it would be great to have an indicator of where you are actually dropping(such as a line.)

    Karlgamer wrote:
    I still wish the Roll Initiative button were less tempting to click (because one click ruins the whole point of owning the software.)

    I don't want to make the button too hard to find because I want using the software to be easy. Maybe I'll set it up to give you an electric shock every time you press it :P

    I might just want to make the next turn button more tempting to press to direct you there.

    Kyle Olson wrote:
    I don't want to make the button too hard to find because I want using the software to be easy.

    I understand, it's just that it's happened more than once and theres no way fix it. Part of the reason I like your software is because I'm absent minded.

    Kyle Olson wrote:
    I might just want to make the next turn button more tempting to press to direct you there.

    May I suggest calling it the "Karlgamer button."

    It just rolls off the tongue.

    Seriously though, an undo button would be useful just in case someone does something that they wish they didn't.

    I understand that would require a lot of work (saving the last state of things) but it would be nice.

    If the GM accidentally deletes one of his players instead of a NPC.
    If the GM accidentally deletes the wrong monster.
    If the GM accidentally re-rolls initiative.
    If the GM accidentally resets the rounds(probably not likely)

    Ok, since Kyle already said no, this might be unnecessary, but just to be sure: I'm absolutly against a slide for basicly anything! I use this software on a Netbook (like many others I guess, even though a regular laptop might have the same issue) and a slider would just be to irritating to use with the touchpad.

    And at least I never pressed that button accidentaly.... If you're going to change that you could basicly hide the "close"-Button in the top right corner too... beacause the button is quite cleare about what it does...

    Couldn't you add a confirmation dialogue when clicking the "roll ini" button? Even though it would be best to be able to disable this feature.

    You'll probably need a settings menu sooner or later to make this thing a bit more flexible.

    Another nice feature would be to be able to have some sort of auto-save feature for the loaded Party-File. So the software should remember which characters were loaded from which file and just save any changes made during game, either everytime the change is made (which might cause problems if you loaded the file from a network, which I sometimes do) or at the end when you close the programme.

    Kyle, I cannot thank you enough for this wonderful, wonderful program. It is well and truly amazing.

    I have but one request- is it possible to get the npcs from the GMG in there as monsters? It would really make my combats flow that much smoother.

    Freehold DM wrote:
    I have but one request- is it possible to get the npcs from the GMG in there as monsters? It would really make my combats flow that much smoother.

    I just need to write up a decent parser for the NPC's then I'll have them in. Probably not the next thing to take care of on my list. I think Skills will be next because that's the biggest rules piece that I'm missing.

    The Exchange

    Finally got round to running my first mod with this tool. For the most part it worked very well and the players didn't mind be giving it a try.

    A couple of issues were discovered though.

    1) Right-clicking for ready and delay has disappeared in the new version.

    2) I agree with a previous poster that when dragging players up or down the initiative order it seems unnatural. Having a line to show where the new position will be if dropped would be nice.

    3) Nothing big but with the window at it's default size if you scroll down the monster list using the button in the combat screen, when you reach a monster name that is longer than the width of the box then a horizontal scroll bar appears interrupting your scroll. I suggest removing the horizontal scroll button or increasing the size of the window to compensate.

    4) When saving a monster list can you also have it save whether or not any of the monsters have linked initiative?

    That's all I can remember. I seemed to have had some issues with editing some of the attack sets during play but don't seem to be able to replicate them now.

    Hi Kyle,

    I've just played my first couple of session with your Combat Manager: what a game mastering bliss!! The program helps so much that it just changed the way we play, really! I don't have to ask players the majority of questions anymore ("what's your CMB, again?", "are you still Enlarged?") and the game runs much more smoothly then before.

    While I wait to collect the money for a much deserved donation, there are a couple of features that may be useful to point out or suggest.

    - I used the link initiative feature very much and agree with kingpin that having it persisted would be very useful for pre-preparing large groups of mixed monsters;

    - having to select each monster to link the initiative one by one can be a little annoying... what about a multiselect feature?

    - let's say that I have a group composed by, Kobold 1 who has linked initiatives with Kobold 2 and Kobold 3. If Kobold 2 or 3 go to 0 or lower HP they do not get decorated blue or red;

    - I'd appreciate a "Reset Encounter" button that flushes the whole "Monsters" area;

    - when there are lots of monsters in initiative and there is a scrollbar in the combat sequence it whould be useful to have the active characted focused in the list, i.e. when you reach the last char in a turn then scroll up to the first one;

    - this one is tricky for me to explain... I'd like to be able to click on a monster in the combat sequence ad have it selected in the monsters section, so that I can edit it right away. Using the program I just felt so many times the need of this feature, I'd really appreciate something along these lines;

    - are there any keyboard shortcuts? Like ctrl+space for next turn, ctrl+[1-6] for the corrisponding tab, etc...

    Let me thank you one more time for your excellent work: bravo!

    Kyle Olson wrote:
    Freehold DM wrote:
    I have but one request- is it possible to get the npcs from the GMG in there as monsters? It would really make my combats flow that much smoother.
    I just need to write up a decent parser for the NPC's then I'll have them in. Probably not the next thing to take care of on my list. I think Skills will be next because that's the biggest rules piece that I'm missing.

    I truly cannot wait!!

    Also, Just a side thing I noticed- is it just me or does this latest version not have descriptions of monsters in with the stats? I could have SWORN earlier versions had the brief descriptions that are there in the Bestiary.

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