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Silver Crusade

Kajehase wrote:
I'd go with arboreusoccisio lacertadaemon

Thankies :3


In Ultimate Combat the Rage Powers class feature replaces the 2nd and remaining ranger favored enemies.

The wild talents class feature replace the same class feature.

Is this correct?

Also, the wild stalker still gets quarry, improved quarry and Master Hunter. Since it loses all Favored Enemies how could these class features work?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cheapy wrote:
Do golarion inquisitors have the same restrictions as clerics do when it comes to needing to worship a deity?

No. You can have inquisitors who serve only governments or non-religious organizations. They're not as common as inquisitors who worship and serve specific deities, but they exist.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
STR Ranger wrote:


In Ultimate Combat the Rage Powers class feature replaces the 2nd and remaining ranger favored enemies.

The wild talents class feature replace the same class feature.

Is this correct?

Also, the wild stalker still gets quarry, improved quarry and Master Hunter. Since it loses all Favored Enemies how could these class features work?

A good question for the rules forum and the FAQ button!

One for JJ! (MvCapcom ref),

Anyway, why familiars for wizards; what's their intended purpose? I get witches, and I get the fluff says to help w/magical research, but what in-game purpose were they intended for among wizards?

Edit: thank you!

Shadow Lodge

Can I deliver a held charge with a unarmed/natural weapon trip attack? How about with an AoO?

The cheesiest scenario: prehensile hair on an AoO to deliver a frostbite charge with a trip attack (possibly even enhanced with enforcer feat, although I dont care for that one so I'm not asking) for massive debuff and some damage to top it all.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mark Hoover wrote:

One for JJ! (MvCapcom ref),

Anyway, why familiars for wizards; what's their intended purpose? I get witches, and I get the fluff says to help w/magical research, but what in-game purpose were they intended for among wizards?

Edit: thank you!

Because wizards have been able to get familiars from the start, practically, back in 1st edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, and that's not something any game designer has wanted to change on up to Pathfinder. Tradition, in other words.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Iridian wrote:

Can I deliver a held charge with a unarmed/natural weapon trip attack? How about with an AoO?

The cheesiest scenario: prehensile hair on an AoO to deliver a frostbite charge with a trip attack (possibly even enhanced with enforcer feat, although I dont care for that one so I'm not asking) for massive debuff and some damage to top it all.

Yes, but if you deliver the charge with an unarmed strike or natural weapon, you no longer make the attack as a touch attack—it resolves as a regular attack.

James Jacobs wrote:
Mark Hoover wrote:

One for JJ! (MvCapcom ref),

Anyway, why familiars for wizards; what's their intended purpose? I get witches, and I get the fluff says to help w/magical research, but what in-game purpose were they intended for among wizards?

Edit: thank you!

Because wizards have been able to get familiars from the start, practically, back in 1st edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, and that's not something any game designer has wanted to change on up to Pathfinder. Tradition, in other words.

So another way of saying would be...no reason. Animal companion - combat flanker. Cohort - amplified animal companion. Standard base familiar - paperweight. Got it. At least now I know...

Huh. I think you just revolutionized how I look at Inquisitors. Thanks!

Then presumably these inquisitors who server an association (or whatever) would just worship an ideal based on that association, right? So an inquisitor of the daggermark poisoners guild would grab some thematic domain.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Hoover wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Mark Hoover wrote:

One for JJ! (MvCapcom ref),

Anyway, why familiars for wizards; what's their intended purpose? I get witches, and I get the fluff says to help w/magical research, but what in-game purpose were they intended for among wizards?

Edit: thank you!

Because wizards have been able to get familiars from the start, practically, back in 1st edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, and that's not something any game designer has wanted to change on up to Pathfinder. Tradition, in other words.
So another way of saying would be...no reason. Animal companion - combat flanker. Cohort - amplified animal companion. Standard base familiar - paperweight. Got it. At least now I know...

Ummmm... I guess that's one way of saying it. Not the way I would say it at all, though.

Familiars excel at being scouts, delivering touch spells, and augmenting their masters by giving them enhanced senses and bonuses to their stats. All things that paperweights suck at.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Cheapy wrote:
Then presumably these inquisitors who server an association (or whatever) would just worship an ideal based on that association, right? So an inquisitor of the daggermark poisoners guild would grab some thematic domain.

In theory, yes... but I would hope and suspect that the GM would be able to justify and support the various choices as appropriate. Not every group would have inquisitor organizations working for them; the smaller they get, the less likely they'd be to have an organized branch of inquisitors. In most cases, the PC inquisitor would be a lone wolf type character, I suspect.

James Jacobs wrote:
STR Ranger wrote:


In Ultimate Combat the Rage Powers class feature replaces the 2nd and remaining ranger favored enemies.

The wild talents class feature replace the same class feature.

Is this correct?

Also, the wild stalker still gets quarry, improved quarry and Master Hunter. Since it loses all Favored Enemies how could these class features work?

A good question for the rules forum and the FAQ button!

Done many times by alot of people.

Search Wild Stalker and you'll see heaps of threads asking this question.
It has also been raised in the Ultimate Combat Errata and Rules thread many times.
Never a reply from anyone....

Paizo Employee Creative Director

STR Ranger wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
STR Ranger wrote:


In Ultimate Combat the Rage Powers class feature replaces the 2nd and remaining ranger favored enemies.

The wild talents class feature replace the same class feature.

Is this correct?

Also, the wild stalker still gets quarry, improved quarry and Master Hunter. Since it loses all Favored Enemies how could these class features work?

A good question for the rules forum and the FAQ button!

Done many times by alot of people.

Search Wild Stalker and you'll see heaps of threads asking this question.
It has also been raised in the Ultimate Combat Errata and Rules thread many times.
Never a reply from anyone....

Not all FAQ requests are handled at the same time, nor do we publish public schedules of when the design team handles the questions. Patience is the key there—if a question is truly significant and important, it'll get lots of FAQ hits and that will mean it'll be handled more quickly, in theory. It's not a perfect system, as the "Paizo needs to get its house in order" thread pointed out, but also as that thread pointed out, it's important that we try to keep all the actual rules questions to those boards and not try to ask all over the place, because getting multiple different answers from multiple different Paizo employees does no one any good, apparently.

So, sorry about the wait... but that's the way it works.

Shadow Lodge

James Jacobs wrote:
Iridian wrote:

Can I deliver a held charge with a unarmed/natural weapon trip attack? How about with an AoO?

The cheesiest scenario: prehensile hair on an AoO to deliver a frostbite charge with a trip attack (possibly even enhanced with enforcer feat, although I dont care for that one so I'm not asking) for massive debuff and some damage to top it all.

Yes, but if you deliver the charge with an unarmed strike or natural weapon, you no longer make the attack as a touch attack—it resolves as a regular attack.

Thanks. But just making sure, we're talking about a trip maneuver here. I'm not quite sure what touch attacks have to do with the trip maneuver attack roll, which doesn't go against either touch or armor AC, but against CMD. Sorry for the possible ambiguity, I tried to be concise.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Mark Hoover wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Mark Hoover wrote:

One for JJ! (MvCapcom ref),

Anyway, why familiars for wizards; what's their intended purpose? I get witches, and I get the fluff says to help w/magical research, but what in-game purpose were they intended for among wizards?

Edit: thank you!

Because wizards have been able to get familiars from the start, practically, back in 1st edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, and that's not something any game designer has wanted to change on up to Pathfinder. Tradition, in other words.
So another way of saying would be...no reason. Animal companion - combat flanker. Cohort - amplified animal companion. Standard base familiar - paperweight. Got it. At least now I know...

Ummmm... I guess that's one way of saying it. Not the way I would say it at all, though.

Familiars excel at being scouts, delivering touch spells, and augmenting their masters by giving them enhanced senses and bonuses to their stats. All things that paperweights suck at.

I for one expect to see a Paperweight of Resistance in next year's RPG Superstar.

I'm sorry Mr Jacobs, I was being rude in my earlier post. The word tradition made me think of another thread that's gotten under my skin. In that vein, others might want to know; why has tabletop RPG game design nerfed consequences such as dying over the past 30 years?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

James, you've mentioned the "House in Order" thread a few times and it just got me wondering a couple of posts upthread, how did the folks over there at Paizo feel about it while it was being posted? The overall result seems to be a greater organization of the "how to" of ironing out kinks but it kind of "sounds" like there may have been some irritation or even bitterness about it.

I'd like to point out, by the way, that this could all be the inflection that I add in my head while reading, so if I'm way off the mark, please don't mind me.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Iridian wrote:
Thanks. But just making sure, we're talking about a trip maneuver here. I'm not quite sure what touch attacks have to do with the trip maneuver attack roll, which doesn't go against either touch or armor AC, but against CMD. Sorry for the possible ambiguity, I tried to be concise.

If you're looking for that level of concise detail... your GM is who you should ask. Or perhaps the question should be posted to the rules forum so folks can FAQ it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Hoover wrote:
I'm sorry Mr Jacobs, I was being rude in my earlier post. The word tradition made me think of another thread that's gotten under my skin. In that vein, others might want to know; why has tabletop RPG game design nerfed consequences such as dying over the past 30 years?

Because it's not fun to go to play a game and then end up being punished for playing the game. Dying is already punishment enough—you end up sitting at the table feeling embarassed that you died, and don't get to continue playing the game until your fellow players or the GM brings you back to life. Stacking additional penalties on your character ON TOP OF THAT often humiliating experience is petty and unnecessary, in my opinion. Furthermore... in large part due to videogames (where you can either just reload a save game to undo a death, or where death is really only a minor setback before you can start playing the game again), the culture of gaming has evolved over the last several decades. Tastes in entertainment change as time marches on.

In my experience, those who are disappointed that death has been "nerfed" are GMs, not players.

Taking time to play a campaign or two as a player is really important if you want to become a better GM.

For years, I was almost always the GM in the game. Finally getting to play the game as a player, and not just as a one-shot game but in a whole campaign, kind of opened my eyes to how I as a GM could be more entertaining to my players.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Abyssian wrote:

James, you've mentioned the "House in Order" thread a few times and it just got me wondering a couple of posts upthread, how did the folks over there at Paizo feel about it while it was being posted? The overall result seems to be a greater organization of the "how to" of ironing out kinks but it kind of "sounds" like there may have been some irritation or even bitterness about it.

I'd like to point out, by the way, that this could all be the inflection that I add in my head while reading, so if I'm way off the mark, please don't mind me.

I can't say for others here at Paizo how they felt—don't wanna put words in their mouths. For me... while I do appreciate that the thread got us to re-examine our policies and priorities as regards FAQs and errata, and in a few cases resulted in some "about time" posts from Paizo on some long-term unanswered rules questions that had been festering... I think that the way the thread started and evolved was pretty humiliating and antagonistic and unfortunate. And I'm not sure how much, in the end, has changed, apart from the fact that I now feel quite a bit more self-conscious and timid on replying to some of the questions that get posted here, which if I were a customer and not an employee of Paizo, would annoy me even more.

The topic could have been broached with a LOT more tact and class and less self-entitlement, is what I'm saying. But I'm also saying that, given that human nature is what it is... I'm not sure a non-antagonistic version of that thread would have actually had any results.

Well how bout a fun one then. In light of the past holidays, what'd the Iconics get under the tree this year?

Seems you overlooked my question so I ask again. :-)

About a small rider on a large mount. The mount takes up 4 fields on a map. On which field would the rider be. Could he change the field? Maybe even in combat with a 5 foot step?

Thanks for answering

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for answering, James. I had a feeling it wasn't a particularly happy subject. For what it's worth, I thought it was pretty brazen and tactless, myself and couldn't read more than a couple of posts before just rolling my eyes and finding something else to do.

1. When outfitting an NPC with gear, do I also have to pay for the writing cost of spells in her spellbook? What about wishes for stat boosts?

2. What do I do if I want to write an AP for Paizo?

3. How can I get in contact with James Sutter?

4. "I'm actually playing Way of the Wicked"

I know that, I meant what sort of evil-themed AP would you write?

5. How was your last session, by the way?

6. What software do you use when designing dungeon?

7. Can air and water elementals squeeze through tight spaces?

8. "Me: If an incubus is formed from violent lust, and a succubus forms from manipulative lust, what sort of lust would create an omnibus?"

"You: Huh?"

I was indulging in some wordplay there, an omnibus would be both male and female rather than one or the other. Anyway, what sort of lust would that sort of sex demon represent?

9. I know that demons represent sins and daemons represent death but what do other outsiders represent?

10. How does a Brijidine "tend to sick creatures" with its healing powers? Wouldn't her touch burn a patient?

AlgaeNymph wrote:
10. How does a Brijidine "tend to sick creatures" with its healing powers? Wouldn't her touch burn a patient?

Not James, but the simplest answer would be using her heal SPA. While she deals 1d6 points of damage by simply touching someone, she also heals 150 points of damage at the same time.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Tels wrote:
AlgaeNymph wrote:
10. How does a Brijidine "tend to sick creatures" with its healing powers? Wouldn't her touch burn a patient?
Not James, but the simplest answer would be using her heal SPA. While she deals 1d6 points of damage by simply touching someone, she also heals 150 points of damage at the same time.

"This may sting a bit."

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Hoover wrote:
Well how bout a fun one then. In light of the past holidays, what'd the Iconics get under the tree this year?

Level appropriate gear upgrades!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Aream wrote:

Seems you overlooked my question so I ask again. :-)

About a small rider on a large mount. The mount takes up 4 fields on a map. On which field would the rider be. Could he change the field? Maybe even in combat with a 5 foot step?

Thanks for answering

When you use the word "field" are you meaning to use the word "square"?

In that case, the rider is assumed to share the mount's squares. He threatens from all of them, but can be attacked at any of them. I think. It's a good question for the rules boards and a FAQ in any event.

hey james im not sure if your a comic book fan, but if you are would you say your a marvel or dc guy

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
AlgaeNymph wrote:

1. When outfitting an NPC with gear, do I also have to pay for the writing cost of spells in her spellbook? What about wishes for stat boosts?

2. What do I do if I want to write an AP for Paizo?

3. How can I get in contact with James Sutter?

4. "I'm actually playing Way of the Wicked"

I know that, I meant what sort of evil-themed AP would you write?

5. How was your last session, by the way?

6. What software do you use when designing dungeon?

7. Can air and water elementals squeeze through tight spaces?

8. "Me: If an incubus is formed from violent lust, and a succubus forms from manipulative lust, what sort of lust would create an omnibus?"

"You: Huh?"

I was indulging in some wordplay there, an omnibus would be both male and female rather than one or the other. Anyway, what sort of lust would that sort of sex demon represent?

9. I know that demons represent sins and daemons represent death but what do other outsiders represent?

10. How does a Brijidine "tend to sick creatures" with its healing powers? Wouldn't her touch burn a patient?

1) I never bother factoring in spellbook costs. That just punishes wizard characters. Don't do it. Wishes for stat boosts should be factored in, but at the point you've got a character who can cast wish to boost stats... that's a character who SHOULD be tough and as such it's okay if you don't bother with keeping exact score there.

2) Prove to us that you can write excellent adventures and sourcebooks over the course of a year or two, and never miss a deadline, and be easy to contact, and be eager to learn from our feedback. Getting to the point where we will assign you adventures and sourcebooks and the like requires more work as well, of course; you need to build up your credits or writing/design chops by doing well in RPG superstar, writing several PFS scenarios, or doing a lot of writing for other publishers, for Wayfinder, and the like. It's a long process. The fastest I've graduated a new author into writing adventure paths for us and didn't regret it AND ended up using that author again for additional adventure paths is probably 2 years after they did their first bit of writing for us.

3) By emailing him. All of our emails are on the "contact us" portion of Paizo.com. Click here for instant gratification.

4) One that'd end up being rated R or NC-17 or X if it were a movie. It would likely be one where the PCs are demon worshipers.

5) Fun! We hit 4th level!

6) I write the words on Microsoft Word, and do some of the more complex math stuff and stat block design in Microsoft Excel. I draw the maps by hand, then scan them in and sometimes touch them up a bit with Photoshop or Gimp or whatever.

7) No more so than earth or fire elementals. Or any creature. They don't have the compression ability.

8) As in a hermaphrodite? That'd depend on preferences, I guess. I'd probably say it'd just be a succubus with some extra equipment.

9) Depends on the outsider. Devils reperesent roles in a bureaucracy, for example, while proteans don't really represent anything apart from chaos.

10) I'd allow a creature with those types of abilities to suppress their fire type effect—it's not an attack, after all.

Have you heard of the Dragonstar campaign setting? Was it any good?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Have you heard of the Dragonstar campaign setting? Was it any good?

I have. I own several of the books, but I never played the game. It looked pretty fun though.

It looks fun to me. I can buy several Dragonstar books or buy the complete Neverwinter Nights PC game collection (which I read can have problems on 64 bit machines, which my computer is).

Lantern Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
I can't say for others here at Paizo how they felt—don't wanna put words in their mouths. For me... while I do appreciate that the thread got us to re-examine our policies and priorities as regards FAQs and errata, and in a few cases resulted in some "about time" posts from Paizo on some long-term unanswered rules questions that had been festering... I think that the way the thread started and evolved was pretty humiliating and antagonistic and unfortunate. And I'm not sure how much, in the end, has changed, apart from the fact that I now feel quite a bit more self-conscious and timid on replying to some of the questions that get posted here, which if I were a customer and not an employee of Paizo, would annoy me even more.

I just want to say something kind and honest for a moment, as a complete derail. I know that one person cannot possibly hope to make up for the atrocities that some people are capable of, but I for one see *exactly* how awe-inspiring and wonderful the work that you all accomplish, and how you treat your customer base - even this thread is an example of incredibly high caliber of human understanding and care that goes into your work. If no one has said "thank you" enough to you today, "thank you." Paizo devs and all people I have had the good fortune to deal with, are kind and personable people, who care about the game and the community that grows around it. If not enough people have apologized to you today for indiscretions made without much care or thought, I can only hope that one "I'm sorry" is enough to let you know that I - and many others like me - see exactly the level of professionalism and personalism that goes into everything you guys do. And I appreciate it so much, I can barely put into these words, and still feel like I am sharing my truest thoughts. You all rock, and I am so glad that you do what you do, and that you take the time for things like this - that I'm sure doesn't have to be your high priority!

I could list off the people that I feel share this caliber, but it would be more prudent to simply name the people I haven't actually personally dealt with. All Paizo employees and developers I have dealt with are, in my opinion, exquisite examples of ethical business in practice, and succeeding. And that makes me one happy gamer.

I'm curious about the language of the Caldaru people of Senghor... (Caldaran? Caldari?)
Is it an isolate language, or is it related (closely/distantly) to some other language?

Also about Senghor, they seem to be strongly against the slave trade, specifically impeding Bekyar slaving.
The largest ethnic group of Senghor is the Bonuwat, and the Ombo tribe of Bonuwat is said to be primarily based in Senghor.
The Ombo are also said to be slave-traders... So what gives here?
Are the Ombo who DON'T live in Senghor (where most are, if they are 'primarily' based there) the only ones involved in slaving, and the ones who live in Senghor are un-involved? Or are the Ombo who live there in fact involved in the slave trade, secretly or not-so-secretly? Is the Senghoran persecution of the slave trade only focused against Bekyar, and not Ombo? What is the Ombo slavers' religious affilitation?

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:

In my experience, those who are disappointed that death has been "nerfed" are GMs, not players.

Taking time to play a campaign or two as a player is really important if you want to become a better GM.

For years, I was almost always the GM in the game. Finally getting to play the game as a player, and not just as a one-shot game but in a whole campaign, kind of opened my eyes to how I as a GM could be more entertaining to my players.

I hope that finally getting to play in a Pathfinder campaign (carrion Crown) will be the same kind of eye opener.

In the AD&D and D&D games I have almost always been the GM, not a player. I have been a player in other gaming systems, but it is not the same kind of experience.

That said I think that some kind of hindrance for dying should exist. I am not convinced that a money cost is the best way to implement that. At the same time is the simplest and more manageable way for a GM.
In my Kingmaker campaign I am using prestige points as a added reward so people can be raised with them, not only with cash.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
Abyssian wrote:

James, you've mentioned the "House in Order" thread a few times and it just got me wondering a couple of posts upthread, how did the folks over there at Paizo feel about it while it was being posted? The overall result seems to be a greater organization of the "how to" of ironing out kinks but it kind of "sounds" like there may have been some irritation or even bitterness about it.

I'd like to point out, by the way, that this could all be the inflection that I add in my head while reading, so if I'm way off the mark, please don't mind me.

I can't say for others here at Paizo how they felt—don't wanna put words in their mouths. For me... while I do appreciate that the thread got us to re-examine our policies and priorities as regards FAQs and errata, and in a few cases resulted in some "about time" posts from Paizo on some long-term unanswered rules questions that had been festering... I think that the way the thread started and evolved was pretty humiliating and antagonistic and unfortunate. And I'm not sure how much, in the end, has changed, apart from the fact that I now feel quite a bit more self-conscious and timid on replying to some of the questions that get posted here, which if I were a customer and not an employee of Paizo, would annoy me even more.

The topic could have been broached with a LOT more tact and class and less self-entitlement, is what I'm saying. But I'm also saying that, given that human nature is what it is... I'm not sure a non-antagonistic version of that thread would have actually had any results.

I was relying on you for some unofficial reply (as far as the main rulebooks are concerned) done by very knowledgeable GM and one of the developers of the game, even if not one of those engaged in resolving rules problems. It is sad to see that you would refrain from giving your opinion on some matter.

Much of the blame is on us (myself included) for using personal opinions of Paizo employees as a blunt instrument to win Internet arguments.
I apologize for my part in that and thank you for plenty of useful replies.

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
AlgaeNymph wrote:

8. "Me: If an incubus is formed from violent lust, and a succubus forms from manipulative lust, what sort of lust would create an omnibus?"

"You: Huh?"

I was indulging in some wordplay there, an omnibus would be both male and female rather than one or the other. Anyway, what sort of lust would that sort of sex demon represent?

8) As in a hermaphrodite? That'd depend on preferences, I guess. I'd probably say it'd just be a succubus with some extra equipment.

The incubus are necessarily males and the succubus females of they can be from both genders and being a succubus/incubus is more related to the kind of lust they represent?

The Exchange

What is the most interesting underdeveloped area of Golarion have you ever played in?

What is the most interesting underdeveloped area of Golarion that you have run?

Dark Archive

Any idea if any of the future modules or campaign setting books in the next 3 months will have Lini in them?

Grand Lodge

Who created the Zomok in Chronicle 36?

Dear James Jacobs,

Are there any gods that can let their clerics use the Whimsy subdomain from Blood of Angels, or is it only for non-deity divine casters?

Thanks! :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Diego Rossi wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Abyssian wrote:

James, you've mentioned the "House in Order" thread a few times and it just got me wondering a couple of posts upthread, how did the folks over there at Paizo feel about it while it was being posted? The overall result seems to be a greater organization of the "how to" of ironing out kinks but it kind of "sounds" like there may have been some irritation or even bitterness about it.

I'd like to point out, by the way, that this could all be the inflection that I add in my head while reading, so if I'm way off the mark, please don't mind me.

I can't say for others here at Paizo how they felt—don't wanna put words in their mouths. For me... while I do appreciate that the thread got us to re-examine our policies and priorities as regards FAQs and errata, and in a few cases resulted in some "about time" posts from Paizo on some long-term unanswered rules questions that had been festering... I think that the way the thread started and evolved was pretty humiliating and antagonistic and unfortunate. And I'm not sure how much, in the end, has changed, apart from the fact that I now feel quite a bit more self-conscious and timid on replying to some of the questions that get posted here, which if I were a customer and not an employee of Paizo, would annoy me even more.

The topic could have been broached with a LOT more tact and class and less self-entitlement, is what I'm saying. But I'm also saying that, given that human nature is what it is... I'm not sure a non-antagonistic version of that thread would have actually had any results.

I was relying on you for some unofficial reply (as far as the main rulebooks are concerned) done by very knowledgeable GM and one of the developers of the game, even if not one of those engaged in resolving rules problems. It is sad to see that you would refrain from giving your opinion on some matter.

Much of the blame is on us (myself included) for using personal opinions of Paizo employees as a blunt instrument...

I, too, am very sad to see you not answering rules questions anymore. I always enjoyed hearing your take on a rule. While I may not have always agreed with it, it always gave me a new perspective on different rulings and has really helped me become better at adjudicating during a game. You gave us an inside view on the rules that we don't usually get from the Rules section. I can honestly say that you've made me a better GM. I think it's a real shame that people felt the need to ruin it and I hope to see you answering rules questions again one day.


I was just reading a fun Wikipedia page on Iggwilv and Zagig Yragerne and Tsojcanth and such, and it got me thinking...

1. What is your favorite unpronounceable Greyhawk name?

2. What is your most hated unpronounceable Greyhawk name?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Quandary wrote:

I'm curious about the language of the Caldaru people of Senghor... (Caldaran? Caldari?)

Is it an isolate language, or is it related (closely/distantly) to some other language?

Also about Senghor, they seem to be strongly against the slave trade, specifically impeding Bekyar slaving.
The largest ethnic group of Senghor is the Bonuwat, and the Ombo tribe of Bonuwat is said to be primarily based in Senghor.
The Ombo are also said to be slave-traders... So what gives here?
Are the Ombo who DON'T live in Senghor (where most are, if they are 'primarily' based there) the only ones involved in slaving, and the ones who live in Senghor are un-involved? Or are the Ombo who live there in fact involved in the slave trade, secretly or not-so-secretly? Is the Senghoran persecution of the slave trade only focused against Bekyar, and not Ombo? What is the Ombo slavers' religious affilitation?

The language spoken in Senghor is a very limited scope regional language that isn't all that widespread. As for the apparent disconnect with the slavery issues... that sounds like it's a development error. Senghor is absolutely against slave trade, and so if the Ombo want to do slave trade, they'll have to do so in secret if they do business in Senghor. Not sure much more about them, since I've actually not done a lot of writing or development for Senghor or this region... but not every group needs to have a religious affiliation.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Diego Rossi wrote:

That said I think that some kind of hindrance for dying should exist. I am not convinced that a money cost is the best way to implement that. At the same time is the simplest and more manageable way for a GM.

In my Kingmaker campaign I am using prestige points as a added reward so people can be raised with them, not only with cash.

Honestly... I think the fact that you have to sit out some of the game play when you're dead, that the loss of your character's resources to the party as long as you're dead, and the money it costs to get brought back to life AND to have those permanent negative levels removed is quite enough for the "hindrance" effect.

As a player who's had a character die, not getting to play the game I came to play for a short or longer amount of time, and then basically having to pay gold to get back into the game is PLENTY huge of a hindrance as it stands.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Diego Rossi wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
AlgaeNymph wrote:

8. "Me: If an incubus is formed from violent lust, and a succubus forms from manipulative lust, what sort of lust would create an omnibus?"

"You: Huh?"

I was indulging in some wordplay there, an omnibus would be both male and female rather than one or the other. Anyway, what sort of lust would that sort of sex demon represent?

8) As in a hermaphrodite? That'd depend on preferences, I guess. I'd probably say it'd just be a succubus with some extra equipment.

The incubus are necessarily males and the succubus females of they can be from both genders and being a succubus/incubus is more related to the kind of lust they represent?

Both incubi and succubi can change shape into any humanoid, and that means they can change shape into male or female as they wish. But even in their changed forms, psychologically they remain female or male as appropriate.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

TheLoneCleric wrote:

What is the most interesting underdeveloped area of Golarion have you ever played in?

What is the most interesting underdeveloped area of Golarion that you have run?

Played In: Far Far Parathra.

Run: The Pit, in the middle of Devil's Platter in the Sandpoint hinterlands.

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