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What is your favorite change or addition to D&D that Pathfinder made? I personally like archetypes the best. They are awesome. I love how they are prestige classy, but you don't have to meet prerequisites or wait until 7th level. I also love how they allow you to customize the classes to fit characters as well as possible.
Wow... narrowing it down to one single change... that's hard to do. It's certainly NOT archetypes; they're neat and cool, but they aren't all that "new" to the game. D&D had alternate class features, after all, that sort of worked the same.
My top three favorite changes would be relatively small, but they have some pretty big implications:
1) Bards can be lawful, and get 1st level spells right out of the gate.
2) Humans get a free +2 to any one ability score of their choice.
3) Undead get bonus hit points based on Charisma.

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Winning RPG superstar is one route. So is coming in 2nd or 3rd and then getting assigned a part of a book about a section of Golarion that's really close to my heart but that I didn't have the time to write and then you write it exactly or better as I would have written it myself.
Designing a book or product that I love is another—extra credit if you designed this many years ago and thus gave me years or decades to come to adore your writing.
It's not easy, in other words, and that helps to explain why there are so few good-aligned undead in Golarion.
I guess I'll have to get back to you in a few years then ;)
I read the first issue of six or seven of them, borrowed from Erik, and quite liked them (Swamp Thing was in there, but the closest I got to Batman was Batwoman, which was great... Animal Man was probably my favorite)... but then never read any more. I suspect that I just don't have time to add comics to my entertainment schedule these days.
Oh man, you've gotta get your hands on the new Batman. I'll admit that I work in a comic store, so I'm pretty spoiled when it comes to free reading material.
New question: fictionwise, what author/genre/settings are you particularly fond of?

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New question: fictionwise, what author/genre/settings are you particularly fond of?
Horror is my favorite genre. With science fiction and fantasy tied at 2nd place.
My favorite authors right now would include writers like H. P. Lovecraft (my absolute favorite), Stephen King, Ramsey Campbell, Clive Barker, Robert E. Howard, Clark Ashton Smith, George R. R. Martin, Thomas Liggoti, Robert Bloch, Tim Lebbon, Dan Simmons, Algernon Blackwood, and Fritz Leiber.
For settings, I'm a huge fan of Westeros, Greyhawk, Mid-World/Stephen King's implied setting, the universe as imagined by Dan Simmons in his Hyperion books, Hyborea, and Lankhmar. And Golarion, of course!

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WalterGM wrote:New question: fictionwise, what author/genre/settings are you particularly fond of?Horror is my favorite genre. With science fiction and fantasy tied at 2nd place.
My favorite authors right now would include writers like H. P. Lovecraft (my absolute favorite), Stephen King, Ramsey Campbell, Clive Barker, Robert E. Howard, Clark Ashton Smith, George R. R. Martin, Thomas Liggoti, Robert Bloch, Tim Lebbon, Dan Simmons, Algernon Blackwood, and Fritz Leiber.
For settings, I'm a huge fan of Westeros, Greyhawk, Mid-World/Stephen King's implied setting, the universe as imagined by Dan Simmons in his Hyperion books, Hyborea, and Lankhmar. And Golarion, of course!
My kind of list. Stephen King's "On Writing" and "Secret Windows" are great reads on the evolution of King's writing style (and have some good tips on creative writing).
Also, given your tastes, I'd recommend flipping through some pages of Alan Moore's Neonomicon (a comic) and the new Batman Noel (also a comic). Assuming you have some free time this century.
Out of questions for now, and this Michael Connelly detective novel is a page turner, but I'll pester you again at some point.

Dragon78 |

1)Why does the Jotund Troll only get 1 bite attack even though it has nine heads? and what is it's attack routine when it is unarmed?
2)Have you seen the movie "Howard the Duck"? did you like it?
3)How many previews will we get for the Beastairy 3? Will we get a list of content before it is released?
4)Why was the Dragon Empire Primer pushed back to January?
5)Are you familair with the works of Don Bluth(An american tail, Secret of nymh, etc.)? if so what is your favorite animated movie he did?
6)Is there any chance that one day we could have archtypes for every class that is unarmed combat/martail arts themed?
7)Any chance of seeing a plant monster like Audrey II from the "little shop of horrors" movie? How different would it have to be for legal reasons to used by Paizo?
8)What are top 5 magical weapons from movies and tv shows?
9)Since I have seen some monsters inspired by movies/tv shows from you guys(Hungry Fog),are there any magical weapons, spells, feats, or class abilities that was inspired by movies or tv shows you have seen? if so examples?
10)Since you said there are no Proteons in the Beastairy 3, but do you guys have any ideas for new ones or did have but didn't use them in the beastairy 3?

Umbral Reaver |

There's one place for non-evil undead I can think of, and I would like to hear your thoughts on it:
A curse.
Where persons are cursed to live on after death as undead, still aware and free-willed yet trapped in a hideous, rotting form. It could be used as revenge or torture by an evil necromancer. A party of heroes could storm the necromancer's lair and unlock a dungeon full of ancient prisoners, all decayed to the bone, filled with despair at their undying torment. They learn that their enemy does not let his foes die. He keeps them like this forever. Their impetus to defeat the villain skyrockets. :D

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

1)Why does the Jotund Troll only get 1 bite attack even though it has nine heads? and what is it's attack routine when it is unarmed?
2)Have you seen the movie "Howard the Duck"? did you like it?
3)How many previews will we get for the Beastairy 3? Will we get a list of content before it is released?
4)Why was the Dragon Empire Primer pushed back to January?
5)Are you familair with the works of Don Bluth(An american tail, Secret of nymh, etc.)? if so what is your favorite animated movie he did?
6)Is there any chance that one day we could have archtypes for every class that is unarmed combat/martail arts themed?
7)Any chance of seeing a plant monster like Audrey II from the "little shop of horrors" movie? How different would it have to be for legal reasons to used by Paizo?
8)What are top 5 magical weapons from movies and tv shows?
9)Since I have seen some monsters inspired by movies/tv shows from you guys(Hungry Fog),are there any magical weapons, spells, feats, or class abilities that was inspired by movies or tv shows you have seen? if so examples?
10)Since you said there are no Proteons in the Beastairy 3, but do you guys have any ideas for new ones or did have but didn't use them in the beastairy 3?
1) Because if it bit with all nine heads, it would do way too much damage even for a CR 15 monster. As it stands, it's doing an average damage per round of about 72 points of damage per round—at the high end already. If we let it do 9 bite attacks instead of 1, it'd be doing closer to 168 points of damage per round, which is about the amount of damage you'd expect from a CR 24 or CR 25 monster. FURTHERMORE... The jotund troll's already making 5 attack rolls in a round. That's already gonna impact timeflow in game play. Increasing that to making 13 attack rolls each turn would dent timeflow in a combat round to a point where it would just be too disruptive. When unarmed, it does a bite and 2 claws.
2) I have. Hated it, even though the monster at the end was really neat.
3) I have no idea. I've been pushing to release a table of contents type preview, but whether or not it'll happen... we'll see.
4) Because reprints of other books happened. We use the same printer for all our books, and if we do a big reprint, that impacts the scheduling of other books. Further, Dragon Empires Gazetteer shipped very late to begin with since work on the book was delayed by work on other projects (like the Beginner Box or Bestiary 3). And then FURTHER delays beyond our control that happen at the printer can further impact when the book ships. As to the exact reasons why THIS PARTICULAR BOOK got delayed... I'm not sure. I'm not privy to that information, really.
5) I liked Secret of Nymh, but I'm not familiar enough with Don's work to know it if I saw it.
6) There's always a chance for everything, really. I do know that after Ultimate Combat, our production of new archetypes is going to DRAMATICALLY lessen—there's pretty much enough archetypes out there now, I think.
7) Not a big chance, since "Little Shop of Horrors" is a musical, and I hate musicals. Just give the giant flytrap from the Bestiary blood drain and an Intelligence score and call it good.
8) My top five magic weapon from Movies and TV shows? I don't have a list like that, honestly, since my brain doesn't work that way. If I had to generate one on the spot, they'd probably all be from Lord of the Rings, and I'd only be able to name one of them (The One Ring).
9) A lot of the feats and class abilities and weapons in Ultimate Combat are inspired from gladiator movies and kung-fu movies, for one. Specific examples don't immediately come to mind though.
10) We don't have any plans for any additional proteons at this time. Not every outsider race needs dozens of members.

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There's one place for non-evil undead I can think of, and I would like to hear your thoughts on it:
A curse.
Where persons are cursed to live on after death as undead, still aware and free-willed yet trapped in a hideous, rotting form. It could be used as revenge or torture by an evil necromancer. A party of heroes could storm the necromancer's lair and unlock a dungeon full of ancient prisoners, all decayed to the bone, filled with despair at their undying torment. They learn that their enemy does not let his foes die. He keeps them like this forever. Their impetus to defeat the villain skyrockets. :D
That's an interesting idea... but I wouldn't present that as a curse of undeath, honestly. I'd say that the poor prisoners are kept alive in hideous torment, since the concept of "Pain" is something that works good on living creatures but increasingly less so on undead, who are cooler when they don't feel pain.

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ulgulanoth wrote:or do you think there shouldn't be any good medusaJames hates good aligned monsters.
I, on the other hand, love them.
Way to put words in my mouth.
James is not a fan of monsters not acting like they should. There are PLENTY of good monsters out there, like metallic dragons, couatls, azatas, nymphs, etc. that are on my cool monster list. There are even some normally evil monsters that, when they turn good, can be cool... but my list there is MUCH smaller.

Golden-Esque |

And now, for a themed post.
Dear James Jacobs:
#1 - What are your thoughts on Prestige Classes?
#2 - Do you ever help to design Prestige Classes? If so, could you name one that you particularly enjoyed writing?
#3 - What is your favorite Pathfinder Prestige Class? How about 3.5 Prestige Classes?
#4 - What insight or tips can you provide to people looking to make their own Prestige Classes since the entire mechanic is relatively unsupported by Pathfinder?

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James Jacobs wrote:Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:Do any people from Golarion enjoy ice hockey? What about surfing?No. Yes.A follow up, if I may?
Where would this potential surfing occur and who would be surfing?
Hmmm... mostly over on Arcadia, I suspect, but I think there might be some on the west coast of Garund, which would mean Mwangi, mostly. I suspect Varisians would enjoy it too, though.

Kelsey MacAilbert |

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:Way to put words in my mouth.ulgulanoth wrote:or do you think there shouldn't be any good medusaJames hates good aligned monsters.
I, on the other hand, love them.
I'm joking. I know full well you don't 100% hate good monsters. Don't you hate how tone can't get through the internet?

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And now, for a themed post.
Dear James Jacobs:
#1 - What are your thoughts on Prestige Classes?
#2 - Do you ever help to design Prestige Classes? If so, could you name one that you particularly enjoyed writing?
#3 - What is your favorite Pathfinder Prestige Class? How about 3.5 Prestige Classes?
#4 - What insight or tips can you provide to people looking to make their own Prestige Classes since the entire mechanic is relatively unsupported by Pathfinder?
1) Love them... but only when they're interesting and based on something keyed to a campaign setting.
2) Often. The Harrower is one of the ones I'm the most proud of helping to design, but I also am quite proud of the Red Mantis assassin (even though it's been plagued by typos over the various years).
3) Pathfinder: Red Mantis assassin. 3.5: Dervish dancer.
4) I would hardly call it "relatively unsupported." We do a fair number of prestige classes, actually—most of them show up in the non-rulebook lines is all.

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James Jacobs wrote:I'm joking. I know full well you don't 100% hate good monsters. Don't you hate how tone can't get through the internet?Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:Way to put words in my mouth.ulgulanoth wrote:or do you think there shouldn't be any good medusaJames hates good aligned monsters.
I, on the other hand, love them.
I do indeed dislike that tone can't be transmitted through the internet... almost as much as I dislike folks KNOWING tone doesn't transmit yet pretend like it does anyway! :-)
That's what smilies are for! :-) :-) :-D

Golden-Esque |

4) I would hardly call it "relatively unsupported." We do a fair number of prestige classes, actually—most of them show up in the non-rulebook lines is all.
Well Mr. Jacobs, I'm said to say that my budget and love for dabbling in my home grown campaign setting have left my shelves relatively bare of the Golarion-line products (Rivers Run Red is the exception because of its Kingdom Building rules). I also don't have much use for Golarion products because none of the three campaigns I play in are set in Golarion (I used my own setting when I GM, another two friends use theirs, and my fourth group uses 3.5 Forgotten Realms).
I agree with you when you say that interesting Prestige Classes are tied to their world, but as a world builder, it's nice to see some of those with settings-neutral elements because sometimes those elements make great expansion ideas for your own worlds; for example, I love the lore behind Complete Adventure's Daggerspell Monastery and implemented it because of how the Prestige Classes presented its lore. Paizo does an amazing job at supporting their own world, but you don't do as stellar in helping others make their own worlds, though the GameMastery Guide and the race building rules in the Advanced Race Guide are both excellent starts.
As one final note, I've had a lot of people tell me "Oh, why not just adapt the Golarion prestige classes to your game?" My response is typically that the Golarion classes are so specific in their lore that I either need to drastically alter the class in order to make it fit well or simply force a part of Golarion into a place it doesn't really belong to; it ends up doing the exact opposite of your beliefs on Prestige Classes when I have to force a class that has no real bearing or history into my world. From this perspective; my biased perspective as a Core Line consumer, Prestige Classes kind of are under supported.
But yeah, that's kind of why I was asking for some tips and advice for making my own Prestige Classes. Even 3PP don't really do a whole lot with them in Pathfinder.

Kajehase |

4) I would hardly call it "relatively unsupported." We do a fair number of prestige classes, actually—most of them show up in the non-rulebook lines is all.
30+ ones in my prestige classes binder so far, not counting those from Wayfinder, Kobold Quarterly, and converted 3.5 Paizo ones.

Dumb Paladin |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

If I ever get irritating, just tell me. I can never figure out when I'm being annoying, even when dealing with people face to face, and it causes me no end of problems.
I'm gonna assume you only care whether you are irritating James Jacobs, but I will go out on a limb here and say your recent behavior has been annoying to me. If you don't care, that's 100% okay with me -- but I'm still glad I've said it.
If you want specifics, I'd start with: why would you presume to speak for the person who is here to answer questions, when that's the whole purpose of this thread?
James hates good aligned monsters.
I, on the other hand, love them.
I guess I don't see how it could be considered a 'joke'.

Kajehase |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Agent of the Grave - Pathfinder Adventure Path #45
Arcane Archer - Core Rulebook
Arcane Trickster - Core Rulebook
Assassin - Core Rulebook
Battle Herald - Advanced Player's Guide
Bloatmage City of Strangers
Cyphermage Inner Sea Magic
Daivrat (Genie Friend) - Qadira, Gateway to the East
Demoniac - Book of the Damned 2: Lords of Chaos
Diabolist - [url]http://paizo.com/store/games/roleplayingGames/p/pathfinderRPG/paizo/pathfin derChronicles/v5748btpy8a6fBook of the Damned 1: Princes of Darkness[/url]
Divine Scion - Inner Sea Magic
Dragon Disciple - Core Rulebook
Duelist - Core Rulebook
Eldritch Knight - Core Rulebook
Halfling Opportunist - Halflings of Golarion
Harrower - The Inner Sea World Guide
Hellknight - The Inner Sea World Guide (or, earlier version, Pathfinder Adventure Path #27
Holy Vindicator - Core Rulebook
Horizon Walker - Advanced Player's Guide
Inheritor's Crusader - Pathfinder Adventure Path #26
Loremaster - Core Rulebook
Low Templar - The Inner Sea World Guide
Master Chymist - Advanced Player's Guide
Master Spy - Advanced Player's Guide
Mystic Theurge - Core Rulebook
Nature Warden - Advanced Player's Guide
Pathfinder Chronicler - Core Rulebook
Pathfinder Delver - Seekers of Secrets
Pathfinder Savant - Seekers of Secrets
Rage Prophet - Advanced Player's Guide
Red Mantis Assassin - The Inner Sea World Guide
Shadowdancer - Core Rulebook
Souldrinker - Book of the Damned 3: Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Stalwart Defender - Advanced Player's Guide
Steel Falcon - Andoran, Spirit of Liberty
Student of War - Seekers of Secrets
Any I missed, or put the wrong source for?

gbonehead Owner - House of Books and Games LLC |

Golden-Esque wrote:3) Pathfinder: Red Mantis assassin. 3.5: Dervish dancer.
#3 - What is your favorite Pathfinder Prestige Class? How about 3.5 Prestige Classes?
Ugh. Dervish Dancer + Fighter = full move + full attack every round. So much for having to make choices. I appreciate the flavor of the class, but MAN is it the epitome of high-power 3.5e classes. Well, not counting some of the druid ones.
Golden-Esque wrote:#4 - What insight or tips can you provide to people looking to make their own Prestige Classes since the entire mechanic is relatively unsupported by Pathfinder?4) I would hardly call it "relatively unsupported." We do a fair number of prestige classes, actually—most of them show up in the non-rulebook lines is all.
I think what Golden-Esque means is "compared to the hundreds of archetypes, prestige classes are relatively unsupported."
It would be nice to see the balance tip just a little bit the other way. Archetypes are cool for character creation. For character concept work after initial creation, not so much.
What I'd like to see are more prestige classes that are focused like the Golarion-specific ones are, but that are not tied so intimately to Golarion.
I've seen plenty of archetypes :)

Ral' Yareth |

Hey James
I got a rules question for you, if you don't mind.
Barbarian rage had the following restrictions in 3.5
While raging, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except for Balance, Escape Artist, Intimidate, and Ride), the Concentration skill, or any abilities that require patience or concentration, nor can he cast spells or activate magic items that require a command word, a spell trigger (such as a wand), or spell completion (such as a scroll) to function. He can use any feat he has except Combat Expertise, item creation feats, and metamagic feats.
Pathfinder has changed those to:
While in rage, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.
in your interpretation of the rules, does combat expertise (and fighting defensively in general) qualify as an ability that "requires patience or concentration"? or not?In other words can it be used while in rage?
thank you.

Justin Franklin |

In Bestiary 2 it mentions that when the Titans grew jealous of the adulation the gods received from mortals, they began a crusade to destroy mortal life. Is this true for Golarion as well?

cibet44 |
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:If I ever get irritating, just tell me. I can never figure out when I'm being annoying, even when dealing with people face to face, and it causes me no end of problems.I'm gonna assume you only care whether you are irritating James Jacobs, but I will go out on a limb here and say your recent behavior has been annoying to me. If you don't care, that's 100% okay with me -- but I'm still glad I've said it.
If you want specifics, I'd start with: why would you presume to speak for the person who is here to answer questions, when that's the whole purpose of this thread?
Lets keep it to questions for James (that relate to Golarian and Pathfinder, I would prefer). This is one of my favorite threads to lurk on but I will say lately it has been more like I am eavesdropping on a first date between James and "Kelsey MacAilbert". :)
Maybe take a break from the "questions" a bit Kelsey and just read a while.

Evil Lincoln |

Lets keep it to questions for James (that relate to Golarian and Pathfinder, I would prefer). This is one of my favorite threads to lurk on but I will say lately it has been more like I am eavesdropping on a first date between James and "Kelsey MacAilbert". :)
Maybe take a break from the "questions" a bit Kelsey and just read a while.
Was that a question? :)

AbsolutGrndZer0 |

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:What is your favorite change or addition to D&D that Pathfinder made? I personally like archetypes the best. They are awesome. I love how they are prestige classy, but you don't have to meet prerequisites or wait until 7th level. I also love how they allow you to customize the classes to fit characters as well as possible.Wow... narrowing it down to one single change... that's hard to do. It's certainly NOT archetypes; they're neat and cool, but they aren't all that "new" to the game. D&D had alternate class features, after all, that sort of worked the same.
My top three favorite changes would be relatively small, but they have some pretty big implications:
1) Bards can be lawful, and get 1st level spells right out of the gate.
2) Humans get a free +2 to any one ability score of their choice.
3) Undead get bonus hit points based on Charisma.
Yeah, I love those too! :) As for archetypes, I like them a lot more than 3.0's alternate class features as those were one trade for one trade without much rhyme or reason on why your character is making such a choice. Archetypes feel to me more like 2nd editions KITS where it's a whole alternate concept of like pirate for rogue, or the Spellslinger (isn't that the gun mage? IDHMBWM) which was something I loved and was very disappointed they removed in 3.x. The ACF were a placeholder IMO to Pathfinder's recreation of KITS! :)
Oh and as for a question, do you have any suggestions on how to deal with a type of player that makes a character as a set of numbers even when you had them, for example, the Carrion Crown Player's Guide? They find the campaign trait that will give them the best mechanic benefit and take that. Then, when in the campaign they don't care what Lorrimar wants... They want to do their own thing. Then, when you can't on the fly modify the adventure because they decided it'd be more fun go to the Alkenstar instead of Lepistadt, either Pathfinder writes bad adventures, or else I am a bad GM? Pretty much at this point I'm not playing with him anymore, but... I was wondering what you'd think. Ever had a player like that?

Golden-Esque |

I think what Golden-Esque means is "compared to the hundreds of archetypes, prestige classes are relatively unsupported."
It would be nice to see the balance tip just a little bit the other way. Archetypes are cool for character creation. For character concept work after initial creation, not so much.
What I'd like to see are more prestige classes that are focused like the Golarion-specific ones are, but that are not tied so intimately to Golarion.
I've seen plenty of archetypes :)
Yeah, you basically hit my thinking on the head, gbone :). The ratio of archetypes : prestige classes is far from 1 : 1 and although that's never going to be an actuality (I wouldn't want to see either option made simply to fill a quota anyway), it would be nice to see some new ones created.
I like your use of the word "married." I'm going to have to keep that in mind the next time I explain this argument to one of my friends :). Like I mentioned in my huge super post, I personally liked the splashable organizations from 3.5 because they often had fun little ideas for people like me, who are interested in world building, to consider adding to their campaign world.
And also James, I reread my post and I can see how it might sound a little ... forceful. I wasn't trying to be a jerk in the post, just presenting an alternate side to a fairly common debate :).

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I'm looking to make a character who makes a conscious decision to fight when the need arises; i.e., once he decides that he must fight, he "turns on the mojo" and thrashes the bad guy, then reverts back to his "normal" self.
What classes/abilities/etc can help capture this idea? Here's what I've found so far:
• Urban Barbarian's controlled rage (regular rage doesn't feel right - this isn't supposed to be a loss of control)
• Dawnflower Dervish's battle dance
• Guide Ranger's focus ability
• Cavalier's challenge
• Paladin's smite (though that feels a bit off, being more magical)
What others are there? Which ones do you like best, and why? Which ones would fit well together thematically (for multiclassing)? Which ones do you think would clash/should never be possessed by the same character?
I might name this character "Mojo"...

Kelsey MacAilbert |

Dumb Paladin wrote:Lets keep it to questions for James (that relate to Golarian and Pathfinder, I would prefer). This is one of my favorite threads to lurk on but I will say lately it has been more like I am eavesdropping on a first date between James and "Kelsey MacAilbert". :)Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:If I ever get irritating, just tell me. I can never figure out when I'm being annoying, even when dealing with people face to face, and it causes me no end of problems.I'm gonna assume you only care whether you are irritating James Jacobs, but I will go out on a limb here and say your recent behavior has been annoying to me. If you don't care, that's 100% okay with me -- but I'm still glad I've said it.
If you want specifics, I'd start with: why would you presume to speak for the person who is here to answer questions, when that's the whole purpose of this thread?
Never happen. Ever. He's too old, he lives too far away, and I'm a lezzie.
I'll go do something else for a bit. I apologize for my behavior. I have a hard enough time reading people face to face, and it isn't any easier online. When I'm being annoying, I almost never realize it unless it's pointed out.

Kelsey MacAilbert |

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:James hates good aligned monsters.
I, on the other hand, love them.
I guess I don't see how it could be considered a 'joke'.
It was sarcasm over the fact that we've had conversations about whether things such as orcs and undead should be universally evil more than once. I know how he feels about it, and I was trying to razz him a bit. I wasn't being serious.
Okay. Leaving now.

ANebulousMistress |

What's Calistra's views on werewolves?
Also, a thanks of appreciation for removing some of the cumbersome bits of 3.5's lycanthropy. Like the Change Shape skill and the clause where you change every time you take damage. Pathfinder's version of the curse feels much less controllable from the player's POV and the charisma penalty fits.

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If I ever get irritating, just tell me. I can never figure out when I'm being annoying, even when dealing with people face to face, and it causes me no end of problems.
Will do. And if you see me not answer a question... chances are good it wasn't framed properly as a question OR was somehow irritating to me. But I try not to let irritation and specific questions color my impression of specific people.