Limited wish question repost.

Rules Questions

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Has anyone encountered, ruled on, or considered the effects the apg had on the limited wish spell?
Limited wish=...Duplicate any non-sorcerer/wizard spell of 5th level or lower, provided the spell does not belong to one of your opposition

with the addition of the summoner and inquisitor class lists there are effects that maybe weren't completely considered.

now able to duplicate:ethereal jaunt
creeping doom 7th lvl druid
invisibility, mass
plane shift
spell turning
summon monster
teleport, greater
dont even feel like listing the inquisitor spells. they have some good ones too.
As i read it some great new options....all are seventh level wizard effects wish got better, those spells got worse. if it wasn't for the 1500 gp cost per cast, the wizard versions of the above would be moot.
Have there been any official rulings on this yet?
i'm fairly certain it wasnt taken into consideration when planning out the spell leveling for the new base classes.

This mistake tends to be repeated by DnD designers over and over again. And it's not just Limited Wish, but it'll be things like "add a spell of X level to your spell list from any other list" and suddenly people are putting powerful spells into lower level slots.

And let's not even get into magic item pricing.

So yes, your observation is totally valid and this is a sign of poor design. The only solution is to just arbitrarily say it doesn't work like that. You'll get some PC grumbles, but if you are upfront about the unintentional flaw in the problem classes, they'll understand.

Agreed. Just explain what happened to your players, and restrict the limited wish spell to those core classes (that have spells) in the PHB.

Now with that said, I would not restrict a Full Wish or Miracle.

Liberty's Edge

In b4 summon eidolon second level summoner spell :P

Scarab Sages

if the spell appear on the wizard/sorcerer spell list it is not a non-wizard spell so you can remove some of them from the list

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