Smerg's Star Wars - A Secret Beginning

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Kiddrik wrote:
awesome... ignore the ic post i just made. :)


Male Human Scoundrel L5 | hp 36/36 | Defense R20F17W17 | Perc +8 | Status: OK

It's OK by me.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

np, I figured people were in an awkward stumbling moment.

One of the advantages of a GM is to sometimes move the story along. 'Course, I only do that after checking to make sure I'm short changing people on a moment when they might be having fun.

Grand Lodge

When we crack open this asteroid, is there gonna be a smaller one inside... then a smaller one inside that... ad nauseum? :)

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Only if the asteroid is Russian. ;>

Grand Lodge

"I vill brreak you"

Smerg: Any thoughts yet on Vash'elie's unasigned language or do you want it to 'emerge' IC?


Side note:
I was reading through on the Use The Force skill and it says in the special that you can't make use the force checks unless you are force sensitive.
Just thought I'd point it out since I was encouraging Kol to make search your feelings checks. Sorry.

Male Human Scoundrel L5 | hp 36/36 | Defense R20F17W17 | Perc +8 | Status: OK

I am fortunate that I'm both.


Ok, phweufh... I thought I was encouraging rule-breaking or somthing.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Vash'elie wrote:
Smerg: Any thoughts yet on Vash'elie's unasigned language or do you want it to 'emerge' IC?

I'll allow it to 'emerge' in character.

Right now, I don't know what language might be useful for Vash'elie to know since I don't know how the story will go over time.

If at some later time a situation comes up and you want to 'happen' to know the language then just let me know and we'll 'assign' the language spot at that point.

I hate people having an ability that doesn't get usage because the 'random' nature of the game doesn't support it. Like having a character specialized in spear fighting but never finding a 'magical' spear because the GM roles on tables heavily waited towards swords.

Grand Lodge

Heads up, Smerg, all my skills were too high by 1, i've adjusted them. i think i added in my half-level bonus as a 1 already, when i'm thinking it should be 0, right? Always round down, if i remember correctly.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Kiddrik wrote:
Heads up, Smerg, all my skills were too high by 1, i've adjusted them. i think i added in my half-level bonus as a 1 already, when i'm thinking it should be 0, right? Always round down, if i remember correctly.

Not a problem. Fixed now; so, we go on from here. :>

Yup, round down for skills and such unless it specifically says a minimum value like '+1 at level 1' (then I allow the round up since it keeps the pattern of one gain every two levels, just on the odd levels).

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Posting seems a bit stalled at the moment.

Would you like me to post some possible scenarios from the 'Appendix' to choose on?

Any preference on type of story solution?

How much combat and how much stealth?

Diversion? Trickery?

I'll write an encounter or two around what you give me in indication of your wants or I can just lay out something for you to do.

What would you like?

N/A Droid (4th-Degree) Soldier 2

Honestly, I like a nice balance of everything. Too much of anything can get tiring.

Agreed. So far, so good imo.
As for the plot. It's looking as if the characters planed this themselves, I'm liking it.
Not sure what faction we could belong to but raising hell seems to be the mission objective. To what end? No idea.

Male Human Scoundrel L5 | hp 36/36 | Defense R20F17W17 | Perc +8 | Status: OK

An even balance for me.

Grand Lodge

I'm enjoying what we're doing. I do lvoe me some combat, but only slightly more than an interesting skill challenge or the like.

Also - TANGENT - where in the rule book does it say how many hp's you get for a night's rest?

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Kiddrik wrote:

I'm enjoying what we're doing. I do lvoe me some combat, but only slightly more than an interesting skill challenge or the like.

Also - TANGENT - where in the rule book does it say how many hp's you get for a night's rest?

Natural Healing is listed on pg 148 Core Book.

Other Healing is through the Treat Injury Skill (First Aid, Long-Term Care, and Surgery).

N/A Droid (4th-Degree) Soldier 2

AKA, your level in hp.

Grand Lodge

That one hp could be the one that saves your bacon, right? :)

MMMMMMM.... bacon.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

If you would like any additional information to develop any of those four plans further then let me know.

List any skills that you might be using to do the work.

Male Human Scoundrel L5 | hp 36/36 | Defense R20F17W17 | Perc +8 | Status: OK

Now, you know I didn't mean that as a critique of the GM right?
My guy is a bit of a sour grapes complainer; It doesn't matter what he's got, its not enough. Be it money, speed, high explosives, intelligence, people, whatever... And of course, it's someone in HQ's fault.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Kol DyThrand wrote:

Now, you know I didn't mean that as a critique of the GM right?

My guy is a bit of a sour grapes complainer; It doesn't matter what he's got, its not enough. Be it money, speed, high explosives, intelligence, people, whatever... And of course, it's someone in HQ's fault.

kk. Just checking to make sure I was doing my part to give you and the others what you need for making a story.

N/A Droid (4th-Degree) Soldier 2

Yeah, we're just hesitating to think I think.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

I used to worry more on the choices that I made as a player. 'Course, I grew up in the original D&D age when the DM was really trying to get your character killed.

I still occasionally play similar to that way (like the last two weekends when I was running them through a variation of Tomb of Horrors).

Generally, I've come to realize that style of play is not for me.

I now prefer it that the players get the opportunity to share in a good story of their own direction and where they get to star.

Whatever you choose, there will be some hazard and some opportunity for heroics.

Heck, you could even choose to go with a Matrix style of entry where you walk in the front door and say that you're here to blow the place up and I'd go with.

I could guarantee you plenty of shooting and violence as you trashed parts of the place but you'd likely get captured at some point. Then it would just be a matter of trying to figure out how to escape capture.

In Saga, as long as you have 1 Force Point to spend, the worse that can happen is you get knocked unconscious (or you attempt something truly impossible to survive like reentry without a spacesuit)

Grand Lodge

Not to complicate the plan unnecessarily, but what do yall think of using the Medical schtick as our exit plan. Kind of an Ocean's 11 thing where our victims actually helpfully usher us out the front door after we've accomplished our goal?

Possibly rig up an explosion in the Spike somehow, and escape dressed as part of the medical response team helping people evacuate?

Just thinking out-loud.

Kiddrik wrote:

Not to complicate the plan unnecessarily, but what do yall think of using the Medical schtick as our exit plan. Kind of an Ocean's 11 thing where our victims actually helpfully usher us out the front door after we've accomplished our goal?

Possibly rig up an explosion in the Spike somehow, and escape dressed as part of the medical response team helping people evacuate?

Just thinking out-loud.

That is awesome! On the same path, we could set up the explosions and go in dressed as a response team. That would help explain our presence if we are seen.

Grand Lodge

So you're saying we do the external explosion, ride in the sleds, cut our way in through the hull (dressed as a response team), find the areas/items we're going to blow up to cause confusion (under the guise of a response team doing on-site excersizes and drills), detonate the explosives, do our other business during the chaos, and get out using our medical response team cover?

I like this because it bypasses normal security procedures that would disallow our disguise from working. Then it just takes (hopefully) some fast-talking by Doc (and maybe some force persuasion by Vash) to get us to the key points to set up our explosion. The rest is the fun part.. running around in the ensuing chaos, doing our thing, then it's just a matter of getting out alive (using our cover as best we can) - only having to 'silence' the people along the way that cause problems. And we get to stick together.

Or were you suggesting a different entry strategy using the response team cover?

Smerg, what would the gear of a medical response team even look like? is it simply a uniform with some light kits? Or would it look more bulky and specific? Akin to a fireman's suit or somesuch?

Kiddrik wrote:

So you're saying we do the external explosion, ride in the sleds, cut our way in through the hull (dressed as a response team), find the areas/items we're going to blow up to cause confusion (under the guise of a response team doing on-site excersizes and drills), detonate the explosives, do our other business during the chaos, and get out using our medical response team cover?

I like this because it bypasses normal security procedures that would disallow our disguise from working. Then it just takes (hopefully) some fast-talking by Doc (and maybe some force persuasion by Vash) to get us to the key points to set up our explosion. The rest is the fun part.. running around in the ensuing chaos, doing our thing, then it's just a matter of getting out alive (using our cover as best we can) - only having to 'silence' the people along the way that cause problems. And we get to stick together.

Or were you suggesting a different entry strategy using the response team cover?

Smerg, what would the gear of a medical response team even look like? is it simply a uniform with some light kits? Or would it look more bulky and specific? Akin to a fireman's suit or somesuch?

No, you nailed it. We blow our way in. Disguise ourselves as a terrorist response or disaster response crew - whatever is appropriate. Have some disguises and fake documents/badges, etc. While in there searching for more bombs and such (that we will plant along the way to keep the chaos factor up), we plant the bots. As our extra bombs go off, we escape using the medical response routine with an injured person or something like that.

Other than the disguises and the bombs, it follows our original plan nicely.

Grand Lodge

Should we be concerned with blow-bck after the fact? I'm guessing this high-security place is just dripping with security feeds. Will our disguises be sufficient to cover who we are? We'll need to move hella-fast, too, as once the initial explosion goes off, i'm guessing cameras will be allover the group of people suspiciously doing "training" in the explosion area.

Maybee we can use blast helmets or somthing such to cover our faces.

Kiddrik wrote:
Should we be concerned with blow-bck after the fact? I'm guessing this high-security place is just dripping with security feeds. Will our disguises be sufficient to cover who we are? We'll need to move hella-fast, too, as once the initial explosion goes off, i'm guessing cameras will be allover the group of people suspiciously doing "training" in the explosion area.

We won't be doing training. We will be like the response team called in to handle the explosion like the bomb squad or a clean-up crew or something like that.

Male Human Scoundrel L5 | hp 36/36 | Defense R20F17W17 | Perc +8 | Status: OK

I like it. Let's do that then.

Kalderaan wrote:
Kiddrik wrote:
Should we be concerned with blow-bck after the fact? I'm guessing this high-security place is just dripping with security feeds. Will our disguises be sufficient to cover who we are? We'll need to move hella-fast, too, as once the initial explosion goes off, i'm guessing cameras will be allover the group of people suspiciously doing "training" in the explosion area.

We won't be doing training. We will be like the response team called in to handle the explosion like the bomb squad or a clean-up crew or something like that.

Heck, we could even ask them to escort us around! ;)

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

If there is enough noise and confusion then the regular person is not going to stop you in the initial stages of an emergency to check ID.

Now, if you run into a response team, they might question who you are as they likely won't recognize you. At that point, SoroSecurity might get an alert to start checking ID.

Once a perimeter starts to develop, it will become harder and harder as procedures start to kick in. Most security works on the premise of capturing the people after the incident unless they get lucky to find the person standing there or know in advance to be looking for someone in the crowd.

People like Gol with Knowledge: Tactics can brief you on standard response procedures and what to expect from Security. Usually, if you look like you have the ID then they won't really be checking too closely.

Especially, since you will already be on-board the Spike leaving many to think that you had to already have gone through some sort of security screening to get there in the first place.

Gol, in his security role, will have information in his briefing material of current uniform and security badges; so, he can spot fakes. It will help make fakes (+2 to Deception) but the badges won't pass muster if they get swiped in a computer reader machine.

Grand Lodge

Smerg wrote:

Now, if you run into a response team, they might question who you are as they likely won't recognize you. At that point, SoroSecurity might get an alert to start checking ID.

I figured we could potentially avoid this situation if one or two of us act like the "victims" being helped, so we just don't hav etime to address any other team that flags us down.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Kiddrik wrote:
Smerg wrote:

Now, if you run into a response team, they might question who you are as they likely won't recognize you. At that point, SoroSecurity might get an alert to start checking ID.
I figured we could potentially avoid this situation if one or two of us act like the "victims" being helped, so we just don't hav etime to address any other team that flags us down.

That might give you a situation bonus but it will still be a deception or persuasion skill (or force ability) to do the actual 'convincing'. <Just like in the Ocean's 11 and similar 'Great Con' movies and many episodes of Hogan's Heroes or A-Team>.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Kiddrik wrote:

Smerg, what would the gear of a medical response team even look like? is it simply a uniform with some light kits? Or would it look more bulky and specific? Akin to a fireman's suit or somesuch?

Most medical response units involve a uniform and a repulsor lift type of medical bed for transporting the injured. The repulsor lift has some spots for storing cases with medical gear and sensors for monitoring the patient.

There are medical response units with dual training in medical response and emergency response. These are the types that are more like your firefighter with medical training.

Normally, they dress in just a uniform but they are fully trained in how to wear full environmental armour (similar to Flightsuit armoured with additional protection against high temperature +5 Fort bonus against extreme temperature.) The colouring is a bright red with white piping and white hash marks on the legs. They carry a backpack full of Survival gear and have access to more gear usually at their base response vehicle (heavy duty 'jaws of life', Fusion Cutters, Inflation balloons, small repulsor field generators, small shield generators, and other items).

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

How do you want to handle gathering up the supplies?

1> Fully role-play it out.

2> Just have a short Montage where each player describes some of the things they did to help get ready?

3> 'Handwave' and jump to the point in time where you are on the sleds, ready to go in, with the bomb ticking down to the moment of detonation.

Grand Lodge

I have no reason to roleplay it,but if anyone wants to, I'm fine with it. I like the A-Team montage idea, personally, but only because i get to reference the A-Team.

N/A Droid (4th-Degree) Soldier 2


Montages are cool.

HK-33 wrote:


Montages are cool.


Male Human Scoundrel L5 | hp 36/36 | Defense R20F17W17 | Perc +8 | Status: OK

Vote for the Montage!

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

We have enough votes for a Montage; so, go nuts.

Grand Lodge

Freaking brilliant, guys.

N/A Droid (4th-Degree) Soldier 2

I love this campaign. ^^

Grand Lodge

HK-33 wrote:

-- cut to --

HK pulling out of the medical facility in an open topped speeder, a tarpaulin covers a mound of medical equipment in the back, a single uniform sleeve hangs out of the edge. Besides him in the speeder Vash pushes a button on her bracer computer and all the cameras turn to point another way.

-- cut to --

All HK lacked was a tight shot of him putting on some shades while he flicks his cancer stick out the side of the speeder on their way by the averted cameras. :D

And agreed on the campaign.

N/A Droid (4th-Degree) Soldier 2

Considered it, but you know - droid. ;)

Grand Lodge

Now if we could only get our Duros gunner to weigh in. Join in the montage, Gol!

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