blackbloodtroll |
Does a Scorpion Whip threaten?
If you have the correct feats, can use it as a Scorpion Whip, and a Whip, at the same time?
If not, what kind of action is it to switch to "whip mode"?
Would Weapon Focus(Whip) apply to a Scorpion whip?
If used as a Whip, does it still damage armored foes, or deal nonlethal damage?
Do the various Whip feats apply when wielding a Scorpion Whip, as a Whip?
Do various traits that interact with Whips apply to Scorpion Whips, when wielded as a Whip?
XperimentalDM |
Gregg Helmberger wrote:What's the innovation or rules change from 3.5 to Pathfinder that you're most proud of?
And when you introduced Archetypes in the APG, did you know you had your hands on a big-time winner of an idea that would legitimately change how a great many people approach the game? That's certainly how it turned out -- I know for me personally, new archetypes are my favorite piece of crunch and the first thing I look for in any new product.
The changes to the bard, or the addition of the breath of life spell, both of which are some of my specific influences on the rules. But getting shoggoths into the core Bestiary is pretty good too.
And as for archetypes... that's Jason Bulmahn, not me.
Regarding breath of life. I think I saw you mention somewhere back wishing you had named it cure deadly woulds. Is this so it would fall under the heading of cure spells for things like Cleric swapping out prepared spells for cures?
gbonehead Owner - House of Books and Games LLC |
James Jacobs wrote:
The changes to the bard, or the addition of the breath of life spell, both of which are some of my specific influences on the rules. But getting shoggoths into the core Bestiary is pretty good too.And as for archetypes... that's Jason Bulmahn, not me.
Breath of Life FTW! It's an idea that never occurred to me, but as soon as I saw that spell I slapped my forehead and said, "OF COURSE we needed this all along!" Wonderful addition to the game.
And thank Jason Bulmahn for me next time you see him. :-)
3.5e did the same thing to it that the Paizo design team did by calling it close wounds instead of cure something. Not exactly the same, it was a level 2 clerical spell that could be cast as an immediate action and which healed 1d4 + 1/level hit points.
There was also revivify which was a raise dead kinda spell that was only level 5 but which required 1000gp in diamond dust and must be cast within 1 round but resulted in no level or Con loss.
There was also a druid spell last breath that could do a reincarnate within 1 round with no level loss, etc., and which needed 500gp of components.
In any event, such things are very useful :)
XperimentalDM |
XperimentalDM wrote:Regarding breath of life. I think I saw you mention somewhere back wishing you had named it cure deadly woulds. Is this so it would fall under the heading of cure spells for things like Cleric swapping out prepared spells for cures?Answered two posts above yours.
Wow, somehow I missed that. Must have been Ninja...
Bob Evil |
First of all, love the game, love Golarion. Please keep up the great work.
Now that that's out of the way, I was wondering if I ask about the difference between nature and the gods of nature in Pathfinder. Sorry if this gets a little wordy.
Let me give you some context. I came to Pathfinder from 4E, and I tend to play nature-themed characters like druids and rangers. In Wizards' Points of Light campaign setting, nature magic is the purview of beings of the natural world called Primal Spirits, but they also have a goddess of nature. The problem that I had with that setup was that while the other gods in the setting had pretty much direct influence on their respective portfolios, anything having to do with nature in the setting was covered by the Primal Spirits, making the goddess of nature entirely superfluous. I never really saw the point of having a nature deity around if nature was governed by beings completely separate from the gods.
Fast forward to Pathfinder. Here, there are gods that oversee different aspects of nature: Erastil represents man's positive interaction with nature through agriculture and beasts of the field; Gozreh covers nature in general with a strong focus on storms and the waters; Curchanus was a benevolent god of wild creatures, and when Lamashtu slew him she stole his portfolio and made wild beasts into the enemies of mankind. Then of course there is Sarenrae's obvious connection with the sun, Desna with the stars and night sky, Groetus with the moon, and the Elemental Lords. There are also a couple minor deities as well as demon and empyreal lords with with influence over specific aspects of the natural world, such as Hanspur (rivers), Angazhan (apes and jungles), and Pazuzu and Ylimancha (flying creatures).
But there is also just general nature worship independent of the gods, represented by the Green Faith, as well as clerics who champion general domains such as Animal, Plant, Sun, and the elements. Furthermore, a character with a connection to nature can worship a deity not connected to nature at all, or be an agnostic or atheist, or just irreligious in general.
My question is: in the Pathfinder campaign setting, what power do nature-themed spellcasters draw upon? Is it the gods of nature, even if they do not worship them? Is it based on faith in nature, like a cleric without a deity? Are there spirits of nature that just haven't been explicitly detailed? Or is it all or none of the above? And if nature magic is independent of the gods, what role do they really play in the natural world of Golarian?
blackbloodtroll |
How does the Celestial Servant feat effect non-animal familiars/animal companions/mounts?
Does it change their type?
Does it allow them to count as animals, even if they are not?
The Fox |
James, as long as we are on the subject of breath of life, what would be, in your opinion, the repercussions of giving ALL of the cure spells the full ability of breath of life?
I considered house-ruling it as such in my home game, but the idea was vetoed by my players; they all felt that the game would not be sufficiently deadly. I wonder...
Aside: I might be able to convince them that changing the name of breath of life to cure deadly wounds will not be game-destroying.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |
Does a Scorpion Whip threaten?
If you have the correct feats, can use it as a Scorpion Whip, and a Whip, at the same time?
If not, what kind of action is it to switch to "whip mode"?Would Weapon Focus(Whip) apply to a Scorpion whip?
If used as a Whip, does it still damage armored foes, or deal nonlethal damage?
Do the various Whip feats apply when wielding a Scorpion Whip, as a Whip?
Do various traits that interact with Whips apply to Scorpion Whips, when wielded as a Whip?
James Jacobs Creative Director |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Regarding breath of life. I think I saw you mention somewhere back wishing you had named it cure deadly woulds. Is this so it would fall under the heading of cure spells for things like Cleric swapping out prepared spells for cures?
Yes. In fact, that's 100% of the reason WHY I wanted the spell to be called "cure deadly wounds."
James Jacobs Creative Director |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Now that that's out of the way, I was wondering if I ask about the difference between nature and the gods of nature in Pathfinder. Sorry if this gets a little wordy.
Let me give you some context. I came to Pathfinder from 4E, and I tend to play nature-themed characters like druids and rangers. In Wizards' Points of Light campaign setting, nature magic is the purview of beings of the natural world called Primal Spirits, but they also have a goddess of nature. The problem that I had with that setup was that while the other gods in the setting had pretty much direct influence on their respective portfolios, anything having to do with nature in the setting was covered by the Primal Spirits, making the goddess of nature entirely superfluous. I never really saw the point of having a nature deity around if nature was governed by beings completely separate from the gods.
Fast forward to Pathfinder. Here, there are gods that oversee different aspects of nature: Erastil represents man's positive interaction with nature through agriculture and beasts of the field; Gozreh covers nature in general with a strong focus on storms and the waters; Curchanus was a benevolent god of wild creatures, and when Lamashtu slew him she stole his portfolio and made wild beasts into the enemies of mankind. Then of course there is Sarenrae's obvious connection with the sun, Desna with the stars and night sky, Groetus with the moon, and the Elemental Lords. There are also a couple minor deities as well as demon and empyreal lords with with influence over specific aspects of the natural world, such as Hanspur (rivers), Angazhan (apes and jungles), and Pazuzu and Ylimancha (flying creatures).
But there is also just general nature worship independent of the gods, represented by the Green Faith, as well as clerics who champion general domains such as Animal, Plant, Sun, and the elements. Furthermore, a character with a connection to nature can worship a deity not connected to nature at all, or be an agnostic or atheist, or just irreligious in general.
My question is: in the Pathfinder campaign setting, what power do nature-themed spellcasters draw upon? Is it the gods of nature, even if they do not worship them? Is it based on faith in nature, like a cleric without a deity? Are there spirits of nature that just haven't been explicitly detailed? Or is it all or none of the above? And if nature magic is independent of the gods, what role do they really play in the natural world of Golarian?
There's basically four places nature-themed divine spellcasters draw power from (arcane-themed ones just draw it from the raw magic of the world, as with all arcane magic).
1—Deities: If you worship one of the nature gods, be it Gozreh or a demigod or whatever, that's where your magic comes from.
2—Nature: If you don't worship the gods, it's your own faith in the natural world that fuels your magic combined with the "genus loci" of nature. You could call this "Mother Nature" or "Gaia" if you want. In this case there are no self-aware entities like spirits or gods or the like granting you magic. It's just the natural world itself that powers you.
3—First World: You could also draw your power from the First World... although this is probably just a disguised way to draw power from the Eldest, which puts you back into the demigod/deity category.
4—Kami: As presented in Bestiary 3, the kami are outsiders with close ties to nature. Some of the more powerful kami lords are capable of granting spells, but this, like #3 above, is more properly categorized under #1 above.
Whether or not nature magic is something the gods allow to happen or something that happens despite the gods isn't something we've said, nor is it something that mortals need to know.
AND: Welcome to Pathfinder, by the way!
James Jacobs Creative Director |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
James: Out of curiosity, would you mind telling us why Breath of Life was not called Cure Deadly Wounds? What was the logic behind not giving it the cure moniker?
- Gauss
I asked Jason that soon after he told me it wasn't going to be called cure deadly wounds.
The answer was something along the lines of:
"Letting clerics swap out spells to cast that spell makes it too easy to save PCs from dying, and it blunts the fear of death by making it harder for player characters to die."
I don't agree with that logic, but that's the reason.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
How does the Celestial Servant feat effect non-animal familiars/animal companions/mounts?
Does it change their type?
Does it allow them to count as animals, even if they are not?
It doesn't change their type. It merely gives them the celestial template.
The reason it changes an animal's type is that we don't want animals with supernatural abilities or intelligences of 3 or greater in the game.
That said, if this applies to a vermin companion or vermin familiar or the like... it turns it into a magical beast as well while keeping it a vermin (instead of an animal).
Bob Evil |
There's basically four places nature-themed divine spellcasters draw power from (arcane-themed ones just draw it from the raw magic of the world, as with all arcane magic).
1—Deities: If you worship one of the nature gods, be it Gozreh or a demigod or whatever, that's where your magic comes from.
2—Nature: If you don't worship the gods, it's your own faith in the natural world that fuels your magic combined with the "genus loci" of nature. You could call this "Mother Nature" or "Gaia" if you want. In this case there are no self-aware entities like spirits or gods or the like granting you magic. It's just the natural world itself that powers you.
3—First World: You could also draw your power from the First World... although this is probably just a disguised way to draw power from the Eldest, which puts you back into the demigod/deity category.
4—Kami: As presented in Bestiary 3, the kami are outsiders with close ties to nature. Some of the more powerful kami lords are capable of granting spells, but this, like #3 above, is more properly categorized under #1 above.
Whether or not nature magic is something the gods allow to happen or something that happens despite the gods isn't something we've said, nor is it something that mortals need to know.
AND: Welcome to Pathfinder, by the way!
Cool; thanks for the welcome and taking the time to explain!
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James, as long as we are on the subject of breath of life, what would be, in your opinion, the repercussions of giving ALL of the cure spells the full ability of breath of life?
I considered house-ruling it as such in my home game, but the idea was vetoed by my players; they all felt that the game would not be sufficiently deadly. I wonder...
Aside: I might be able to convince them that changing the name of breath of life to cure deadly wounds will not be game-destroying.
The repurcussions would be that breath of life suddenly isn't special, and the ability to bring someone back from death is cheapened by making it something a 1st level cleric can do. I don't agree with Jason about the reasons why it wasn't called "Cure deadly wounds..." but I do agree with the concept that bringing someone back from death shouldn't be a low level spell effect. Furthermore, I value the nostalgia and tradition of having cure light, moderate, serious, and critical wounds NOT being able to do this additional effect.
Gregg Helmberger |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Alas... I wasn't able to get breath of life in the game the way I use it in my home games, where the spell is called "cure deadly wounds." Which means that clerics and their kind can swap out spells to cast it.
As it stands, it's kinda a spell tax.
Consider that idea yoinked as a house rule, sir. I'd much rather see that than casual resort to the Revolving Door of Death.
Gauss |
James Jacobs: It is interesting that the Hero Point system does more to blunt the fear of death than Breath of life does. (Yes, I know it is optional while Cure Deadly Wounds would not have been.) I agree that Breath of Life simply forces clerics to memorize it. Perhaps I will houserule your original version into my games.
One other effect: Clerics with the healing domain are not able to add 50% because it doesn't have the word 'cure' in the name. *sighs*
- Gauss
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Are there any other books (besides kingmaker) that feature a cinematic combat scene like the on in Pathfinder 24, page 19? It looks like a great little subsystem for high level scenes, I just wish it had a bit more punch to it...
We had several cinematic scenes in Curse of the Crimson Throne. Reaction to these things was somewhat mixed though, so we've not done many of them lately.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
One more thing about Celestial Servant:
As written, this feat might give you a Celestial Imp, or a Celestial Fiendish magical beast as a Familiar.
Who would have DR / good and evil, as well as smite self.Should a GM intervene in the face of these effects, or is this 'working as intended'?
Technically, the rules allow that. But I wouldn't in games I was running or in adventures I was writing or developing or editing. Because the flavor is gross.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
James Jacobs: It is interesting that the Hero Point system does more to blunt the fear of death than Breath of life does. (Yes, I know it is optional while Cure Deadly Wounds would not have been.) I agree that Breath of Life simply forces clerics to memorize it. Perhaps I will houserule your original version into my games.
One other effect: Clerics with the healing domain are not able to add 50% because it doesn't have the word 'cure' in the name. *sighs*
- Gauss
All good reasons to give it the cure deadly wounds name.
And whether or not there are better or worse ways than breath of life/cure deadly wounds to prevent PC death is irrelevant to the discussion, really... frankly, in my games, I use both of those options (cure deadly wounds AND a hero point type mechanic) since I prefer the PCs to not die as often as some GMs might prefer.
FiddlersGreen |
Hey James, I was wondering if you could shed some light on how this spell operates (but not too much, given the spell in question!).
1. Can you perform verbal and somatic components whilst a shadow?
2. Can you access your feats and use spell-like or supernatural abilities whilst you are a shadow?
3. Can you even speak whilst you are a shadow?
4.Do you use your own stats, only your mental stats or none of your own stats when you are a shadow?
Ryu Kaijitsu |
blackbloodtroll wrote:Does a Scorpion Whip threaten?
If you have the correct feats, can use it as a Scorpion Whip, and a Whip, at the same time?
If not, what kind of action is it to switch to "whip mode"?Would Weapon Focus(Whip) apply to a Scorpion whip?
If used as a Whip, does it still damage armored foes, or deal nonlethal damage?
Do the various Whip feats apply when wielding a Scorpion Whip, as a Whip?
Do various traits that interact with Whips apply to Scorpion Whips, when wielded as a Whip?
Tels |
Does a Scorpion Whip threaten?
If you have the correct feats, can use it as a Scorpion Whip, and a Whip, at the same time?
If not, what kind of action is it to switch to "whip mode"?
Doesn't need an answer because a Scopion Whip can be used as a Whip at the same time.
Would Weapon Focus(Whip) apply to a Scorpion whip?
If used as a Whip, does it still damage armored foes, or deal nonlethal damage?
Do the various Whip feats apply when wielding a Scorpion Whip, as a Whip?
Do various traits that interact with Whips apply to Scorpion Whips, when wielded as a Whip?
That help?
James Jacobs Creative Director |
9 people marked this as a favorite. |
Hey James, I was wondering if you could shed some light on how this spell operates (but not too much, given the spell in question!).
1. Can you perform verbal and somatic components whilst a shadow?
2. Can you access your feats and use spell-like or supernatural abilities whilst you are a shadow?
3. Can you even speak whilst you are a shadow?
4.Do you use your own stats, only your mental stats or none of your own stats when you are a shadow?
The answer to all these questions is more or less no. When you cast this spell, you basically "turn off" your character and "turn on" a shadow, as detailed in the Bestiary. You'd still use your own skills (not modified by the shadow's stats) and your own hit points, but the rest is pretty much "just use the shadow stat block." It's meant to mostly be a scouting out an area spell first and a fighting spell second.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
yes thanks, much clearer, although I don't get:
"If used as a Whip, does it still damage armored foes, or deal nonlethal damage?
Was that a no on one or both questions, and why?
Oh. If you use it as a whip, if functions as a whip, and thus does not damage armored foes and deals nonlethal damage.
Also... if you post a big list of questions, it's often handy to number them so that when I reply, I can number my replies. I answer large blocks of questions here at a time, often, and being able to save time by not doing a big pile of quotes is important.
FiddlersGreen |
FiddlersGreen wrote:The answer to all these questions is more or less no. When you cast this spell, you basically "turn off" your character and "turn on" a shadow, as detailed in the Bestiary. You'd still use your own skills (not modified by the shadow's stats) and your own hit points, but the rest is pretty much "just use the shadow stat block." It's meant to mostly be a scouting out an area spell first and a fighting spell second.Hey James, I was wondering if you could shed some light on how this spell operates (but not too much, given the spell in question!).
1. Can you perform verbal and somatic components whilst a shadow?
2. Can you access your feats and use spell-like or supernatural abilities whilst you are a shadow?
3. Can you even speak whilst you are a shadow?
4.Do you use your own stats, only your mental stats or none of your own stats when you are a shadow?
So basically you control a shadow that has the same hp, skills and hit dice as the caster, but is in all other ways identical to a vanilla shadow? Would the shadow's BaB be recalculated as an undead (3/4 of hit dice) and modified by the shadow's dex score?
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs Creative Director |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
So basically you control a shadow that has the same hp, skills and hit dice as the caster, but is in all other ways identical to a vanilla shadow? Would the shadow's BaB be recalculated as an undead (3/4 of hit dice) and modified by the shadow's dex score?
You'd use the shadow's base attack bonus and modify it via its Dex score.
Basically... just use the stats for a shadow from the Bestiary but give it your hit points and use your own skills as if you were in your body normally.
Evil Lincoln |
Evil Lincoln wrote:Are there any other books (besides kingmaker) that feature a cinematic combat scene like the on in Pathfinder 24, page 19? It looks like a great little subsystem for high level scenes, I just wish it had a bit more punch to it...We had several cinematic scenes in Curse of the Crimson Throne. Reaction to these things was somewhat mixed though, so we've not done many of them lately.
I am but one person, but I think if it were expanded a little bit I would like to see more.
ANebulousMistress |
James Jacobs wrote:I am but one person, but I think if it were expanded a little bit I would like to see more.Evil Lincoln wrote:Are there any other books (besides kingmaker) that feature a cinematic combat scene like the on in Pathfinder 24, page 19? It looks like a great little subsystem for high level scenes, I just wish it had a bit more punch to it...We had several cinematic scenes in Curse of the Crimson Throne. Reaction to these things was somewhat mixed though, so we've not done many of them lately.
There was one scene near the end of Carrion Crown (book 6 midboss) that basically required the GM to run it as a cinematic. Trying to keep everything straight with minis and actions would drive any normal GM insane.
Dunno if that's what you're looking for.
Gauss |
James Jacobs:
Is there anything in the rules that you can think of that prevents a running character from making Attacks of Opportunity? I am unable to find anything.
Reason I am asking:
(BTW, Runs = run action)
PC runs from BBEG (and provokes an AoO)
BBEG runs after PC (catches up)
PC again runs from BBEG (and again provokes an AoO)
BBEG runs after PC (catches up).
Continue until PC dies from Attacks of Opportunity or until PC or BBEG fail a con check from running.
- Gauss
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs Creative Director |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
James Jacobs:
Is there anything in the rules that you can think of that prevents a running character from making Attacks of Opportunity? I am unable to find anything.
Reason I am asking:
(BTW, Runs = run action)
PC runs from BBEG (and provokes an AoO)
BBEG runs after PC (catches up)
PC again runs from BBEG (and again provokes an AoO)
BBEG runs after PC (catches up).Continue until PC dies from Attacks of Opportunity or until PC or BBEG fail a con check from running.
- Gauss
The withdraw action helps to prevent attacks of opportunity, as does tumbling.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Rope Trick, does it work underwater? If it does, does the extradimensional space provide enough air for the entire duration?
It does. I'd say that the extradimensional space in this case does one of 2 things...
1) It's created filled with water, or...
2) It has enough air for the duration, since it has enough air for the duration when you cast it outside of the water. (AKA: If water can't rush into the hole, air probably shouldn't leak into the hole either, and therefore the space created should be self-contained.)
Gauss |
Withdraw does not stop a BBEG from shredding you. Nor does Tumbling. They just change the dynamic. The following assume both PC and BBEG have a 30foot move speed and the BBEG outclasses the PCs (such as in Kingmaker). If the BBEG is slower than the PC there is no problem. If faster then PC is certainly dead.
Without corners/obstacles:
PC withdraws (moves 60, if BBEG has 10foot reach this still provokes an AoO)
BBEG charges (moves 60 and attacks)
repeat until PC dies.
With corners/obstacles:
PC withdraws (moves 60, if BBEG has 10foot reach this still provokes an AoO)
BBEG moves 60 and catches up.
repeat until PC withdraws all the way back to civilization or if BBEG has 10foot reach, dies.
Tumbling does not change this dynamic much either. It just shortens the distance.
PC tumbles (moves 30)
BBEG moves 30 and attacks
repeat until PC dies.
What I am asking really is: Can someone make an attack of opportunity while running? They are denied a dex bonus. I would think they are unable to make AoOs but the rules do not seem to support this.
- Gauss
Diego Rossi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
PC use his move action to tumble 15', then he move 30' with his standard action. so the only option for the BEEG is to charge. The PC only need to negate him the possibility to charge turning a corner, putting a bush between them and so on and he will avoid the charge.
One against one if the PC is outclassed by the BEEG and he hasn't a back-up solution he will probably die. One BEEG and several PC? One PC would maybe die but the others will escape or have the time to recover and attacks the winded NPC.
- * -
Running: while running you move 3 or 4 times your base speed in a straight line.
Threatened Squares: You threaten all squares into which you can make a melee attack, even when it is not your turn.
I doubt that you can threaten something while using the run action, but it is one of those often used therm without a in game definition. The word is definite by its use but not all the people use it in the same way.
Thomas LeBlanc RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
Odraude |
PC use his move action to tumble 15', then he move 30' with his standard action. so the only option for the BEEG is to charge. The PC only need to negate him the possibility to charge turning a corner, putting a bush between them and so on and he will avoid the charge.
One against one if the PC is outclassed by the BEEG and he hasn't a back-up solution he will probably die. One BEEG and several PC? One PC would maybe die but the others will escape or have the time to recover and attacks the winded NPC.
- * -
Running: while running you move 3 or 4 times your base speed in a straight line.
Threatened Squares: You threaten all squares into which you can make a melee attack, even when it is not your turn.
I doubt that you can threaten something while using the run action, but it is one of those often used therm without a in game definition. The word is definite by its use but not all the people use it in the same way.
You could tumble full speed. Admittedly though, it adds 10 to the DC, which can make it much more difficult for someone to get away from a martial class that tends to have high CMD. A little quick mathcraft. I have a level 5 rogue trying to run from a level 5 fighter. Making no assumptions on magical gear, I'd get an 18 dex and 5 ranks in a class skill (+12), while the average fighter would have a CMD of 10 + 4 (18 str) + 5 (BAB) + maybe a +2 (14 Dex?) = 21. DC 31 if I wanna move full speed, which would give me a 10% chance of making it... Perhaps it is better to just go half speed ;)
Diego Rossi |
James, a question about the Arcane archer, born from this thread.
: At 2nd level, an arcane archer gains the ability to place an area spell upon an arrow. When the arrow is fired, the spell's area is centered where the arrow lands, even if the spell could normally be centered only on the caster. This ability allows the archer to use the bow's range rather than the spell's range. A spell cast in this way uses its standard casting time and the arcane archer can fire the arrow as part of the casting. The arrow must be fired during the round that the casting is completed or the spell is wasted. If the arrow misses, the spell is wasted.
Nowhere in the ability description a attack roll is called out or any attack action or arrow damage but the last row say "If the arrow misses, the spell is wasted."
That last row was added in the passage between the DMG and Pathfinder.Before that addendum was pointed out to me my interpretation was that the whole "Imbue Arrow" idea was to add range to a spell without it or with a limited range. The arrow was fired to a point in space whitout chance to miss.
With that added I have several problems.
!) Who or what is the target of the fired arrow
2) what kind of action is firing the arrow?
3) If it is a free attack action and the arrow was imbued with a quickened spell, you can use vital strike with that attack?
4) you can give the arrow to another character that will fire it?
5) If you hit the target what happen with his ST?
A rogue with evasion can evade the area effect spell when he is hit by the arrow?
What happen if silence is imbued in the arrow? When it hit me I get struck with silence without a ST as the arrow is struck in my body or my possessions?