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If a character is falling less than 60 ft, do they need to make a wisdom check to activate feather fall correctly?

James Jacobs wrote:
lucky7 wrote:
Do you ever use third party products?
Yup. All the time.

So if I wanted to expand my Pathfinder library, what would you say are the three or four 3rd party must haves?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The Block Knight wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Generic Villain wrote:

We've seen two Orvian vaults detailed so far (Ilvarandin and the Land of Black Blood). If you could choose the next one to cover, which would it be?

My vote goes to Denebrum. Yay worms.

The Midnight Mountains.

I've been wanting to write a 20th-level adventure set in the Midnight Mountains for a few years now... said adventure was even on the module schedule a few times, but it never got into the "actually starting to get written" stage since other events and things kept pushing it back.

Sweet bloody hell, yes! A thousand times yes! I've been wanting to see the Midnight Mountains detailed ever since the Darklands book first released. Please do this. Find a way. Perhaps the new 64-page module format will finally make this possible? You probably have the next module after the Alkenstar one lined up, but the one after that could be a perfect opportunity for this. Please.

It wasn't the 32 page format that made "The Midnight Mountans" not work. It was other projects taking precedence over the modules line combined with my freelance resources continuing to not sync up with opportunities int he modules line. And we have a lot more than "Wardens of the Reborn Forge" lined up... we've actually got a not-so-tentative module schedule worked out past 2014.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

John Kretzer wrote:
What did you think of the D&D 3.5 Swashbuckler class?

Underwhelming and kinda bland.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Azaelas Fayth wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Azaelas Fayth wrote:

If you had to pick a setting from 3.5 to run, or modify to Pathfinder's Rules, which would you choose?

Mine would be Eberron simply so my standard Party load out didn't stand out as much.


Eberron would be my last choice.

Eberron would be mine as well. If it wasn't for my party looking like an Anime Line Up every other game...

I can never seem to find any good Greyhawk recommendations. Where do you recommend starting at with Greyhawk?

If you can track it down, the original boxed set for 1st edition is deeeelightful.

The 3rd edition go-to source is the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer. Of note to Paizo Fans—this book was in part written by Erik Mona and Sean K Reynolds. The Living Greyhawk Journals are filled with additional details as well, and all three of the Dungeon magazine adventure paths (as well as a large number of the other adventures) are set on Greyhawk.

Dark Archive

James how do 3rd party publishers get a paizo folk to work with (freelance) on their products?

I think you've said you do some freelance work, what kind of things do you do (if you do)?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

FormerFiend wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
FormerFiend wrote:

Who'd win in a fight between Moloch and Szuriel?

Who'd win in a chess match between Asmodeus and Charon?

Probably Szuriel.

Definitely Asmodeus.

In regards to the first, how many times out of ten? Also, would I be correct in assuming that Gorum could wipe the floor with the both of them?

In regards to the second, aside from the incident with the Dustbringer, what's the relationship like between Asmodeus and Charon? Have the two ever been on...not friendly terms, but had some sort of alliance? Is there any form of grudging, mutual respect between them?

Also, is there any relationship or connection between Rovagug and the qlippoth?

In regards to the first, probably 1d10 times out of ten. And yes, Gorum would clean their clocks, because he's a full-on deity and the other two are only demigods.

Asmodeus and Charon are not on friendly terms. Asmodeus thinks of himself as being above Charon, I suspect, since Charon is "just" a demigod.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

lucky7 wrote:
What is your favorite class?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Alleran wrote:

Oracles are blind as one of their possible curses.

If an Oracle were to become a lycanthrope, would they regain their sight while in hybrid or animal form? Or would at least the visual manifestation of their blindness (i.e. the "pure white eyes" like what Alahazra has) disappear, even if the actual blindness doesn't?

What about an ordinary blind person? Or a deaf person, or similar? Would they regain their senses in their animal or hybrid forms, would they lose them when they returned to normal form, or get them in animal/hybrid form but lose them in human form?

I would say that someone who's blind or deaf would retain those conditions when they change shape.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

MeanDM wrote:

Morning Mr. Jacobs!

1. How are you?

2. What will you be working on today? :-)

3. What are your top few favorite 1st edition era modules?
(Mine are Expidition to the Barrier Peaks; the ultimate in the slavelord series; and Isle of Dread).

Thanks and have a great day!

1) Good!

2) Primarily "The Dragon's Demand."

3) Queen of the Spiders, Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure, Expedition to the Barrier Peaks, Dwellers of the Forbidden City, Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan, Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, Vault of the Drow, Tomb of Horrors, Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun, The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh, and Against the Cult of the Reptile God. For BECMI, my favorites were Isle of Dread, Castle Amber, and Keep on the Borderlands.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Matrix Dragon wrote:

So, apparently there are now a lot of theories saying that the Tyrannosaurus Rex had feathers (at least, in some regions). What are your thoughts on this?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Memento Mortis wrote:
Where would I be able to find more information on paladin codes as per specific deities? I'm guessing Gods & Magic is the obvious supplement. Are there any others out there?

Faiths of Purity (and a few more in Faiths of Balance).

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Halflingtime wrote:
If a character is falling less than 60 ft, do they need to make a wisdom check to activate feather fall correctly?

No. Feather fall can be cast instantaneously. There's plenty of time during a 60 second fall to cast an instantaneous spell.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
danielc wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
lucky7 wrote:
Do you ever use third party products?
Yup. All the time.
So if I wanted to expand my Pathfinder library, what would you say are the three or four 3rd party must haves?

Tome of Horrors Complete

Book of Fiends
Midgard Bestiary

NOTE: These are all pretty much monster books—which are the most useful for building adventures of all books.

James, have a question concerning the tongues curse for oracles. It seems there's some disparity between different sentences in how it's supposed to be applied. The first sentence reads, "In times of stress or unease, you speak in tongues." A couple sentences later, though, it goes, "Whenever you are in combat, you can only speak and understand the selected language". Is the idea behind this particular curse that it should trigger off of...
A) the rigors of a life-or-death fight
B) being affected by a condition like shaken or entangled
C) very complicated, lengthy, or opposed skill checks
D) simple frustration from a roleplaying perspective
Personally, I'm not sure how D) makes sense, but I can see making it apply at times for B) and C).

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ulgulanoth wrote:

James how do 3rd party publishers get a paizo folk to work with (freelance) on their products?

I think you've said you do some freelance work, what kind of things do you do (if you do)?

I've not yet done any freelance work for a 3rd party publisher for Pathfinder EXCEPT for Kobold Quarterly.

The best way to ask a Paizo employee to do freelance for a book is to just ask them, either via email or at a convention or a private message or whatever.

Out of house freelancing MUST be approved by that employee's manager, and the freelancing must NOT impact the employee's ability to do their day-to-day work. Aside from that, it's up to the person being contacted if they want to do the job or not... but in most cases, we're really already pretty busy and don't have a lot of free time in the freelancing department, alas.

Has the Midgard Bestiary been used in any products yet? I'm sure Adam can't wait to throw something from that in.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Cerberus Seven wrote:

James, have a question concerning the tongues curse for oracles. It seems there's some disparity between different sentences in how it's supposed to be applied. The first sentence reads, "In times of stress or unease, you speak in tongues." A couple sentences later, though, it goes, "Whenever you are in combat, you can only speak and understand the selected language". Is the idea behind this particular curse that it should trigger off of...

A) the rigors of a life-or-death fight
B) being affected by a condition like shaken or entangled
C) very complicated, lengthy, or opposed skill checks
D) simple frustration from a roleplaying perspective
Personally, I'm not sure how D) makes sense, but I can see making it apply at times for B) and C).

That couple of sentences later does NOT say, "Whenever you are in in combat, and only then, you can only speak and understand the selected language..."

That second sentence does not contradict the first one at all. It merely codifies that, among he various times of stress and unease your character will face, combat is one such time that always triggers your curse. Whether or not other, non-combat events trigger the curse is up to the GM based on the situation at hand.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Cheapy wrote:
Has the Midgard Bestiary been used in any products yet? I'm sure Adam can't wait to throw something from that in.

It's seeing some use here and there in Reign of Winter... that being, more or less, due to the nature of our production schedule and the day the book became available to us and the addition of Adam to the staff, the earliest we could really start using it anyway.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

You guys ever going to adapt or release something similar to the book of 9 swords, I really loved those classes...

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Halflingtime wrote:
If a character is falling less than 60 ft, do they need to make a wisdom check to activate feather fall correctly?
No. Feather fall can be cast instantaneously. There's plenty of time during a 60 second fall to cast an instantaneous spell.

To be more in context the question came out of a discussion where the posters were talking about a specific Eberron item which would cast Featherfall ONLY for one round. The other key factor is that the incident in question was a fall from one of the towers of Sharn which can go up to a couple of miles high. The Wisdom check is to prevent the user from triggering the item too early, thus resulting in a splat from the magic running out at too high an altitude.

(If you've played Wrath of the Lich King, there's at least one Gnome quest with a simmilar challenge that you might remember.)

Albatoonoe Pesters James: SATANISM EDITION

1. Are there any Pathfinder precedents for a Legion possession (One host being possessed by many entities)?

2. If not, what kind of fiend would you make these possessors?

3. Does Infernal sound like Latin?

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Bit of an interesting question regarding the new Winter mystery for Oracles. Some of the deities selected for it made a great deal of sense (Gozreh for his/her control over water and wind, which are both part of winter, Kostchtchie because winter is his portfolio, Ng the Hooded for his control over seasons) Gorum and Rovagug raised an eyebrow however. Is Gorum's connection to winter based on the fact that he's viewed very much as a "northern" god because his worshipers are found primarily among the Ulfen and Kellids? And Rovagug always seemed more like "fiery destruction" to me, so the idea that he has some connection to cold is very interesting.

Not a criticism, just musings that I'm wondering are accurate.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GM_Solspiral wrote:
You guys ever going to adapt or release something similar to the book of 9 swords, I really loved those classes...


(That book is not well-liked here at Paizo...)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Albatoonoe wrote:

Albatoonoe Pesters James: SATANISM EDITION

1. Are there any Pathfinder precedents for a Legion possession (One host being possessed by many entities)?

2. If not, what kind of fiend would you make these possessors?

3. Does Infernal sound like Latin?

1) We have a big article about demonic possession in Pathfinder #28 that we'll be updating for the Wrath of the Righteous Player's/GM's Guide... there might be something about that in there.

2) Shadow demons are an obvious nominee.

3) No. MAYBE it sounds like Latin played in reverse. MAYBE.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:

Bit of an interesting question regarding the new Winter mystery for Oracles. Some of the deities selected for it made a great deal of sense (Gozreh for his/her control over water and wind, which are both part of winter, Kostchtchie because winter is his portfolio, Ng the Hooded for his control over seasons) Gorum and Rovagug raised an eyebrow however. Is Gorum's connection to winter based on the fact that he's viewed very much as a "northern" god because his worshipers are found primarily among the Ulfen and Kellids? And Rovagug always seemed more like "fiery destruction" to me, so the idea that he has some connection to cold is very interesting.

Not a criticism, just musings that I'm wondering are accurate.

Gorum's connection is not one I have an insight into. Likely because the bulk of his worshipers come from colder climates in Golarion?

Rovagug's connection is that he is, among other things, a god of storms and bad weather as a subset of his disaster portfolio (and the fact that he grants the Weather domain). Blizzards and devastating winter storms included.

Now... that all said... I have always thought that the list of deities for oracle mysteries is not only unnecessary and confusing, but counterintuitive, since an oracle can worship (or not) any deity (or collection of deities) she wants.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

James, I have some questions about the Lashunta. I apologize in advance if these questions have been asked before. However, I believe you enjoy answering these sorts of questions, so it's not a very sincere apology, for which I also apologize.

1) What does the Lashunta language sound like and has it intermingled a bit over the millenia with elven (elvish?), like with loan words for example?
2) Besides the antennae, what is there to really make Lashunta women stand out from elvish or human women?
2a) Same question, but for male Lashunta and dwarves.
3) How do groups of Lashunta typically organize with respect to families, communities, and nations? For example, do extended families usually live together under one roof and is there a strong bond between the communities of Lashunta with an organized power structure?
3a) These communities / nations they form, do they typically not include members of other races?
4) Do Lashunta tend towards either a chaotic or lawful alignment and does that preference, if any, affect their favored type of government?
5) Say a bunch of Lashunta tribes or whatever ended up on a world that was, at least in the area they ended up colonizing over the course of several thousand years, devoid of dinosaurs. Would their preferred mounts be more along the lines of wolves, giant cats, or something else?
5a) Are Lashunta men typically not allowed to ride the giant dinosaurs / wolves / kitties, unless they get permission from the tribe matriarches first?
6) How sensitive are Lashunta antennae and in what ways?
7) Elves and Fetchlings don't like each other in some indescribable way, which incidentally I find hilarious for some reason. How about Fetchlings and Lashunta, same vague aversion / animosity?
8) Is there anything that you wanted to include with the Lashunta vis-a-vis their antennae and natural telepathy (I'm assuming the former makes the latter possible here) that didn't make it in? For example, a bonus to the save DCs of their mind-affecting spells, or something similar?

Lantern Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber


The wayang-specific religion, The Dissolution, is based on the neutral appreciation for the shadow, and the inevitable crumbling of all things into dust and shadow (summarizing). I'm trying to work out the religion aspect of it for PCs/NPCs.

The Dissolution (Philosophy)
The Study of All Things Which Pass Into Nothingness (guessing)
A faith of shadows, neutrality, and the orderly death (repose) (guessing)
Alignment N
Domains Not stated (guessing: Darkness, Moon, Repose, Void, and either Community / Death / Liberation / Magic / Trickery, maybe Madness)
Mysteries Not stated (guessing: Bones, Time, Outer Rifts [Inner Sea Magic], maybe Dark Tapestry)
Favored Weapon Not stated (suggestion: Unarmed strike)
Centers of Worship Minata, Vudra (guessing), and wayang settlements
Nationality Wayang

Dragon Empires Companion says: "All wayangs possess innate arcane powers and a natural talent for manipulating shadow magic, and thus many tribes are aided and defended by oracles and shamans." and "Many perform tribal rituals of scarification and skin bleaching upon their own bodies, marking their flesh with raised white dots in ornate spirals and geometric patterns." It mentions them coming from the Plane of Shadow to Golarion, and how they perceived the Age of Darkness, and the following sunshine. It presents a Void wizard elementalist school, and a new void spell.
Dragon Empires Primer says: "Their culture seems morbid to most outsiders, one that idealizes a shadowy state of nonbeing while demonizing the fierce light of clarity." and "Wayang culture guides its members toward neutrality; wayangs avoid the conflicts of others and seek the balance found in shadow, although they can be of any alignment. Lao Shu Po is the patron of the wayangs, although many wayangs think of her as a curse upon their people rather than a blessing."
PFRPG Advanced Race Guide says: "Deeply spiritual, they follow a philosophy known as "The Dissolution," which teaches that in passing they may again merge into the shadow." It also backs up the statements made in the Primer about scarification and skin bleaching being used in representing one's personal faith. It offers an alternate racial trait, Dissolution's Child, and a new spell which could be useful to such a devotee of the Dissolution (shadow anchor).

How accurate would that be? Correct my guesses, especially the Madness/Dark Tapestry part, could you please? Can you add anything to this, James? Many thanks.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

xidoraven wrote:


The wayang-specific religion, The Dissolution, is based on the neutral appreciation for the shadow, and the inevitable crumbling of all things into dust and shadow (summarizing). I'm trying to work out the religion aspect of it for PCs/NPCs.

The Dissolution (Philosophy)
The Study of All Things Which Pass Into Nothingness (guessing)
A faith of shadows, neutrality, and the orderly death (repose) (guessing)
Alignment N
Domains Not stated (guessing: Darkness, Moon, Repose, Void, and either Community / Death / Liberation / Magic / Trickery, maybe Madness)
Mysteries Not stated (guessing: Bones, Time, Outer Rifts [Inner Sea Magic], maybe Dark Tapestry)
Favored Weapon Not stated (suggestion: Unarmed strike)
Centers of Worship Minata, Vudra (guessing), and wayang settlements
Nationality Wayang

Dragon Empires Companion says: "All wayangs possess innate arcane powers and a natural talent for manipulating shadow magic, and thus many tribes are aided and defended by oracles and shamans." and "Many perform tribal rituals of scarification and skin bleaching upon their own bodies, marking their flesh with raised white dots in ornate spirals and geometric patterns." It mentions them coming from the Plane of Shadow to Golarion, and how they perceived the Age of Darkness, and the following sunshine. It presents a Void wizard elementalist school, and a new void spell.
Dragon Empires Primer says: "Their culture seems morbid to most outsiders, one that idealizes a shadowy state of nonbeing while demonizing the fierce light of clarity." and "Wayang culture guides its members toward neutrality; wayangs avoid the conflicts of others and seek the balance found in shadow, although they can be of any alignment. Lao Shu Po is the patron of the wayangs, although many wayangs think of her as a curse upon...

Wes Schneider's the best person to go to for questions about the wayangs.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Cerberus Seven wrote:

James, I have some questions about the Lashunta. I apologize in advance if these questions have been asked before. However, I believe you enjoy answering these sorts of questions, so it's not a very sincere apology, for which I also apologize.

1) What does the Lashunta language sound like and has it intermingled a bit over the millenia with elven (elvish?), like with loan words for example?
2) Besides the antennae, what is there to really make Lashunta women stand out from elvish or human women?
2a) Same question, but for male Lashunta and dwarves.
3) How do groups of Lashunta typically organize with respect to families, communities, and nations? For example, do extended families usually live together under one roof and is there a strong bond between the communities of Lashunta with an organized power structure?
3a) These communities / nations they form, do they typically not include members of other races?
4) Do Lashunta tend towards either a chaotic or lawful alignment and does that preference, if any, affect their favored type of government?
5) Say a bunch of Lashunta tribes or whatever ended up on a world that was, at least in the area they ended up colonizing over the course of several thousand years, devoid of dinosaurs. Would their preferred mounts be more along the lines of wolves, giant cats, or something else?
5a) Are Lashunta men typically not allowed to ride the giant dinosaurs / wolves / kitties, unless they get permission from the tribe matriarches first?
6) How sensitive are Lashunta antennae and in what ways?
7) Elves and Fetchlings don't like each other in some indescribable way, which incidentally I find hilarious for some reason. How about Fetchlings and Lashunta, same vague aversion / animosity?
8) Is there anything that you wanted to include with the Lashunta vis-a-vis their antennae and natural telepathy (I'm assuming the former makes the latter possible here) that didn't make it in? For example, a bonus to the save DCs of their mind-affecting spells, or something similar?

1) Unknown. It likely sounds different than elven, since the lashuntas and the elves are oceans apart.

2) The fact that their eyes don't look elven, for one. The lashunta are also stockier than elves.

2a) The height is the main thing here. And they don't always have beards; they're just hairier.

3) We've not yet done much about that yet, so... currently unknown.

3a) They'd vary, just as human societies on Goalrion do.

4) They tend to be neutral good.

5) They would end up using whatever lived on that planet in their region that served as mounts—that's got nothing to do with lashuntas though, and everything to do with the planet's wildlife.

5a) Unknown.

6) Unknown.

7) They likely haven't yet interacted in a scale large enough for it to be determined yet.

8) James Sutter's the one who invented the lashunta, and I can guarantee you if he had the room and time he could write an entire book about them.

Hey, James. Hope your Friday is going well! I got a couple Karzoug questions:


1. Is it impossible for Karzoug to leave his little plane, or does he just not want to do it until he's ready? If he left early, would he get weaker (i.e. the plane is fortifying him), or is he waiting to get stronger before leaving? Consequently, if awakening actually makes him stronger, what would you do to reflect this with stats?
2. If the answer to #1 is that it's simply impossible for him to leave, if an attempt is made to forcefully remove him from the plane (e.g. Prismatic Spray, Spell Turning reverb effect), does the attempt fail, or destroy him?
3. Can and do Karzoug's minions occasionally enter the plane, or do they communicate with Karzoug using the Anima Focus (or perhaps the dimensionally-weakened areas where he can manifest to taunt the PCs)?

Thanks kindly, and I hope you have a good weekend.


1)If I am not mistaken, I remember you saying that slavery was illegal in Korsova. Is it also illegal in Magnimar and Riddleport?

2)What steps one should undertake in order to be rewarded aristocratic status in Magnimar? I ask because one of my players has a declared interest in this. At this point, he is a known hero in the city, having helped both lady Verrine Caiteil and the Lord Mayor on several occasions. It seems like a cool reward for the end of the campaign, but I would like to make it meaningful. Any advice would be appreciated.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Stazamos wrote:

Hey, James. Hope your Friday is going well! I got a couple Karzoug questions:

1. Is it impossible for Karzoug to leave his little plane, or does he just not want to do it until he's ready? If he left early, would he get weaker (i.e. the plane is fortifying him), or is he waiting to get stronger before leaving? Consequently, if awakening actually makes him stronger, what would you do to reflect this with stats?
2. If the answer to #1 is that it's simply impossible for him to leave, if an attempt is made to forcefully remove him from the plane (e.g. Prismatic Spray, Spell Turning reverb effect), does the attempt fail, or destroy him?
3. Can and do Karzoug's minions occasionally enter the plane, or do they communicate with Karzoug using the Anima Focus (or perhaps the dimensionally-weakened areas where he can manifest to taunt the PCs)?
Thanks kindly, and I hope you have a good weekend.


1) It's not possible for Karzoug to leave the Eye of Avarice until the runewell finishes doing its job and all other elements of his freedom occur. By the time the PCs get to the end of the campaign, that day is close enough that he can project images of himself into the Spire itself as detailed in the adventure, but he still can't physically leave. He won't get "stronger" once he escapes, but he does gain the ability to directly interact with the world; something he can't do until the PCs fail.

2) The attempt fails. He's not hurt by it.

3) Yes; they can and sometimes do enter to speak with him.

Will do! On schedule for me is a LOT of last-minute work on "Demons Revisited" this weekend.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Good evening James! I was building a few enemy npc's tonight and I had a few questions for you:

1. Would the Whispering Way find any Kuthites in its ranks? Zon-Kuthon grants the Death domain and there are some vampires with ties to his faith, but deadening yourself to suffering and pain seems like something that might irk the Midnight Lord.

2. Does the Umbral Court by extension have ties to the Whispering Way?

3. Would either organization seek to infiltrate the other?

4. Lastly, when is Wes gonna make his own "Ask Wes" forum? I have so many Ustalav-related questions...

Thanks James! It's really great of you to keep this forum alive.

Tels wrote:
JMD031 wrote:
Tels wrote:

Depending on how the 'Find the Mark' ability and Improved Crit/Keen is ordered, the Swashbuckler is either a critical master or critical fiend. If Mark is applied first, he's a fiend, if applied second, he's a master. A rapier would go from 18-20 to 17-20 doubled to 13-20 with Improved Crit/Keen. If it's applied last, then it goes from 15-20 with Improved Crit/Keen to 14-20. Improved Mark makes this 11-20 or 13-20 respectively.

The real fun, though, is using your finesseable light pick and giving it either a 17-20x4 or 18-20x4 crit depending on the order; 15-20x4 and 17-20x4 with Improved Mark.

Improved Crit/Keen does not stack with other like abilities. So, it would not work that way.
Except that Find the Mark and Improved Mark are specifically stated as part of their description as stacking with other effects that increase critical threat ranges.

But Keen and Improved Crit specifically state that they do not stack with any effects that increase critical threat ranges.....

*head explodes*

Hey Janes,

Are we going to get anymore infomation on the Lashunta?

Is there any art of male Lashunta anywhere?

I know that for a setting you suggest starting with a small town, but where does that fit in order with choosing/designing a system for the game universe that determines, for example, what magic and speculative technology are and can do in that universe?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

d@ncingNumfar wrote:

Good evening James! I was building a few enemy npc's tonight and I had a few questions for you:

1. Would the Whispering Way find any Kuthites in its ranks? Zon-Kuthon grants the Death domain and there are some vampires with ties to his faith, but deadening yourself to suffering and pain seems like something that might irk the Midnight Lord.

2. Does the Umbral Court by extension have ties to the Whispering Way?

3. Would either organization seek to infiltrate the other?

4. Lastly, when is Wes gonna make his own "Ask Wes" forum? I have so many Ustalav-related questions...

Thanks James! It's really great of you to keep this forum alive.

1) Probably not, but it's possible.

2) Not really.

3) Unlikely.

4) Well... I didn't make this thread. Someone else started it. So if someone else started an Ask Wes thread... maybe he'd answer.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

JMD031 wrote:
Tels wrote:
JMD031 wrote:
Tels wrote:

Depending on how the 'Find the Mark' ability and Improved Crit/Keen is ordered, the Swashbuckler is either a critical master or critical fiend. If Mark is applied first, he's a fiend, if applied second, he's a master. A rapier would go from 18-20 to 17-20 doubled to 13-20 with Improved Crit/Keen. If it's applied last, then it goes from 15-20 with Improved Crit/Keen to 14-20. Improved Mark makes this 11-20 or 13-20 respectively.

The real fun, though, is using your finesseable light pick and giving it either a 17-20x4 or 18-20x4 crit depending on the order; 15-20x4 and 17-20x4 with Improved Mark.

Improved Crit/Keen does not stack with other like abilities. So, it would not work that way.
Except that Find the Mark and Improved Mark are specifically stated as part of their description as stacking with other effects that increase critical threat ranges.

But Keen and Improved Crit specifically state that they do not stack with any effects that increase critical threat ranges.....

*head explodes*

Before more heads explode, it might be good to take the crit conversation to another thread?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

John Kretzer wrote:

Hey Janes,

Are we going to get anymore infomation on the Lashunta?

Is there any art of male Lashunta anywhere?

Someday, I suspect so. Nothing scheduled for this year though.

No art of male lashuntas yet.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The Golux wrote:
I know that for a setting you suggest starting with a small town, but where does that fit in order with choosing/designing a system for the game universe that determines, for example, what magic and speculative technology are and can do in that universe?

I'm not sure I understand the question.

Are you asking, "Why start at a small town if you won't be able to talk about big picture things like how magic works in your world?"

My answer to that would be, "I assume you're building a campaign setting along the lines of the expected norm of a fantasy RPG like Golarion, Greyhawk, or the like. If you're changing those assumptions... it's best to get those changes written down so you can establish YOUR baseline.

Once that baseline's established... I'd still suggest starting with a small part of the world so you don't overwhelm yourself with work and you don't overwhelm new players with information.

Mr. James Jacobs,

Could the "Start in a Small Town" Method(TM) also be applied to a city game starting with a or neighborhood and expanding out to districts and quarters?

Also, is there a good portrait or full body picture of you online somewhere?... Not as creepy as it sounds.


The NPC wrote:

Mr. James Jacobs,

Could the "Start in a Small Town" Method(TM) also be applied to a city game starting with a or neighborhood and expanding out to districts and quarters?

Also, is there a good portrait or full body picture of you online somewhere?... Not as creepy as it sounds.

There's a couple good full-body pictures of James on the websites of different scientific websites such as museums and the like, but scientific communities are constantly arguing with one another about what the tyrannosaurus looks like. There's even a few studies out now that suggests that some of them might have had feathers!

Of course, the gaming industry is low-profile so none of those scientists have known that they could simply stake out the Paizo headquarters for a good photo shoot with a genuine T-Rex.

Now, if you're talking about squishy human Jacobs, there's a couple pictures of him scattered across the Paizo blog, but those might be just as elusive as pictures of dino-James depending on your blog-browsing savvy.

Liberty's Edge

Mr. Jacobs,

I know you keep tabs on the individual AP forums, do you read any of the campaign journals?

I'm sure as a writer/developer of adventures that you have in mind a handful of ways that a party could overcome an encounter, have you been suprised by groups overcoming challenges in ways that you didn't expect?

Dark Archive

Not a rules question, but an opinion question. Would you allow an Alchemist with Master Craftsman, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, and Craft Wondrous Item to also gain Craft Construct so they can make golems?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The NPC wrote:

Mr. James Jacobs,

Could the "Start in a Small Town" Method(TM) also be applied to a city game starting with a or neighborhood and expanding out to districts and quarters?

Also, is there a good portrait or full body picture of you online somewhere?... Not as creepy as it sounds.

The start in a small town could be applied to starting in a district of a larger city... but the trick there is that you're essentially replacing the hinterlands with more city instead of varieties of wilderness. Which is fine, depending on the type of campaign you want to run.

And there are photos of me online, yeah... several of them are squirreled away here on the Paizo blog, in fact... And it's still a little creepy.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

HangarFlying wrote:

Mr. Jacobs,

I know you keep tabs on the individual AP forums, do you read any of the campaign journals?

I'm sure as a writer/developer of adventures that you have in mind a handful of ways that a party could overcome an encounter, have you been suprised by groups overcoming challenges in ways that you didn't expect?

I generally don't read the campaign journals; most of my time on these boards is spent elsewhere.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Justin Sluder wrote:
Not a rules question, but an opinion question. Would you allow an Alchemist with Master Craftsman, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, and Craft Wondrous Item to also gain Craft Construct so they can make golems?

If an alchemist in my group really wanted to make golems, then I'd probably design an archetype for the player to take.

Otherwise, I'd definitely allow the feat-based solution above. I might not even require Master Craftsman.

Dark Archive

Back to Intellect Devourers, based on the inside front cover of the Animal Archive, which body type would you say they have? I'm thinking squat-body quadruped, but I can also see claws/paws quadruped working.

Liberty's Edge


What was the best idea you ever had until you thought it through?

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