Forum Games

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(Schism is banned for being too late, by a record of 2 posts.
Besides, as being non-native in english it's perfectly fine.)

Now, icehawk333 is banned for making people have to read backwards.

Willdiam haddrimoson is bannerared fors has goodish grammars.

Banned for looking like the eagle muppet.


Banned for being too green. We can allow green but not "too green."

Banned for liplessness.

satyr-molestor be banned for insisting staring contest

Banned for banning on a national holiday.

Scarab Sages

♣♠Magic♦♥ is banned for nationalism (or as Einstein called it, "the measles of Mankind").

Scarey Clown is banned for not staying hidden in the closet.


Message board troll is banned for we only allow magenta ninja trolls

Ulfen Death Squad is banned for his effete taste in trolls.

Quiche Lisp is banned for not gaining an inch of height

Dark Archive

Wylliam is banned for seeking the pleasures of flesh.

Cricky is banned because I am the pleasures of flesh.

♣♠Magic♦♥ is banned to the kitchen, christmas is next in line.

Wylliam is banned for suggesting rabbit kitchen biscuit.

Scarab Sages

Krevon is banned for serving me unjugged-rabbitfish-without-so-much-rat-in-it with, quite frankly, way too much rat in it.

IHIYC is banned for not being grateful

Scarab Sages

Krevon is banned because STANDARDS!

IHIYC is locked in a wickerman, which is then set in a merry fire, burning brightly in advance for the coming new year, to the sound of much screaming - because for a new year to truly come an innocent culprit must be BANNED.

So is the way of Gnomosity, gift from the Abysmal Gods to an unsuspecting world.

Quiche Lisp is BANNED because we do not venerate such heathen festivals in this area of the forums.

Scarab Sages

rashly5 is banned because his face will stick that way if he keeps doing that.

Dark Archive

IHIYC is banned for breaking home security laws

Robot boy is banned because mixing sci fi in my fantasy is badwrongfun.

Message board troll is banned because his identification explicitly states his goal for this thread


Banned for too much redness

Scarab Sages

Ulfen Death Squad is banned for not specifically naming who they are banning.

IHIYC is banned for not fixing the bells on his hat, they're all rusty.

Dark Archive

TFF is banned for not upgrading

You are banned for deleting the fiend.

Scarab Sages

The owner of a flying police box is banned to the parking lot - your lights are on.


The clown who shall remain hiding in my closet is banned for to much red.

Scarab Sages

Ulfen Death Squad is banned for too few "o's".

I'm Hiding In Your Closet is banned because his face has been stuck in a mad grin for far too long.

Scarab Sages

rashly5 is banned for sharing his magic sake bottle with minors!

You are happy-banned because I'm glad other people know about stuff like that. ^_^

Banned because that meme is outdated.

red-fluff-with-hat be banned for not delivering enough rice.


Dark Archive

Troll is banned for breaking community Guidelines

Banned for wasting money on a mech only crickets can wear

Banned for attempting to stifle innovation.

Banned for allowing innovation and a cricket to take over the world.

Scarab Sages

krevon is banned for not recognizing that "innovation and a cricket" is a WAYYY better ruler of the world than the people who are doing it now.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

IHIYC is banned for making me agree with something he said.

Liberty's Edge

Charles is banned because I'm back from not posting here.... ever....

And the fox jacob62 is banned for leaving the foxhunt

TFF is banned for private reasons. He knows what he did.

GoatToucher should not rule this city because I have video of what he and TFF did.

Banned for playing the wrong game.

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