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Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Thomas Seitz wrote:
Do you think Star Wars needs more Sith or less Sith, Mister Jacobs?

Don't really care. In order for me to become super invested in Star Wars, it'd have to change dramatically from what it is into something it's not, and that's defeating the purpose. Star Wars may not be something I'm into, but I don't mind that it is for lots of other folks.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
FallenDabus wrote:
Digging back a longgggg way, but do you remember who your favourite three NPCs from Uncaged: Faces of Sigil were back in the day?

Don't have any.

Planescape came out when I was in college, and I couldn't afford to buy the box sets. And on top of that, a friend COULD and he said he was gonna run a planescape game, so he bought all the boxes and adventures and I didn't read really any of them so as to preserve the surprise.

Then he never ran that Planescape campaign, and by the time I could afford to buy big boxes, they were sold out.

And so I pretty much missed a big chunk of Planescape's stuff. Including Uncaged; so I don't have any favorites from it.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
FallenDabus wrote:
Digging back a longgggg way, but do you remember who your favourite three NPCs from Uncaged: Faces of Sigil were back in the day?

Don't have any.

Planescape came out when I was in college, and I couldn't afford to buy the box sets. And on top of that, a friend COULD and he said he was gonna run a planescape game, so he bought all the boxes and adventures and I didn't read really any of them so as to preserve the surprise.

Then he never ran that Planescape campaign, and by the time I could afford to buy big boxes, they were sold out.

And so I pretty much missed a big chunk of Planescape's stuff. Including Uncaged; so I don't have any favorites from it.

Woah, I ever would have guessed that a lot of what you wrote in Dragon and Fiendish Codex I is part of the reason that Planescape is one of my obessions favourite campaigns!

Of all of the Demon Lords you wrote about in Dragon, which article was your favourite?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

5 people marked this as a favorite.
FallenDabus wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
FallenDabus wrote:
Digging back a longgggg way, but do you remember who your favourite three NPCs from Uncaged: Faces of Sigil were back in the day?

Don't have any.

Planescape came out when I was in college, and I couldn't afford to buy the box sets. And on top of that, a friend COULD and he said he was gonna run a planescape game, so he bought all the boxes and adventures and I didn't read really any of them so as to preserve the surprise.

Then he never ran that Planescape campaign, and by the time I could afford to buy big boxes, they were sold out.

And so I pretty much missed a big chunk of Planescape's stuff. Including Uncaged; so I don't have any favorites from it.

Woah, I ever would have guessed that a lot of what you wrote in Dragon and Fiendish Codex I is part of the reason that Planescape is one of my obessions favourite campaigns!

Of all of the Demon Lords you wrote about in Dragon, which article was your favourite?

A big part of writing that book was researching the demon stuff that got introduced in Planescape, but I didn't also read all the rest of the stuff. Glad you enjoyed Fiendish Codex I though! Of all the ones I wrote about in Dragon, I liked the Malcanthet one the best I think, because of all the demons, she's the one that I made up the most rather than building on existing lore. Malcanthet was invented in Dungeon Magazine by Rob Kuntz in Maure Castle, but 99% of her lore was from me.

I have two questions:

1 When Vampire Hunter´s D will be offered at sale? if don´t, why, and if don´t the class would be used in another material?

2 I love Carrion Crown AP, but I hate almost every aspect of Rule of Fear (i love the lore). When Ustalav would get his own book as other countrys from golarion have? Perhaps Ustalav, birthplace of horrors or something.

And bonus question: there will be Pawns for Carrion Crown someday? im starving for them.


Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Juda de Kerioth wrote:

I have two questions:

1 When Vampire Hunter´s D will be offered at sale? if don´t, why, and if don´t the class would be used in another material?

2 I love Carrion Crown AP, but I hate almost every aspect of Rule of Fear (i love the lore). When Ustalav would get his own book as other countrys from golarion have? Perhaps Ustalav, birthplace of horrors or something.

And bonus question: there will be Pawns for Carrion Crown someday? im starving for them.


Please keep the questions one to a post. I'll answer the three here though because it's easy.

1) I don't know.

2) If you want to change something in your game, do it. No plans anytime soon to do another Ustalav book, and if we did, it would honor and support Rule of Fear solidly so you'd probably hate every aspect of that as well.

3) No plans to do pawns for this Adventure Path.

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
Laird IceCubez wrote:
Since the First World was a created major plane, does that mean that there could be more major planes? Or perhaps more to be discovered?
All of the planes were created. The First World is not special there. There's enough room in the Great Beyond for MANY more planes awaiting discovery.

But there's a difference from major planes and demi-planes isn't there. Are there major planes out there that haven't been discovered yet? Is that even possible?

All planes were created? Wasn't Hell was discovered by Asmodeus, though it was at the time inhabited by Kytons. Though I guess someone could have made it and the Kytons just moved in.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So uh, since in one AP it is mentioned that you can remove broken soul template with wish/miracle, can I assume that can be done even in APs were that isn't mentioned and its just assumed PCs kill the broken soul creature or should I assume that one case in one AP is special case?

Also, are AIs capable of changing their alignment without external force corrupting their programming? My Iron Gods related plans went kind of out of window and now I'm searching my options for making things even more interesting

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Laird IceCubez wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Laird IceCubez wrote:
Since the First World was a created major plane, does that mean that there could be more major planes? Or perhaps more to be discovered?
All of the planes were created. The First World is not special there. There's enough room in the Great Beyond for MANY more planes awaiting discovery.

But there's a difference from major planes and demi-planes isn't there. Are there major planes out there that haven't been discovered yet? Is that even possible?

All planes were created? Wasn't Hell was discovered by Asmodeus, though it was at the time inhabited by Kytons. Though I guess someone could have made it and the Kytons just moved in.

It's absolutely possible for there to be more "major planes" out there. The Great Beyond is bigger than all humanity can imagine, since it needs to be able to house all the things humanity can imagine with plenty of room to spare for the rest of reality.

Hell was discovered by Asmodeus, which means that someone or something created it before Asmodeus discovered it. In most cases, we haven't revealed the origins of the planes. The First World and the Material Plane are exceptions to this.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CorvusMask wrote:

So uh, since in one AP it is mentioned that you can remove broken soul template with wish/miracle, can I assume that can be done even in APs were that isn't mentioned and its just assumed PCs kill the broken soul creature or should I assume that one case in one AP is special case?

Also, are AIs capable of changing their alignment without external force corrupting their programming? My Iron Gods related plans went kind of out of window and now I'm searching my options for making things even more interesting

What a miracle or wish can do is deliberately vague, but those spells are supposed to represent the apex of mortal power. Personally, I think that allowing wishes and miracles to do powerful things like this is good for storytelling. Whether or not your GM (or you, if you're the GM) agree is your choice.

Please keep posts to one question per post. That said, ANYTHING you want to do in your game to make things more interesting is open season. It's your game when you run it. Do what you want. I can't tell you what you and your players like, any more than you can tell me what to like.

Silver Crusade

Is Camazots related to the Sahkils?

Both enjoy scaring mortals and reside in Xibalba.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Oops, sorry forgot about one question per post x-x; Haven't been asking stuff in a while...

Still though, I'm wondering how to know what is the limit of wish and miracle were to fix something you need divine intervention to solve it? I know that sphere of anhilation is something were wish isn't enough, but I don't know if something like vampirism is beyond a djinn. Would be nice to have a guideline since when you get that powerful its bit hard to imagine what you can and can't do

But yeah, thank you for answering as always!

James Jacobs wrote:
AlgaeNymph wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

[...]SO toxic, with SO much caustic self-entitlement from gamers, that I have no interest in wading in there and becoming a public punching bag. No thanks. Sometimes fans ruin things they say they love, and that's another reality of working on something for publication, as frustrating and sad as it is.


No plans for new "Empyreal Lords" to come out anytime soon.

Which reminds me, have I come across as toxic when I expressed my complaints and concerns?

** spoiler omitted **

A follow-up question, if I may. Does the general toxic environment of the Web make you less receptive to criticism in general?

I didn't read that post of yours so I don't know.

And yes, the toxic environment of the internet makes me less receptive to ANY interaction with others, both online and off, be it criticism or compliment. It just makes my natural introvert characteristics take over and makes me hole up.

But you replied to my post...

Anyway, what's the best way you suggest for dealing with any chuckleheads whose counterargument is "good is dumb"? The best I can think of is citing game theory. You?

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
In most cases, we haven't revealed the origins of the planes. The First World and the Material Plane are exceptions to this.

Does the Shadow Plane predate the Material Plane? Or did they form simultaneously?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Laird IceCubez wrote:

Is Camazots related to the Sahkils?

Both enjoy scaring mortals and reside in Xibalba.


Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
AlgaeNymph wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
AlgaeNymph wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

[...]SO toxic, with SO much caustic self-entitlement from gamers, that I have no interest in wading in there and becoming a public punching bag. No thanks. Sometimes fans ruin things they say they love, and that's another reality of working on something for publication, as frustrating and sad as it is.


No plans for new "Empyreal Lords" to come out anytime soon.

Which reminds me, have I come across as toxic when I expressed my complaints and concerns?

** spoiler omitted **

A follow-up question, if I may. Does the general toxic environment of the Web make you less receptive to criticism in general?

I didn't read that post of yours so I don't know.

And yes, the toxic environment of the internet makes me less receptive to ANY interaction with others, both online and off, be it criticism or compliment. It just makes my natural introvert characteristics take over and makes me hole up.

But you replied to my post...

Anyway, what's the best way you suggest for dealing with any chuckleheads whose counterargument is "good is dumb"? The best I can think of is citing game theory. You?

Find other folks to talk to is my way of dealing with unpleasant people.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Laird IceCubez wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
In most cases, we haven't revealed the origins of the planes. The First World and the Material Plane are exceptions to this.
Does the Shadow Plane predate the Material Plane? Or did they form simultaneously?


Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Do you have any suggestions for helping/encouraging a preteen who might want to be an RPG developer/writer?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Redelia wrote:
Do you have any suggestions for helping/encouraging a preteen who might want to be an RPG developer/writer?

Game and read; read and game. The more you do both, the more you'll build up your imagination and creativity. And at the same time, write write write. As with all things, practice makes perfect, and if you don't write, you won't write. Keep an open mind as well; diversify your education but never at the cost of getting better at writing.

While working on a PC for a pbp here on the boards, I noticed something interesting about Gloarion:

There's no trickster deity at least among the main pantheon, despite that being a staple in many mythologies.

Was this intentional, or just an odd oversight/coincidence??

Paizo Employee Creative Director

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Monkeygod wrote:

While working on a PC for a pbp here on the boards, I noticed something interesting about Gloarion:

There's no trickster deity at least among the main pantheon, despite that being a staple in many mythologies.

Was this intentional, or just an odd oversight/coincidence??

You got tricked. Calistria is the core pantheon's "trickster" deity. She is, after all, the goddess of trickery (among other stuff).

Silver Crusade

There's evidence that this iteration of the Golarion multiverse isn't the first. Manasaputras are from older iterations of the multiverse. Hell seems to record which iteration the multiverse is at.

What remains constant between multiverse iterations? Like are the outer planes and/or it's inhabitants constant? The deities probably are constant.

What triggers the end of an iteration?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

10 people marked this as a favorite.
Laird IceCubez wrote:

There's evidence that this iteration of the Golarion multiverse isn't the first. Manasaputras are from older iterations of the multiverse. Hell seems to record which iteration the multiverse is at.

What remains constant between multiverse iterations? Like are the outer planes and/or it's inhabitants constant? The deities probably are constant.

What triggers the end of an iteration?

I wouldn't say that the deities are a constant. A rare few are, but probably not the ones you expect to be.

Beyond that, while this whole topic is super fascinating and I've done a LOT of thinking about it... now's not the time to reveal more. Originally I was going to include some hints in Strange Aeons but then that ended up being developed by someone else, so I kept those plot points to myself. They might pop up in the upcoming Return of the Runelords... we'll see!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Redelia wrote:
Do you have any suggestions for helping/encouraging a preteen who might want to be an RPG developer/writer?
Game and read; read and game. The more you do both, the more you'll build up your imagination and creativity. And at the same time, write write write. As with all things, practice makes perfect, and if you don't write, you won't write. Keep an open mind as well; diversify your education but never at the cost of getting better at writing.

Thank you! Any suggestions as to a reading list to encourage? He already pores over all the Pathfinder books I consider appropriate, including adventures after we play them, and has devoured all the staples like Tolkien, Chronicles of Narnia, and the deep kids' fantasy like Redwall and Guardians of Gahool. (Don't worry about appropriateness much, I can read things before handing them to him; that's my job as a parent.)

If you had one Marvel Comics item of great power, which would it be, Mister Jacobs?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Redelia wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Redelia wrote:
Do you have any suggestions for helping/encouraging a preteen who might want to be an RPG developer/writer?
Game and read; read and game. The more you do both, the more you'll build up your imagination and creativity. And at the same time, write write write. As with all things, practice makes perfect, and if you don't write, you won't write. Keep an open mind as well; diversify your education but never at the cost of getting better at writing.
Thank you! Any suggestions as to a reading list to encourage? He already pores over all the Pathfinder books I consider appropriate, including adventures after we play them, and has devoured all the staples like Tolkien, Chronicles of Narnia, and the deep kids' fantasy like Redwall and Guardians of Gahool. (Don't worry about appropriateness much, I can read things before handing them to him; that's my job as a parent.)

Hmmm... the inspiring reading appendix on pages 568–569 of the Core Rulebook is a great place to start.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Thomas Seitz wrote:
If you had one Marvel Comics item of great power, which would it be, Mister Jacobs?

They all seem kinda interchangeable at this point. Dunno.

Favorite Mutant power set then, Mister Jacobs?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Thomas Seitz wrote:
Favorite Mutant power set then, Mister Jacobs?


Silver Crusade

Can outsiders reproduce amongst themselves?

If not, how did the Proteans and Qlippoths multiply before mortals existed?

If they can, is there a difference between an outsider that was born versus one formed from a soul?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Laird IceCubez wrote:

Can outsiders reproduce amongst themselves?

If not, how did the Proteans and Qlippoths multiply before mortals existed?

If they can, is there a difference between an outsider that was born versus one formed from a soul?


Qlippoth can be created directly by the Abyss, and many of them have their own gross built-in methods of reproducing as well. ALL outsiders can be created by gods.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:


Qlippoth can be created directly by the Abyss, and many of them have their own gross built-in methods of reproducing as well. ALL outsiders can be created by gods.

Not that there would normally be a *need* to, but can gods create outsiders that aren't 'in their purview'?

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
Laird IceCubez wrote:

Can outsiders reproduce amongst themselves?

If not, how did the Proteans and Qlippoths multiply before mortals existed?

If they can, is there a difference between an outsider that was born versus one formed from a soul?


Qlippoth can be created directly by the Abyss, and many of them have their own gross built-in methods of reproducing as well. ALL outsiders can be created by gods.

Is there a difference between outsiders formed by reproduction versus being made from a mortal soul? Or from being made from a deity?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:


Qlippoth can be created directly by the Abyss, and many of them have their own gross built-in methods of reproducing as well. ALL outsiders can be created by gods.

Not that there would normally be a *need* to, but can gods create outsiders that aren't 'in their purview'?

If a deity chooses to create an outsider, then that outsider is in their purview. Said purview may change as a result, of course, so it's pretty cosmically rare for a deity to go out of bounds like that.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Laird IceCubez wrote:

Is there a difference between outsiders formed by reproduction versus being made from a mortal soul? Or from being made from a deity?


If a dagger thrower with quick draw is disarmed on an attack of opportunity for declaring a ranged attack, can he draw another dagger as a free action to complete his action? Or does he lose that particular attack?
Free actions state that you can perform them during other actions, and the Aoo occurs BEFORE the attack, so I assume yes he can?

Silver Crusade

Can all fiends be formed from mortal souls directly?
Like can a soul be turned into a Sahkil or a Qlippoth?

Or only Psychopomps can become Sahkils, and Qlippoths form themselves.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Umm, my another question got jumped over there, so umm, I'll ask it again if its okay and it wasn't another type of question we aren't supposed to ask here

So umm, how should I think about what is something that can be accomplished only by divine intervention and goes beyond ability of wish and miracle? I'd be really happy with some sort of guideline way of thinking about it

I have a question: My home campaign is set in Lastwall, but most of it I've had to home grow. Any chance it will be getting its own source book or AP path in the foreseeable future? A really big map to go with that would be awful nice too....just sayin.

Second question: There has been a lot of talk on the forums about the possibility of a Pathfinder 2.0. Is there any serious effort underway (or soon to be underway) about actually starting such a project? Given the growth of books which has released thousands of feats and spells it seems like it is about time, no?

Norgorber is a god of assassins and secrets, certainly, but is he also the god of stealth? Or does that fall under the purview of someone else?

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hey James, are you seeing any parallels between the "fan" reaction to Ultimate Wilderness and the "fan" backlash against The Last Jedi? Is the fan entitlement and expectation of authors doing *exactly* what the fans desire gone too far?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

thesoultorn wrote:

If a dagger thrower with quick draw is disarmed on an attack of opportunity for declaring a ranged attack, can he draw another dagger as a free action to complete his action? Or does he lose that particular attack?

Free actions state that you can perform them during other actions, and the Aoo occurs BEFORE the attack, so I assume yes he can?

Rules questions need to be asked on the rules forums so that the design team can track the posts via the FAQ system.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Laird IceCubez wrote:

Can all fiends be formed from mortal souls directly?

Like can a soul be turned into a Sahkil or a Qlippoth?

Or only Psychopomps can become Sahkils, and Qlippoths form themselves.

It's certainly possible for any outsider to form from a mortal soul. There are established patterns to the process, but that doesn't prevent outlying incidents.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
CorvusMask wrote:

Umm, my another question got jumped over there, so umm, I'll ask it again if its okay and it wasn't another type of question we aren't supposed to ask here

So umm, how should I think about what is something that can be accomplished only by divine intervention and goes beyond ability of wish and miracle? I'd be really happy with some sort of guideline way of thinking about it

Planar Adventures is going to have advice and rules for divine intervention along these routes. I'm not gonna spoil it here though, but that might make for a fun preview post come Springtime.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Lazlo.Arcadia wrote:
I have a question: My home campaign is set in Lastwall, but most of it I've had to home grow. Any chance it will be getting its own source book or AP path in the foreseeable future? A really big map to go with that would be awful nice too....just sayin.

There's a chance for any and all of the regions in our campaign setting to have sourcebooks or Adventure Paths, but I don't give out numbers to quantify those chances or reveal upcoming unannounced products in this thread. At this point, there's no announced Lastwall products.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Lazlo.Arcadia wrote:
Second question: There has been a lot of talk on the forums about the possibility of a Pathfinder 2.0. Is there any serious effort underway (or soon to be underway) about actually starting such a project? Given the growth of books which has released thousands of feats and spells it seems like it is about time, no?

This falls under the same category as my last answer.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ye are managing to make me look more forward to Planar Adventures at the point when I was like "Well I can't look more forward to it that I'm currently doing" :'D Info about planes, realms, new planar creatures even divine intervention.. It seems to have info on pretty much every topic I wanted to learn about. Looking forward to previews!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kristal Moonhand wrote:
Norgorber is a god of assassins and secrets, certainly, but is he also the god of stealth? Or does that fall under the purview of someone else?

Stealth isn't the province of any one deity. There are several in the core pantheon who are about stealth, ranging from Zon-Kuthon and Asmodeus to Lamashtu and Norgorber to Desna and Calistria and even Torag or Irori or Gozreh.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Gorbacz wrote:
Hey James, are you seeing any parallels between the "fan" reaction to Ultimate Wilderness and the "fan" backlash against The Last Jedi? Is the fan entitlement and expectation of authors doing *exactly* what the fans desire gone too far?


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