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What's the one discussion/argument pertaining to Pathfinder that you're the most tired of on a personal level -- by which I mean, what's the argument/discussion that you'd be most likely to chew off your foot rather than get involved in a nine-page thread about? Understanding, of course, that you aren't telling anyone to stop posting on the topic or anything like that, just one that you yourself have had it up to the eyeballs with.

Dark Archive

About a certain creature In rise of the runelords

Is the headless lord going to be replaced with the SHENZUZHOU from the Ruby Pheonix tournament?

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
The elf dinosaur-tamer? Or would that work better as a prestige class?
Base class. Obviously.

A non magical animal companion class would be pretty cool. A druid mixed with rogue and teamwork feats.

James I plan on taking over the world. I am offering you the opportunity to join Team Wraithstrike. I have a position of creative consultant all lined up for you.
Do you accept the offer?

You other people reading this can join also. You really don't want to be on the losing side of this thing.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Gregg Helmberger wrote:
What's the one discussion/argument pertaining to Pathfinder that you're the most tired of on a personal level -- by which I mean, what's the argument/discussion that you'd be most likely to chew off your foot rather than get involved in a nine-page thread about? Understanding, of course, that you aren't telling anyone to stop posting on the topic or anything like that, just one that you yourself have had it up to the eyeballs with.

The argument that Stealth is broken, because I don't think it is.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kevin Mack wrote:

About a certain creature In rise of the runelords

** spoiler omitted **

Nope, not at all.

That monster is remaining what it is.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

wraithstrike wrote:

James I plan on taking over the world. I am offering you the opportunity to join Team Wraithstrike. I have a position of creative consultant all lined up for you.

Do you accept the offer?

You other people reading this can join also. You really don't want to be on the losing side of this thing.

Nah, I'll pass. I prefer being the vocal minority and dissident.

VAR-i-SI-a or va-RI-sia?

James Jacobs wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:

James I plan on taking over the world. I am offering you the opportunity to join Team Wraithstrike. I have a position of creative consultant all lined up for you.

Do you accept the offer?

You other people reading this can join also. You really don't want to be on the losing side of this thing.

Nah, I'll pass. I prefer being the vocal minority and dissident.


Have you ever re-read your older posts and thought "what the heck was I thinking when I posted that?"

1) Some stranger accosts you somewhere and offer to grant you three wishes in exchange from your soul, do you accept?

2) If yes, what would be your wishes?

3) if 3 is too cheap, what about 7?

(let say there isn't a timer on put on your life if you accept)

Is there something resembling a template or guideline involved in the creation of a type of oni;.....i.e. "do this, this, and this to a humanoid/monstrous humanoid/giant and you have a type of oni?"

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
VAR-i-SI-a or va-RI-sia?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

JMD031 wrote:
Have you ever re-read your older posts and thought "what the heck was I thinking when I posted that?"


I don't re-read my older posts at all.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Is there something resembling a template or guideline involved in the creation of a type of oni;.....i.e. "do this, this, and this to a humanoid/monstrous humanoid/giant and you have a type of oni?"

Nope. No more so than for building a demon or a devil or an angel or anything like that.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Belle Mythix wrote:

1) Some stranger accosts you somewhere and offer to grant you three wishes in exchange from your soul, do you accept?

2) If yes, what would be your wishes?

3) if 3 is too cheap, what about 7?

(let say there isn't a timer on put on your life if you accept)

1) No. Read too many stories with that plot to know it's never worth it.

2) See above.

3) Nope.

Liberty's Edge

A recent question in the forum. I have an opinion but would like to hear yours:

I have cast a touch delivered spell and want to touch a ally.
He has:

- mirror image running. I need to cheek if I am touching him or one of the images?

- blur, concealment, displacement or invisibility. I need to check my miss chance?

- blink. Again, I need to check the miss chance? (in this situation he has no control on when he is blinking)

Reduced to the essential, the question boil down to: delivering a touch spell upon a willing target is a "touch attack" that automatically succeed or it is treated as something different?

Scarab Sages


Do you watch The Walking Dead on AMC? If so, who are you cheering for: humans or walkers?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Belle Mythix wrote:

1) Some stranger accosts you somewhere and offer to grant you three wishes in exchange from your soul, do you accept?

2) If yes, what would be your wishes?

3) if 3 is too cheap, what about 7?

(let say there isn't a timer on put on your life if you accept)

1) No. Read too many stories with that plot to know it's never worth it.

In Marvel Comics, Tyrannus who guards such a wish granting device made the same genre-savvy observation, he let a bunch of heroes and villains screw themselves up by making wishes and he then took advantage.

What's your opinion: can a caster cast spells while in an antimagic field, even if the effects are suppressed while inside or is casting altogether impossible inside an AMF?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Diego Rossi wrote:

A recent question in the forum. I have an opinion but would like to hear yours:

I have cast a touch delivered spell and want to touch a ally.
He has:

- mirror image running. I need to cheek if I am touching him or one of the images?

- blur, concealment, displacement or invisibility. I need to check my miss chance?

- blink. Again, I need to check the miss chance? (in this situation he has no control on when he is blinking)

Reduced to the essential, the question boil down to: delivering a touch spell upon a willing target is a "touch attack" that automatically succeed or it is treated as something different?

I would say yes, you'd have to deal with all three effects. Or at the very least the blink spell miss chance.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Aberzombie wrote:


Do you watch The Walking Dead on AMC? If so, who are you cheering for: humans or walkers?

I do. NO SPOILERS, I'm not 100% caught up this season yet...

And the humans, of course! Although not ALL of the humans...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Justin Franklin wrote:
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop?

Depends what's doing the licking. A froghemoth, for example, only needs 1.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Ambrus wrote:
What's your opinion: can a caster cast spells while in an antimagic field, even if the effects are suppressed while inside or is casting altogether impossible inside an AMF?

You can still go through the motions of casting the spell, and it still gets "consumed" and lost when you do... it just doesn't activate. Best case scenario: you just wasted a spell.

James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop?
Depends what's doing the licking. A froghemoth, for example, only needs 1.

Do you play Skyrim and how far have you advanced in that game.

Team Froghemoth, yes, no, bait them with giant grubs and juicy adventurers. Do they come in dinosaur sized varieties? Can Lizardmen use Froghemoths and riding beats?

Do you use Dinosaur control devices, magical or mundane in your campaign games?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Sky Wyrm wrote:

Do you play Skyrim and how far have you advanced in that game.

Team Froghemoth, yes, no, bait them with giant grubs and juicy adventurers. Do they come in dinosaur sized varieties? Can Lizardmen use Froghemoths and riding beats?

Do you use Dinosaur control devices, magical or mundane in your campaign games?

I did play Skyrim. Just finished playing it a few weeks ago, in fact; I hit level 64 or thereabouts.

As shown on page 190 o the core rulebook... froghemoths are always dinosaur sized.


Dear James Jacobs,

Do you ever use the sunder combat maneuver when you GM? Do you think sundering is "cheap" or "cruel" to players?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Golden-Esque wrote:

Dear James Jacobs,

Do you ever use the sunder combat maneuver when you GM? Do you think sundering is "cheap" or "cruel" to players?

In 3.5 I did think that.

In Pathifnder, though, I don't, since it's pretty easy to fix broken or destroyed magic items.

As a result, sundering does sometimes happen when it makes sense tactically.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

Golden-Esque wrote:

Dear James Jacobs,

Do you ever use the sunder combat maneuver when you GM? Do you think sundering is "cheap" or "cruel" to players?

Put me down as curious about this as well. I promise with all my heart not use you in a debate with my players.

(I make up my own mind and I do sunder when the situation reasonably calls for it, but boy do they whine. So for the sake of academics I'm curious).

EDIT: I see the reply above.

Do you think having a captured pc weapons and having the npc use it against the pcs is fair?

Would you be angry if your captured pc got his gear sundered by a fellow party member?

Justin Franklin wrote:
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop?

Lol, is it funny that this is the third time this question has been asked in this thread?

(I was the first one to ask this question)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
JMD031 wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop?

Lol, is it funny that this is the third time this question has been asked in this thread?

(I was the first one to ask this question)

I was pretty sure it had, however I just saw the old commercial. ;). Now the real question did James answer it the same every time?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

What do you think Apple is going to announce tomorrow?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

doctor_wu wrote:

Do you think having a captured pc weapons and having the npc use it against the pcs is fair?

Would you be angry if your captured pc got his gear sundered by a fellow party member?


Probably, but less so if it made the story better. And since sundered objects are easier (aka CAN BE) to fix in Pathfinder than 3.5, no big deal.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Justin Franklin wrote:
What do you think Apple is going to announce tomorrow?

Something I can spend money on.

I don't know if this is the right place to ask this, but I'm confused about grey flame weapons. If a cleric swift channels positive energy through it, I assume that it consumes one of her channelings for the day but also has the normal effect of healing allies, as well as charging up the weapon? Is this worth it for the extra 1d6 damage for a few rounds, when something like a flaming weapon can do 1d6 extra round after round without using a channel use? What am I missing?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Not every option is great. That said... I'm not familiar with gray flame weapons... so I might be missing something too! :P

Voomer, greyflame also gives a bonus to hit.

James, if you could have any single 6th level or lower spell from the Core Rule Book as an at will spell-like ability, which spell would you want? How would you use it?

Dal Selpher wrote:
James, if you could have any single 6th level or lower spell from the Core Rule Book as an at will spell-like ability, which spell would you want? How would you use it?

And if it isn't Programmed Image, why?

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