Megan's Legacy of Fire OOC Thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

Welcome xiN, LoreKeeper, Endraca and Wander Weir.

What characters do you want to play?

Unfortunately this was one of the few times Paizo charged for the Player's Guide. I've posted a review of it, so you can decide whether or not you want to buy it.

Ask your questions, kick around your ideas and get a suitable group together.

Male Human Monk 2

Hm... just interested to ask but do you have group already up or... space for 1 more? Wondering if possible to take part and got character idea ready.

Male Human Traveler / 8

Thank you!

I've actually got the Player's Guide, but it's at home (and I'm at work). So I'll have to refer to that later on.

I'm really quite flexible about character concepts at the moment. The only thing I'm not really interested in playing right now is a wizard or sorcerer. So if the rest of you guys want to put in your preferences, I'll see if I can fill in a gap.

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

Well, we started talking elsewhere and various people asked me to run something and I said if four asked for the same AP I'd run it... I dare say I can add a fifth, but that's it.

Anyone else, start a thread and find players, then ask me if I'll run for you :)

Meanwhile I had been adding a little more to what I was saying, then the system chucked me out so...

The Player's Guide suggests some reasons for why you might be there, but we open with you all travelling with a caravan in northern Kapesh, having been hired by a merchant prince who will be meeting you at your destination. We'll sort out who you are and why you're here in this thread; and I'll help those who don't want to buy the book or who are uncertain to find a suitable backstory.

Then we shall begin the game with you sitting round a campfire ('cos it can be difficult to conduct much conversation on camel-back) and you telling your companions just as much as you want to tell them!

Male Human Monk 2

Ah, that´s great :) It´s perfect then. I have an idea for Wizard, Universalist. Made some concept before and thinking of applying it then here. Need to twist it little bit but would be okey otherwise

Just putting a dot down here. Will start on my character now. Same rules as other game, right?

By the way the three of us have the players guide, even though we've never played it.

Male Human Traveler / 8
xiN wrote:
Just putting a dot down here. Will start on my character now. Same rules as other game, right?

Actually, I was about to ask about that. How much point buy? Max HP for 1st level?

Excellent!! :D

I assume standard 20pt buy, with all Paizo published material being legal?

Dark Archive

I haven't thought of a charater yet, but will get started now :)

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

Character generation: 20 point buy, full hp for your class + any constitution bonus; and if Paizo have published it you can play it...

... really must finish reading the APG!

Male Human Monk 2

Some amount of text :)

Amar Furzen background:

Amar always had a dream of becoming great scholar. He was always standing behind of others and looking with jealousy eyes when other kids were running and doing stuff which he was not able to participate. Most of the time he was sitting and being bored.

Once a older woman walked past by him and saw the lonely child sitting on bench alone. Walking next to child, the woman sit and watched other kids and then turned to Amar : "Why won´t you play with others? It seems they have fun". Amar look at women with odd face and then slowly speaks back... "because I can´t keep up with them... I get tired too fast... and when I play with them, they are so stupid. They don´t know what to do or how to play together. Even now as you see " Amar is waving his hand towards other children " Hem and Lim, who are next to line, could wait for a while so that Jam would pass the ball and then move together, but instead they are just running around like a fools..." he finishes and looks angry.

Woman won´t say anything for a while but then she moves her hand and Amar feels himself suddenly much stronger and healthier? He raises up and Amar notice that it´s not so hard to breath anymore. He turns suddenly to woman but he is not there until someone tap his shoulder. Scared, Amar jumps and tumps! He jumped too high - he had never jump so high - but soon crashes down and is dazed. "What was that? What did you do?!" Amar ask with big eyes. Woman watches at Amar while other kids have quieted down and watches this strange but interesting thing. "Amar was it? Here take this... maybe this will fill your time and not make you bored. Hopefully someday I will hear again of you" she smiles to Amar and then disappears.

Later that day, after all hustling and answering to questions from other kids, Amar is sitting alone in his room with the book... glowing and with odd letters. His father soon enters the room and looks at his son and the book he has... and then slowly fades out from the room smile in his face... "Seems like he was worthy of it. This is greatest gift me and your mother could give to you... hopefully Amar will be happy"

When Amar opened the book and begun reading, the words started to fly out of the book but soon disappeared. Wondering what happened, he froze... something was climbing on his back. Shaken and frozen to his place, he didn´t move but the small creature still climbed until it was on his shoulder... A sting was hanging on air, what he saw from his eyecorner... it was black and sharp. Amar gulped and slowly his eye wandered down as his head turned to reveal more... A small black creature with claw and tail which ended to sting was standing there on his shoulder... looking at him and then: A warm feeling of joy and happiness... A image of and somehow.. a word "master" was emating from this creature... later he would found out that this was one of those natural creatures from the far away, scorpion.

Years passes and Amar had grown... he had stayed the same, weak from the body but something else had happened. Although his frame was the same... he had gotten somehow quicker. Magic had started to influence him, exposed to it had toughtened his health, made it easier to breath although he still had trouble time to time if it was too hot or too cold... but that didn´t matter to him... since now he had in his hands the power he so much needed... and anxious of news from far distant land.. A relics, ruins were found from the ruins but also adventures... He had so long wanted to see these things but never had opportunity but nothing could stop him anymore. Amar wanted to travel... and feel the same as others: the changing of winds, the feeling of adventure

Amar Furzen stats:

str:5(+13p) dex:14(-5p) con:6(+8p) int:22(-26p+2hum) wis:14 cha:14
(-3 mod) - (+2 mod) - (-2 mod) - (+6 mod) - (+2 mod) - (+2 mod)

HP:8/8 (d6 -2 con +3 feat +1 favored)
AC: 12
Touch: 12
FF: 10

Fort: -2 (-2 con)
Refl: +2 (+2 dex)
Will: +4 (+2 wis, +2 base)

Movement:30 ft
Initiative: +8

Alertness: (familiar bonus)(familiar within arm reach)
Toughness: (human bonus)+3 hp and after 3rd HD, each +1HD increase hp by 1
Scribe Scroll: (wizard Class bonus) able to scribe scrolls
Improved Initiative: (Level 1 feat) +4 Initiative

Scorpion; +2 Initiative

2 (wizard) + 6 (int mod) + 1 (human)
Appraise (Int):
Craft (Int):
Fly (Dex):
Knowledge (Arcana) (Int): +10 (+1 rank +3 cs +6 int)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (Int): +10 (+1 rank +3 cs +6 int)
Knowledge (Engineering) (Int):
Knowledge (Geography) (Int): +10 (+1 rank +3 cs +6 int)
Knowledge (History) (Int): +10 (+1 rank +3 cs +6 int)
Knowledge (Local) (Int): +10 (+1 rank +3 cs +6 int)
Knowledge (Nature) (Int): +10 (+1 rank +3 cs +6 int)
Knowledge (Nobility) (Int):
Knowledge (Planes) (Int): +10 (+1 rank +3 cs +6 int)
Knowledge (Religion) +10 (Int):
Linguistics (Int): +10 (+1 rank +3 cs +6 int)
Profession (Wis):
Spellcraft (Int): +12 (+1 rank +3 cs +6 int +2 trait)


0 level: DC 16

1 level: DC 17
True Strike; +20 on your next attack roll.
Enlarge Person; Humanoid creature doubles in size.
Biting Wind; Blast of continual wind deals 1d6 subdual and may cause target to become shaken.
Burning Hands; 1d4/level fire damage (max 5d4).
Ray of Enfeeblement; Ray causes 1d6 Str penalty + 1 per 2 levels.
Ant Haul; Triples carrying capacity of a creature.
Expeditious Retreat; Your base speed increases by 30 ft.
Mage Armor; Gives subject +4 armor bonus.
Endure Elements; Exist comfortably in hot or cold regions.


Theoretical Magician:
====You've studied more magic than what you can actually perform====

Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus on Spellcraft checks, or a +3 bonus if you aren't a spellcaster.

Familiar Statistic!

Greensting Scorpion CR 1/4

XP 100
N Tiny vermin
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +4
AC 20 touch 15, flat-footed 17 (+3 Dex, +5 natural, +2 size)
hp 4 (1d8+0 )
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +0
Immune mind-affecting effects
Speed 50 ft.
Melee 2 claws -2 (1d2-4 plus grab), sting +6 (1d2-4 plus poison)
Space 2 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks constrict (1d2-4)
Str 3, Dex 16, Con 10, Int &#8212;, Wis 10, Cha 2
Base Atk +0; CMB -6 (-2 grapple); CMD 7 (19 vs. trip)
Skills Climb -1, Perception +4, Stealth +15; Racial Modifiers +4 Climb, +4 Perception, +4 Stealth
Poison (Ex)
Sting&#8212;injury; save Fort DC 12; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Strength damage; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitutuion-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

@Aventi - somehow I suspect that your character is not legal. A starting stat of 22 in Int seems implausible. Pathfinder's pointbuy does not allow stats (pre-racial bonus) to be below 7 or above 18.

Male Human Traveler / 8
LoreKeeper wrote:

@Aventi - somehow I suspect that your character is not legal. A starting stat of 22 in Int seems implausible. Pathfinder's pointbuy does not allow stats (pre-racial bonus) to be below 7 or above 18.

I was wondering about that myself, but didn't know if that was a home rule type of thing or an actual core rule mechanic.

Any thoughts about the other characters yet? I've been looking at LoF traits and coming up with all kinds of ideas.

Male Human Monk 2

Well, true that. Although I have been calculating those numbers quite accurately, they can always be changed back.

9 - 1p, 8 - 2p, 7 - 4p, 6 - 8p, 5 I kept more plausible so here just -5 again so 5 - 13p

Of course then with increasing-

15 - 7p, 16 - 10p, 17 - 13p, 18 - 17p, here numbers increase after each 2nd... 13-15 are in 2p , 15-17 are in 3p, so 17-19 4p, and 20 is 5p


BUT! As I said - I can change the stats back to 7-18 range and keep this in Legal stats arrey, although this is still inside rules... (well, can´t say inside rules really honestly but went accordingly as I calculated points)

I will rework here just new stats - if these then I will just need to change my spell list & carrying capacity

str 7 dex 14 con 7 int 20, wis 11, cha 14

Well, Megan is the final arbiter. But I personally would not want to see a stats buy like that. However, if Megan allows it, you can use age-categories to change your stats.

So given your final array of:
str 7 dex 14 con 7 int 20, wis 11, cha 14
you could apply 2 age categories to end up with
str 4 dex 11 con 4 int 22, wis 13, cha 16

I'm not sure how the games you've played in work - but a wizard in the typical campaigns I've played wouldn't be likely to survive more than one or two encounters. :)


Ahah :D This is my first time trying something like this. Plus! I am intending to keep him just behind everyone else "COUGH" meatshields!!"COUGH" ahah.

It would be just quite interesting. Would be fully debuff & buff, controller plus some huge one spell damage maker.

Thoughness + favor in hp should make the difference and later maybe some con boosting item but yah, how far would be able to get it.

hahaha - meatshields indeed. Except all intelligent enemies will make effort to squish the squishy but potent caster. ;)

Male Human Traveler / 8

You'd also have to be sure you're a pretty darned good chap, or the "meatshields" won't be so eager to block the trouble.


Well.... let's just say that my wizard is quite... "cough" self-confident and sees others more stupid than him (like all wizards! but also due to his high intelligence... even the fellow ones are little bit under down) but well..

heh, honestly, I am thinking more like party supporter. I am not meant for front or to be get focused ... of course DM!!!! might think otherwise but... I think I will find a solution for this :P plus I can I am able to confinse my fellows to shield me. The risk is low hp and able to play character *I really like and favor high and heavy RP so you can expect me to play quite nicely him :)*. Intent is never to go fully damage / blaster. Rather 1) I am supporting as you can notice from my spell list also and 2)I am trying to get my feats to support me with this decision.

But I can really see also it myself that I will be in trouble at some points so I need to think about this (would really like to play and see how will do, as I am thinking) and of course with DM approval. Funny thing is that he is universal - so he is really big apple with versatility character. The defense side is only thing worrying me

I've decided on playing a rogue. Hale Caress :)

I'll put up her story and sheet tomorrow

Male Human Traveler / 8

Cool. So far we've got the magic and the rogue taken care of. What else?

Actually, don't entirely count on the rogue - I'm still in two minds about it. Now. Again. :P

...but xiN's apparently got his heart set on a ranger.

Male Human Traveler / 8

From the looks of it, a ranger will be a good choice for this AP.

What else are you considering? Any ideas what Endraca is working on? If we need a front-liner, I've got a barbarian in mind. I'm also somewhat contemplating a cleric.

Dark Archive

I was concidering a druid, but I still need time to decide, not going to be a tank though, as I have played that possition far to often. Hopefully by the end of the day I will have an idea.

I am going Ranger, shapeshifter to be specific. Working on it now.

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

You've been busy whilst I was asleep...

Galrian... I appreciate what you are aiming at, but I think that you've gone a bit far. You may not always have 'meat-shields' available... and I may allow my NPCs access to my own military training which runs to things like appropriate targetting of attacks in an ambush/sniper situation :)

I run point-buy thus: take your 20 points, and adjust your ability scores as you please, with an upper limit of 18. While it's up to you how low you let them go, I regard anything that gives you in excess of a -1 modifier a very risky strategy. Then apply your racial bonuses and penalties... although it's worth bearing them in mind before you start the process.


Ahah, understood :)

So.... with fast modifications.

new stats: calculations here also

new stats:

Str 8 (8) +4
Dex 14 (14) -5
Con 8 (8) +4
Int 20 (18+2) -17p
Wis 13 (13) -3
Cha 13 (13) -3


6+22= 28

20+4+4= 28

@Galrian, you may need to consider that 8 Str gives you 2 (not 4) extra points. Ditto for Con ofcoz...


Don't be shy to make up your mind about your character - personally I like slightly lop-sided parties better than well balanced parties. Having an all-melee party would be awesome! :D

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

Do bear in mind that your DM enjoys interaction as well as a good brawl!

The best interaction is between melee characters ("I got that nook on my sword when I smacked that ogre today") rather than casters ("I just cast a spell - and now I don't remember it! What the hell?")

Anyway :) - I think I've got my heart set on a barbarian again. But Wander Weir, don't let that stop you to play one too :D

We're going off for some swimming fun, I'll post the char details tonight

Male Human Traveler / 8

At this point, I've got so many good ideas for characters, I was hoping to limit them based on your choices. :)

I'm mulling over playing a halfling Barbarian. I've got his backstory all figured out. Sure, he's not going to be anywhere as tough as a half-orc or human barbarian but I've never liked playing min-maxed characters. :)


Ah yes, I forgot to change that. Str and Con are 7 in this case :) Corrected otherwies so FINAL stats are 7,14,7,18,13,13

Male Human Traveler / 8

Hey Megan, when you get a chance, are we creating with average starting gold for class?

LoreKeeper here, meet the initial form of Hale Caress; barbarian, at your service.

Megan, Wander Weir and Galrian; if you want, please provide your email details so I can invite you to:

Megan's Legacy of Fire Google Page

This is *not* for actual play purposes (Paizo boards are more convenient for that) - but the Google page nicely summarizes characters, has loot lists, inventory lists, space for battle maps, hand outs, NPC gallery, etc. It's just really handy (I picked up this trick in the pbp that Navior is running - it really adds an extra dimension to the game).

If you look, you'll find Hale and Romo (xiN) and soon Endraca's character as well (once she wakes up in the morning... :P) - being able to use colors and tables helps the character summary a lot in my opinion

Male Human Traveler / 8

Nice looking character, LoreKeeper! I like the way you designed her.

If you don't mind, send me an email to my profile name (one word) at yahoo. From there I'll send you my real gmail account name for the Google page. I try not to publish that one too publicly.

Btw, we're waiting for your post in Navior's Serpent's Skull, dude!

You can check your mail, I used wanderweir - so I hope that is right

PS, @Megan:
I hope you don't have objections; I'm designing Hale's background relatively mature.

Male Human Traveler / 8
Hale Caress wrote:

You can check your mail, I used wanderweir - so I hope that is right

Received and responded to! Thanks!

Hey, done with stats on the google page. Also I swopped my two character's portraits as you can see. This one just fits the desert ranger better.

Hi Risdin :)

@Wander - I assume you've had no trouble getting to the Google page? :)

Male Human Traveler / 8
Hale Caress wrote:

@Wander - I assume you've had no trouble getting to the Google page? :)

Sorry, I got distracted when I was going to post about it. Yeah, I got to it with no trouble. Any chance you can reduce the adult warning on the set-up for the site? I know that'll keep me from being able to view it at work.


Male Human Dad/17

Dang, sorry I missed this. I've got a LoF Paladin that I was playing in a game that recently went bust and was looking forward to playing him again. Oh, well. Thems the breaks. Carry on I look forward to dropping in from time to time.

Wander Weir's character is peeping in here. Gander, Halfling Barbarian. Still in progress, but a lot of the mechanics are included. I should be able to finish it tomorrow. And I'm not quite satisfied yet with the name. Hmm.

I do wish there were more PC options in the profile pics. This was the best I could come up with that wasn't already used a lot. *shrug*

Yea its annoying hey. 90% of the portraits are monsters.


lorekeeper-:my email:

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

You've been busy whilst I've been asleep (again!).

Average starting gold, yep.

The Google page is nice, thanks. Visit my website to get my e-mail. I've been posting maps on my server actually, for t'other game I'm running.

I've not found pictures I like in the selection so don't use one! But as the DM I am many people... :)

Okay, character sheet in my profile is pretty much complete. I've included the background as well. Hopefully that works pretty well.

I've got a few more details I want to add in, namely the mechanics for his stats when Raging but I'm going to do that later. When that's done, I'll try to copy the whole thing over to the Google site. As far as it goes, however, I'm all set for play whenever the rest of you are.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Wizard / Level 1

I am ready when ever needed to be :)

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