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OwlbearRepublic wrote:
Mark down another vote for Dinosaurs of Golarion (Tyrannosaurus Codex?). Stone age roleplaying has been on my to-do list for a long time, and there's room for it in Arcadia or on some distant island.

I have started a thread requesting this here...


I suggest posting there as I don't think we need to convince James that it would be a good idea.

Edit: My link fu has failed me :(

Paizo Employee Creative Director

John Kretzer wrote:

Question: I am thinking of giving Taldor a small unit (like 10 to 20) of T-Rex cavalry which will appear in a adventure I going to run at some time in the future. I figure Taldan would have the money, the arrgroance, and the access (via their former colonies) for having such a unit. It is also in a way to 'show up' Qadira's cavalry.

How do you like this idea?

Would this make you more or less interested in Taldor? (You have stated before you have been meh on Taldor).

While I do like the idea of dinosaur cavalry...

...I don't really like the idea for Taldor to do this. Tyrannosaurs aren't native to Taldor, and the idea of importing that many T-Rexes from Garund seems like overkill. It also just doesn't seem like Taldor. Taldor's one of the more "classic" settings in the Inner Sea region, and T-Rex cavalry is too outlandish for my tastes for Taldor.

It's not for the aforementioned Horn of Droon though!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Mister Jacobs, what sort of things will we see in Ultimate Equipment?

Lots of equipment and magic items!

I know that sounds like a cop-out... but there you go. I'm actually not working on this book really at all, so I can't really say what the design team has cooked up for it yet.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
What KINDS of equipment? Magic items? New weapons? New mundane equipment? Vehicles? Will there be a new class, class archetypes, spells, feats, or other things that relate closely to equipment but are not themselves equipment? Will there be new rules regarding equipment? Will there be advanced technology and/or rules relating to advanced technology?

The primary focus, as is my understanding, is that it'll be mostly magic items, but there might be mundane equipment.

I don't believe there'll be vehicles; we just did that in Ultimate Combat.

No new class, archetypes, spells, feats or other stuff that's not equipment.

No advanced technology or the like.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

John Kretzer wrote:
I don't think we need to convince James that it would be a good idea.

You would be right.

James Jacobs wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
What KINDS of equipment? Magic items? New weapons? New mundane equipment? Vehicles? Will there be a new class, class archetypes, spells, feats, or other things that relate closely to equipment but are not themselves equipment? Will there be new rules regarding equipment? Will there be advanced technology and/or rules relating to advanced technology?

The primary focus, as is my understanding, is that it'll be mostly magic items, but there might be mundane equipment.

I don't believe there'll be vehicles; we just did that in Ultimate Combat.

No new class, archetypes, spells, feats or other stuff that's not equipment.

No advanced technology or the like.

Damn. I was looking forward to a lot of that stuff.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Heh, I know this be verging too much into "later" territory but do you have which variety of reptilian folk rule the Horn of Droon already set in your mind and if you can, share which they are?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jörmungandr wrote:
Heh, I know this be verging too much into "later" territory but do you have which variety of reptilian folk rule the Horn of Droon already set in your mind and if you can, share which they are?

The rulers of the Horn of Droon are lizardfolk.

James Jacobs wrote:
Black Lotus wrote:

SO HOW does damphar and negtive energy thingy work?

The dhampir is treated as if it were undead as regards channeled energy. If you're healing living creatures, it doesn't get healed. If you're healing undead, it gets healed. If you're hurting undead, it gets hurt. If your hurting living creatures, it doesn't get hurt.

So, it's not possible to accidentally harm a dhampir by trying to heal it?

James sometimes make me wonder if he gets enough sleep.

So, how much hours do you sleep on weekdays? (or should it be weeknights?)

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
And I'd rather not delve much further into politics than that in this thread.

For what it's worth, that's another observation of mine on the difference between our cultures: politics seems to be a touchy/taboo subject in the US whereas here almost everyone is happy to wear their (political) hearts on their sleeves. The only time you don't talk politics is if it gets in the way of a good gaming session. ; )

So an especial thank you for answering my question.


James, do you grow/have you ever grown your own fruit & vegetables? Over the last couple of weeks I've harvested 10kg (22lbs) of onions and 8kg (~18lbs) of potatoes. Pumpkins should be next.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Void Munchkin wrote:

James sometimes make me wonder if he gets enough sleep.

So, how much hours do you sleep on weekdays? (or should it be weeknights?)

You're not the only one to have wondered that:

James Jacobs wrote:
The 8th Dwarf wrote:

Do you sleep?...... It's 8 in the morning here.

You are still answering questions when I get home from work, which is about 9 hours later.

Or does Tom Rex take over and pretend to be you?

I do sleep. Usually from the hours of 2:00 AM to about 9:30 AM.

James Jacobs wrote:
Calder Rooney wrote:

When as a GM have you most scared your players?

Conversely, when as a player have you been most scared by a GM?

I'm not scared of my players. And I've not yet been scared by a GM.

Have you ever gone to a session not knowing how the party's going to survive or looked at the other players and said "we're all gonna die"?

Sincubus wrote:

3) Are Antlions and Dust Diggers similiar in roles? Can one replace the other? Which do you prefer?

The antlion is larval. The adult flies! (And can bite).

Thanks for answering the lots of questions! Here are some more!

1) Does the reaper's curse from the Temerdaemon work like final destination? Is it based on that movie?

2) In the HABITAT & SOCIETY of the bloodyawesome Sangudaemon is writen the following thing: and benefiting from
sangudaemons’ unique and devastating control over
spilt blood.
But what power over spilt blood does it have then? Can't find an ability that makes this daemon animate blood or do something with blood pools.

3) Are new Daemons in the Horsemen of the Apocalypse book ever gonna to be in a Bestiary? I really hope to see them in a bestiary, everything is even cooler in a bestiary collection.

4) I'm making myself a Lufia-like RPG game with RPG-maker, can I use the pictures of the monsters in the PDFs of the Bestairies? Or is that illigal? (its for own use only of course)
Just using the pictures to act as random-spawnable enemies and of course as bosses.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

AbsolutGrndZer0 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Black Lotus wrote:

SO HOW does damphar and negtive energy thingy work?

The dhampir is treated as if it were undead as regards channeled energy. If you're healing living creatures, it doesn't get healed. If you're healing undead, it gets healed. If you're hurting undead, it gets hurt. If your hurting living creatures, it doesn't get hurt.
So, it's not possible to accidentally harm a dhampir by trying to heal it?

With cure wounds spells, absolutely. By giving it a potion of healing, definitely. But with the way channel energy is phrased and works... nope.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Void Munchkin wrote:

James sometimes make me wonder if he gets enough sleep.

So, how much hours do you sleep on weekdays? (or should it be weeknights?)

On weekdays... I generally go to sleep between 1:00 AM and 2:00 AM, and wake up between 9:30 AM and 10:30 AM. Helps that I get to show up at work more or less whenever I want (as long as I'm here for 8 hours and as long as that span includes the "Core" hours between 11:00 AM and 5:00 PM.

So I generally get about eight and a half hours of sleep a night. Which is plenty!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

cynarion wrote:
James, do you grow/have you ever grown your own fruit & vegetables? Over the last couple of weeks I've harvested 10kg (22lbs) of onions and 8kg (~18lbs) of potatoes. Pumpkins should be next.

My mom and dad have always kept a pretty sizable garden, and have grown artichokes, tomatoes, red raspberries, yellow raspberries, apples, grapes, blueberries, rhubarb, boysenberries, dewberries, huckleberries, lettuce, carrots, squash, onions, chard, all sorts of potatoes, turnips, and much, much more over the years (the exact combination varies from year to year).

So... I grew up with plenty of fresh produce. And with my dad being a commercial fisherman, plenty of fresh seafood.

Today? Not so much. Only thing I'm growing now is a venus fly-trap.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Chief Cook and Bottlewasher wrote:

Have you ever gone to a session not knowing how the party's going to survive or looked at the other players and said "we're all gonna die"?

Every time Jason Bulmahn is the GM. ESPECIALLY if he's running his Weekly Grind.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Sincubus wrote:

1) Does the reaper's curse from the Temerdaemon work like final destination? Is it based on that movie?

2) In the HABITAT & SOCIETY of the bloodyawesome Sangudaemon is writen the following thing: and benefiting from
sangudaemons’ unique and devastating control over
spilt blood.
But what power over spilt blood does it have then? Can't find an ability that makes this daemon animate blood or do something with blood pools.

3) Are new Daemons in the Horsemen of the Apocalypse book ever gonna to be in a Bestiary? I really hope to see them in a bestiary, everything is even cooler in a bestiary collection.

4) I'm making myself a Lufia-like RPG game with RPG-maker, can I use the pictures of the monsters in the PDFs of the Bestairies? Or is that illigal? (its for own use only of course)
Just using the pictures to act as random-spawnable enemies and of course as bosses.

1) You'd have to ask Todd to be sure... but I'd say no. One of the design goals for that daemon was to give it abilities that mesh with its theme of personifying accidental death, and so it's gonna feel like Final Destination no matter what, simply because both are involved in similar themes.

2) Flavor text, alas, doesn't always exactly match the monster's stats. In this case, the flavor text is talking about the monster's bleeding aura and contagious gore effects and drain soul abilities.

3) If they ever DO get into a future bestiary... they'll have pretty much ALL of their flavor text stripped out so that they'll fit on a page. I'm not sure I'd say that's cooler.

4) Consult our community use policy for answers. But since very little of the artwork from our bestiaries or Horsemen of the Apocalypse is on the "approved art resources" list... you probably should avoid using the pictures in your game entirely, unless you don't plan to ever show the game in a public venue (such as by posting it online for free).


1) What is your position on meta-gaming?

2) Is meta gaming inevitable to a certain extent? In any case, do you see it as detrimental to the overall role-playing process or is it just a quirk that you live with in RPGs?

3) As a player, do you find yourself meta-gaming occasionally or do you actively try to not do that?

4) As a GM, do you slap down players for meta-gaming, or do you let it fly as long as it doesn't get out of hand?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
DeivonDrago wrote:


1) What is your position on meta-gaming?

2) Is meta gaming inevitable to a certain extent? In any case, do you see it as detrimental to the overall role-playing process or is it just a quirk that you live with in RPGs?

3) As a player, do you find yourself meta-gaming occasionally or do you actively try to not do that?

4) As a GM, do you slap down players for meta-gaming, or do you let it fly as long as it doesn't get out of hand?

1) I approve of it. It IS a game, after all, and if you don't meta-game... well, it's just acting with dice.

2) It is inevitable. And I don't see it as any more detrimental to the "overall role-playing process" any more than rules arguments or side discussions, and in fact it's more welcome at my table than those two since with metagaming you're still actually playing the game rather than disrupting it.

3) I metagame constantly. I do try to cloak my character's actual actions with in-character stuff though.

4) I don't mind it at all. If my players are good enough to metagame and do it well, I see that as an advantage, frankly, because it's better to have players who are active in the game and good at the game and engaged in the game than those who don't care, or worse, actively seek to disrupt it.

Shadow Lodge

G'day JJ

1. In regards to Ultimate Equipment anymore Equipment Traits?
2.Please Help
3. Do you use music in your games? if so any collections you would recommend outside of the books?
4. I would love to see a personal cameo by you and Lisa Stevens in the world of Golarion as a predominant/famous NPC. Do they/he/she exist already? is it a possibility?

What awesome English words have you learned from the game over the years? Can you pick three favorites?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Samuel Grundy wrote:

G'day JJ

1. In regards to Ultimate Equipment anymore Equipment Traits?
2.Please Help
3. Do you use music in your games? if so any collections you would recommend outside of the books?
4. I would love to see a personal cameo by you and Lisa Stevens in the world of Golarion as a predominant/famous NPC. Do they/he/she exist already? is it a possibility?

1) Nope.

2) You still need to wield your shield in your hand.

3) Sometimes, yeah. Movie soundtracks generally work the best for me.

4) Heh... amusing idea, but feels a bit too self-indulgent to me.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Evil Lincoln wrote:
What awesome English words have you learned from the game over the years? Can you pick three favorites?

Those "years" extend beyond 3 decades now, so some of those words are ones that I've been using for a long, long time... but if I had to chose three in particular that I KNOW I can thank gaming for...

1) Fecund (learned it from the flavor text for the orc in the 1st edition Monster Manual)

2) Chthonian (learned it from Call of Cthulhu—where it's used as a monster name, but it's also a kick-ass actual word)

3) Ordure (learned it from the flavor text for Juiblex in the 1st edition Monster Manual)

Shadow Lodge

What about the White Hair ability does it give you a prehensile limb like with the Strangle hair spell or is it simply an attack?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Samuel Grundy wrote:
What about the White Hair ability does it give you a prehensile limb like with the Strangle hair spell or is it simply an attack?

The white hair ability only gives you attacks. And it should be noted... these attacks should be SWIFT actions, not free actions; that's an error in the text. (The main difference being you can only make one swift action in any round.) As you gain levels, you can add additional effects of your choice (constrict, trip, pull, or strangle) but only one per round.

Shadow Lodge

Can you grapple unattended objects? If so could you constrict, pull etc those objects?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Samuel Grundy wrote:
Can you grapple unattended objects? If so could you constrict, pull etc those objects?


But you can't wield them. You could, for example, pick up a shield or a weapon, but you couldn't USE it as a shield or a weapon.

Shadow Lodge

Cool thank you very much, answers were quite exhaustive

Last questions.

1.Will there be an errata for Dragon Empires soon?
2.With the Witch's ability to grab as a free action on an attack, is that also a swift action or does it function like the monster ability Grab?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Samuel Grundy wrote:

Cool thank you very much, answers were quite exhaustive

Last question. Will there be an errata for Dragon Empires soon?


We generally don't issue errata for our 32 page products unless the product is riddled with errors. They generally don't need them, and when there ARE minor errors, these boards are a much more efficient way to spread the word.

The grab part of the white hair functions like the monster ability; it doesn't take an action at all and is a part of the main attack.

Shadow Lodge

Wow you are quick to answer the boards :P less than a minute and you answered barely had time to edit that.

Do Dinosaurs have a God? And if so, can we add the suffix '-zilla' to its name as well..?

Do you have any houserules in your Pathfinder games?

Do you have a favorite archetype?

Do you have a favorite sorcerer bloodline?

Do you have a favorite animal that is in one of the Bestiaries?

Do you have a favorite dinosaur that is in one of the Bestiaries?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Great to see that you're writing/written this year's Free RPG Day module!

How does writing a 16 page module differ to the 50 ish page AP installments that you've been mostly doing the last couple of years other than the obvious that 'it's shorter'?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
My mom and dad have always kept a pretty sizable garden, and have grown artichokes, tomatoes, red raspberries, yellow raspberries, apples, grapes, blueberries, rhubarb, boysenberries, dewberries, huckleberries, lettuce, carrots, squash, onions, chard, all sorts of potatoes, turnips, and much, much more over the years (the exact combination varies from year to year).

That's awesome--and almost perfectly describes where I want my garden to get to within a couple of years. : )


If you have one of either, what's your favourite 'type' of campaign to run? What about play in?

By 'type' I mean 'journey' vs. 'dungeon crawling' vs. 'exploration'. That sort of thing.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Oggron wrote:
Do Dinosaurs have a God? And if so, can we add the suffix '-zilla' to its name as well..?

Nope; they're not smart enough to understand faith. (cue political and religious internet arguments)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:

Do you have any houserules in your Pathfinder games?

Do you have a favorite archetype?

Do you have a favorite sorcerer bloodline?

Do you have a favorite animal that is in one of the Bestiaries?

Do you have a favorite dinosaur that is in one of the Bestiaries?

Nope; my houserules all got into the core rules.

Dawnflower Dervish for the bard.

Not currently.


See above.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Enlight_Bystand wrote:

Great to see that you're writing/written this year's Free RPG Day module!

How does writing a 16 page module differ to the 50 ish page AP installments that you've been mostly doing the last couple of years other than the obvious that 'it's shorter'?

It's actually only an 8 page module, since the other 8 pages are for the 6 pregenerated characters, the OGL/Ad, and the table of contents/legal page.

And writing an 8 page module is actually a lot HARDER than a 50 page one, since you have much less room to do stuff. I had to revise this adventure like three times when it kept becoming apparent that I didn't have the room to do what I wanted. Frustrating!

But hopefully that means that it refined itself into even more concentrated fun!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

cynarion wrote:

If you have one of either, what's your favourite 'type' of campaign to run? What about play in?

By 'type' I mean 'journey' vs. 'dungeon crawling' vs. 'exploration'. That sort of thing.

Ones with strong storylines with frequent fun opoprtunities to roleplay against interesting NPCs interspersed with periodic dungeoncrawling.

Kinda like how our adventure paths look.

Do you have a favorite animal that is in one of the Bestiaries and is not a dinosaur?

Do you use any homebrew materiel, or did all of your homebrew get into Pathfinder products?

James Jacobs wrote:
Oggron wrote:
Do Dinosaurs have a God? And if so, can we add the suffix '-zilla' to its name as well..?
Nope; they're not smart enough to understand faith. (cue political and religious internet arguments)

What about compsognathus familiars, huh? They have human-level Int scores!

James, when you GM Pathfinder, do you use Golarion, another published setting, or your homebrew campaign setting? What about when you are a player? Do you use Golarion, another setting, or homebrew? Do you play the adventure paths or write your own adventures?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:

Do you have a favorite animal that is in one of the Bestiaries and is not a dinosaur?

Do you use any homebrew materiel, or did all of your homebrew get into Pathfinder products?

The giant frilled lizard!

I use homebrew material a lot... although some of it got into Pathfinder products, I've been building my homebrew setting for close to 30 years now, so even counting what I've "given" to Paizo and what I've sold to WotC... there's still a lot more that I draw upon now and then for games I run.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

see wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Oggron wrote:
Do Dinosaurs have a God? And if so, can we add the suffix '-zilla' to its name as well..?
Nope; they're not smart enough to understand faith. (cue political and religious internet arguments)
What about compsognathus familiars, huh? They have human-level Int scores!

Familiars worship their masters.

Or maybe the dinosaur animal lord.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
James, when you GM Pathfinder, do you use Golarion, another published setting, or your homebrew campaign setting? What about when you are a player? Do you use Golarion, another setting, or homebrew? Do you play the adventure paths or write your own adventures?

These days I use Golarion. I'm currently running 3 games. One of them is Serpent's Skull (started as a playtest of my adventure). One is set in Osirion and uses Necromancer Games' "Necropolis" (updated to 3.5 from Gygax's original version for Lejendary Adventures or whatever that system was called). One of them is set in Osirion and runs parallel to the other Osirion one and is an ad-hocked update and power-up of the old Basic set adventure "B4: The Lost City." All three of them use a lot of elements and expansions I add in as I go.

Before, the vast majority of the games I've run were set in Baria, my homebrew world. I ran one campaign set in Greyhawk back in college though. And I ran the Dragonlance campaign back when it came out. And I've run shorter stuff for the Forgotten Realms. But all those were D&D of various editions.

For Pathfinder, I've only ever used Golarion.

Silver Crusade

Considering Dehrukani in South Garund, what are the chances we could see some African-flavored Azatas and other celestials turning up in the future?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mikaze wrote:
Considering Dehrukani in South Garund, what are the chances we could see some African-flavored Azatas and other celestials turning up in the future?

Not that high.

If we do something with South Garund... that chance skyrockets though.

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
nightflier wrote:

1) What are your thoughts on iterative attacks at higher levels? Is there any point to them, with such a large penalties?

1) The "large penalties" don't impact as much as you might think... unless you engineer every single high-level combat to be a super tough one. Which is not a good idea. Players need opportunities to feel high level. In any event, I'm not a fan of iterative attacks, since the extra die rolls and the changing modifiers are one of the primary things that makes higher level combat slow down. Eventaully, I'd like to houserule the Vital Strike feat chain into being something that EVERYONE gets for free, and rather than allow extra attacks just give people extra damage.

The problem, as I see it, is that with the current rules your AC matter against full attacks. Even if you can easily hit by the first attack, iterative attacks get a reasonable chance to miss. Making it a single all or nothing attack will reduce the importance of AC.

How do you think to overcome that problem? Or do you think it is not a valid concern?

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