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Paizo Employee Creative Director

Golden-Esque wrote:

Dear James Jacobs,

You might recall that that about six weeks ago, I asked you for some advice on a character I was making for a campaign I'm playing in (I'm the one that is playing a dual-cursed oracle with the mystery of life, to whom you suggested that I go for a lyrakin as the haunter).

Well, we played a few sessions and one thing that has become clear to me is that our campaign is suffering a little because we don't have any access to arcane magic as a party. In order to remedy this, I was thinking about going the Mystic Theurge route, picking up levels in witch to meet the arcane spellcaster prerequisites. The idea would be that through the storyline, I adopt some azata as my patorn, and eventually (using the Improved Familiar feat) I gain the lyrakin that's haunting me as my witch's familiar.

So, here are my questions:

#1 - Do you (or any of your readers) have any suggestions for what patron I should take mechanically? I think the obvious choice is the Healing patron, but at the same time, I'm trying to keep my party in mind; seeing as we don't have any arcane spellcasters and the witch is a little limited.

#2 - Do my levels in Mystic Theurge stack with my witch level for determining if and when I learn my patron's spells? How about which spells are added to my familiar?

#3 - When the lyrakin refers to me needing to be a 7th level spellcaster to select it as an Improved Familiar, does it mean that I need to be a 7th level witch, or do my mystic theurge levels count for determining if I qualify?

#4 - Does my witch's familiar gain any additional benefits from my levels in mystic theurge? I'd be kind of crappy if my living, breathing spellbook becomes easy to kill simply because I decided to multiclass.

#5 - Do you think this idea is going to be worth the "hassle" of having two spellcasting classes that are several levels behind my allies?

First of all... my philosophy is that a GM should be willing to adapt to a party's strengths and weaknesses... but that's a different topic for a different post.

1) If your group is under the impression that they need arcane (aka classic wizardy magics), I would suggest a patron that grants spells that do damage, preferably area of effect damage. AKA: The elements patron.

2) Since new witch spells and new patron spells are features you gain as a 1st level witch and NOT class features mentioned as things you gain on the "Special" column on the table, you'd still gain these things as you level up as a Mystic Theurge. You wouldn't gain hexes is all.

3) You need to have a caster level of 7th in order to gain a lyrakin. That means witch levels + mystic theurge levels must equal 7. Levels from your other class don't help.

4) Nope; your familiar only gains benefits from your actual witch levels. Deciding to multiclass is indeed a liability for a familiar—that's part of the risk you take for gaining the incredible flexibility of a mystic theurge (or any multiclass character, for that matter).

5) Honestly, no. To get back to my original comment, the idea of "we NEED an arcane spellcaster or we're HOSED" is a falsehood, I think. I've played in and have run games with no arcane spellcaster and they were fun. It's actually kind of neat to have a group that DOESN'T feel like every group once in a while.

Please don't eat me!

What do dragons think of dragon disciples and more generally of lesser races using spells like "Form of the dragon"?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Is it too late to suggest that Paizo take a pass on RPG Superstar this year?

James, may I direct your attention to this thread, which you have probably already seen, but I am not willing to take that chance?

I won't ask whether something like it is in the works, but does the idea of using fame and prestige in a military or mercenary campaign context entertain you?

1)Do trains exist on Golarion?

2)Why so little positive energy(not healing) based spells for arcane casters? Because I feel that the white/good necromancers are really lacking because of this.

3)How would you feel about some more light based offensive(and some defensive) spells for arcane and divine casters?

4)What are the likely hood of getting some more plant based/themed spells for arcane casters?

5)Do airships exist on Golarian or at least used too exist?

6)Will we ever see monster stats for the classic "Grey" Aliens? Hopefully they would have Telepathic and Telekinetic abilities

7)if a creature has a supernatural ability that is based on a spell like Telekinesis does SR no longer apply like other supernatural abilities?

8)When will we see polymorph spells for Fey, Constructs, Outsiders and Oozes? How would you do a polymorph spell for outsiders, make more specialized like Azata form, Angel shape, etc. or something else?

9)Fast healing and regeneration stops bleed damage correct?

10)Are there any aquatic versions of Halfings, Gnomes, Dwarves, Orcs, or Goblins?

Will there be other congo dino-cryptids to complement the Mokele-Mbembe? (Kongamato, Ngoubou, etc...)?

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32


I'd be very interested in your opinion on this conundrum; on the legality, the concept, and what other options there would be to achieve the goal if the stated idea doesn't actually work.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Yumeko wrote:

Please don't eat me!

What do dragons think of dragon disciples and more generally of lesser races using spells like "Form of the dragon"?

They're probably amused, embarrassed, and maybe a little bit annoyed.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Lord Fyre wrote:
Is it too late to suggest that Paizo take a pass on RPG Superstar this year?

Ummm... no, but why would we do that? It's been very successful for us.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Evil Lincoln wrote:

James, may I direct your attention to this thread, which you have probably already seen, but I am not willing to take that chance?

I won't ask whether something like it is in the works, but does the idea of using fame and prestige in a military or mercenary campaign context entertain you?

People have certainly been asking for something like "Inner Sea Combat," although if we do a book like that, it'll have a more interesting name. Such a book would certainly have some different focuses; no spells chapter, for one. We'll see!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Troodos wrote:
Will there be other congo dino-cryptids to complement the Mokele-Mbembe? (Kongamato, Ngoubou, etc...)?

Yes. Some of them are already statted up, along with Mokele-Mbembe... the Kongamato showed up near the end of Serpent's Skull, I believe.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jiggy wrote:


I'd be very interested in your opinion on this conundrum; on the legality, the concept, and what other options there would be to achieve the goal if the stated idea doesn't actually work.

How hard is it to change your alignment back and forth, basically? That's a GM question for the most part. The spell "atonement" lets you do something similar, but it costs money. Without it, I would require the player who wants his character to switch alignment to first PROVE to me he wants to switch alignment by roleplaying properly. Then, after a few sessions, then yeah, alignment change. Alas... a character who switches alignment a LOT would probably only end up stuck at Chaotic.

How "mutable" are the number, locations, and actual tribes of orcs within Belkzen at any given time?

Would it be accurate to say that the smaller tribes may grow or crumble or be absorbed by larger tribes on a regular basis?

Would it be accurate to say that larger tribes might be more "stable" but occasionally be split in two (or more) parts by internal strife or be destroyed (or diminished) by conflict from without?

Freedomtown was mentioned in the Belkzen Gazetteer of Skeletons of Scarwall, but was not mentioned in the Belkzen Gazetteer of the Inner Sea World Guide (or the earlier campaign setting). Was this merely due to space requirements or perhaps because it was left out as a means of intentionally writing it out by omission similar to an earlier group, the Darklight Sisterhood, IIRC?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:

1)Do trains exist on Golarion?

2)Why so little positive energy(not healing) based spells for arcane casters? Because I feel that the white/good necromancers are really lacking because of this.

3)How would you feel about some more light based offensive(and some defensive) spells for arcane and divine casters?

4)What are the likely hood of getting some more plant based/themed spells for arcane casters?

5)Do airships exist on Golarian or at least used too exist?

6)Will we ever see monster stats for the classic "Grey" Aliens? Hopefully they would have Telepathic and Telekinetic abilities

7)if a creature has a supernatural ability that is based on a spell like Telekinesis does SR no longer apply like other supernatural abilities?

8)When will we see polymorph spells for Fey, Constructs, Outsiders and Oozes? How would you do a polymorph spell for outsiders, make more specialized like Azata form, Angel shape, etc. or something else?

9)Fast healing and regeneration stops bleed damage correct?

10)Are there any aquatic versions of Halfings, Gnomes, Dwarves, Orcs, or Goblins?

1) No.

2) Tradition; the game's always kept the vast majority of the healing spells in the divine category, just as they've traditionally kept the big damage spells in the arcane category. And beyond that, they've traditionally kept the MAJORITY of spells overall in the arcane category. Note that healing itself is NOT necromancy... it's conjuration. So a good necromancer wouldn't be using healing spells anyway.

3) Lasers, you mean? Okay, I guess, but they'd have to bring something different to the table than the ones that already exist.

4) Very good.

5) They do... but they're very rare. When they do appear, they aren't incidental—they're key parts of the adventure itself. The sight of an airship flying over a city would be cause for a lot of excitement and uproar. Those that do exist are likely the playthings of rich and powerful and eccentric characters who don't have a big public persona.

6) Derro are pretty much the official stand-in for the grays in Pathfinder. Partially because the real world genesis of the "dero" had something to do with the mass hysteria and growth of the legend of the grays, with the Shaver Mystery tales appearing in Amazing Stories and all.

7) SR does not apply to supernatural abilities. Neither does dispel magic. We try to avoid making many supernatural abilities that just plain mimic spells as a result.

8) Some day.

9) Yes.

10) No. Although the grindylow is somewhat close to an aquatic goblin.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:

How "mutable" are the number, locations, and actual tribes of orcs within Belkzen at any given time?

Would it be accurate to say that the smaller tribes may grow or crumble or be absorbed by larger tribes on a regular basis?

Would it be accurate to say that larger tribes might be more "stable" but occasionally be split in two (or more) parts by internal strife or be destroyed (or diminished) by conflict from without?

Freedomtown was mentioned in the Belkzen Gazetteer of Skeletons of Scarwall, but was not mentioned in the Belkzen Gazetteer of the Inner Sea World Guide (or the earlier campaign setting). Was this merely due to space requirements or perhaps because it was left out as a means of intentionally writing it out by omission similar to an earlier group, the Darklight Sisterhood, IIRC?

The total number of orcs in Belkzen is pretty stable... but the number of tribes is not. They're always disbanding and forming new tribes and conquering and merging and all that.

Not every location in a region gets mentioned in every entry for that region in numerous books. We often switch up which locations we talk about so that if someone buys multiple books with similar topics, there's not as much repetition.

James Jacobs wrote:
The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:

How "mutable" are the number, locations, and actual tribes of orcs within Belkzen at any given time?

Would it be accurate to say that the smaller tribes may grow or crumble or be absorbed by larger tribes on a regular basis?

Would it be accurate to say that larger tribes might be more "stable" but occasionally be split in two (or more) parts by internal strife or be destroyed (or diminished) by conflict from without?

Freedomtown was mentioned in the Belkzen Gazetteer of Skeletons of Scarwall, but was not mentioned in the Belkzen Gazetteer of the Inner Sea World Guide (or the earlier campaign setting). Was this merely due to space requirements or perhaps because it was left out as a means of intentionally writing it out by omission similar to an earlier group, the Darklight Sisterhood, IIRC?

The total number of orcs in Belkzen is pretty stable... but the number of tribes is not. They're always disbanding and forming new tribes and conquering and merging and all that.

Not every location in a region gets mentioned in every entry for that region in numerous books. We often switch up which locations we talk about so that if someone buys multiple books with similar topics, there's not as much repetition.

Thanks for the quick response.

Dark Archive

James I know your not a Star Wars fan but I have a delima:

I have weekend pass to play The Old Republic.

I also have an invite to Leonardo DiCaprio's birthday (where every model with Merisiel's body type in New York will be strutting her stuff).

What's a conflicted self respecting geek to do?

baron arem heshvaun wrote:

James I know your not a Star Wars fan but I have a delima:

I have weekend pass to play The Old Republic.

I also have an invite to Leonardo DiCaprio's birthday (where every model with Merisiel's body type in New York will be strutting her stuff).

What's a conflicted self respecting geek to do?

Do you have a pulse?

TOR will be out soon enough!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
baron arem heshvaun wrote:

James I know your not a Star Wars fan but I have a delima:

I have weekend pass to play The Old Republic.

I also have an invite to Leonardo DiCaprio's birthday (where every model with Merisiel's body type in New York will be strutting her stuff).

What's a conflicted self respecting geek to do?

Neither. Play Skyrim!

I mean positive energy spells like granting fast healing, protection from bleed effects, harming undead(rays, cones, burst, wall effects etc.), temporally removing fatigue/exhaustion, etc.

Yes I know that healing spells are conjuration if the positive energy comes from the plane itself but it comes from a living thing(willing or not) it could be necromancy.

1)Could we have Trains?

2)Why are there no variations of halflings or related species like Gnomes, Spriggins and Elves,Sea elves,Drow, etc.? tallfellow/stout? mutations or different ethnisties?

3)How about light based spells like a rainbowbridge, variant prismatic spells, weaker versions of sunburst, solid-light constructs(weapons, armor, tools, etc.), various light based wall spells, undead/shadow plane damaging only spells, etc.?

4)if someone from Golarian was able to travel instaniously to Earth what time period would they be in?

5)Will we ever see some spells that specificly harm constructs and can effect Golems and other magic immune creations?

6)So no space aliens with space ships then(other then Numeria)?

7)Have you seen "How to train your dragon"? if so did you like it?

8)Where on Golarian does mithril come from? Wich is more valuable Adamantine or Mithril?

9)Favorite monster from Greek mythology? Japanese myths? English/Irish/Scotish myth?

10)How did you first find out about H. P. Lovecraft?

James Jacobs wrote:
People have certainly been asking for something like "Inner Sea Combat," although if we do a book like that, it'll have a more interesting name. Such a book would certainly have some different focuses; no spells chapter, for one. We'll see!

Evil Lincoln's "Golarion at War!" is a pretty good starting point, in my view.

Most Esteemed Mr Jacobs:

It has recently come to my attention that Pathfinder is not expected to be published in cavemen pictographic dialect.

Is this true, or merely a ruse devised by the cloying media which has been swayed by the anti-cavemen lobby groups?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Klaus van der Kroft wrote:

Most Esteemed Mr Jacobs:

It has recently come to my attention that Pathfinder is not expected to be published in cavemen pictographic dialect.

Is this true, or merely a ruse devised by the cloying media which has been swayed by the anti-cavemen lobby groups?

It's true. Cavemen are for eating, not for selling books to.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:

1)Could we have Trains?

2)Why are there no variations of halflings or related species like Gnomes, Spriggins and Elves,Sea elves,Drow, etc.? tallfellow/stout? mutations or different ethnisties?

3)How about light based spells like a rainbowbridge, variant prismatic spells, weaker versions of sunburst, solid-light constructs(weapons, armor, tools, etc.), various light based wall spells, undead/shadow plane damaging only spells, etc.?

4)if someone from Golarian was able to travel instaniously to Earth what time period would they be in?

5)Will we ever see some spells that specificly harm constructs and can effect Golems and other magic immune creations?

6)So no space aliens with space ships then(other then Numeria)?

7)Have you seen "How to train your dragon"? if so did you like it?

8)Where on Golarian does mithril come from? Wich is more valuable Adamantine or Mithril?

9)Favorite monster from Greek mythology? Japanese myths? English/Irish/Scotish myth?

10)How did you first find out about H. P. Lovecraft?

1) No. Go to Eberron or d20 Modern or something like that if you want trains. Trains don't belong in Golarion.

2) Because we just haven't done any yet.

3) All interesting ideas. Some stuff like some of that might show up now and then. We've done lots of stuff with light before, and we'll do so again in the future.

4) The present.

5) Spells that specifically punch through the magic immunity of golems? Probably not. That's the point of the magic immunity.

6) In a few months, Distant Worlds will have quite a lot to say about aliens.

7) I have seen it. I loved it. When I realized it was done by the same creative team who did my all-time favorite Disney movie, "Lilo & Stitch," I realized WHY I loved it, of course.

8) Mithril comes from the ground. It's basically a rarer form of silver, so it shows up in places where silver would, but a lot less often. Adamantine is more valuable.

9) Echidna, or maybe Scylla. Jorogumo. Loch Ness Monster!

10) The 1st edition Deities & Demigods book, and a short story collection called "Creepies Creepies Creepies," and my grandpa, all three of which more or less hooked me up to Lovecraft at about the same time.

Sovereign Court

Dragon78 wrote:

English/Irish/Scotish myth?

As a Welshman, should I be wounded by our exclusion here?

James Jacobs wrote:
Klaus van der Kroft wrote:

Most Esteemed Mr Jacobs:

It has recently come to my attention that Pathfinder is not expected to be published in cavemen pictographic dialect.

Is this true, or merely a ruse devised by the cloying media which has been swayed by the anti-cavemen lobby groups?

It's true. Cavemen are for eating, not for selling books to.

So no, "So easy even a Caveman could do it" commercials?

Steve Geddes wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
People have certainly been asking for something like "Inner Sea Combat," although if we do a book like that, it'll have a more interesting name. Such a book would certainly have some different focuses; no spells chapter, for one. We'll see!
Evil Lincoln's "Golarion at War!" is a pretty good starting point, in my view.

Actually, I prefer Inner Sea Conflict. But I have a very specific angle I'm hoping for (fame, prestige, armies, wars, merc companies, fighting traditions, battlefields)

But it will probably be as it always is... Paizo does something like what I wanted, but in a way I didn't anticipate. And that's just fine.

Have you ever met Monte Cook? What's he like? Do you like his work? How does he feel about Pathfinder? Is there a chance he will ever work on something for Pathfinder?

James Jacobs wrote:
Klaus van der Kroft wrote:

Most Esteemed Mr Jacobs:

It has recently come to my attention that Pathfinder is not expected to be published in cavemen pictographic dialect.

Is this true, or merely a ruse devised by the cloying media which has been swayed by the anti-cavemen lobby groups?

It's true. Cavemen are for eating, not for selling books to.

Oh yeah?!

You think you are all that by being a T-Rex and stuff. But let me tell you, one day we'll evolve a culture, start using underwear and invent Jurassic Park and... wait, no, maybe that's not such a good idea.

You may have won for now, Mr Jacobs, but the Cavemen Consortium will come back. Once our members figure out how to read our memos and stop eating them, that's it.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Vinland Forever wrote:
Have you ever met Monte Cook? What's he like? Do you like his work? How does he feel about Pathfinder? Is there a chance he will ever work on something for Pathfinder?

like this

James Jacobs wrote:

6) Nope. Don't like musicals. As for music... I have pretty wide tastes. Right now, on my Pandora stations, I have radio stations based on Dead Can Dance, Pink Floyd, Juno Reactor, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Phillip Glass, Muse, Rammstein, Nine Inch Nails, Duran Duran, E. S. Posthumus, and Popol Vuh. I'd probably say Dead Can Dance and Pink Floyd are tied for my favorite musicicans/bands, with Nine Inch Nails and Franz Lizst coming in tied at second.

If you like Rammstein you should check out their new video, Mein Land. Better than most of the tracks from their last CD, Liebe ist für alle da. It got sort of a Punk feel to it that I like.

link to Mein Land.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Has Golarian ever experienced a major flood, world wise or encompassing enough so that some day we can revive the use of the word antedileuvian?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Vinland Forever wrote:
Have you ever met Monte Cook? What's he like? Do you like his work? How does he feel about Pathfinder? Is there a chance he will ever work on something for Pathfinder?

Many times. I've even gamed with him. He's a cool guy, and yes, I quite like his work. Ptolus is one of my favorite game supplements ever.

He likes Pathfinder a lot... he was a consultant on the core rules, in fact, and he wrote an adventure for us called "Curse of the Riven Sky." I'd love to have him write more for us but he's a busy, busy guy!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

LazarX wrote:
Has Golarian ever experienced a major flood, world wise or encompassing enough so that some day we can revive the use of the word antedileuvian?


I would count Earthfall and the creation of areas like the Inner Sea and the Varisian Gulf (both of which were above ground 10,001+ years ago) as a flood. More recently, the lands of the Abendego Gulf flooded and became known as the Sodden Lands.


Say you're a summoner. Say some wizard you're beating down charm monsters your eidolon. So you dismiss your eidolon because it's trying to eat your party members. Wizard flees.

Okay, so you wait a while then summon your eidolon back. Is it still charmed? If you run into the wizard again before the charm runs off, can the wizard still influence your eidolon? Basically, does the act of dismissing and re-summoning dispell the charm?

James Jacobs wrote:
Vinland Forever wrote:
Have you ever met Monte Cook? What's he like? Do you like his work? How does he feel about Pathfinder? Is there a chance he will ever work on something for Pathfinder?

Many times. I've even gamed with him. He's a cool guy, and yes, I quite like his work. Ptolus is one of my favorite game supplements ever.

He likes Pathfinder a lot... he was a consultant on the core rules, in fact, and he wrote an adventure for us called "Curse of the Riven Sky." I'd love to have him write more for us but he's a busy, busy guy!

^_^. Monte Cook's work is awesome. My favorite thing is the magic system for Monte Cook's World of Darkness.

Do you see anything wrong with making the quarterstaff finessable?

Maybe I could make a martial version that is finessable?

Since lantern archons were taken off the improved familiar list, archons are now the only outsider race (besides demodands, who don't count since they haven't been Pathfinderized at all yet) not to have an improved familiar option.

Will there be a familiarizable archon in Bestiary 3?

I just had a very weird thought about Carrion Crown. Since I only have one PC and all...

Can a werewolf be a vampire? If my PC becomes a werewolf could she also end up a vampire? A vampiric werewolf? A were-vampire? A wolf-pyre?

Also, red wine is gooooood.....

Grand Lodge

(And other experts in Golarion Lore)

Is Andoran culture/ history more linked with Cheliax, yes, than Taldor?

I see Andoran somewhat similar to the American Colonies breaking from England while hoping for French support -- Andoran breaking away from Cheliax hoping for Taldoran support. But still much more Chelaxian than Taldoran, yes?

The reason it's important to me is that I don't use the "common" language most gamers do and I've been struggling with what Andoran's language would be, Chelaxian or Taldoran. My gut tells me that culturally/ historically the Andoran language would be Chelaxian (albeit with a dialect), not Taldoran.


Will there ever be a Pathfinder version of Savage Species? I will buy it. Guaranteed.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Vinland Forever wrote:
Will there ever be a Pathfinder version of Savage Species? I will buy it. Guaranteed.

I think they need several decimal places above one customer to make such production viable. I assume about 4.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Has Golarian ever experienced a major flood, world wise or encompassing enough so that some day we can revive the use of the word antedileuvian?


I would count Earthfall and the creation of areas like the Inner Sea and the Varisian Gulf (both of which were above ground 10,001+ years ago) as a flood. More recently, the lands of the Abendego Gulf flooded and became known as the Sodden Lands.

Good to hear.

representative of the Guardians of The Word Antideliuvian.

Liberty's Edge

W E Ray wrote:


(And other experts in Golarion Lore)

Is Andoran culture/ history more linked with Cheliax, yes, than Taldor?

I see Andoran somewhat similar to the American Colonies breaking from England while hoping for French support -- Andoran breaking away from Cheliax hoping for Taldoran support. But still much more Chelaxian than Taldoran, yes?

The reason it's important to me is that I don't use the "common" language most gamers do and I've been struggling with what Andoran's language would be, Chelaxian or Taldoran. My gut tells me that culturally/ historically the Andoran language would be Chelaxian (albeit with a dialect), not Taldoran.


Chelaxia hadn't a separate language, its population use Taldan, i.e. common.

What we write as "common" in our character sheets is Taldan, as they controlled most of the Inner Sea region not so long ago. It work as the age old common of D&D only within the boundaries of that region, other continents have different "commons" (I recall there was a comment by Jacobs about what was used in Xian Tia, but don't recall the language name).

Taldor is very similar to the Roman Empire, it ruled most of the "know world" for a period and is language is widely used by merchants and every guy that need to travel widely while it is slowly evolving in a myriad of dialects. Modern day Taldor is very similar to Byzantium.
Still extremely rich, still clinging to imperial dreams, theoretically powerful enough to recover most of what it has lost but incapable to rise above the infighting and corruption. It is set for a long, slow decline.

Perfect for adventurers. :)

In my games I am using local languages and dialects a bit to point out this situation.
The Varisian farmer in the hinterland will speak the language of his forefathers, i.e. Varisian if he is of Varisian origins, Taldane if his ancestors were Chelaxian settlers, a few of them will know Shoanti as it was the language of theirs ancestors, but he will need Taldane or Varisian to speak with his neighbours.
Most merchants will speak at least Taldane at least to a basic level as it will be useful to be capable to trade with foreigners.
Learned scholars will surely know it well as most books will be written in it.

If you go to the land of the Linnorm Kings only some well travelled merchant, scholars and court herald will speak it. There is a chance other people will know it, but it hardly is common.

So common is a misnomer and using the term Taldane or, at worst, Trade tongue, would be best.

Pardon me the tirade, but this difference in the use of language, as I am Italian and we have some experience with this kind of situation, has always interested me and I find that the addition of a widely know language paired with a reason why it is widely know was a master-stroke in world development.

Grand Lodge

Diego Rossi wrote:
Pardon me the tirade,

No problem, Diego. Tirade appreciated, even

Ultimately I'm doing languages a bit different -- as I have been for years in D&D -- where Taldane (I say Taldoran) isn't the "Common" tongue but only the language of Taldor and a few other places, while Chelish (I say Chelaxian) is a different language and is spoken in Cheliax and a few other places. And as far as Chelaxian and Taldoran are concerned, in my mind's eye they're more like Spanish and Portuguese. (Where Tien would be more like Mandarin, Varisian more like Hungarian and Skald more like Icelandic)

I was asking for opinions on whether Andoran's culture or history, being closer to Chelaxian, should have Chelaxian as the language instead of Taldoran despite hating everything Cheliax stands for -- or rather -- I was asking about just how close Andoran cultural history -- not just political history -- is to Chelaxian.

(On a side note -- it's really cool to be posting at 4:00AM when I'm usually asleep; the people on the Boards are all different than when I'm usually on.)

The Exchange

baron arem heshvaun wrote:

James I know your not a Star Wars fan but I have a delima:

I have weekend pass to play The Old Republic.

I also have an invite to Leonardo DiCaprio's birthday (where every model with Merisiel's body type in New York will be strutting her stuff).

What's a conflicted self respecting geek to do?

Take your laptop to the party

Can we talk about firearms in Skull and Shackles? I know it's been touched on before, but I'm starting to think about what approach I'll take. How do you feel about their absence in this particular AP? What will the naval warfare be like in their absense? Exciting? Where do we stand on cannons?

If things look exciting enough without guns, I'll definately think of swinging that way.

On the other hand, I'm sure my (potential) players might have other expectations. If I have even one character with a firearm, I think I'll find myself making them more widespread. I'm planning on fiddling with the crafting rules and forcing my players to acquisition their own gunpowder, whether through the Chelish navy or heinous piracy.

Curious about the big scary dinosaur's insight.

Also how are you finding Skyrim? Got around to playing it yet? I found myself shelving my Nord and unabashedly playing a wood elf rouge with a penchant for things stabbity.

... what?

Scarab Sages


What do you think of the two Reaper Legendary Encounters pre-painted plastic dinosaur minis?


Can a magus use spellstrike to either:
Cast touch spell, then move, then attack to deliver the spell?


Cast a touch spell, then make the free attack to deliver the spell 2 handed?

Obviously none of these can be combined with Spell Combat, since it explicitly states spell combat is 1. A full attack and 2.Requires a free hand. But what about just closing to melee with a spellstrike?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ANebulousMistress wrote:


Say you're a summoner. Say some wizard you're beating down charm monsters your eidolon. So you dismiss your eidolon because it's trying to eat your party members. Wizard flees.

Okay, so you wait a while then summon your eidolon back. Is it still charmed? If you run into the wizard again before the charm runs off, can the wizard still influence your eidolon? Basically, does the act of dismissing and re-summoning dispell the charm?

It's still charmed if the duration hasn't run out, although if the wizard's not there to actually influence it in person, no big deal. Unlike dominate monster, charm monster doesn't create a limitless telepathic link.

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