GM_Beernorg is banned - and Gotten - and CLAWED - for being a fool!
The CLAW does not come to offer comfort; only TERROR.
The CLAW is banned for overly dramatic use of the word terror.
(ok, that explains allot, terrorsage sounds much less relaxing than massage, but hey, live and learn)
GM-GM-GM-GM-Johhhnnnnyyy DEPP!
*bans GM_Beernorg to a comfy barber's chair*
Johnny Depp Puppet is banned for disguising himself as me.
Wylliam Harrison is banned for pretentious abuse of the letter "y."
Kavren Stark is banned for excessive Jersey Shore shirt collar usage.
GM_Beernorg is banned for being right about it, also banned for cosplaying anime characters in city hall.
Wylliam Harrison is banned for being against anime characters.
Goddity is banned for not being noticed by Sempai.
GoatToucher was banned for caring too much...about goats.
Badblood is banned for caring too much about GoatToucher for his own caring WAY too much about goats.
GM_Beernorg is banned for not actually being a part of an orginization.
Weird plant be banned for not staying in little shop of horrors.
Banned for the incident with the banana and the hedgehog.
You know what you did...
Banned for supplying the hedgehog, the poor thing.
Schism is banned for having once attended an anti-hedgehog rally.
Banned for not realizing I was there protesting the anti-hedgehog people.
Banned for not feeling sorry for the banana
Eliza swiper is banned because as Bjørn Røyrvik once observed, you can't trust the bananastards.
I'm Hiding In Your Closet is banned for eating a sandwich in a no-sandwich zone! (oh, the horror) :)
ULTRAGEEK is banned for loading and unloading in the Red Zone, and for stopping in the White Zone.
IHIYC is banned for bringing up the color card.
Schism is banned for misunderstanding what "going green" means, though it is a fetching color on you.
GM_Beernorg is banned for hitting on Schism.
Monica is banned for not remembering that it isn't easy being green.
GM_Beernorg is banned being mean to an innocent beholder. (They have feelings too, you know) :)
Ultrageek is banned for really being a cyclops. All the other eyes are glued on.
Kat's Eye is banned for thinking i'm a cyclops. I am really a halfling in a costume.
ULTRAGEEK is banned for being a mouse in a mechanical suit.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
GoatToucher is banned for luring innocent hamsters and gerbils to his residence with the promise of a safe "hiding" place.
Molten Dragon is banned for not serving butter with the toast.
The Fiend Fantastic is banned for serving brimestone jelly and torment toast, and it tastes worse than it sounds.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
GMB is banned for doing what he thought was the Safety Dance but was in fact the native American snow dance causing the snow storms on the east coast.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
MD is banned is banned for dancing when he wants to and leaving his friends behind.
3 people marked this as a favorite.
GoatToucher is banned because his friends don't dance, and if they don't dance, then they...get BANNED!
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
IHIYC is banned for double banning.
Mr. Scholz is banned for taking candy from a toddler.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Fiend Fantastic is banned for giving said toddler candy, he is a diabetic!
2 people marked this as a favorite.
GM_Beernorg is banned for wandering around with a magical sack of powdered redcap dust that gives people, including said toddler, diabetes.
IHIYC is banned for mistaking me for Wilford Brimley.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
GM_Beernorg is banned for not being Wilford Brimley.
Zavas is banned for secretly being Miss Viola Swamp.
IHIYC is banned for thinking I'd be that nice of a substitute.
Zavas is banned for not properly worshiping Safety Bear. Safety Bear rules over all!!!!!! Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Safety Bear is banned because we're full up on goofy megalomaniacs around here, thank you.
IHIYC is banned for supporting the evil king in Might & Magic book I
The Fiend Fantastic is banned for mishearing - I said I support King Mallomar for the throne of Candyland, not that other misguided mechanism!
1 person marked this as a favorite.
IHIYC is banned for using the royal candy cane staff of Power to summon dire peeps.
Banned for being the peep king.
Schism is banned for making a strain of Peeps that look like her.