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Harrow Deck:
I got my deck to use in my current adventure. For example: I decided that the DEX is the best STAT that describes the question. I do not understand what benefit/hindrance the players gain when a role/true/partial/opposite card(s) show up. Is there an effect (+1/-1 to something)? Or is it just to give flavour and a more qualitative approach to the adventure? If my last question is true, then I do not see the point of the importance of getting a role card.In terms of importance yu have Role/True/Opposite/Partial/Misaligned. How can you asses how much info is given? I still do not understand the importance of a Role card.
Also, not clear on this:
- If AP module is based on DEX (DM choice), and a PC asks a question and I decide it belongs to CHA (and his role card shows on the spread) how would this have an effect. Will the PC not get the benefit (if any).I hope I am missing something.
I could not see anything in other threads that addresses my questions :6
The way you want to use a Harrow deck in your game is really up to you. We give a few examples in the product, but for a good example on how to fully incorporate a Harrow deck into an Adventure Path see Curse of the Crimson Throne.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

James Jacobs wrote:It's something that we do try to moderate, and in fact, a fair amount of the art we get in from artists shows women in a lot less clothing than we ask for. In MANY of those cases, we send the art back and ask the artist to put more clothes on the character.Would I be correct in guessing that Shelyn is the most difficult character to get appropriate art for? Because the text always describes her as "wearing tasteful clothing .. that accentuate[s] her beauty without revealing too much of it," and then you turn the page and she's posing as a pole dancer wearing less clothing than I've ever seen on Calistria.
If we ever get the book of SKR's AP writeups on the gods (Ultimate Deities? Deities Revisited?), can I beg you to somehow get an artist to draw her wearing something more than a bedsheet and strategically-placed double-sided tape?
Actually, the most difficult character to get appropriate art for so far is Laori Vaus.
If we DO revise SKR's books, we're more likely to revise the words than the art.

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Joana wrote:Gotta admit, the art in Night of the Frozen Shadows is a far departure from the more modest version in the Gods of Golarion book.James Jacobs wrote:It's something that we do try to moderate, and in fact, a fair amount of the art we get in from artists shows women in a lot less clothing than we ask for. In MANY of those cases, we send the art back and ask the artist to put more clothes on the character.Would I be correct in guessing that Shelyn is the most difficult character to get appropriate art for? Because the text always describes her as "wearing tasteful clothing .. that accentuate[s] her beauty without revealing too much of it," and then you turn the page and she's posing as a pole dancer wearing less clothing than I've ever seen on Calistria.
If we ever get the book of SKR's AP writeups on the gods (Ultimate Deities? Deities Revisited?), can I beg you to somehow get an artist to draw her wearing something more than a bedsheet and strategically-placed double-sided tape?
The idea behind that art in particular if I recall correctly is that she's posing for artwork, and doing so in a way to accentuate her beauty.

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I have a question on rules interpretation that may go into rules as intended vs. rules as written.
The text of the "Shield Master" feat is as follows: "You do not suffer any penalties on attack rolls made with a shield while you are wielding another weapon. Add your shield's enhancement bonus to attacks and damage rolls made with the shield as if it was a weapon enhancement bonus."
As written, a literal interpretation would seem to indicate that, if you have another weapon in your hand, nothing can penalize your attack roll when attacking with the shield, such as power attack, combat expertise, two-weapon fighting, or even spells and effects like Doom that penalize attack rolls.
Am I correct in assuming though, that the feat, if it is to be used as intended, is meant to negate all the penalties for using the shield to make offhand attacks using Two-Weapon fighting feats only (regardless of whether the shield is light or heavy)?
The Shield Master feat merely removes the penalties to your attacks with a shield when you shield bash as an off-hand weapon. If you wield a shield with a 2-handed weapon, you can't make off hand attacks (like shield bashes), so the feat doesn't help you at all there.

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How might you form the adjective for somebody touched by Cyth V'sug? I've been saying V'sugian, but you're far cleverer than I.
Depends what you mean by "touched." If you mean "transformed into a fungoid monstrosity," I'd probably call them "fungal" or "demonicaly fungal" or "Jeharlan" (after his realm). I'd likely try to avoid turning his name into an adjective if I could.

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

James is the Bab Yaga AP coming up at all inspired by late night Hellboy reading? The Rasputin must die title immediately made me think of Wake the Devil.
While Hellboy's take on Baba Yaga is indeed interesting... the primary influence of doing Baba Yaga in Pathfinder (and thus in this AP) is more from the fact that Baba Yaga's Dancing Hut has been in D&D since the first edition of D&D, and because an adventure about her dancing hut (and her as well, of course) that was in Dragon #84 or thereabouts was and remains the best adventure ever published in Dragon.
Rasputin's role in the AP is pretty... unusual. We'll be saying more about that later, but for now, the fact that his name is in the title of the penultimate Reign of Winter AP is something that we don't want to say much more about. We want folks to think and wonder and speculate for a bit! :-)

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Dear James, Will we see Dwergi in the setting? Dwergi is a savage Dwarf race with more interest in technology and eating human eyballs than the regular dwarf. Dwei- is an indoeuropean root for Dire So a Dwergi would be a Dire Dwarf (template wise).
I've never heard of dwergi.
A quick google doesn't reveal much about them in folklore, though... I'd love to learn more about them. If they're from folklore or mythology... VERY interesting indeed. If they were invented for a comic book or video game or something though... we can't do anything with them.

Tels |

Joana wrote:James Jacobs wrote:It's something that we do try to moderate, and in fact, a fair amount of the art we get in from artists shows women in a lot less clothing than we ask for. In MANY of those cases, we send the art back and ask the artist to put more clothes on the character.Would I be correct in guessing that Shelyn is the most difficult character to get appropriate art for? Because the text always describes her as "wearing tasteful clothing .. that accentuate[s] her beauty without revealing too much of it," and then you turn the page and she's posing as a pole dancer wearing less clothing than I've ever seen on Calistria.
If we ever get the book of SKR's AP writeups on the gods (Ultimate Deities? Deities Revisited?), can I beg you to somehow get an artist to draw her wearing something more than a bedsheet and strategically-placed double-sided tape?
Actually, the most difficult character to get appropriate art for so far is Laori Vaus.
If we DO revise SKR's books, we're more likely to revise the words than the art.
I would LOVE a figurine of Laori, but you've previously mentioned no one can get the 'right art' for her.
I suggested a minor competition of artwork for her so we could get a figurine, I think you nixed that idea though because Superstar is hard enough.
Maybe just a thread calling for Laori artwork by those that post, and simply picking the best one.

Odraude |

Odraude wrote:The idea behind that art in particular if I recall correctly is that she's posing for artwork, and doing so in a way to accentuate her beauty.Joana wrote:Gotta admit, the art in Night of the Frozen Shadows is a far departure from the more modest version in the Gods of Golarion book.James Jacobs wrote:It's something that we do try to moderate, and in fact, a fair amount of the art we get in from artists shows women in a lot less clothing than we ask for. In MANY of those cases, we send the art back and ask the artist to put more clothes on the character.Would I be correct in guessing that Shelyn is the most difficult character to get appropriate art for? Because the text always describes her as "wearing tasteful clothing .. that accentuate[s] her beauty without revealing too much of it," and then you turn the page and she's posing as a pole dancer wearing less clothing than I've ever seen on Calistria.
If we ever get the book of SKR's AP writeups on the gods (Ultimate Deities? Deities Revisited?), can I beg you to somehow get an artist to draw her wearing something more than a bedsheet and strategically-placed double-sided tape?
That makes sense. Wasn't really offended by it, just noticed the difference. Cool enough for me.

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I suggested a minor competition of artwork for her so we could get a figurine, I think you nixed that idea though because Superstar is hard enough.
In the time it would take to judge a contest like this, I could pay dozens and dozens of artists to take a shot at Laori's artwork.
And getting a Laori mini is unlikely because, frankly, she wields a spiked chain. And those are tricky to do minis of.

Tels |

Tels wrote:I suggested a minor competition of artwork for her so we could get a figurine, I think you nixed that idea though because Superstar is hard enough.In the time it would take to judge a contest like this, I could pay dozens and dozens of artists to take a shot at Laori's artwork.
And getting a Laori mini is unlikely because, frankly, she wields a spiked chain. And those are tricky to do minis of.
I counted roughly 10 minis on Reaper that had a spiked chain.
Plus, this one doesn't look bad at all. In fact, it looks really good.

ShadowFighter88 |
Odraude wrote:The idea behind that art in particular if I recall correctly is that she's posing for artwork, and doing so in a way to accentuate her beauty.Joana wrote:Gotta admit, the art in Night of the Frozen Shadows is a far departure from the more modest version in the Gods of Golarion book.James Jacobs wrote:It's something that we do try to moderate, and in fact, a fair amount of the art we get in from artists shows women in a lot less clothing than we ask for. In MANY of those cases, we send the art back and ask the artist to put more clothes on the character.Would I be correct in guessing that Shelyn is the most difficult character to get appropriate art for? Because the text always describes her as "wearing tasteful clothing .. that accentuate[s] her beauty without revealing too much of it," and then you turn the page and she's posing as a pole dancer wearing less clothing than I've ever seen on Calistria.
If we ever get the book of SKR's AP writeups on the gods (Ultimate Deities? Deities Revisited?), can I beg you to somehow get an artist to draw her wearing something more than a bedsheet and strategically-placed double-sided tape?
Hence the chisel, hammer and block of marble in the bottom corner (though I now wonder who the guy doing the chiselling is - to get the job of making a statue of Shelyn).

Dragon78 |

1)If the first world is a continous world of land and sea with no outerspace then were does the light of day and night come from? are there any "stars", "moons", "sun" or anything that looks like or functions like them?
2)Is Sarusan around the same size as Australia?
3)Will we ever see stats for non-evil fallen angels? I am assuming such creatures would be unique and have different abilities then just a templated angel.
4)Is it safe to assume that we will get an article on Triaxus in the same AP we get to go there? Will we see monsters in that AP's bestiary that are from there as well?
5)Would you say that the world world is bigger or smaller then Texas?

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James Jacobs wrote:Tels wrote:I suggested a minor competition of artwork for her so we could get a figurine, I think you nixed that idea though because Superstar is hard enough.In the time it would take to judge a contest like this, I could pay dozens and dozens of artists to take a shot at Laori's artwork.
And getting a Laori mini is unlikely because, frankly, she wields a spiked chain. And those are tricky to do minis of.
I counted roughly 10 minis on Reaper that had a spiked chain.
Plus, this one doesn't look bad at all. In fact, it looks really good.
Now compare how many minis on Reaper that have a mace. Or a sword. Or any non-chain weapon that you can sculpt easier.
I didn't say it can't be done. I said they were tricky. And when you have 55 minis to do and one of them is a tricky one and doing a less tricky one helps you get the whole set out on time... it's an easy choice to make.
MORE TO THE POINT: I'd really rather kinda wait for the right time to do a Laori mini rather than cram her into a set like Rise of the Runelords or Shattered Star.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

1)If the first world is a continous world of land and sea with no outerspace then were does the light of day and night come from? are there any "stars", "moons", "sun" or anything that looks like or functions like them?
2)Is Sarusan around the same size as Australia?
3)Will we ever see stats for non-evil fallen angels? I am assuming such creatures would be unique and have different abilities then just a templated angel.
4)Is it safe to assume that we will get an article on Triaxus in the same AP we get to go there? Will we see monsters in that AP's bestiary that are from there as well?
5)Would you say that the world world is bigger or smaller then Texas?
1) Unrevealed at this point... but magic is certainly involved.
2) Also unrevealed at this point, including to most of those who live on Golarion.
3) Mabye. If we come up with a story that needs them.
4) We normally do just that, so yeah... safe to assume.
5) World World? Huh?

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James I know I asked this a few years ago. But have the chances of an Osirian based AP increased? I keep seeing people mention they want one,here on the boards and in fact it has been my #1 hope since Pathfinder mentioned Osirian. So what do you say?
I'd love to do an Osirion AP. I'm running two campaigns right now set in Osirion. Chances of us doing an Osirian AP increase each time we do an AP not set in Osirion.

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Mr. Jacobs,
I asked this on the Rise of the Runelords Anniversary edition page but, since I suspect you are more of a frequent visitor to this thread than to that one, and yours is the relevent question, I repeat it here.
When revisitng RotRL AP, was there an effort to make the seperate moduls in the path be more related to each other? I heard that one of the only weak points of the original AP (which I do not possess) are that the adventures, while outstanding, have little to nothing to do with each other, which for me is a big issue.
So was there an effort to make the adventures more in sync with each other? will the plaers feel that they are doing an "adventure path" and not just a "series of modules with the same characters"?
As a side note, another question about the Alien movies:
The, when I saw they picked up that little girl in Aliens, I was all like, "oh sure, that's the new cat". It didn't end up being quite as terrible as it was in the first film, but the girl did end up getting the characters into a lot of trouble by the end of the movie.
did that ever bother you? is there a known reason/excuse for the cat in the Alien movie?

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James Jacobs wrote:5) World World? Huh?I think he meant "Worldwound".
Well... in that case, since there are scales on both the maps of the Inner Sea and of the United States... that's hardly a question that I'm the only one capable of answering.
According to my handy ruler, the Worldwound is about 500 miles by 350 miles in size. Texas looks like it's about the same size, more or less. Maybe a little bigger.
Cue some helpful internet dweller to do a Worldwound/Texas overlay. And perhaps a Varisia/USA overlay while we're at it.

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Mr. Jacobs,
I asked this on the Rise of the Runelords Anniversary edition page but, since I suspect you are more of a frequent visitor to this thread than to that one, and yours is the relevent question, I repeat it here.
When revisitng RotRL AP, was there an effort to make the seperate moduls in the path be more related to each other? I heard that one of the only weak points of the original AP (which I do not possess) are that the adventures, while outstanding, have little to nothing to do with each other, which for me is a big issue.
So was there an effort to make the adventures more in sync with each other? will the plaers feel that they are doing an "adventure path" and not just a "series of modules with the same characters"?
As a side note, another question about the Alien movies:
** spoiler omitted **
As Lisa mentioned in that other thread... we have indeed done a fair amount to shore up the connections between some of the adventures in Runelords. There's stronger links between parts 2 and 3 and between parts 3 and 4 in particular.
That said, I think that there absolutely was a feeling of it being an Adventure Path the first time around—there's a LOT of themes (greed and sin for one!) that run through all six parts to tie things together. The fact that Rise of the Runelords also had to serve as the "Here's our new game world, don't be afraid of it because it's new!" made it a necessary evil to make each adventure somewhat stand-alone though.
As for Alien...
I really loved both Alien and Aliens, the only two Iv'e seen so far of the franchise, but there was one thing I *hated* in the first movie: that silly cat. It seemed like half of the characters were lured to their death by chasing the cat to dark, remote areas of the spaceship. in the end of the movie even Rippley risks her life to save the thing. Just felt like the most awkward and over-used plot devices Iv'e ever seen.
The, when I saw they picked up that little girl in Aliens, I was all like, "oh sure, that's the new cat". It didn't end up being quite as terrible as it was in the first film, but the girl did end up getting the characters into a lot of trouble by the end of the movie.did that ever bother you? is there a known reason/excuse for the cat in the Alien movie?
Neither the cat or Newt bothered me in Alien/Aliens. In fact, I named one of my cats back in High School "Newt" in honor of the two of them.
As for the purpose they serve... it's twofold. First of all, both give the film-makers someone for the viewer to hope survives—kids and animals are for a lot of people easy things to root for, and placing them in danger is a very effective way to heighten the horror of a scene for many.
And in-movie they both serve additional purposes. Jones (the cat) was put on the ship to give the crew some companionship—it's easy to get fed up with the other people you work with, especially if you're effectively locked in with them for years at a time, but animals are a different story. They provide companionship without being snarky. Furthermore... there's a LONG tradition on ships for bringing cats, because the cats eat the rats on the ship. Sure, we don't see any rats on the Nostromo, but perhaps that's because Jones is a good ratter. It's certainly a tradition that is interesting to see carried on into the future on a ship where the "sailors" (or in this case, astronauts) have a very strong sense of tradition.
It's ALSO perhaps worth remembering that the fact that a cat being around to jump out and be in danger was not quite so much the overused plot devices 35 or so years ago when Alien first came out. Alien was one of the most influential movies in the horror genre—it changed a LOT of things, and a lot of movies try to emulate it in many ways.
Now... as for Newt... check out the director's cut of Aliens. In that movie, there's a whole subplot about how Ripley comes back from being in space for 50-some years adrift in space, she finds out that her daughter has died of old age only a few months before she was rescued. And so here's a woman who when she went into space had a daughter about Newt's age who, due to the fact she ended up lost in space for 50 years, ended up being older than Ripley and passed away before she could be reunited with her. And that's why Ripley is so dang protective of Newt in the movie—she sees Newt as a sort of "replacement" for her daughter and doesn't want to lose her as well.
So yeah... in the end, for reasons both meta and story, I think that Jones and Newt play invaluable roles in their respective moves.

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wraithstrike wrote:1. If I use the wizard's bonded item to cast a spell that is not prepared, can I also apply a metamagic feat to it?
2. If I do so does it increase the casting time?
1) Yup; treat it as if you were spontaneously casting a spell as a sorcerer.
2) Yup, unless it's a quickened spell.
Sorry to be the naysayer, but:
A bonded object can be used once per day to cast any one spell that the wizard has in his spellbook and is capable of casting, even if the spell is not prepared. This spell is treated like any other spell cast by the wizard, including casting time, duration, and other effects dependent on the wizard's level. This spell cannot be modified by metamagic feats or other abilities. The bonded object cannot be used to cast spells from the wizard's opposition schools (see arcane school).
I must admit that I am relieved to see that specification in the rules, I was already dreading the thread about using a bonded object to cast the highest spell someone know with all his know metamagics piled up.
I see what was your idea JJ, but it would require very precise wording, substituting the bolded part with something like: "This spell can be modified by metamagic feats or other abilities but the final level of the resulting modified spells should be not higher than the highest level spell that the wizard can cast." and even with that kind of wording people would try to weasel strange combinations of traits and abilities to cast a spell of a level higher than permitted.

Tels |

James Jacobs wrote:wraithstrike wrote:1. If I use the wizard's bonded item to cast a spell that is not prepared, can I also apply a metamagic feat to it?
2. If I do so does it increase the casting time?
1) Yup; treat it as if you were spontaneously casting a spell as a sorcerer.
2) Yup, unless it's a quickened spell.
Sorry to be the naysayer, but:
PRD wrote:A bonded object can be used once per day to cast any one spell that the wizard has in his spellbook and is capable of casting, even if the spell is not prepared. This spell is treated like any other spell cast by the wizard, including casting time, duration, and other effects dependent on the wizard's level. This spell cannot be modified by metamagic feats or other abilities. The bonded object cannot be used to cast spells from the wizard's opposition schools (see arcane school).I must admit that I am relieved to see that specification in the rules, I was already dreading the thread about using a bonded object to cast the highest spell someone know with all his know metamagics piled up.
I see what was your idea JJ, but it would require very precise wording, substituting the bolded part with something like: "This spell can be modified by metamagic feats or other abilities but the final level of the resulting modified spells should be not higher than the highest level spell that the wizard can cast." and even with that kind of wording people would try to weasel strange combinations of traits and abilities to cast a spell of a level higher than permitted.
Here's a kicker, can you use a Meta-Magic Rod to modify the spell? I'd personally allow it, as it's a limited resource/day thing, but I would say no to using your own feats to modify the spell.

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The Whispering Tyrant has been brought up a lot, but I can't find a really good answer to this one:
How powerful is he supposed to be? I found one place that said he was roughly CR 21, but others that claimed he'd be CR 40 and be the end-all baddy for a epic-level mythic setting.
Is this vagueness on purpose? Or is my google/search-fu simply weak today?

wraithstrike |

James Jacobs wrote:wraithstrike wrote:1. If I use the wizard's bonded item to cast a spell that is not prepared, can I also apply a metamagic feat to it?
2. If I do so does it increase the casting time?
1) Yup; treat it as if you were spontaneously casting a spell as a sorcerer.
2) Yup, unless it's a quickened spell.
Sorry to be the naysayer, but:
PRD wrote:A bonded object can be used once per day to cast any one spell that the wizard has in his spellbook and is capable of casting, even if the spell is not prepared. This spell is treated like any other spell cast by the wizard, including casting time, duration, and other effects dependent on the wizard's level. This spell cannot be modified by metamagic feats or other abilities. The bonded object cannot be used to cast spells from the wizard's opposition schools (see arcane school).I must admit that I am relieved to see that specification in the rules, I was already dreading the thread about using a bonded object to cast the highest spell someone know with all his know metamagics piled up.
I see what was your idea JJ, but it would require very precise wording, substituting the bolded part with something like: "This spell can be modified by metamagic feats or other abilities but the final level of the resulting modified spells should be not higher than the highest level spell that the wizard can cast." and even with that kind of wording people would try to weasel strange combinations of traits and abilities to cast a spell of a level higher than permitted.
I looked for it and missed it before asking here. Thanks Deigo. I will look at other options.

wraithstrike |

Diego Rossi wrote:Here's a kicker, can you use a Meta-Magic Rod to modify the spell? I'd personally allow it, as it's a limited resource/day thing, but I would say no to using your own feats to modify the spell.James Jacobs wrote:wraithstrike wrote:1. If I use the wizard's bonded item to cast a spell that is not prepared, can I also apply a metamagic feat to it?
2. If I do so does it increase the casting time?
1) Yup; treat it as if you were spontaneously casting a spell as a sorcerer.
2) Yup, unless it's a quickened spell.
Sorry to be the naysayer, but:
PRD wrote:A bonded object can be used once per day to cast any one spell that the wizard has in his spellbook and is capable of casting, even if the spell is not prepared. This spell is treated like any other spell cast by the wizard, including casting time, duration, and other effects dependent on the wizard's level. This spell cannot be modified by metamagic feats or other abilities. The bonded object cannot be used to cast spells from the wizard's opposition schools (see arcane school).I must admit that I am relieved to see that specification in the rules, I was already dreading the thread about using a bonded object to cast the highest spell someone know with all his know metamagics piled up.
I see what was your idea JJ, but it would require very precise wording, substituting the bolded part with something like: "This spell can be modified by metamagic feats or other abilities but the final level of the resulting modified spells should be not higher than the highest level spell that the wizard can cast." and even with that kind of wording people would try to weasel strange combinations of traits and abilities to cast a spell of a level higher than permitted.
The spell would still be getting modified by metamagic so I would say no. :(

Belle Mythix |

It has probably been asked and answered before but, does the Paladin Smite Evil ability allow the Paladin to hurt an Incorporal Undead?

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James Jacobs wrote:wraithstrike wrote:1. If I use the wizard's bonded item to cast a spell that is not prepared, can I also apply a metamagic feat to it?
2. If I do so does it increase the casting time?
1) Yup; treat it as if you were spontaneously casting a spell as a sorcerer.
2) Yup, unless it's a quickened spell.
Sorry to be the naysayer, but:
PRD wrote:A bonded object can be used once per day to cast any one spell that the wizard has in his spellbook and is capable of casting, even if the spell is not prepared. This spell is treated like any other spell cast by the wizard, including casting time, duration, and other effects dependent on the wizard's level. This spell cannot be modified by metamagic feats or other abilities. The bonded object cannot be used to cast spells from the wizard's opposition schools (see arcane school).I must admit that I am relieved to see that specification in the rules, I was already dreading the thread about using a bonded object to cast the highest spell someone know with all his know metamagics piled up.
I see what was your idea JJ, but it would require very precise wording, substituting the bolded part with something like: "This spell can be modified by metamagic feats or other abilities but the final level of the resulting modified spells should be not higher than the highest level spell that the wizard can cast." and even with that kind of wording people would try to weasel strange combinations of traits and abilities to cast a spell of a level higher than permitted.
There ya go. Disregard my post. (I'll go back and edit it.)
Also... it's always a good idea to read the rule from the book before asking the question on a messageboard, since sometimes we DO write down the answers there... ;-P

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Diego Rossi wrote:Here's a kicker, can you use a Meta-Magic Rod to modify the spell? I'd personally allow it, as it's a limited resource/day thing, but I would say no to using your own feats to modify the spell.James Jacobs wrote:wraithstrike wrote:1. If I use the wizard's bonded item to cast a spell that is not prepared, can I also apply a metamagic feat to it?
2. If I do so does it increase the casting time?
1) Yup; treat it as if you were spontaneously casting a spell as a sorcerer.
2) Yup, unless it's a quickened spell.
Sorry to be the naysayer, but:
PRD wrote:A bonded object can be used once per day to cast any one spell that the wizard has in his spellbook and is capable of casting, even if the spell is not prepared. This spell is treated like any other spell cast by the wizard, including casting time, duration, and other effects dependent on the wizard's level. This spell cannot be modified by metamagic feats or other abilities. The bonded object cannot be used to cast spells from the wizard's opposition schools (see arcane school).I must admit that I am relieved to see that specification in the rules, I was already dreading the thread about using a bonded object to cast the highest spell someone know with all his know metamagics piled up.
I see what was your idea JJ, but it would require very precise wording, substituting the bolded part with something like: "This spell can be modified by metamagic feats or other abilities but the final level of the resulting modified spells should be not higher than the highest level spell that the wizard can cast." and even with that kind of wording people would try to weasel strange combinations of traits and abilities to cast a spell of a level higher than permitted.
You should be able to use metaagic to modify any spell you cast, regardless of how you cast it. But the wording of this power makes it pretty clear that you can't.

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The Whispering Tyrant has been brought up a lot, but I can't find a really good answer to this one:
How powerful is he supposed to be? I found one place that said he was roughly CR 21, but others that claimed he'd be CR 40 and be the end-all baddy for a epic-level mythic setting.Is this vagueness on purpose? Or is my google/search-fu simply weak today?
Right now, I'm comfortable including stats for NPCS and monsters that are up to CR 25. Treerazer and the Tarrasque are both good examples of such creatures.
The Whispering Tyrant would be above CR 25. How far? Can't say. We don't have the rules yet to nail it down, and as such we're vague on purpose.

Meiersification |

Hail. I come before the court of the Tyrant Lizard King, Jacobs. I wish to posit the following conundrums. Given that a living ranger can so hateth the undead that it becomes its favorite enemy, canst an undead ranger so too hateth the living that living entities thus become its most favorite foe. If not, wouldest yon phylum needest to be shorn to beings of two legs and limbs?
Also, were a lycanthrope to undertaketh the task to becometh a lich and succeed, should said lycanthrope bite the limb of another and infect them, would that being then becometh a were-lich?

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It has probably been asked and answered before but, does the Paladin Smite Evil ability allow the Paladin to hurt an Incorporal Undead?
Only if she uses a magic weapon to smite it. And even then, the incorporeal undead takes half damage.

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Hail. I come before the court of the Tyrant Lizard King, Jacobs. I wish to posit the following conundrums. Given that a living ranger can so hateth the undead that it becomes its favorite enemy, canst an undead ranger so too hateth the living that living entities thus become its most favorite foe. If not, wouldest yon phylum needest to be shorn to beings of two legs and limbs?
Also, were a lycanthrope to undertaketh the task to becometh a lich and succeed, should said lycanthrope bite the limb of another and infect them, would that being then becometh a were-lich?
Any ranger can pick any favored enemy. An undead ranger can pick any favored enemy a living creature can pick. So... yes.
Nope. No such thing as a werelich.

Belle Mythix |

Belle Mythix wrote:It has probably been asked and answered before but, does the Paladin Smite Evil ability allow the Paladin to hurt an Incorporal Undead?Only if she uses a magic weapon to smite it. And even then, the incorporeal undead takes half damage.
So it's not that useful/powerful.
Haunting of Harrowstone is a physical attack classes bane.