ObsidianOrder |

A dice roller. Imagine: You click on the attack box, and it rolls and displays the results in another small pop-up box. I suppose a script could translate 1d4+8 and do the randomization. I check each update, hoping in my heart of hearts for this feature. . .
This is exactly what I was referring to in my earlier post. Add this type of functionality to an already great program would make it even better. Don't get me wrong I enjoy rolling the bones at the gaming table, but from the DM's perspective rolling all those dice slows down game play and I think can detract from the story telling aspect, IMHO.
+1 for this feature!
Also if you haven't thrown Kyle a few coins for this app give the man his due. :)

eXaminator |

Bug Alert ;)
I found one Bug. I just started using the custom monster DB and love it. I imported a Multiclassed NPC from Herolab and added it to the DB. Then I added some of those to the combat with the "Roll Monster HP" field active... and got wrong values! They were far to small. I checked the HD in the Monster editor, but it seems to recognize it correctly there. The HD are 2d10+10d8+12. But I always get very low HP (tests seem to range between 5 and 15). Could you check that? Because I love the "Roll Monster HP" feature :)

Kyle Olson |

Wow. This all sounds great! But where is it? All the links seems to lead me to 404 (the server cannot find the document corresponding to the URL you typed in) errors.
Something broke wit the company that hosts my website, presumably taking down a bunch of other peoples' site too, since they already had an issue open. They claim they're working on it.

eXaminator |

Just a last quick note for today after playing around with the monster editor for a while now:
I noticed that the Perception entry doesn't appear in the "senses" textbox anymore, which is good. But it still appears as "; Perception +x" if the textbox is left empty. Also it only updates the Perception in the senses line if you actually change anything in the "senses" textbox.
I just had a quick look into the bestiary.db file where you keep all the custom monsters and noticed that there are quite a few usefull fields that aren't in use yet (like HP modifier). Will we see those in the editor soon? :)
It would be cool to be able to change subtypes (like someone mentioned before) and maybe apply conditions to monsters (not just in combat nut also in the database). Thus it would be possible to save incorporeal creatures and the like.
I also had some issues with a monster I created a few versions ago. I loaded that up and saved it in the database. I had some issues with a few fields (speed and CMB to name two). I couldn't change those or they wouldn't save correctly. Maybe you should have a look at your validation code to not be so restrictive... I changed a few values right in the database and it worked like a charm after that. But this isn't too urgent I think.
I also had a few crashes today, mostly when adding or removing monsters from combat. I can't really pinpoint this though... just a general hint.
Thanks alot, keep up the great work. This thing is getting more awsome every day!

Kyle Olson |

When I try to add an attack under actions for the party, it crashes. I'm on Windows 7
Can you be more specific about what you're doing? What buttons you are pressing and what exactly you are trying to add would be good. If you could also save the party and send a copy of the file to combatman@kyleolson.com I'll try to reproduce the crash.

Kyle Olson |

I noticed that the Perception entry doesn't appear in the "senses" textbox anymore, which is good. But it still appears as "; Perception +x" if the textbox is left empty. Also it only updates the Perception in the senses line if you actually change anything in the "senses" textbox.
I should have this fixed in the next release.
I just had a quick look into the bestiary.db file where you keep all the custom monsters and noticed that there are quite a few usefull fields that aren't in use yet (like HP modifier). Will we see those in the editor soon? :)
I'll try to fit this stuff in. I've got to be careful because some things can be safely edited freely, while other fields have a way of blowing up the app if not formatted properly.

Kyle Olson |

And one more which seems rather bad: CM crashes as soon as I try to add an incorporeal creature like shadow or ghost. Any ideas? (I really need those since I'm running an undead-heavy campaign right now ;)).
I'll have this fixed up when I get the next release out. I'll probably have to push out a release reasonably soon because of this bug.

Beorn the Bear |

Beorn the Bear wrote:When I try to add an attack under actions for the party, it crashes. I'm on Windows 7Can you be more specific about what you're doing? What buttons you are pressing and what exactly you are trying to add would be good. If you could also save the party and send a copy of the file to combatman@kyleolson.com I'll try to reproduce the crash.
I have a blank party of 4 with custom names, that's it. when I click on the ellipses next to the name to add to the character and then try to select attack from the dropdown menu that appears, it crashes. I hope that's descriptive enough?

Kyle Olson |

I have a blank party of 4 with custom names, that's it. when I click on the ellipses next to the name to add to the character and then try to select attack from the dropdown menu that appears, it crashes. I hope that's descriptive enough?
That's what I thought you meant, but I've learned not to assume I know what people are doing when fixing bugs. Can you mail the files in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Combat Manager to combatman@kyleolson.com? Generally if I have these files and I try to do what you did it should crash the exact same way.

eXaminator |

Small suggestion - and its only a little one - any chance of being able to add monsters to the party list (i.e. Summoned Monsters) with perhaps an auto warning when they "leave" combat (i.e once their summon time is up)?
You could easily add the Monster, switch it over to the PC list (per right-click or ... button) and then add a generic condition that ends after the appropriate number of rounds. This doesn't give you an automatic message or anything, but might help to keep track of this :)

Kyle Olson |

Kalraan wrote:Small suggestion - and its only a little one - any chance of being able to add monsters to the party list (i.e. Summoned Monsters) with perhaps an auto warning when they "leave" combat (i.e once their summon time is up)?You could easily add the Monster, switch it over to the PC list (per right-click or ... button) and then add a generic condition that ends after the appropriate number of rounds. This doesn't give you an automatic message or anything, but might help to keep track of this :)
This is how I track it. I'm sure there's a way I can extend the current condition system or the initiative system to track summoned monsters and warn you when they are going poof. I'll add this to the TODO list and I'll see if I can get to it someday.

Jesse Brake |
Kyle, this is pretty much amazing. Saves me a ton of time, especially in Kingmaker when I need to roll random items.
I may have found a bug. The program crashes on me when I do the following precise steps:
1) Created a custom monster for a player's familiar. This custom monster was an edited version of one in the data base (snapping turtle)
2) Add custom monster to the combat, then right click it to move it to the party.
3) Right click the custom monster to link it's initiative to the player it belongs to.
4) Crash
That being said, I can save the party with the familiar BEFORE linking, load with the custom monster in the PC party, then link it with no issue.
Hope that helps.

Kyle Olson |

Hey Kyle, any luck on including the monster information DC and descriptions in a recent update? I really think that would make your program AMAZING, and I would be more than willing to buy you a pizza or beer or two to keep you going while you work on it(I understand it's a lot of text).
So, the problem with the Information DC is that it's not in any DB. I might be able to get rip it with some nifty Regular Expressions but it would take a while. I also don't know that there's a lot of it, that is I don't know if it appears frequently enough to be worth the effort, and it is fan content. I've been trying to avoid fan content so I can keep some strict limits on what I need to put in.
I'm not saying no, but with other priorities I can't see the Information DC stuff getting in for the foreseeable future.
Maybe I could create some feature which allows some sort of custom tagging/information on monster entries.

Kyle Olson |

Kyle, this is pretty much amazing. Saves me a ton of time, especially in Kingmaker when I need to roll random items.
I may have found a bug. The program crashes on me when I do the following precise steps:
1) Created a custom monster for a player's familiar. This custom monster was an edited version of one in the data base (snapping turtle)
2) Add custom monster to the combat, then right click it to move it to the party.
3) Right click the custom monster to link it's initiative to the player it belongs to.
4) CrashThat being said, I can save the party with the familiar BEFORE linking, load with the custom monster in the PC party, then link it with no issue.
Hope that helps.
I'm not reproducing with 1.3.0 or the new version I'm working on (although it did help me catch a crash for the new version). Can I get a copy of the all the files from C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Combat Manager sent to combatman@kyleolson.com?
I think I need to add a new error handling method to the application so I can get some better crash information. I'll work on that for the next version.

Soverayne |

I just found this program and I am blown away. Gratitude and admiration all around to you Kyle Olson.
That being said, is there any plan or way to add custom spells and feats to the system? SOme of the games I play in grandfather a little of the old 3.X stuff in to mix it up and I just thought I'd ask if there is anyway I can enter my own things.
Keep up the good work.

Freehold DM |

Freehold DM wrote:Hey Kyle, any luck on including the monster information DC and descriptions in a recent update? I really think that would make your program AMAZING, and I would be more than willing to buy you a pizza or beer or two to keep you going while you work on it(I understand it's a lot of text).So, the problem with the Information DC is that it's not in any DB. I might be able to get rip it with some nifty Regular Expressions but it would take a while. I also don't know that there's a lot of it, that is I don't know if it appears frequently enough to be worth the effort, and it is fan content. I've been trying to avoid fan content so I can keep some strict limits on what I need to put in.
I'm not saying no, but with other priorities I can't see the Information DC stuff getting in for the foreseeable future.
Maybe I could create some feature which allows some sort of custom tagging/information on monster entries.
Aww man, that sucks! Still, if you put it in as a custom tagging thing, I'll gladly put in the info on my own for use in my games.

Kyle Olson |

I just found this program and I am blown away. Gratitude and admiration all around to you Kyle Olson.
That being said, is there any plan or way to add custom spells and feats to the system? SOme of the games I play in grandfather a little of the old 3.X stuff in to mix it up and I just thought I'd ask if there is anyway I can enter my own things.
Keep up the good work.
It's on the TODO list. The tech I used to save data for the Custom DB will make it easy for me to build DBs for spells and feats. At this point, it's just a matter of building the UI for an editor.

eXaminator |

A small bug in the monster advancer: When I use the zombie template on a Creature with 19HD it should get a CR of 7, but CM says it's a CR of 9.
Also, since it's Larg it should get +2 HD (which isn't happening). And I'm not sure if the Natural Armor of a zombie should stack with the NA of the base creature, I think I saw a thread somwhere that stated that the Natural armor of a zombie replaces that of the base creature.

Kyle Olson |

A small bug in the monster advancer: When I use the zombie template on a Creature with 19HD it should get a CR of 7, but CM says it's a CR of 9.
Also, since it's Larg it should get +2 HD (which isn't happening). And I'm not sure if the Natural Armor of a zombie should stack with the NA of the base creature, I think I saw a thread somwhere that stated that the Natural armor of a zombie replaces that of the base creature.
I'll have these fixes in the next version, thanks for taking a look at this.

Kyle Olson |

Hmm, it looks like whenever I try to add a creature with the incorporeal subtype (spectres, wraiths, shadows, the Risen Lord, etc) to the combat it crashes the program.
Yes, unfortunately. I'll have the fix out in the next day or two when I'm sure I haven't busted up some other stuff. Soonish.

Freehold DM |

May I say that it would be rather important for me to have the fixed version (at least with the incoporeal fix) prior to saturday? ^_^"
Yeah..I just found out I'll be running a game on the 3rd myself. Would it possible to get the ability to put in those monster information thingies by the weekend? I don't know how much work would have to go into it.

Kyle Olson |

May I say that it would be rather important for me to have the fixed version (at least with the incoporeal fix) prior to saturday? ^_^"
It will certainly be by Saturday. I need some free time away from work to take what I have created and make the installer (trivial),run it through it's paces (20 minutes if everything goes well), and post it online and update the website (10 minutes of work). The bigger the program gets the higher a chance that an old feature causes a problem (like the auto-incorporeal feature) with changes I've made.

Cutter |

eXaminator wrote:May I say that it would be rather important for me to have the fixed version (at least with the incoporeal fix) prior to saturday? ^_^"It will certainly be by Saturday. I need some free time away from work to take what I have created and make the installer (trivial),run it through it's paces (20 minutes if everything goes well), and post it online and update the website (10 minutes of work). The bigger the program gets the higher a chance that an old feature causes a problem (like the auto-incorporeal feature) with changes I've made.
And as the program gets bigger, if you think that a beta tester would lighten your load a bit, I think you know I am more then willing to lend a hand any time you ask.

eXaminator |

eXaminator wrote:May I say that it would be rather important for me to have the fixed version (at least with the incoporeal fix) prior to saturday? ^_^"It will certainly be by Saturday. I need some free time away from work to take what I have created and make the installer (trivial),run it through it's paces (20 minutes if everything goes well), and post it online and update the website (10 minutes of work). The bigger the program gets the higher a chance that an old feature causes a problem (like the auto-incorporeal feature) with changes I've made.
Glad to hear :) I can't wait for the new version.

![]() |

Lava Child wrote:A dice roller. Imagine: You click on the attack box, and it rolls and displays the results in another small pop-up box. I suppose a script could translate 1d4+8 and do the randomization. I check each update, hoping in my heart of hearts for this feature. . .This is exactly what I was referring to in my earlier post. Add this type of functionality to an already great program would make it even better. Don't get me wrong I enjoy rolling the bones at the gaming table, but from the DM's perspective rolling all those dice slows down game play and I think can detract from the story telling aspect, IMHO.
+1 for this feature!
Also if you haven't thrown Kyle a few coins for this app give the man his due. :)
See further up the thread for a program that does this.
Tried it as a dice replacement and it works great, especially with witch hexes that require two die rolls take the worst, speeds up combat, and you can have one browser tab for attacks and another for damage to save typing.
You might want to roll an actual dice at critical points though, as some of my players felt that they were being attacked by a (impersonal) computer.

eXaminator |

Doggreen1944 wrote:Lava Child wrote:A dice roller. Imagine: You click on the attack box, and it rolls and displays the results in another small pop-up box. I suppose a script could translate 1d4+8 and do the randomization. I check each update, hoping in my heart of hearts for this feature. . .This is exactly what I was referring to in my earlier post. Add this type of functionality to an already great program would make it even better. Don't get me wrong I enjoy rolling the bones at the gaming table, but from the DM's perspective rolling all those dice slows down game play and I think can detract from the story telling aspect, IMHO.
+1 for this feature!
Also if you haven't thrown Kyle a few coins for this app give the man his due. :)
See further up the thread for a program that does this.
Tried it as a dice replacement and it works great, especially with witch hexes that require two die rolls take the worst, speeds up combat, and you can have one browser tab for attacks and another for damage to save typing.
You might want to roll an actual dice at critical points though, as some of my players felt that they were being attacked by a (impersonal) computer.
I think the point here is to have CM roll the dice because it already has all the needed info (dice type and bonus values) and you wouldn't need to open another window (switching windows is rather time intensive too, especially on small screens where you can't open both windows next to each other) and type in/select all the info by hand. It would just be like 'Rightclick / roll dice / attacks' and you would get all the results.

![]() |

I think the point here is to have CM roll the dice because it already has all the needed info (dice type and bonus values) and you wouldn't need to open another window (switching windows is rather time intensive too, especially on small screens where you can't open both windows next to each other) and type in/select all the info by hand. It would just be like 'Rightclick / roll dice / attacks' and you would get all the results.
True, it would save bit of typing. However you can have a dice roller right now that does save you time over actual dice. The one I tried remembers your last dice and rolls it again when you press "enter". So a 3 attack creature under witch's unluck gets resolved in 6 presses of "enter" after typing 1d20+13. Alternatively, it has standard dice on a mouse click. You can do character perception checks silently too.
A window switch is one click on the toolbar between the roller and CM.If you're rolling bigger damage, say 11d6, you save more time.
Works for me, YMMV.

Hellder |

I've been tinkering with this great program for some time, but recently I finally got a chance to use it in a real campaign, and it helped a lot to speed up preparation and combat time.
While using the monster editor I noticed some things:
- When you give Weapon Finesse to a monster, the monster still get its natural attacks based on strength.
- When you give a shield bonus to a monster, the attacks editor prevents you from equiping a two-handed weapon or two weapons. If you equip the weapon first and then add the shield bonus, it works normally.
- If you equip a double weapon, the program only shows the attack bonus as if fighting with two weapons. Is it possible to make it show also the attack bonus if the creature uses the double weapon two-handed?
Thanks for your great work.

Kyle Olson |

I've been tinkering with this great program for some time, but recently I finally got a chance to use it in a real campaign, and it helped a lot to speed up preparation and combat time.
While using the monster editor I noticed some things:
- When you give Weapon Finesse to a monster, the monster still get its natural attacks based on strength.
- When you give a shield bonus to a monster, the attacks editor prevents you from equiping a two-handed weapon or two weapons. If you equip the weapon first and then add the shield bonus, it works normally.
- If you equip a double weapon, the program only shows the attack bonus as if fighting with two weapons. Is it possible to make it show also the attack bonus if the creature uses the double weapon two-handed?Thanks for your great work.
The attacks are some of the harder parts for me because they involve getting the rules right, and I'm doing it in a way which interprets everything the same without storing any new info outside of the attack string. Certain things are always messing me up (Compound bows, weapons of a different size than the monster)
-I'll check out the WF for natural attacks. I'm probably checking only for melee weapons.
-I'm treating any shield bonus as if the attacker is holding a shield. I'll see if I can be smarter about this.
-I'll see what I can do about the 2-handed use of a one handed weapon. Rules wise this is easy, but with the way I interpret weapons it may be harder.

Kyle Olson |

Combat Manager update to 1.3.1:
Add Dice Roller
Add Attack, Skill, Save Rolls
Show links/tips on spells for Hero Lab Characters
Show links for Spell-Like Abilities
Update Monsters
Fix monster spell information
Fix senses editing in monster editor
Fix crash loading incorporeal creatures
Add crash log Files

Sethvir |

Ok Kyle,
This thing just keeps getting better and better. Love the dice roller, rolling for the attacks and saves and the way it shows the calculations. I've been waiting for the updated monster db as I knew chopswil had been updating the dragons a while back. So kudos to him for that data and to you for getting it all loaded in.
Haven't tried to import my Herolab character yet. That will be tomorrow.
I just noticed the single column functionality you put in. Very nice indeed. Tested the incorporeal creature load and that works now too. The links for the spell like abilities is great.
As always looks like a fantastic release full of new functionality. Look forward to seeing it in play next week.

Cutter |

Okay... unreal release Kyle! Somehow you keep managing to blow me away with how much you can add to this gem of a program every release.
I absolutely love all the new functionality. Your implementation of the dice rolls is simply elegant.
Also having the spell like abilities now linked for monsters and all spells linked for Hero Lab imported characters seems to be working beautifully as well.
This release is going to make life Soooooo much simpler for us poor GM's.
All I can say is simply "Bravo! Bravo!"
Two small questions/suggestions for you:
(1) Someone mentioned in an earlier post about the popups for feats and spells disappearing after a few seconds. Any chance we can see that timer removed or at least lengthened so that you can read all the info in the popup for long items?
(2) Now that we have spells and spell-like abilities linked for monsters, and spells linked for Hero Lab imported characters, is there any chance we might see links for spell-like abilities on characters imported from Hero Labs as well?