Forum Games

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GM_Beernorg is banned for being so bloody handsome and green. (also, get back to banning people folks, they won't just ban themselves, well, other than me, but I clearly have issues ;))

GM_B is banned for banning his impatient self.

Belphegor is banned for defamation of character against Boris Karloff, he is now actually undead and none to happy.

Banned for making me forget my password to the system. How am I supposed to get any work done now...

Molten Draco be banned for not stopping the Korean spammers.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

T. PoZ is banned for being a Korean spammer.

Alayern is banned for false banning. Poog is a Russian Hacker.


Schism ist bannned für falsche informazione.
Und Alayern ist banned für die claim das ich ein Koreaner bin.

Der nächste poster ist auch banned, wenn er/sie sagt, das ich ein Deutscher bin, oder mir bannt für Deutsche sprache.

German, Russian. One of those middle European countries. They all sound the same.

Poog is banned for pointing out my error.

Schism is banned for clearly not liking geography and linguistics in school.

GMB is banned for using the "S" word.

Scarab Sages

Schism is banned for not wanting to hear her own name.

I'm hiding in Your Closet is banned for the hideous crime of wanting to hear Schism's name.

Scrumptious Lich is banned for being so darn tasty.

"Now get in my Belly !!!!!!!!!!! The Great Devourer commands it."

The Nasty Orc is banned for gluttony.

Scarab Sages

Schism is banned for sloth.

IHIYC is banned for greed, as it wanting to greedily hide in all the closets.

Scarab Sages

GM_Beernorg is banned for being green with envy.

IHIYC is banned for taking pride in his hiding ability.

Kat's Eye is banned for lusting after mice and other small tasty rodents.

Scarab Sages

GM_Beernorg is banned for being wrathful in his banning.

IHIYC is banned for not using the ancient stone tablet of the seven deadly bans in his comment.

GMB is banned for propagating that old myth.

Scarab Sages

Molten Dragon is banned for blaming GM_Beernorg for that when he should really be blaming Paizo.

Banned for ignoring my Beware of the Leopard sign.

MD is banned for not acknowledging the ancient and sacred tradition of banning folks using hokey outdate/outmoded religious sudo-morality tales.

Scarab Sages

GM_Beernorg is banned for questioning the morality of Sudo.

IHIYC is banned for noticing that I used the wrong spelling of sudo, as in the one that is not the one I should have used. LOL

Banned for giving Phil Collins the idea for his song Sussudio.

MD is banned for having been a roadie for Phil Collins.

GM_Beernorg be banned for promoting next Justin Bieber tour.

Banned for mentioning THAT name!

Molten Dragon is banned for protesting too much to he who shall not be named. We all know you are president of his fan club.

Scarab Sages

Angry Little Guy is banned for having a cow nose.

IHIYC is banned for coming out of the closet without my dress again please go back and get it already I have to get ready for the gala tonight.

Banned for not indicating your +1 for the gala.

MD is banned for leaving molten gods only know what, on the ballroom floor of said gala event, I mean, what the hell, I paid 400 gp a plate for that overdone shindig, and the hot elf pally didn't even, you stuff after I paid for her plate!

Jeff Harris 982 is banned for being the 982nd clone of the real Jeff Harris.

Schism is banned for her nightmare of that thing on her head she calls hair.

Scarab Sages

Monica Bellucci is banned for pouring molasses all over her head and expecting us to believe that THAT is her hair.

The crazy clown is banned for hiding this thread for a week.

Silver Crusade

Belphegor is banned for suggesting this thread can be hidden.

Scarab Sages

Nightskies is banned for leaving a slime trail all over the nice carpet.

Banned for hiding this thread AGAIN!

Scarab Sages

Belphegor is banned for blaming me for what other people (don't) do.

Banned for trying to turn the tables.

Belphegor is banned because his red eye light was projecting on to my power point presentation.

MD is banned for making folk sit through a power point presentation, that is so 1998!

Banned because it has been almost a month since the last banning.

Banned for toying with forces beyond your ken.

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