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Paizo Employee Creative Director

Alexander Augunas wrote:

I think my favorite scare in any of Lovecraft's short stories is Shadow Out of Time's ultimate payoff; that final sentence is SO scary!

What's your favorite Lovecraft scare?


The whole "trapped in a decaying body" element of "Thing on the Doorstep" is pretty unsettling. I'm also pretty fond of the end of Pickman's Model and The Outsider.

James Jacobs wrote:
AlgaeNymph wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
AlgaeNymph wrote:
Assuming the players and GM are all on board, how would Hell's Vengeance accommodate someone who serves Zepar, Socothbenoth, or someone similarly vile?
That'd be a pretty terrible choice. Save those character concepts for Hell's Vengeance.
I know they'd be terrible for Hell's Rebels, which is why I specified Hell's Vengeance in my original question.
Take that as an indication of my frustrations, then, I suppose, for reading posts where folks intentionally seek to be disruptive by playing agents of Thrune or whatever in Hell's Rebels, combined with me being exhausted after Gen Con.

I figured that was the problem.

1. Assuming the players and GM are all on board, how would Hell's Vengeance accommodate someone who serves Zepar, Socothbenoth, or someone similarly vile?

2. On the extreme opposite end, how would Hell's Rebels accommodate worshipers of notably affectionate deities, such as Arshea?

I will be running an Occult Adventures tryout session in my modern earth superhero setting.

1. What might you recommend I read/watch/check out to prepare for it?

2. Do you have any advice for setting the mood or just generally running a mote "spooky" game?

Essentially, I just want all of the advice you are willing to type.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

AlgaeNymph wrote:

1. Assuming the players and GM are all on board, how would Hell's Vengeance accommodate someone who serves Zepar, Socothbenoth, or someone similarly vile?

2. On the extreme opposite end, how would Hell's Rebels accommodate worshipers of notably affectionate deities, such as Arshea?

1) Pretty well. As long as the players of those characters are fine with their characters working with and serving House Thrune to a certain extent, Hell's Vengeance will welcome and accommodate all types of evil!

2) Very well. The closer to chaotic good you are, the more you'll be in sync with the adventure path's themes, but as long as you're willing to help rebel against the lawful ruler of Kintargo and want to play along with the other players... you'll do fine!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

DarthPinkHippo wrote:

I will be running an Occult Adventures tryout session in my modern earth superhero setting.

1. What might you recommend I read/watch/check out to prepare for it?

2. Do you have any advice for setting the mood or just generally running a mote "spooky" game?

Essentially, I just want all of the advice you are willing to type.

1) Hmmmmm... I actually don't know, since I'm not really all that up on superhero stuff other than watching most of the Marvel movies. I suppose X-Men might make the best inspiration, what with all the telepathy and telekinesis and mutant powers?

2) For a spooky game... I'd use mood music in the background. Dim the lights a little. Maybe turn the air down just a little bit too cold. And don't let the players fool around on their phones!

DarthPinkHippo wrote:

I will be running an Occult Adventures tryout session in my modern earth superhero setting.

1. What might you recommend I read/watch/check out to prepare for it?

2. Do you have any advice for setting the mood or just generally running a mote "spooky" game?

Essentially, I just want all of the advice you are willing to type.

Have you ever seen the pilot for Gene Roddenberry's Spectre? Also, it's worth checking out the Doctor Strange cartoon, the Doctor Strange movie from the 70's, and the little known cult classic Simon King of the Witches. If looking at older material isn't your bag, then the Hellboy movies or the recent Constantine TV show should suffice.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Brother Fen wrote:
DarthPinkHippo wrote:

I will be running an Occult Adventures tryout session in my modern earth superhero setting.

1. What might you recommend I read/watch/check out to prepare for it?

2. Do you have any advice for setting the mood or just generally running a mote "spooky" game?

Essentially, I just want all of the advice you are willing to type.

Have you ever seen the pilot for Gene Roddenberry's Spectre? Also, it's worth checking out the Doctor Strange cartoon, the Doctor Strange movie from the 70's, and the little known cult classic Simon King of the Witches. If looking at older material isn't your bag, then the Hellboy movies or the recent Constantine TV show should suffice.

Have not seen it. Haven't even heard of it.

And OH! Yes! Hellboy is indeed the best one to look at for inspiration for superhero/occult stuff. PERFECT answer!

Thanks! I'm throwing out most of the superhero shenanigans for this bit of pathfinding, it is just sharing a setting with my most recent campaign (like running Carrion Crown assuming Runelords happened).

Do you have any thoughts with that change of information?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

DarthPinkHippo wrote:

Thanks! I'm throwing out most of the superhero shenanigans for this bit of pathfinding, it is just sharing a setting with my most recent campaign (like running Carrion Crown assuming Runelords happened).

Do you have any thoughts with that change of information?

Not really.

Dark Archive

James, you are GMing and you have the PCs in a tower full of undead, you've got them a little creeped out with what they've seen so far; how do you keep the suspense up?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
ulgulanoth wrote:
James, you are GMing and you have the PCs in a tower full of undead, you've got them a little creeped out with what they've seen so far; how do you keep the suspense up?

By continuing to do what I've been doing. By drawing upon about 35 years of reading and watching horror-themed entertainment. By capitalizing upon what I know my players are afraid of and pushing their comfort levels to the edge. By using psychological tricks like having them roll Will saves or Perception checks and regardless of the result, saying nothing and just pretending to grimly jot down notes behind the GM screen. By having some monsters twist and bend rules in ways the players don't expect, such as by letting them go 3 times in a round, or perhaps allowing them to split open upon death to release a rot grub swarm, or maybe by having one of the undead look uncannily like one of the PCs...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
Hitdice wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Filby Pott wrote:
I've heard that writers are only allowed to make up one name with an apostrophe in it as long as they work for Paizo. Have you used your apostrophe yet?
Near the start. Cyth-V'sug.
Does Paizo have the same sort of rule about hyphens, or are you just using those things like a kid spending pennies at the candy store?

No special rule. Hyphens are always available to make compound nouns, even if they're Proper Nouns.

The problem with putting an apostrophie in a name is that it doesn't actually do what most fantasy authors think it does.

Have you ever read Reamde by Neal Stephenson? 'Cause that's sort of a really huge issue about halfway through the book. :)

Hello, James
Can any devil make an infernal contract with a mortal? Or infernal contracts are reserved for Contract Devils and other powerfull Hell residents?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Hitdice wrote:
Have you ever read Reamde by Neal Stephenson? 'Cause that's sort of a really huge issue about halfway through the book. :)

Haven't read it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ashkar wrote:

Hello, James

Can any devil make an infernal contract with a mortal? Or infernal contracts are reserved for Contract Devils and other powerfull Hell residents?

Any devil can make a contract with a mortal, yes. Contract devils can whip them up SUPER FAST; other devils need time and a feat or other resources to make them up. There's a lot more information about them (including said feat) in Pathfinder #101's upcoming article about infernal contracts.

A dumb question, but does remove blindness/deafness spell heals permanent blindness effect?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Ashkar wrote:
A dumb question, but does remove blindness/deafness spell heals permanent blindness effect?


A) Will there be any potential of Manasaputra-derived Aasimars and Sakhil-derived Tieflings becoming playable?

B) The Great Beyond, A Guide to the Multiverse was released by Paizo in May 2009. Is that the end-all, be all book about the Planes as far as Pathfinder is concerned? Or is it due for an update eventually with a newer planar-themed hardcover?

C) Are Cthulhu and Hastur the two deities that will have articles in the backmatter of Strange Aeons?

D) What role will Nyarlathotep play in Strange Aeons, if any?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Axial wrote:

A) Will there be any potential of Manasaputra-derived Aasimars and Sakhil-derived Tieflings becoming playable?

B) The Great Beyond, A Guide to the Multiverse was released by Paizo in May 2009. Is that the end-all, be all book about the Planes as far as Pathfinder is concerned? Or is it due for an update eventually with a newer planar-themed hardcover?

C) Are Cthulhu and Hastur the two deities that will have articles in the backmatter of Strange Aeons?

D) What role will Nyarlathotep play in Strange Aeons, if any?

A) No plans anytime soon.

B) That book only scratches the surface. There's a LOT more to tell.

C) Nope. Hastur and Xhamen-Dor.

D) Unrevealed, but at this point, not a big role at all.

James Jacobs wrote:
Ashkar wrote:

Hello, James

Can any devil make an infernal contract with a mortal? Or infernal contracts are reserved for Contract Devils and other powerfull Hell residents?
Any devil can make a contract with a mortal, yes. Contract devils can whip them up SUPER FAST; other devils need time and a feat or other resources to make them up. There's a lot more information about them (including said feat) in Pathfinder #101's upcoming article about infernal contracts.

*Avoids making a self-deprecating lawyer joke here. Made my will save!*

Hi James,

I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed that you won't be developing the Lovecraftian AP.

I know you can't discuss the specifics, but is the alternate project at least something else you're passionate about?

I've now read Finders Keepers by King, any thoughts about book 3? I loved the interesting event at the end...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
MeanDM wrote:

I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed that you won't be developing the Lovecraftian AP.

I know you can't discuss the specifics, but is the alternate project at least something else you're passionate about?

I've now read Finders Keepers by King, any thoughts about book 3? I loved the interesting event at the end...

I'm disappointed as well, but it is what it is. This isn't all play; it's work as well for me, and I there are a lot of really good reasons why having Adam develop Strange Aeons and not me is the right choice. It's not something I'm all that interested in talking about publicly though.

The alternate projects (there are actually 2 of them) is indeed something I'm passionate about. In addition, I'll be writing a FEW of the backmatter articles for Strange Aeons, and event hough I'm not the primary developer, I'll be pretty involved in helping Adam get things right. I did build the overall outline as well, so the entire story is mine on that level.

I liked Finders Keepers, and indeed, that event at the end is the best part about the book.

Absolutely. I understand that ultimately it is a business, and I'm sure there are absolutely valid reasons why things are done as they are. I don't intend that as an indictment of Paizo. I'm just a fan of your work in that area. I'm quite sure Adam will do a great job.

Hitdice wrote:

Have you ever read Reamde by Neal Stephenson? 'Cause that's sort of a really huge issue about halfway through the book. :)

I'm reading Snowcrash right now...it's pretty intense

James: I may have missed this answer, and it may exist, but is there any material yet on the Mana Wastes besides that entry in ISWG? You guys can't just tease me with "mutant gnoll gunslingers" and leave a guy hanging...

So in the new printing of the ARG, the aging effects chart was changed so that Dhampire and Tieflings died of old age at the same time as humans. I know you've said you wanted them changed for awhile, so I imagine you are happy about that change.
However, the 'adulthood' and 'random starting ages' weren't changed. A dhampire wizard, according to the errata/2nd printing, starts between the ages of 30 and 80. Since dhampires now die of old age as early as 72, we've entered a Traveller-like era of the game in which you can die during character creation.

When you said you wanted to have the maximum ages for dhampires and tieflings changed, did you mean to include the starting ages as well? Or are you happier with the current version of the aging charts?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

LazGrizzle wrote:

James: I may have missed this answer, and it may exist, but is there any material yet on the Mana Wastes besides that entry in ISWG? You guys can't just tease me with "mutant gnoll gunslingers" and leave a guy hanging...

You might want to check out the adventure "Wardens of the Reborn Forge." Or if not that, then the Inner Sea Bestiary's entry on the Mana Wastes Mutants.

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed that you there are a lot of really good reasons why having Adam develop Strange Aeons and not me is the right choice.

Is this the first time someone other than you or Rob is AP showrunner?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
137ben wrote:

So in the new printing of the ARG, the aging effects chart was changed so that Dhampire and Tieflings died of old age at the same time as humans. I know you've said you wanted them changed for awhile, so I imagine you are happy about that change.

However, the 'adulthood' and 'random starting ages' weren't changed. A dhampire wizard, according to the errata/2nd printing, starts between the ages of 30 and 80. Since dhampires now die of old age as early as 72, we've entered a Traveller-like era of the game in which you can die during character creation.

When you said you wanted to have the maximum ages for dhampires and tieflings changed, did you mean to include the starting ages as well? Or are you happier with the current version of the aging charts?

I'm frustrated about the change, because it looks like the changes were not applied consistently, as you've noted. I had assumed that the request to the design team to adjust the starting ages would also result in appropriate adjustments to all associated rolls and numbers... but looks like they overlooked those elements.

At this point, the simplest solution is to just use all the numbers for half-elves in place of aasimars and tieflings and dhampirs.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Samy wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed that you there are a lot of really good reasons why having Adam develop Strange Aeons and not me is the right choice.
Is this the first time someone other than you or Rob is AP showrunner?

Sort of.

I still wrote the whole outline for the AP, and I'm still going to be the one to do the initial read through of the author's work... but rather than develop those adventures myself, I'll be making extensive notes and suggestions for Adam to develop. So, while he'll be doing the bulk of the many hours of work developing an adventure takes, my influence will still be over it all in a "training" sort of way.

But yeah, this is the first time an entire AP is being developed by someone other than myself or Rob. It's something we should have had happen many years ago, in fact, but it's also something we COULDN'T do many years ago—we can only really manage it now because we've hired Linda and Amanda and Crystal to help out. Because someone has to do the work that Adam would have done otherwise!

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
137ben wrote:

So in the new printing of the ARG, the aging effects chart was changed so that Dhampire and Tieflings died of old age at the same time as humans. I know you've said you wanted them changed for awhile, so I imagine you are happy about that change.

However, the 'adulthood' and 'random starting ages' weren't changed. A dhampire wizard, according to the errata/2nd printing, starts between the ages of 30 and 80. Since dhampires now die of old age as early as 72, we've entered a Traveller-like era of the game in which you can die during character creation.

When you said you wanted to have the maximum ages for dhampires and tieflings changed, did you mean to include the starting ages as well? Or are you happier with the current version of the aging charts?

I'm frustrated about the change, because it looks like the changes were not applied consistently, as you've noted. I had assumed that the request to the design team to adjust the starting ages would also result in appropriate adjustments to all associated rolls and numbers... but looks like they overlooked those elements.

At this point, the simplest solution is to just use all the numbers for half-elves in place of aasimars and tieflings and dhampirs.

They also didn't modify the other planetouched's ages at all.

Speaking of, was it just the starting ages you didn't care for or did you not care for them being long-lived either? Or was that part indifferent to you?

Liberty's Edge

I don't suppose Adam being so involved would let Strange Aeons go to Arcadia...? :D

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Rysky wrote:

They also didn't modify the other planetouched's ages at all.

Speaking of, was it just the starting ages you didn't care for or did you not care for them being long-lived either? Or was that part indifferent to you?

First, we don't use the word "planetouched," That said, leaving those age modifiers untouched was a deliberate design decision, as far as I know, under the idea of "Those age categories don't currently clash with story elements and thus we should not tinker with them so as to not disrupt active characters..." although the same could have been said about the dhampirs, so I dunno.

It's primarily the starting ages that bothered me, since those values are so important to the plots of Burnt Offerings and Council of Thieves. And if those are lower, then the rest of the numbers should be lower as well, in my opinion. The concept of a race that matures quickly but lives a long time is pretty interesting, but I'd rather use that on a race that's not already all but overloaded with unusual variations like aasimars and tieflings. AKA: Those are already complex enough.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Samy wrote:
I don't suppose Adam being so involved would let Strange Aeons go to Arcadia...? :D

Nope. Strange Aeons is in fact going the other direction, into Casmaron.

All of the storyline and outline elements for Strange Aeons were built by me (at a point where I was assuming that I would be developing it).

In fact, had we known earlier that Adam would be doing this AP, I suspect we would have held off on Strange Aeons a bit longer and then I would have worked with Adam to build an AP that he'd be able to be more involved in the creation of... but that's not the world we live in, alas.

Silver Crusade

Samy wrote:
I don't suppose Adam being so involved would let Strange Aeons go to Arcadia...? :D

... does Arcadia have a New England analogue?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Rysky wrote:
Samy wrote:
I don't suppose Adam being so involved would let Strange Aeons go to Arcadia...? :D
... does Arcadia have a New England analogue?

Not really.

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
First, we don't use the word "planetouched,"

My apologies, is there a Pathfinder word for Native Outsider races other than Geniekin? I don't really like using it since not all the elemental races are descended from Genie kind (Ifrit in particular I think are called out as also capable of being from Salamanders and Azers) and because it also excludes the Fetchlings.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Rysky wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
First, we don't use the word "planetouched,"
My apologies, is there a Pathfinder word for Native Outsider races other than Geniekin? I don't really like using it since not all the elemental races are descended from Genie kind (Ifrit in particular I think are called out as also capable of being from Salamanders and Azers) and because it also excludes the Fetchlings.

Nope, by design. The native outsider races are so different in theme and ability that we'd rather not give the impression that they're "of a kind" really; furthermore, not EVERY outsider race has a native outsider zero HD analogue, which using a word like "planetouched" implies.

James Jacobs wrote:
Samy wrote:
I don't suppose Adam being so involved would let Strange Aeons go to Arcadia...? :D

Nope. Strange Aeons is in fact going the other direction, into Casmaron.

All of the storyline and outline elements for Strange Aeons were built by me (at a point where I was assuming that I would be developing it).

In fact, had we known earlier that Adam would be doing this AP, I suspect we would have held off on Strange Aeons a bit longer and then I would have worked with Adam to build an AP that he'd be able to be more involved in the creation of... but that's not the world we live in, alas.

Does this mean we will be getting a big Casmaron book?

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
I would have worked with Adam to build an AP that he'd be able to be more involved in the creation of... but that's not the world we live in, alas.

Is Adam filling in for Adventure Path something that's just an emergency stopgap, or are you grooming/training him for being a more regular person in that role?

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
First, we don't use the word "planetouched,"
My apologies, is there a Pathfinder word for Native Outsider races other than Geniekin? I don't really like using it since not all the elemental races are descended from Genie kind (Ifrit in particular I think are called out as also capable of being from Salamanders and Azers) and because it also excludes the Fetchlings.
Nope, by design. The native outsider races are so different in theme and ability that we'd rather not give the impression that they're "of a kind" really; furthermore, not EVERY outsider race has a native outsider zero HD analogue, which using a word like "planetouched" implies.

Ah, okies! Didn't think about that, sorry, heh.

How do the species of the Dominion of the Black interact with the standard Pathfinder cosmology? Namely, what happens to their souls after they die?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

xavier c wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Samy wrote:
I don't suppose Adam being so involved would let Strange Aeons go to Arcadia...? :D

Nope. Strange Aeons is in fact going the other direction, into Casmaron.

All of the storyline and outline elements for Strange Aeons were built by me (at a point where I was assuming that I would be developing it).

In fact, had we known earlier that Adam would be doing this AP, I suspect we would have held off on Strange Aeons a bit longer and then I would have worked with Adam to build an AP that he'd be able to be more involved in the creation of... but that's not the world we live in, alas.

Does this mean we will be getting a big Casmaron book?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Samy wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
I would have worked with Adam to build an AP that he'd be able to be more involved in the creation of... but that's not the world we live in, alas.
Is Adam filling in for Adventure Path something that's just an emergency stopgap, or are you grooming/training him for being a more regular person in that role?

The latter. AT this point, there are two people at Paizo who have the training and skill and experience to pull off an Adventure Path—myself and Rob. If one of us gets hit by a bus... Wes might be able to step in to take up the slack, but then we'll be without an editor in chief for 9 months. In any event, that'd all be a disaster.

So with Adam and others stepping in to help out, we're less frightened about all that.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Slithery D wrote:
How do the species of the Dominion of the Black interact with the standard Pathfinder cosmology? Namely, what happens to their souls after they die?

They work the exact same as any other living creature. Their souls go to the Boneyard and then end up getting judged and sent on as appropriate. Since the bulk of the Dominion of the Black follow unusual faiths that aren't really about worshiping deities but are more philosophies or the like, that means their souls generally go on to whatever outer plane matches their alignment. Whether they're punished or rewarded or turned into outsiders or become quintessence all depends on Pharasma.

1)How did you like Gen Con?

2)Have you seen any movies lately? If so what have you seen?

3)Have you read any good books lately?

4)What are your top 5 movies you have seen this year?

5)Have you seen any new(or at least new to you) TV shows lately?

I want to know, How does Calistria feel about Nocticula and Socothbenoth? does she like them? hate them? just not care? I have had thoughts of making a Mesmerist cultist of Socothbenoth in hiding and will have a companion who would be a Cleric of Calistria, I just wanted to know how each religious organisation feels about the other as well as the god and demons stand on it.


James Jacobs wrote:
The latter. AT this point, there are two people at Paizo who have the training and skill and experience to pull off an Adventure Path—myself and Rob. If one of us gets hit by a bus... Wes might be able to step in to take up the slack, but then we'll be without an editor in chief for 9 months. In any event, that'd all be a disaster.

With any luck, no one at Paizo will be getting hit by a bus any time soon!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:

1)How did you like Gen Con?

2)Have you seen any movies lately? If so what have you seen?

3)Have you read any good books lately?

4)What are your top 5 movies you have seen this year?

5)Have you seen any new(or at least new to you) TV shows lately?

1) I didn't really enjoy Gen Con at all.

2) Yes. The best of the movies I've seen recently is "Spring." An INCREDIBLE movie. Haven't really had the chance to watch much more lately due to Gen Con and stuff. Going to see "The Gift" tomorrow though.

3) Yeah. "Finders Keepers" was pretty good, and "Go Set a Watchman" which I'm about 70% through is VERY excellent.

4) It Follows. Spring. Fury Road. The Impossible. These Final Hours.

5) Daredevil is great. Humans is great.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GraphiteCrow wrote:
I want to know, How does Calistria feel about Nocticula and Socothbenoth? does she like them? hate them? just not care? I have had thoughts of making a Mesmerist cultist of Socothbenoth in hiding and will have a companion who would be a Cleric of Calistria, I just wanted to know how each religious organisation feels about the other as well as the god and demons stand on it.

She detests Socothbenoth, but is intrigued by Nocticula.

James Jacobs wrote:
Axial wrote:

A) Will there be any potential of Manasaputra-derived Aasimars and Sakhil-derived Tieflings becoming playable?

B) The Great Beyond, A Guide to the Multiverse was released by Paizo in May 2009. Is that the end-all, be all book about the Planes as far as Pathfinder is concerned? Or is it due for an update eventually with a newer planar-themed hardcover?

C) Are Cthulhu and Hastur the two deities that will have articles in the backmatter of Strange Aeons?

D) What role will Nyarlathotep play in Strange Aeons, if any?

A) No plans anytime soon.

B) That book only scratches the surface. There's a LOT more to tell.

C) Nope. Hastur and Xhamen-Dor.

D) Unrevealed, but at this point, not a big role at all.

Since you reveled which gods will get deity articles in Strange Aeons, Can tell us which gods will get deity articles in Hell's Vengeance?

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