Archpaladin Zousha |
Rysky wrote:James Jacobs wrote:So no love for Urgathoa or Zyphus? I see how it is...Rysky wrote:Will Inner Sea Gods also cover dead Gods such as Aroden and Acavna?No. It might have a bit to say about Aroden, but Acavna's hardly a modern "Inner Sea God" at all. The focus of the book is on living gods.(rolls eyes)
That's correct. We're not talking about any of them. Also, because it's "Inner Sea Gods" we're not talking about any of the female ones. There are no goddesses in this book. Also? The book itself has an increased chance to give you paper cuts, and for every book we don't sell, Paizo will come to your house and burn one of your favorite things and make you eat the ashes.
Either that... or there will indeed be some stuff about Urgathoa and Zyphus in here.
Probably the latter, since Urgathoa's on the cover of the book. Just a guess.
But! But! But my Pathfinder books ARE my favorite things! ;P
Who, in your opinion, is the more adorable monster race, the goblins or the kobolds?
The Block Knight |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
@Nanatsusaya: Fair enough on the lack of equipment bonus. As for the stat bonuses - Krune can just barely cast 9th level spells (he's also level 17) and he got the Exceptional Stats bonus. Also, that bonus comes from the fact that the Runelords are 25-point-buy Azlanti (not from inherent bonuses from Wish or similar things).
So if it's a just an equipment thing, then that still technically doesn't make him less powerful than Karzoug since if you took away Karzoug's equipment as well then they'd be back on equal terms. I suppose it's fairer to do so when discussing raw Runelord power, so Karzoug is CR20, rather than 21; and Krune is CR17, rather than 18. With Zutha still also at CR20, at minimum.
@Alleran Zutha as a Mythic Lich would makes things even weirder since Mythic Liches use CR to determine the number of Mythic Ranks whereas at least with Mythic Tiers you can lower the amount that an NPC has, so you can have a Level 16 character with only 2 Tiers. So even if Zutha was a Level 15 Necromancer (CR 14), plus Lich (CR 16), he'd then have 8 Ranks of Mythic Lich which leaves him at CR 20 and this time without even worrying about 9th level spells or a stat boost.
In fact, I've been assuming Zutha couldn't be a Mythic Lich for precisely this reason since you need to handicap his Mythic rating to bring him in under Karzoug. Assuming the Exceptional Stat boost (all Runelords seem to get it) but ignoring equipment, the absolute minimum for Zutha in a vacuum would be Level 11 Necromancer (CR 10 +1 stats +2 Lich = CR 13) which as a Mythic Lich would give him 6 Ranks, making him Total CR 16. This is too weak since it comes in under Krune who is already the weakest Runelord. If we give him 9th level spells (why not) at Level 17, then we're looking at (CR 16 +3 as above = CR 19) 9 Mythic Lich ranks which would give him a Total CR 23.
The sweet spot (above Krune and below Karzoug), factoring out equipment but including the stat boost, is Level 13 as a Mythic Lich (Level 12 nets you CR 17 [Krune] and Level 14 is CR 20 [Karzoug]). Granted, using the Mythic Lich option does at least do the work of nailing down Zutha's level spot-on, but it doesn't feel right - Zutha, Runelord of Necromancy unable to even cast Create Greater Undead or Horrid Wilting (both 8th).
Deepest apologies to James for cluttering this thread. Though I am really curious as to his thoughts on this. However, if other people want to discuss this further I say we start a new thread.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs wrote:Alaznist was and is more powerful than Karzoug. Zutha may or may not have had mythic power himself, but you can be mythic and less powerful than Karzoug at the same time.Ooh, I rather like the implications of this answer, thank you! I hadn't even considered the possibility that Zutha might be weaker than Karzoug, given that the Cenotaph seems to be how Tar-Baphon became mythic.
(I've been mulling over in my head a Varisia-based campaign set in the aftermath of Shattered Star, based on the premise that Magnimar would set out to find the remaining Runelords and try to prevent their return, or at least settle the wilderness and explore ancient ruins so as not to be caught unaware. Alaznist and Sorshen as the final enemies would be fun.)
The Cenotaph is a source of mythic power, but that doesn't mean it was when Zutha first built it, etc.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Nanatsusaya wrote:(I've been mulling over in my head a Varisia-based campaign set in the aftermath of Shattered Star, based on the premise that Magnimar would set out to find the remaining Runelords and try to prevent their return, or at least settle the wilderness and explore ancient ruins so as not to be caught unaware. Alaznist and Sorshen as the final enemies would be fun.)No love for Xanderghul? He was outright the most powerful of them, after all. Although "Sorshen Lives" is still in that little teaser from Part 6 of S*.
Speaking of, to James, is there anything more on that teaser? Or are you still keeping it under wraps?
I didn't put that teaser into the book on a whim for no reason.
The stars are not yet right for me to say more, though.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
How does Socothbenoth fit into the heresy of Ayavah? Is he seen as a fallen figure alongside his sister? Is he believed to be seeking ascension as well, or possibly holding his sister back?
He doesn't fit that well. She believes he's not really Nocticula's actual biological sister but a freaky pervert stalker. At best.
No one believes that Socothbenoth is looking to be anything more than what he is. Least of all Socothbenoth.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Mikaze wrote:How does Socothbenoth fit into the heresy of Ayavah? Is he seen as a fallen figure alongside his sister? Is he believed to be seeking ascension as well, or possibly holding his sister back?** spoiler omitted **
Yes. Heresies can be true. All that's required for a heresy is that it goes drastically against the status quo. If the status quo is false... it's still the status quo.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Nanatsusaya wrote:James Jacobs wrote:Alaznist was and is more powerful than Karzoug. Zutha may or may not have had mythic power himself, but you can be mythic and less powerful than Karzoug at the same time.Ooh, I rather like the implications of this answer, thank you! I hadn't even considered the possibility that Zutha might be weaker than Karzoug, given that the Cenotaph seems to be how Tar-Baphon became mythic.I've often wondered this myself. Assuming Zutha has access to 9th-level spells: minimum level of 17 (CR 16), + 2 for Runelord stat and equipment bonuses, + 2 for Lich template, + 1 for minimum Mythic Tiers (he could have between 1 to 3 thanks to rounding down) = CR 21 which puts him on equal footing with Karzoug.
If Zutha is to be weaker, either he doesn't have access to 9th level spells (which doesn't seem right since he should have 9th Level Necromancy spells), or he doesn't have the +2 for stats and equipment that Karzoug has (though, again, it doesn't seem right to deprive Zutha of Exceptional Stats as both other Runelords to date have gotten this boost).
His +2 for being a Lich is pretty much locked in thanks to his phylactery backstory (and Artifact). And it's pretty hard to ignore the fact that he's Mythic unless parts of Mythic Realms entry about the Cenotaph are either ignored or retconned.
Personally, I'm fine with Zutha being equal to Karzoug.
James Jacobs, any thoughts on this matter? Should Zutha be equal to Karzoug? Or do you see a way to weaken the necromantic Runelord's power?
Your math's pretty good, which would certainly suggest that Zutha is all that but does NOT have mythic tiers, hence my confirmation that Zutha was not mythic. He was CLOSE to becoming mythic, though.
It's also somewhat possible that Zutha didn't have the exceptional equipment that Karzoug had. Remember... Karzoug was a runelord of greed. His extra equipment is perhaps a "perk" of that flavor, just as Zutha being a lich would be a perk of being a runelord of gluttony.
In any event, no, he's not equal to Karzoug. The whole point of Karzoug and the balance of power and all that is that he's in the middle. That means 3 more powerful, 3 less powerful.
If I had to stat Zutha up today, he'd be a 17th level Azlanti human lich necromancer with exceptional gear and exceptional stats. CR 20.
We've statted Krune up. Belimarius is somewhere between him and Zutha.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
The Block Knight wrote:Or Zutha could be a Mythic Lich, like Tar-Baphon (and Tar-Baphon gained power from the Cenotaph).I've often wondered this myself. Assuming Zutha has access to 9th-level spells: minimum level of 17 (CR 16), + 2 for Runelord stat and equipment bonuses, + 2 for Lich template, + 1 for minimum Mythic Tiers (he could have between 1 to 3 thanks to rounding down) = CR 21 which puts him on equal footing with Karzoug.
If Zutha is to be weaker, either he doesn't have access to 9th level spells (which doesn't seem right since he should have 9th Level Necromancy spells), or he doesn't have the +2 for stats and equipment that Karzoug has (though, again, it doesn't seem right to deprive Zutha of Exceptional Stats as both other Runelords to date have gotten this boost).
His +2 for being a Lich is pretty much locked in thanks to his phylactery backstory (and Artifact). And it's pretty hard to ignore the fact that he's Mythic unless parts of Mythic Realms entry about the Cenotaph are either ignored or retconned.
He's not a mythic lich.
And not only because I don't really like the mythic lich template because it doesn't work with Archmage tiers which is a damn shame.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Why was Mythic power more common in the ancient times?
Does a campaign about mythic powers returning in its former abundance sounds interesting?
Because the themes of "Magic was more powerful in the ancient past" are cool themes that fit well with all of our established world lore.
And not really. Mythic is more interesting when it's the exception, not the norm.
Varisian Wanderer |
Hi James!
Thanks for helping me figure out the Stalker's Crossbow! I wanted to create a similarly-flavored weapon for an NPC of mine.
1) What ability score modifiers would you assign to a half-incubus template? For reference, here is the incubus, the half-fiend template, the succubus, and a half-succubus gains a +2 Dex, +4 Con, +2 Int, +2 Wis, and +8 Cha.
2) Any suggestions for a half-incubi's special ability (like the half-succubi's passion ability)?
Karlgamer |
Karlgamer wrote:Do you ever find yourself hoping for a ruling that is different from the one you would make if you were in your GMs shoes?Nope, because when I'm in my GM shoes I get to decide what the ruling is, and when I'm a player I respect the GM's decision for what the ruling is.
When I said "hoping for a ruling" I didn't mean to imply not respecting the GM's decision. I'm unsure how you came to that conclusion.
Nanatsusaya |
is Iomadae a chaste god?
Personally, I'd love to see the sort of interaction you could get between Iomedae and her daughter/son when she summons the party to her presence in Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth. Especially if her progeny happened to be in a relationship with Arueshalae and threw a fit over their mother refusing to include the former succubus in the summons. Similarly, how would Iomedae react to her own child having a crisis of faith in her presence?
Wildebob |
I'm looking for some advice on creating a pantheon of deities for my homebrew campaign setting. I know there are many books about deities and I'm sure a lot of information could be gleaned from reading about other settings pantheons, but what I'm interested is explicit advice on building one. Do you know of any books, articles, podcasts, etc that give more than just passing advice on the subject?
MMCJawa |
Hey James. Hope you have been having a relaxing or at least productive weekend, and not getting to slammed at work/recovering from your surgery/other life stuff
Been awhile since I asked some questions, so here goes.
1) You mentioned Shenshen (apologies if I misspelled the name) got featured in the NPC guide. I think I missed her. What class is she?
2) Excluding fictional pantheons like those figured in the Lovecraft mythos or DnD settings, do you have a favorite set of Gods (Greek, Norse, Etc), and if so why are they your favorite?
3) Have you checked out the Cryptozoologicon yet? and if so what did you think?
4) Any recent (last few months) horror movies I should check out? My last few random hits on Netflix have been disappointing.
Archpaladin Zousha |
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Kobolds, no contest. Goblins are too vile to be cute. And if they're not that vile... that's kinda wrong.
Who, in your opinion, is the more adorable monster race, the goblins or the kobolds?
Yay! Kobolds for the win! SO glad they got their own book!
Sort of a response to recent questions. What IS it with people wanting to play CN worshipers of demon lords?
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Hi James!
Thanks for helping me figure out the Stalker's Crossbow! I wanted to create a similarly-flavored weapon for an NPC of mine.
1) What ability score modifiers would you assign to a half-incubus template? For reference, here is the incubus, the half-fiend template, the succubus, and a half-succubus gains a +2 Dex, +4 Con, +2 Int, +2 Wis, and +8 Cha.
2) Any suggestions for a half-incubi's special ability (like the half-succubi's passion ability)?
1) Not sure. I'd have to read through the stats and decide, and I'm too lazy to do that now.
2) See #1 above. Also, I try to avoid doing "free design work." Mostly for time-management reasons (I don't want to set precedents), but a little because I do like getting paid for my work! :P
James Jacobs Creative Director |
OK... so I have a Headband of Vast Intellect +2 with the Linguistics skill attached to it...
Would I get a bonus language each level? Or would the skill points only apply to the skill's other features?
If Bonus languages are gained, are they predetermined?
You'd get a bonus language, and it would indeed be predetermined.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs wrote:When I said "hoping for a ruling" I didn't mean to imply not respecting the GM's decision. I'm unsure how you came to that conclusion.Karlgamer wrote:Do you ever find yourself hoping for a ruling that is different from the one you would make if you were in your GMs shoes?Nope, because when I'm in my GM shoes I get to decide what the ruling is, and when I'm a player I respect the GM's decision for what the ruling is.
After answering thousands of questions and seeing the answers often used as ammo/weapons/prybars by players to get their way... I've just kind of learned to expect that could happen. Not necessarily by the person asking the question either... remember, these answers are public, and anyone can use or abuse them.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs Creative Director |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
James Jacobs, how do *you*, personally, run grapple. Related rant
I've no interest in clicking a link labeled "related rant."
I run grapple by the rules.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
I'm looking for some advice on creating a pantheon of deities for my homebrew campaign setting. I know there are many books about deities and I'm sure a lot of information could be gleaned from reading about other settings pantheons, but what I'm interested is explicit advice on building one. Do you know of any books, articles, podcasts, etc that give more than just passing advice on the subject?
I believe we talk a little bit about that in the Gamemastery Guide.
My preference (this is how I built my dozens of homebrew deities for my campaign setting, many of which are now Golarion deities) is to make it a mix of deities inspired by real-world mythology, deities borrowed and adjusted from other settings you like, and deities you make up. Don't try to make them all up at once, but do use existing books about RPG deities as guidelines for how to format your information.
Tels |
Pathos wrote:You'd get a bonus language, and it would indeed be predetermined.OK... so I have a Headband of Vast Intellect +2 with the Linguistics skill attached to it...
Would I get a bonus language each level? Or would the skill points only apply to the skill's other features?
If Bonus languages are gained, are they predetermined?
So a +2 Headband of Intellect that gives skill ranks in Linguistics would give a 20th level character 21 total languages? One for being a +2 intelligence item, and 20 for the ranks in Linguistics?
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Hey James. Hope you have been having a relaxing or at least productive weekend, and not getting to slammed at work/recovering from your surgery/other life stuff
Been awhile since I asked some questions, so here goes.
1) You mentioned Shenshen (apologies if I misspelled the name) got featured in the NPC guide. I think I missed her. What class is she?
2) Excluding fictional pantheons like those figured in the Lovecraft mythos or DnD settings, do you have a favorite set of Gods (Greek, Norse, Etc), and if so why are they your favorite?
3) Have you checked out the Cryptozoologicon yet? and if so what did you think?
4) Any recent (last few months) horror movies I should check out? My last few random hits on Netflix have been disappointing.
I'm pretty much all recovered from the surgery, and work is busy but under control. Got the kitchen cleaned and watched 2 movies and Mythbusters and played some video games. Doing good so far!
1) She's a fighter/bard. She's in there in the back along with the rest of the Paizo PCs.
2) I'm pretty fond of the Mesoamerican pantheon and the Mesopotamian pantheons.
3) Haven't checked it out yet.
4) Let's see... the best horror movies (I'm including non-supernatural thrillers here) I've seen on Netflix in the past 90 days were:
Devil's Pass
The Silence
Toad Road
The Purge (Disc only)
Haunter looks good... haven't seen it yet.
Some recently released movies that aren't yet on Netflix that you can see via Amazon or Itunes or the like that look promising:
Jug Face
Almost Human (In fact... been waiting to see this for a while... I might go watch it tonight!)
Open Grave
Banshee Chapter
Last Days on Mars I DID see via this method, and it's quite good!
Also... American Horror Story and The Walking Dead are both brilliant.
Hmmm. I should start posting movie reviews again.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Sort of a response to recent questions. What IS it with people wanting to play CN worshipers of demon lords?
People like the bad guys. And CN demon lord worshipers are a way to do that without BEING a bad guy. In theory. And that's a pretty compelling option for a player who's playing in a game where evil isn't allowed.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs wrote:So a +2 Headband of Intellect that gives skill ranks in Linguistics would give a 20th level character 21 total languages? One for being a +2 intelligence item, and 20 for the ranks in Linguistics?Pathos wrote:You'd get a bonus language, and it would indeed be predetermined.OK... so I have a Headband of Vast Intellect +2 with the Linguistics skill attached to it...
Would I get a bonus language each level? Or would the skill points only apply to the skill's other features?
If Bonus languages are gained, are they predetermined?
Nope; just 20. You don't get retroactive languages when your Intelligence goes up after character creation.
Of course, getting languages from Linguistics in a headband is already sort of a house rule anyway.
Up to your GM.
Karlgamer |
After answering thousands of questions and seeing the answers often used as ammo/weapons/prybars by players to get their way... I've just kind of learned to expect that could happen. Not necessarily by the person asking the question either... remember, these answers are public, and anyone can use or abuse them.
Alright cool. Honestly, didn't think about that.
It's like in Forward the Foundation when Eto Demerzel(R. Daneel Olivaw) has to explain to Hari Seldon that he can't simply use his awesome Robot powers to change anyone's mind who doesn't agree with him.
Because he follows the Zeroth law(A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.) he can't make any changes which he isn't able to predict a positive outcome.
Thomas LeBlanc RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
James, the map of the Abyss from the WotR folio is pretty epic! The difference between the version in the Great Beyond and this presentation is astounding. While artistically the new version is better, without a good grasp on the Abyss, it is harder to explain.
1) Any chance of a map folio of the planar cosmology as a whole? Or at least individual planes or even deity's realms in future products?
2) Where is Dahak's realm located?
3) I know in the past you said you didn't want to expound upon Tiamat's place in the setting, but what happened to her? Or is that just another unanswered mystery?
Thanks again for your time!
Alexander Augunas Contributor |
Tels |
Tels wrote:James Jacobs wrote:So a +2 Headband of Intellect that gives skill ranks in Linguistics would give a 20th level character 21 total languages? One for being a +2 intelligence item, and 20 for the ranks in Linguistics?Pathos wrote:You'd get a bonus language, and it would indeed be predetermined.OK... so I have a Headband of Vast Intellect +2 with the Linguistics skill attached to it...
Would I get a bonus language each level? Or would the skill points only apply to the skill's other features?
If Bonus languages are gained, are they predetermined?
Nope; just 20. You don't get retroactive languages when your Intelligence goes up after character creation.
Of course, getting languages from Linguistics in a headband is already sort of a house rule anyway.
Up to your GM.
Headbands of Intellect provide a bonus language for every +2 bonus it has, that's what I meant.
Would you say those 20 languages from linguistics should be 'locked in' once chosen or created? Some people have theorized you could take it off, and then put it back on and learn 20 new languages the following day (since they don't become permanent until 24 hours have passed).
Archpaladin Zousha |
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Sort of a response to recent questions. What IS it with people wanting to play CN worshipers of demon lords?People like the bad guys. And CN demon lord worshipers are a way to do that without BEING a bad guy. In theory. And that's a pretty compelling option for a player who's playing in a game where evil isn't allowed.
Yeah, but why demon lord worshipers specifically? Most people who wanna play CN Nocticula/Socothbenoth worshipers seem to forget Calistria exists...
baron arem heshvaun |
Not a question James but something you may find amusing.
Mercury the kitten may only have two legs but he has adapted incredibly well and does the best damn t-rex impression you've can imagine on a kitty.
Now the question, which if any of Baba Yaga's daughters have anything to do with the punishing winter New York and the rest of the East Coast is being pummeled with?
Daethor |
Hey James, hope you're doing well! Question:
It gets increasingly hard for NPCs based on 0-hd creatures to hit the target CR numbers for hit points the higher level you try to make them, I try to give all my NPCs decent con scores, but it's not always thematically appropriate and sometimes I have to bump it up so much it makes their fort save really high. Do you have any tricks you suggest to counteract this or is it a non-issue?
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James, the map of the Abyss from the WotR folio is pretty epic! The difference between the version in the Great Beyond and this presentation is astounding. While artistically the new version is better, without a good grasp on the Abyss, it is harder to explain.
1) Any chance of a map folio of the planar cosmology as a whole? Or at least individual planes or even deity's realms in future products?
2) Where is Dahak's realm located?
3) I know in the past you said you didn't want to expound upon Tiamat's place in the setting, but what happened to her? Or is that just another unanswered mystery?
Thanks again for your time!
1) I suppose there's a chance, but not a big one.
2) I'm not sure we've revealed that.
3) Nothing happened to her. Like Demogorgon, she's out there if you want to use her in your game. We just aren't gonna be saying much more about her in print.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
You liked the Purge? I thought that it had a contrived story that relied too heavily on the naivety of a child who was too old to have been naive. Not looking forward to the sequel.
I thought that the society the movie was about would be quite good at resulting in naive children; they touched upon that in the movie when the father said "You aren't old enough to remember how it was," or something like that. And I enjoyed the plot's twist and turns that avoided some of the elements of home invasion movies that tend to make those movies less interesting for me (particularly the fact that the family ends up fighting back).
I'd give it a solid B as a letter grade.