Benoc is banned cos it's my duty to ban that booty.
Spanky the Leprechaun is banned for claiming rights of booty banning.
zylphryx is banned for not knowing I have a License.
Spanky the Leprechaun is banned because writing the words "license to ban" in crayon on a piece of scrap paper does not grant you the legal right to ban.
Bogie, DJ Bogie 001, License to Ban. Consider yerself Banned. Don't make me call M.
I consider myself many things. "Banned" is not one of them. So DJ-Bogie is banned for trying to make me consider myself something I'm not.
gran rey can consider his ass to be a filet mignon, but he's still banned.
Spanky is banned because its really more of a rump roast.
Gran is banned because I don't want to know anything about his rump.
DJ-Bogie is banned because he doth protest too much I think.
Gruumash is banned for quoting the Bard when he is clearly a pirate, YAAAARR!
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
PirateDevon is banned for saying Yarr when he actually means Yarp.
Crimson Jester you are banned for not banning Charles Sholz.
Benoc wrote: Crimson Jester you are banned for not banning Charles Sholz.
I will ban who I want to, you are Banned Benoc.
CJ is banned for exerting free will.
zylphryx is banned for not having destroyed Crimson Jester's free will by now.
gran is banned for not realizing that CJ is already under zylphryx's control and has no free will. Just be glad it's not you, or is it?
I ban DJ-Bogie for doubting my free will.
Did I do that well, Master zylphryx?
gran rey de los mono is banned for almost giving away th... never mind.
not so loud on the forums ... there are so many more wills left to break
Zylphryx and Gran are Banned for making me Roll on the Floor Laughing My Ass Off! And I don't even have an ass, but I am good at rolling!
DJ-Bogie is banned because eyeballs don't have asses to laugh off.
gran rey de los mono is banned for not realizing that is *not* a pupil.
zylphryx wrote: gran rey de los mono is banned for not realizing that is *not* a pupil. ROTFLMAO again!! Someone else ban him, I'm laughing to hard to do it.....
zylphryx is banned for giving dj bogie the stinkeye.
Spanky is banned for trying to give us the stinkpalm.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
gran is banned for splice skunk genes into a plant.
Charles Scholz is banned for STOPPING SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS.[echo]progress, progress, progress.[/echo]
Crimson Jester is banned for echoing.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
gran is banned because it has been 39 hours since some was last banned.
Charles Scholz is banned for trying to impose a schedule on banning. Next thing, folks will be trying to have banning follow strict formatting and layout guidelines. Sheesh!
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
zylphryx is banned for trying to be more chaotic than KaeYoss.
Charles Scholz is banned because he is the previous poster.
Gran is banned because I haven't banned anyone since Tuesday and I don't want to be accused of shirking my duties!
DJ-Bogie is banned for shirking his shirking duties.
Shirk, shirk, shirk. I like that word.
ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban
gran rey de los mono is Doppler banned.
Zylphryx is banned for being a Dopplerganger.
I M Weasel bans DJ-Bogie for punning.
I M Weasel is banned for punnishing.
Schism is banned for punnishing the weasul.
Pauly Shore is banned for Jury Duty. I mean seriously, dude, what the hell were you thinking?
zylphrix is banned for accusing Pauly Shore of thinking? Dude, what are YOU thinking?
Spanky is banned for being right about this one, and double banned for making me admit that!
Spanky the Leprechaun is banned because I followed his scent (wow, is it strong) to find his pot of gold, but it was filled with those little chocolate 'coins' in gold foil wrappers.
And DJ-Bogie is banned for being a ninja.
Werewoof is banned for revealing my ninja secret identity.
DJ-Bogie is banned for not hiding his identity better. Seriously man, I wasn't even looking and found out you are secretly a ninja.
Werewoof is banned for not being observant.
KAt's Eye is banned for noticing the lack of Werewoof's ability to be observant.
PirateDevon is banned for OOH LOOK A SQUIRREL!
*chases squirrel*