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Trivia: Did you know that in the novel and original Exorcist film by William Peter Blatty, that the evil spirit that first identifies itself as the Devil is actually named and identified by Father Merrin (played Max Von Sydow) as none other than Pazuzu himself? As a personal arch-foe he had battled many times, dating back to archaeological work he did in Northern Iraq.
I believe this tradition was maintained in the sequels and spin-offs.
I suspect you did know this, but I've always found it pretty neat. I think of it every time I see this particular Demon Lord's name.
I certainly did know that. Which is why you'll find so many subtle links between what we've done with Pazuzu and that movie's elements in print. For example—Pazuzu's holy symbol is an image of him with his right hand upraised, which is the same image of Pazuzu that Father Merrin confronts at the end of the Iraq segment of "The Exorcist."

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Evil Lincoln wrote:James Jacobs wrote:They're only CR 15, after all!Unless... you go and apply a mythic template to them, right?Personally, I always felt that Heralds were a little weak for being, you know, Heralds of a god. I'm going to be pretty tempted to tack a few mythic levels onto the one that my players are going to be fighting near the end of their current AP.
I guess that heralds were set at CR 15 so they could be fought in an AP without being the final boss, but I think my players will be a little ahead of the power curve ;)
The word "herald" doesn't carry with it any implicit level of power. A 1st level dude could be a herald.
A CR 15 creature isn't "a little weak," though. It's certainly not the most powerful thing in the game, but it does represent the upper end of what a mortal can conjure in the game without resorting to a gate spell.
They were set at CR 15 because that's a good CR for an outsider with 18 Hit Dice AND because that makes them good foes to perhaps some day include in an Adventure Path's final installment.
If you're looking for a CR 25 divine foe, you should look at enemies like Treerazer and other nascent demon lords. Or going forward in Mythic Adventures, demigods and the like (who'll be up to CR 35, I suspect).
In the end, heralds are servants of not just the gods, but of the most powerful of that god's minions. An adventure with a herald encounter should really be a preamble to that adventure's climax against the cleric or whoever who SUMMONED the herald. Who should be tougher.

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-Is it required for anyone playing the Demonblight Crusade AP to use the Mythic rules?
-Will there be something like this (below) in the AP or will it be more like the PCs taking the fight to the demon's home turf? You mentioned Mendev will only appear in the 1st book so I was curious.
Link-Will there by any new rules/articles about sieges or running castles?
1) At this point, I'm thinking that yes, you'll need Mythic rules to run that adventure path. You can run it without them, but only if you're comfortable reworking encounters and adding in a lot of NEW encounters to boost your party's XP total higher. Or perhaps run it for a group of 8 instead of a group of 4. But still... many NPCs and monsters in the adventure path will use mythic rules.
2) Yes.
3) No; we'll likely have those rules already thanks to Ultimate Campaign.

Jim Groves Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4 |

I certainly did know that. Which is why you'll find so many subtle links between what we've done with Pazuzu and that movie's elements in print. For example—Pazuzu's holy symbol is an image of him with his right hand upraised, which is the same image of Pazuzu that Father Merrin confronts at the end of the Iraq segment of "The Exorcist."
That's neat, I never caught that. Thanks!

Umbral Reaver |

Got any plans for more Polynesian mythological creatures?
What would you do for a Taniwha?
If we mix ancient myth with modern attitudes, we get a creature that dwells in the path of civilisation's expansion, acting with hostility to new constructions.
Suggested ability:
Impede Construction (Su): Taniwha radiate an aura of cultural controversy and slow the construction of any kind of manmade works within a five mile radius. While in this aura, any time spent crafting objects or structures is reduced to working at one fifth the normal rate. This aura may be suppressed if the Taniwha wishes.

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Got any plans for more Polynesian mythological creatures?
What would you do for a Taniwha?
If we mix ancient myth with modern attitudes, we get a creature that dwells in the path of civilisation's expansion, acting with hostility to new constructions.
Suggested ability:
Impede Construction (Su): Taniwha radiate an aura of cultural controversy and slow the construction of any kind of manmade works within a five mile radius. While in this aura, any time spent crafting objects or structures is reduced to working at one fifth the normal rate. This aura may be suppressed if the Taniwha wishes.
We're always pulling in monsters from myths around the world. I suspect we'll do more Polynesian ones soon enough.

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Is it wrong to plug supporting the troops, FLGS, and PFS in all the same thread?

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Is it wrong to plug supporting the troops, FLGS, and PFS in all the same thread?
It is if anyone gets offended by it.

Maraxion |
Hello James and thanks for a great game, and good help.
Iv been looking in the forum for an answer to the old using Weapon finesse to add dex instead of strength to CMB question, and found your post from September 2009. Wil this still fly, and also have you any new ruling on the trip(specialy if its a natural trip weapon like some animals have?):
James Jacobs wrote:
"Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus, and similar feats would only apply when you're attempting a combat maneuver with that weapon. For the most part, this would be limited to things like disarm or sunder or MAYBE trip. You wouldn't get this bonus to things like overrun, bull rush, or grapple that don't use a weapon attack as part of their requirements.
Agile Maneuvers applies to EVERY maneuver every time.
If you're a rapier fighter who uses Weapon Finesse and won't be ever doing many bull rushes, Weapon Finesse or Weapon Focus is the feat for you and Agile Maneuvers is not.
If you're a bard or rogue or monk who wants to be all about the kung-fu or swashbuckly elements of ALL of the combat maneuvers, regardless of what move you want to make or what weapon you use, Agile Maneuvers is the feat you want and Weapon Finesse/Focus is not."

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1) In your opinion, what is the best archetype for combat-oriented bard?
2) There is a Russian saber-like weapon called shashka. For Russians, shashka is the same as katana for Japanese. Do you think that there is any chance for Paizo to stat it any time soon?
3) Do you like "mind magic" as an alternative to "psychic magic"?

Abandoned Arts RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 |

Some Golarion questions for Mr. Jacobs:
1.) I am preparing to launch a home campaign set on Mediogalti Island. What would be some good quests, adventures, plotlines, or themes for a campaign set in Ilizmagorti? How would you involve the Red Mantis society without centering the whole campaign around them?
2.) I have a feeling that this might have been asked before, but how did the people of Golarion become aware of Aroden's death? Did his clerics simply feel a severance at the moment of the event? Was there some unmistakable physical sign that made it clear? What did Aroden's death look or feel like, for the mortal races?
3.) What was going on with the halflings before the modern age made a slave race out of them? Were they much different? Were there halfling kings and nations? Do halfling ruins exist?
4.) Was the Starstone Cathedral a part of the Earthfall meteor? Did it fall out of the sky with a cathedral on top of it, or did Aroden, as a mortal, literally create a cathedral that turns mortals into gods? If the latter, did he intend for the structure to have such an effect?
5.) What happens when someone becomes a god after succeeding at the test? Is there an obvious sign? How does it become a matter of public knowledge that it has happened?
Daron Woodson
Abandoned Arts


A few more illusion questions, if I may be so bold. (Also: thank you for your previous answers on that and any other subject.)
The Minor Phantom Object and Major Phantom Object spells from the Advanced Race Guide are illusions (figment), yet their description mentions they create phantasms that are "semi-real", suggesting they're really shadow illusions. Which are the spells supposed to be?
Also, how do these spells relate to your earlier statement in this thread that casters do not get a save against their own illusions, but automatically "disbelieve"? A literal application of that statement would render both these spells pointless. Are these two spells simply excluded from that basic rule?

Dragon78 |

1)I noticed that the Strix have a +2Dex -2Cha with no additional +2stat, how much RP would that cost(or not cost) to have racial mods like that since there is no option like that in the ARG?
2)Do Half-constructs have con scores? If there only cyborgs shouldn't they have souls?
3)If you ever made a feat that granted extra skill points, how many would you make it grant? would they be a flat number or something that could improve over time(levels)
4)So how many monsters, including templates, are in the Innersea Bestiay, if the number has been finalized yet?
5)There are a lot of different kinds of mutants, so what kind of mutant are we talking about for the Mana Waste mutants in the Innersea Bestiary? Will there type change to mostrous humaniod, Aberration, or will it stay the same?
6)Why no plane/dimension of Radiance/Light?
7)When will we find out the cmplete list of cryptids that made into the Mystery Monsters Revisited book?
8)If you granted a 1st level spellcaster an extra spell slot(prepared caster) or extra spell known(spontanous caster) what would you grant the non-spellcasting classes to make it "balance"?
9)Have you ever heard of the comic, Sky Dolls?
10)Have you had a chance to see "Brave" yet? or any other movie in theatres? if so what did you think?

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Quick question on a trait (can't seem to find any clarification on it).
Tusked: Huge, sharp tusks bulge from your mouth, and you receive a bite attack (1d4 damage for Medium characters). If used as part of a full attack action, the bite attack is made at your full base attack bonus –5.
That trait is from Orcs of Golarion. In its text is it referring to Full attack with manufactured weapons (like normal natural attack rules), or is it saying that no matter what you are making attacks at a -5 by using this bite.
The question arises as I have 2 claw attacks and if I take this trait I'd then have a bite (which in the text doesn't even make statements that its secondary). Trying to find out if it was meant to just give you a bite attack like normal natural attack rules and was poorly phrased or what. And is that damage correct because it doesn't match up with other medium sized bite attacks (they really are all over the board with bite attack damage).

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Hello James and thanks for a great game, and good help.
Iv been looking in the forum for an answer to the old using Weapon finesse to add dex instead of strength to CMB question, and found your post from September 2009. Wil this still fly, and also have you any new ruling on the trip(specialy if its a natural trip weapon like some animals have?):
James Jacobs wrote:
"Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus, and similar feats would only apply when you're attempting a combat maneuver with that weapon. For the most part, this would be limited to things like disarm or sunder or MAYBE trip. You wouldn't get this bonus to things like overrun, bull rush, or grapple that don't use a weapon attack as part of their requirements.Agile Maneuvers applies to EVERY maneuver every time.
If you're a rapier fighter who uses Weapon Finesse and won't be ever doing many bull rushes, Weapon Finesse or Weapon Focus is the feat for you and Agile Maneuvers is not.
If you're a bard or rogue or monk who wants to be all about the kung-fu or swashbuckly elements of ALL of the combat maneuvers, regardless of what move you want to make or what weapon you use, Agile Maneuvers is the feat you want and Weapon Finesse/Focus is not."
If you use Weapon Finesse and you make a combat manuever with a weapon you can use Weapon Finesse on, your CMB is adjusted by Dex, not Str. It all "still flies"—nothing's really changed since then as far as I know. Note that natural attacks are ALWAYS finessable, so an animal that has Weapon Finesse can add that to their trip attacks.

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1) In your opinion, what is the best archetype for combat-oriented bard?
2) There is a Russian saber-like weapon called shashka. For Russians, shashka is the same as katana for Japanese. Do you think that there is any chance for Paizo to stat it any time soon?
3) Do you like "mind magic" as an alternative to "psychic magic"?
1) I'm pretty fond of the Dawnflower Dervish from Inner Sea Magic. It's an archetype that kinda messes with the expectations of the bard—it removes the bard from really being a "help everyone else" class and makes it into a "help yourself even better" class. You get better combat bonuses to yourself than you'd normally give everyone. It's a class that you should probably not hide the features of from your friends, though, since if you say "I'm playing a bard" most folks actually hear "I'm playing a character that makes all of your characters better." A Dawnflower Dervish is better thought of as filling a rogue-like support combat role than a classic bard role.
2) Having just done "Ultimate Equipment," my gut tells me that there's a very very small chance. I'm not so keen on statting up a new weapon so soon after we've published a book that claims to be the ULTIMATE book on that subject.
3) Mind magic is a fine choice, but psychic is more accurate and interesting a word.

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One quick question.. Is it intentional that there are two different dawnflower dervish archetypes? There's one for fighters in the Inner Sea Primer, and another for bards in Inner Sea Magic. And if it is intentional, why?
It's absolutely intentional.
One thing that REALLY REALLY frustrates mea bout archetypes is that they're TOO limited. If you make an archetype called "pirate" and make it a rogue archetype... what happens when you want to make a fighter pirate or a ranger pirate or a cleric pirate or a wizard pirate or a bard pirate? You can't. One solution we've come up with for that is to make new archetypes with names like corsair and buccaneer for those other classes... but they still lack the fun and iconic imagery of being an "official pirate." Re-using archetype names for different classes is one thing I've tinkered with in trying to address this frustration. I'm pretty sure it's not gonna stick, since the design team is pretty against it... which frustrates me as well. It's lame that we're suggesting, for example, there are no cleric heretics or fighter swashbucklers since we're implying all heretics are inquisitors or all swashbucklers are rogues.

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A few more illusion questions, if I may be so bold. (Also: thank you for your previous answers on that and any other subject.)
The Minor Phantom Object and Major Phantom Object spells from the Advanced Race Guide are illusions (figment), yet their description mentions they create phantasms that are "semi-real", suggesting they're really shadow illusions. Which are the spells supposed to be?
Also, how do these spells relate to your earlier statement in this thread that casters do not get a save against their own illusions, but automatically "disbelieve"? A literal application of that statement would render both these spells pointless. Are these two spells simply excluded from that basic rule?
That sounds like sloppy game design to me. Illusions that create semi-real effects should be shadow illusions. I'd post that question on the Advanced Race Guide board and flag it with a FAQ.
You can always voluntarily choose to fail a saving throw. That's what casters of those spells can do.

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James, just one question.
If you're spending so much time answering these questions, how are you able to effectively Direct Creativity for Paizo?
Because I only spend about 30 minutes out of my 8 hour day answering questions here... and often I'm answering questions here WELL after work at late night when I can't get to sleep or the like.

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Quick question on a trait (can't seem to find any clarification on it).
Tusked wrote:Tusked: Huge, sharp tusks bulge from your mouth, and you receive a bite attack (1d4 damage for Medium characters). If used as part of a full attack action, the bite attack is made at your full base attack bonus –5.That trait is from Orcs of Golarion. In its text is it referring to Full attack with manufactured weapons (like normal natural attack rules), or is it saying that no matter what you are making attacks at a -5 by using this bite.
The question arises as I have 2 claw attacks and if I take this trait I'd then have a bite (which in the text doesn't even make statements that its secondary). Trying to find out if it was meant to just give you a bite attack like normal natural attack rules and was poorly phrased or what. And is that damage correct because it doesn't match up with other medium sized bite attacks (they really are all over the board with bite attack damage).
Bite attacks are always primary attacks. But if you make an attack with a manufactured weapon, ALL natural attacks (including bite attacks) become secondary attacks and thus take a –5 penalty on attack roles. Those rules are part of the standard rules for natural attacks and are detailed more clearly in the bestiary.
In this trait's case, the bite attack granted is specifically weaker than a bite attack you might have as part of your race, since traits are supposed to be not all that powerful. So in this case, ANY additional attack you make, including 2 claw attacks, would reduce your chances to hit with the bite attack.
All damages are correct. The table that lists natural attack damage by size in the Bestiary lists mere suggestions—we can and do change those all the time to make a monster's overall damage work right for its CR.

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1)I noticed that the Strix have a +2Dex -2Cha with no additional +2stat, how much RP would that cost(or not cost) to have racial mods like that since there is no option like that in the ARG?
2)Do Half-constructs have con scores? If there only cyborgs shouldn't they have souls?
3)If you ever made a feat that granted extra skill points, how many would you make it grant? would they be a flat number or something that could improve over time(levels)
4)So how many monsters, including templates, are in the Innersea Bestiay, if the number has been finalized yet?
5)There are a lot of different kinds of mutants, so what kind of mutant are we talking about for the Mana Waste mutants in the Innersea Bestiary? Will there type change to mostrous humaniod, Aberration, or will it stay the same?
6)Why no plane/dimension of Radiance/Light?
7)When will we find out the cmplete list of cryptids that made into the Mystery Monsters Revisited book?
8)If you granted a 1st level spellcaster an extra spell slot(prepared caster) or extra spell known(spontanous caster) what would you grant the non-spellcasting classes to make it "balance"?
9)Have you ever heard of the comic, Sky Dolls?
10)Have you had a chance to see "Brave" yet? or any other movie in theatres? if so what did you think?
1) That there's no option like that in the ARG is an error in the ARG, since Strix are in the ARG. The race building rules did not involve my input, and frankly, a fair number of the choices the design team made when building that section baffle and boggle me, so I'm not the right person to ask about this. In fact, the fact that Strix don't appear at all in the tables at the back makes me think that since Strix appeared in a non-rulebook first (the Inner Sea World Guide) that they were sort of a blind spot during design of that section. I suppose an enterprising person could revere engineer the other strix abilities and figure out what that ability score would cost, but that's not something I'm really interested in doing, alas.
2) Yes, they have Con scores. Cyborgs are partially living, and thus have souls. Not being able to be raised or resurrected doesn't mean you have no soul.
3) I wouldn't make a feat like this. Skill ranks should be granted by Hit Dice, Intelligence bonuses, and highly unusual monster abilities.
4) The number's been finalized but I don't know what that number is. It's about 45 though.
5) The mana waste mutant is a template. You can apply it to whatever you want.
6) Because we don't. That's one way we chose to deliberately make the Great Beyond a different place than D&D's Great Wheel.
7) Probably somewhere in October or November.
8) Why would I want to make it "balance"? If it's that huge an issue in the game I'm running, I'd be more likely to not grant an extra spell slot to the caster in the first place.
9) Nope.
10) Nope.

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Dragon78 wrote:1) That there's no option like that in the ARG is an error in the ARG, since Strix are in the ARG. The race building rules did not involve my input, and frankly, a fair number of the choices the design team made when building that section baffle and boggle me, so I'm not the right person to ask about this. In fact, the fact that Strix don't appear at all in the tables at the back makes me think that since Strix appeared in a non-rulebook first (the Inner Sea World Guide) that they were sort of a blind spot during design of that section. I suppose an enterprising person could revere engineer the other strix abilities and figure out what that ability score would cost, but that's not something I'm...1)I noticed that the Strix have a +2Dex -2Cha with no additional +2stat, how much RP would that cost(or not cost) to have racial mods like that since there is no option like that in the ARG?
Could be that it was intentional that a second +2 attribute bonus was not given since the Strix get unlimited flight as first level characters?

Gauss |

James Jacobs:
Sorry to ask more information on this topic again but:
Deciding between an Attack or a Full Attack: After your first attack, you can decide to take a move action instead of making your remaining attacks, depending on how the first attack turns out and assuming you have not already taken a move action this round. If you’ve already taken a 5-foot step, you can’t use your move action to move any distance, but you could still use a different kind of move action.
Are you forced to make the choice between standard attack or full-attack AFTER your first attack or can you make it before?
IE: If I wanted to, can I announce I am making a Full-Attack even though I am given the choice after my first attack.
Thanks again.
- Gauss

Matrixryu |

Sorry to keep peppering you with questions, but I'm curious about another thing involving heralds. Iomedae became Aroden's Herald *after* she had already ascended to godhood. Was she simply a rare example of a super-powerful herald, or is having another god or demigod as a herald common? Also, did her power mean that Aroden's followers simply weren't able to summon her through the 'normal' means, or would she have been able to manifest a 'weaker' CR 15 version of herself for them?
I know the Tarrasque is another example of a more powerful than normal Herald, but I'm going to assume that he wasn't designed for summoning in mind ;)

Drejk |

Are you forced to make the choice between standard attack or full-attack AFTER your first attack or can you make it before?
IE: If I wanted to, can I announce I am making a Full-Attack even though I am given the choice after my first attack.

Gauss |

Drejk, have you seen the Manyshot thread? :D If not, check out the Manyshot thread in the rules Forum. A number of people are in fact claiming that you cannot do exactly what you said. (Note: I agree with you.)
I am hoping to get a developer comment on this to end the foolishness. Of course, that may not actually listen. Oh well.
- Gauss

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James Jacobs wrote:Could be that it was intentional that a second +2 attribute bonus was not given since the Strix get unlimited flight as first level characters?Dragon78 wrote:1) That there's no option like that in the ARG is an error in the ARG, since Strix are in the ARG. The race building rules did not involve my input, and frankly, a fair number of the choices the design team made when building that section baffle and boggle me, so I'm not the right person to ask about this. In fact, the fact that Strix don't appear at all in the tables at the back makes me think that since Strix appeared in a non-rulebook first (the Inner Sea World Guide) that they were sort of a blind spot during design of that section. I suppose an enterprising person could revere engineer the other strix abilities and figure out what that ability score would cost, but that's not something I'm...1)I noticed that the Strix have a +2Dex -2Cha with no additional +2stat, how much RP would that cost(or not cost) to have racial mods like that since there is no option like that in the ARG?
It's because when we first designed the strix back in Pathfinder #25, those were the attribute bonuses we gave it.

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James Jacobs:
Sorry to ask more information on this topic again but:
CRB p187 wrote:Deciding between an Attack or a Full Attack: After your first attack, you can decide to take a move action instead of making your remaining attacks, depending on how the first attack turns out and assuming you have not already taken a move action this round. If you’ve already taken a 5-foot step, you can’t use your move action to move any distance, but you could still use a different kind of move action.
Are you forced to make the choice between standard attack or full-attack AFTER your first attack or can you make it before?
IE: If I wanted to, can I announce I am making a Full-Attack even though I am given the choice after my first attack.
Thanks again.
- Gauss
Only a jerk GM makes you stick to your announced actions once things change in the round. If, for example, you announce "I move 30 feet into the room and then grab the magic sword off the altar there!" and after moving 20 feet into the room you fall into a pit... it'd be lame for the GM to say, "Since you said you were going to grab the sword, you still have to try that and thus fail and waste your action down in the pit where the sword is out of reach."
AKA: You can decide to change actions in the middle of a round as things change. If you say "I full attack the giant" and then kill him dead on the first attack... you should be able to do other things instead of just stabbing the dead body a few more times.

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Sorry to keep peppering you with questions, but I'm curious about another thing involving heralds. Iomedae became Aroden's Herald *after* she had already ascended to godhood. Was she simply a rare example of a super-powerful herald, or is having another god or demigod as a herald common? Also, did her power mean that Aroden's followers simply weren't able to summon her through the 'normal' means, or would she have been able to manifest a 'weaker' CR 15 version of herself for them?
I know the Tarrasque is another example of a more powerful than normal Herald, but I'm going to assume that he wasn't designed for summoning in mind ;)
Not all Heralds are CR 15, 18 HD monsters. Some of them are different, but they're exceptions to the general rule.

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Drejk, have you seen the Manyshot thread? :D If not, check out the Manyshot thread in the rules Forum. A number of people are in fact claiming that you cannot do exactly what you said. (Note: I agree with you.)
I am hoping to get a developer comment on this to end the foolishness. Of course, that may not actually listen. Oh well.
- Gauss
Manyshot's flavor is that you're shooting multiple arrows at once, not one arrow after the other. If you shoot 4 arrows at once, it's ridiculous to say "the first arrow killed the guy, can I have the other 3 go at someone else?" or "can I do something else entirely?"
Whereas doing a series of attacks, like a regular set of iterative attacks, or rapid shot, or the like... it's not goofy to assume that after the first attack kills a foe that you can change your mind and do something else.

setzer9999 |
Gauss wrote:Drejk, have you seen the Manyshot thread? :D If not, check out the Manyshot thread in the rules Forum. A number of people are in fact claiming that you cannot do exactly what you said. (Note: I agree with you.)
I am hoping to get a developer comment on this to end the foolishness. Of course, that may not actually listen. Oh well.
- Gauss
Manyshot's flavor is that you're shooting multiple arrows at once, not one arrow after the other. If you shoot 4 arrows at once, it's ridiculous to say "the first arrow killed the guy, can I have the other 3 go at someone else?" or "can I do something else entirely?"
Whereas doing a series of attacks, like a regular set of iterative attacks, or rapid shot, or the like... it's not goofy to assume that after the first attack kills a foe that you can change your mind and do something else.
I don't want to turn this thread into a rules question forum thread that already exists, but I have a direct clarification follow up question to the quote and your previous statement from this thread, as they seem contradictory:
Only a jerk GM makes you stick to your announced actions once things change in the round. If, for example, you announce "I move 30 feet into the room and then grab the magic sword off the altar there!" and after moving 20 feet into the room you fall into a pit... it'd be lame for the GM to say, "Since you said you were going to grab the sword, you still have to try that and thus fail and waste your action down in the pit where the sword is out of reach."AKA: You can decide to change actions in the middle of a round as things change. If you say "I full attack the giant" and then kill him dead on the first attack... you should be able to do other things instead of just stabbing the dead body a few more times.
So, if you use Manyshot, which states in the feat it is part of a full-attack, why can't you move afterwards based on your "Only a jerk GM" answer? Again, I'm sorry to insist a rules question in your ask anything thread when there is an existing thread for this whole argument, but its just that the two things you are saying above seem contradictory.
Can't you attack with Manyshot, kill the giant dead, and then since he is dead, move instead? You don't have to either keep shooting the dead giant with your iterative attacks or just stand there dumbfounded that you killed the giant on your first attack, just because the feat required a full-attack, do you? Don't you get to choose if you move after the first attack instead of continuing with your attacks?

Jimmy Jacobs |

Manyshot is a full round action that fires several arrows at the same time. If you choose to use Manyshot, it is a full round action. The only distance you get to move is a 5ft step. Rapid Shot would be different because after you fire the first arrow (which kills the enemy) there is little to no reason to fire any others at the same target. Therefore you should reasonably be expected to claim to make a rapid shot, fire one shot, kill your target and then decide to move up to your speed.

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How does a tekko-kagi work, functionally?
[...descriptive fluff...]
"It can be used as an offensive weapon or defensively like a buckler..."
[...additional benefits...]
Unfortunately, I went a bit overboard in the thread linked below:
Ninja concept character, PFS, tekko-kagiSummary:
- Is it providing buckler attributes (-1 Armor check penalty, 5% Arcane spell failure, +1 AC) "like a buckler", or does it not have any ACP/ASF and just give the bonus?
- Can it be equipped in a shield slot and let another weapon be equipped in the hand, giving it a buckler-only mode?
- If so, can you re-grasp as a free action on your turn (i.e.: "my tekko-kagi is now in buckler mode and I pull out this wakizashi" then attack with it, next turn "I drop my wakizashi, the tekko-kagi is now a wielded weapon and I go to disarm")?
- If it is enchanted, does a +4 tekko-kagi give +5 to AC when used as a buckler?
- Being a hybrid weapon/shield sort of... thing, can it have shield enchantments placed on it as well as weapon enchantments (i.e.: a bizarre +3 defiant, flaming tekko-kagi)?

Belle Mythix |

Dragon78 wrote:2)Do Half-constructs have con scores? If there only cyborgs shouldn't they have souls?
2) Yes, they have Con scores. Cyborgs are partially living, and thus have souls. Not being able to be raised or resurrected doesn't mean you have no soul.
Personally, I would rule it as: "They can not be raised as half-constructs/Cyborgs."

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So, if you use Manyshot, which states in the feat it is part of a full-attack, why can't you move afterwards based on your "Only a jerk GM" answer? Again, I'm sorry to insist a rules question in your ask anything thread when there is an existing thread for this whole argument, but its just that the two things you are saying above seem contradictory.
Can't you attack with Manyshot, kill the giant dead, and then since he is dead, move instead? You don't have to either keep shooting the dead giant with your iterative attacks or just stand there dumbfounded that you killed the giant on your first attack, just because the feat required a full-attack, do you? Don't you get to choose if you move after the first attack instead of continuing with your attacks?
A set of iterative attacks is numerous separate attack rolls. It's therefore numerous separate attacks. Therefore, if that first of the numerous separate attacks kills a foe, you can at that point choose NOT to make the others and treat that 1st attack as a standard action and then move on from there.
Manyshot is a special kind of attack that ONLY WORKS if you're making the manyshot attack as part of a full-attack action. If you make a manyshot attack and that 1st two-arrow attack kills the target dead, you're locked in to making a full-attack action since if you WEREN'T making a full-attack action, you can't make a Manyshot attack. At this point, you pretty much need to make your remaining attacks or just stop and lose the rest of your turn.

Gauss |

James Jacobs:
It looks like my followup question got missed due. Here is the link
Thank you as always. :)
- Gauss

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How does a tekko-kagi work, functionally?
Ultimate Equipment, page 38 wrote:Tekko-kagi
[...descriptive fluff...]
"It can be used as an offensive weapon or defensively like a buckler..."
[...additional benefits...]Unfortunately, I went a bit overboard in the thread linked below:
Ninja concept character, PFS, tekko-kagiSummary:
- Is it providing buckler attributes (-1 Armor check penalty, 5% Arcane spell failure, +1 AC) "like a buckler", or does it not have any ACP/ASF and just give the bonus?
- Can it be equipped in a shield slot and let another weapon be equipped in the hand, giving it a buckler-only mode?
- If so, can you re-grasp as a free action on your turn (i.e.: "my tekko-kagi is now in buckler mode and I pull out this wakizashi" then attack with it, next turn "I drop my wakizashi, the tekko-kagi is now a wielded weapon and I go to disarm")?
- If it is enchanted, does a +4 tekko-kagi give +5 to AC when used as a buckler?
- Being a hybrid weapon/shield sort of... thing, can it have shield enchantments placed on it as well as weapon enchantments (i.e.: a bizarre +3 defiant, flaming tekko-kagi)?
A tekko-kagi is a real world weapon. As such, there's probably video footage out there in a movie or something of someone using this weapon. So my first step, if I were to build a character like this, would be to seek out footage to see what fighting with that weapon LOOKS like.
From a raw rules standpoint... the fact that this weapon can be used as a weapon or a buckler means I'd go simple. At the start of any turn, you can decide whether a tekko-kagi you're using is working as a weapon or as a buckler, then treat it as such for that turn.
To answer your bullet points:
1) When serving as a buckler, it functions as a buckler and gives you the armor check penalty and spell failure and shield bonus to AC.
2) It's a weapon. You carry it. There's no such thing as a "shield slot" in any case.
3) No need to "re-grasp" since it's a weapon.
4) When you enhance it, you can either do so as a weapon or a shield. You can do both. You pay for each separately, in the same way a spiked shield works.
5) Yes, but you still pay for it separately. Such a weapon would be listed in print as: +3 flaming +3 defiant tekko-kagi, I suspect... but that's kinda weird and awkward looking and as such I doubt we'd ever do something like that in print as a result.

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A tekko-kagi is a real world weapon. As such, there's probably video footage out there in a movie or something of someone using this weapon. So my first step, if I were to build a character like this, would be to seek out footage to see what fighting with that weapon LOOKS like.
Thanks for the answers. I was looking for the item, having the inspiration of Storm Shadow from G. I. Joe, so it's the starting point of (maybe more than) occasionally using it. I make make it adamantine just for the el-oh-els.

setzer9999 |
setzer9999 wrote:So, if you use Manyshot, which states in the feat it is part of a full-attack, why can't you move afterwards based on your "Only a jerk GM" answer? Again, I'm sorry to insist a rules question in your ask anything thread when there is an existing thread for this whole argument, but its just that the two things you are saying above seem contradictory.
Can't you attack with Manyshot, kill the giant dead, and then since he is dead, move instead? You don't have to either keep shooting the dead giant with your iterative attacks or just stand there dumbfounded that you killed the giant on your first attack, just because the feat required a full-attack, do you? Don't you get to choose if you move after the first attack instead of continuing with your attacks?
A set of iterative attacks is numerous separate attack rolls. It's therefore numerous separate attacks. Therefore, if that first of the numerous separate attacks kills a foe, you can at that point choose NOT to make the others and treat that 1st attack as a standard action and then move on from there.
Manyshot is a special kind of attack that ONLY WORKS if you're making the manyshot attack as part of a full-attack action. If you make a manyshot attack and that 1st two-arrow attack kills the target dead, you're locked in to making a full-attack action since if you WEREN'T making a full-attack action, you can't make a Manyshot attack. At this point, you pretty much need to make your remaining attacks or just stop and lose the rest of your turn.
So, ignoring the ruling part of the rules, which, despite your input, there is still a debate going about what the "RAW" rules mean if you try to actually parse the printed rule out as text and logic rather than coming up with GM rulings after the fact...
So, again, apart from all that, does it really "make sense" that if you have, say a BAB high enough to make 4 attacks a turn, and Rapid shot, that after your first shot with Manyshot, that you would have "enough time" to shoot 4 more times, but not enough time to jog 10 feet? Manyshot is one attack after all, even though there are two arrows, its still just one attack.
From a rules perspective, it also seems like this is the only case (or one of few, as I can't find any others yet) where using a full-attack locks you in from moving BEFORE you actually come to the "decision tree" outlined in the rules for deciding to take a 2nd+ attack or move. Are there any other cases where you become "locked in" to a full-attack after attacking once?

concerro |

So, ignoring the ruling part of the rules, which, despite your input, there is still a debate going about what the "RAW" rules mean if you try to actually parse the printed rule out as text and logic rather than coming up with GM rulings after the fact...
So, again, apart from all that, does it really "make sense" that if you have, say a BAB high enough to make 4 attacks a turn, and Rapid shot, that after your first shot with Manyshot, that you would have "enough time" to shoot 4 more times, but not enough time to jog 10 feet? Manyshot is one attack after all, even though there are two arrows, its still just one attack.
From a rules perspective, it also seems like this is the only case (or one of few, as I can't find any others yet) where using a full-attack locks you in from moving BEFORE you actually come to the "decision tree" outlined in the rules for deciding to take a 2nd+ attack or move. Are there any other cases where you become "locked in" to a full-attack after attacking once?
Whirlwind attack. :)
If you reply to me then please do so in the rules thread that we were already using. It is not like SKR or Jason B is going to give you a different answer with regard to manyshot.PS:Time does not matter. It only matters what the book says you can do. Look at pinpoint targeting as an example. It is in core rule book.

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So, ignoring the ruling part of the rules, which, despite your input, there is still a debate going about what the "RAW" rules mean if you try to actually parse the printed rule out as text and logic rather than coming up with GM rulings after the fact...
So, again, apart from all that, does it really "make sense" that if you have, say a BAB high enough to make 4 attacks a turn, and Rapid shot, that after your first shot with Manyshot, that you would have "enough time" to shoot 4 more times, but not enough time to jog 10 feet? Manyshot is one attack after all, even though there are two arrows, its still just one attack.
From a rules perspective, it also seems like this is the only case (or one of few, as I can't find any others yet) where using a full-attack locks you in from moving BEFORE you actually come to the "decision tree" outlined in the rules for deciding to take a 2nd+ attack or move. Are there any other cases where you become "locked in" to a full-attack after attacking once?
I'm not here to argue rules. I've replied to the question and beyond that, this conversation should continue, if it needs to, in the rules forum part of these boards.
That said, this is increasingly becoming a case where I'll use the "Ask your GM how it works in his/her game" answer... or if YOU'RE the GM... take the feedback I've given to help you make your choice as to what way you want to go.

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Whirlwind attack. :)
If you reply to me then please do so in the rules thread that we were already using. It is not like SKR or Jason B is going to give you a different answer with regard to manyshot.PS:Time does not matter. It only matters what the book says you can do. Look at pinpoint targeting as an example. It is in core rule book.
I generally don't frequent the rules forums. Part of what lets me answer these questions in this thread is that I don't maintain an active role in EVERY forum.