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Paizo Employee Creative Director

Moonbeam wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Listed in ascending order of power, with higher numbers indicating greater strength:

1: Krune
2: Belimarius
3: Alaznist
4: Karzoug
5: Zutha
6: Sorshen
7: Xanderghul

Alaznist and Zutha periodically swap places, actually... haven't really nailed down which of those two was tougher or wimpier.

When I read about the conflicts between Alaznist and Karzoug, I got the impression that they were at some kind of stalemate until the cataclysm, which led me to believe that they (and their armies) were equivalent in power. Perhaps we could assume that Alaznist and Karzoug (and Zutha as well, maybe) were evenly matched in power?

Alaznist and Karzoug were indeed closely matched in power. Which is why I waffle on placing Alaznist below or above Karzoug on the power scale. Note that being below or above Karzoug could only mean being one level below or above, at which point you'd still be relatively evenly matched against each other.

The tricky part, though, is this: Karzoug is 20th level. If Alaznist is more powerful, she's above 20th level, most likely, and we don't have solid rules for what happens at that point yet. And we're MUCH more likely to do something with Alaznist at some point in the future than we are with Zutha, so that makes the question of "how do we handle Alaznist if she's 21st level or higher" a pretty complicated and pressing issue. And one of many reasons I've been trying to get us to do a Mythic Level type book sooner than later.
Honestly, I'll probably EVENTUALLY go with making Alaznist a bit more powerful than Karzoug, since Shalast was so much larger than Bakhrakhan. So while Alaznist had fewer resources than Karzoug, she was more powerful than him. Which helps to secure the semi-stalemate they were in until Earthfall.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

James Jacobs wrote:
2) There's a giant Paizo golem painting in one of our bathrooms.

Does this mean that the Paizo bathrooms are single person unisex, or is it in the men's room?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

JoelF847 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
2) There's a giant Paizo golem painting in one of our bathrooms.
Does this mean that the Paizo bathrooms are single person unisex, or is it in the men's room?

Downstairs, we have 2 unisex bathrooms.

Upstairs, we have a men's bathroom and a women's bathroom.

I never thought of it before, but that's a little strange.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I was looking at this map and was wondering approximately how far is it from the west cost of Arcadia to the east cost of Tian-Xia?

Did you see Season of the Witch? And if yes, what did you think?

What movie are you most looking forward to this summer?

I just thought I would share this.

I think we have vindication, here, gentlebeings, of the whole zombie-plant thing (vegepygmies and their ilk). Gamers were here first!

Seriously: is this creepy or cool?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:

I was looking at this map and was wondering approximately how far is it from the west cost of Arcadia to the east cost of Tian-Xia?

Did you see Season of the Witch? And if yes, what did you think?

What movie are you most looking forward to this summer?

That map has no scale. Distances are intentionally missing. The distance between Tian-Xia and Arcadia is significant; not Japan to California length, but close.

Didn't see Season of the Witch. I was busy the day it was in theaters, alas.

"The Ward" is the movie I'm looking forward to the most, although (in theory) it comes out in the spring, not the summer.

Other movies I'm really looking forward to this year include "Battle L.A.", "Super 8," "Apollo 18," "Cave of Forgotten Dreams," "Source Code," "Your Higness," "Priest," "Cowboys and Aliens," "The Darkest Hour," "Don't be Afraid of the Dark," "Conan the Barbarian" (although I've got a bad feeling about that one), "Contagion," "Immortals," "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," "Paranormal Activity 3," and the Seattle International Film Festival.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jeff de luna wrote:
Seriously: is this creepy or cool?

Both. Also, more science to back me up when I make the yucky face when folks talk about eating mushrooms.

James Jacobs wrote:
A Cryptids Revisited book would be super super awesome.

In relation to this...I noticed that the Chupacabra and the Mothmen were in the Bestiary 2. Both being cryptids...

Are there any plans for stating anymore of them in any future products?

Which ones if you can tell us?

And which cryptids would you like to see in Pathfinder?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

John Kretzer wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
A Cryptids Revisited book would be super super awesome.

In relation to this...I noticed that the Chupacabra and the Mothmen were in the Bestiary 2. Both being cryptids...

Are there any plans for stating anymore of them in any future products?

Which ones if you can tell us?

And which cryptids would you like to see in Pathfinder?

Both the mothman and the chupacabra were first statted up in Pathfinder Adventure paths. We've done several others. Mokele-mbembe comes to mind.

As for which ones I'd like to see in Pathfinder? ALL OF THEM.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

James Jacobs wrote:

"The Ward" is the movie I'm looking forward to the most, although (in theory) it comes out in the spring, not the summer.

Other movies I'm really looking forward to this year include "Battle L.A.", "Super 8," "Apollo 18," "Cave of Forgotten Dreams," "Source Code," "Your Higness," "Priest," "Cowboys and Aliens," "The Darkest Hour," "Don't be Afraid of the Dark," "Conan the Barbarian" (although I've got a bad feeling about that one), "Contagion," "Immortals," "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," "Paranormal Activity 3," and the Seattle International Film Festival.

Seen Night Watch?

Your movie list = WOWZERS! I hadn't even heard of 3/4 of those movies. And quite a few seem to be worth watching. Especially Cave of the Forgotten Dreams, Your Highness, Priest, and Cowboys and Aliens. Conan can wait till it is on Netflix or some other way of watching it for free...

As for Herzog, I loved Heart of Glass and The Unprecedented Defence of the Fortress Deutschkreuz.

Does it worry you if as a GM, you draw from the same well when you run your games? For instance, in my last couple of campaigns, I've used demon cults and a backdrop of war as primary ingredients. It seems rather coincidental, as they're organic developments in the plot, but I would be lying if I didn't say I'm drawn to those types of story elements myself.

Why is it I can never find my eyepatch when I need it?

Should I get a better eyepatch? This one just screams "home-made"...

James Jacobs wrote:
The 8th Dwarf wrote:

Hello James

Do you listen to podcasts?

I know you are a big fan of cryptids

Monster Talk is a science based podcast that investigates cryptids and gives their history and takes a scientific look at them.

Will there be a Cryptids revisited book?

When I lived in Renton and spent about 90 minutes a day driving to and from work, I listened to podcasts a LOT. Now that my commute is about 3 minutes a day, I don't.

A Cryptids Revisited book would be super super awesome.

Would a Cryptids Revisited book be something that you would want to do yourself or are there writers that would have a flare for doing justice to the wacky creepiness that is the cryptid?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

"The Ward" is the movie I'm looking forward to the most, although (in theory) it comes out in the spring, not the summer.

Other movies I'm really looking forward to this year include "Battle L.A.", "Super 8," "Apollo 18," "Cave of Forgotten Dreams," "Source Code," "Your Higness," "Priest," "Cowboys and Aliens," "The Darkest Hour," "Don't be Afraid of the Dark," "Conan the Barbarian" (although I've got a bad feeling about that one), "Contagion," "Immortals," "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," "Paranormal Activity 3," and the Seattle International Film Festival.

Seen Night Watch?

Your movie list = WOWZERS! I hadn't even heard of 3/4 of those movies. And quite a few seem to be worth watching. Especially Cave of the Forgotten Dreams, Your Highness, Priest, and Cowboys and Aliens. Conan can wait till it is on Netflix or some other way of watching it for free...

As for Herzog, I loved Heart of Glass and The Unprecedented Defence of the Fortress Deutschkreuz.

I saw Night Watch. It had some neat visuals, but overall was way too scatterbrained to be enjoyable. I HATED the sequel, Daywatch.

This is actually a good year for me. Of my five favorite directors, four are still alive. And if all goes well... there's movies from those four coming out this year!

(For the record: My five favorite directors are John Carpenter, Steven Spielberg, Werner Herzog, Martin Scorsese, and Akira Kurosawa.)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Talonne Hauk wrote:
Does it worry you if as a GM, you draw from the same well when you run your games? For instance, in my last couple of campaigns, I've used demon cults and a backdrop of war as primary ingredients. It seems rather coincidental, as they're organic developments in the plot, but I would be lying if I didn't say I'm drawn to those types of story elements myself.

Doesn't worry me at all.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Nebulous_Mistress wrote:

Why is it I can never find my eyepatch when I need it?

Should I get a better eyepatch? This one just screams "home-made"...

You should get a better one, for sure! Home made eyepatches only give the pirates a reason to laugh at you.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The 8th Dwarf wrote:
Would a Cryptids Revisited book be something that you would want to do yourself or are there writers that would have a flare for doing justice to the wacky creepiness that is the cryptid?

I'd be tempted to write it with Wes, to tell the truth. But we're both slackers and too busy, so if we DID do this book, I'd assign it to authors I felt could handle it and wouldn't mess it up. And no... I'm actually not sure who off the top of my head those folks would be.

In any event, that's the best solution since that way I get to develop the book into what it needs to be anyway, which is sort of like writing it anyway...

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

James Jacobs wrote:
The 8th Dwarf wrote:
Would a Cryptids Revisited book be something that you would want to do yourself or are there writers that would have a flare for doing justice to the wacky creepiness that is the cryptid?

I'd be tempted to write it with Wes, to tell the truth. But we're both slackers and too busy, so if we DID do this book, I'd assign it to authors I felt could handle it and wouldn't mess it up. And no... I'm actually not sure who off the top of my head those folks would be.

In any event, that's the best solution since that way I get to develop the book into what it needs to be anyway, which is sort of like writing it anyway...

I had to look up what a cryptid was. Near the top of the Wikipedia page was the Japanese ryugyo and I wants. And then I noticed the list of cryptids did not include a wampus cat. And a few creatures on the list are already in the Bestiaries.

So James, what is your favorite cryptid?

Dark Archive

Hey JJ, just wanted to say Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and it's two sequels are on netflix for instant streaming.

For my question: What's your favourite Adventure Path (so far), if you were to chose only one?

Ok I have a condrum with the Pathfinder line. It is that it seems campaign world infomation are in the APs that I want. But there is serveral problems with me buying them...

1) I generaly dislike running modules as a GM. I perfer to come up with my own stuff that reflect my player's character better. It is easier than buying them and and moding them.

2) The GM I play with likes running them...and this is rather ingrained in me not to buy a module I am playing in.

So the questions is...

1) Am I right in that the APs are the only place to find that infomation? Or even if that infomation exists?

2) Is there any plans to release that infomation in other souces? Or am I too much of a rarity to the fan base that it is not worth the time or money?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:

I had to look up what a cryptid was. Near the top of the Wikipedia page was the Japanese ryugyo and I wants. And then I noticed the list of cryptids did not include a wampus cat. And a few creatures on the list are already in the Bestiaries.

So James, what is your favorite cryptid?

It's hard to choose a favorite! But probably Bigfoot, since he's the one whose territory I've lived in my entire life.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jason Beardsley wrote:

Hey JJ, just wanted to say Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and it's two sequels are on netflix for instant streaming.

For my question: What's your favourite Adventure Path (so far), if you were to chose only one?

I've seen those versions. In the theater, no less. Well... saw the first one via Netflix on DVD, but saw the two sequels in theater last year.

I'm talking about the American remake that's coming out this December. Not that the movies NEED an American remake, but after last year's remake of "Let the Right One In" being as good as the original, I have high hopes for this one.

My favorite Adventure Path so far is the one that I'm just starting to work on. So my answer changes every six months.

Sovereign Court

John Kretzer wrote:

Ok I have a condrum with the Pathfinder line. It is that it seems campaign world infomation are in the APs that I want. But there is serveral problems with me buying them...

1) I generaly dislike running modules as a GM. I perfer to come up with my own stuff that reflect my player's character better. It is easier than buying them and and moding them.

2) The GM I play with likes running them...and this is rather ingrained in me not to buy a module I am playing in.

So the questions is...

1) Am I right in that the APs are the only place to find that infomation? Or even if that infomation exists?

2) Is there any plans to release that infomation in other souces? Or am I too much of a rarity to the fan base that it is not worth the time or money?

If your GM has the pdfs he can lend you the files with just the CS information in them, they're released as seperate pdfs.

[/removes James Jacob mask]

Dark Archive

Does the OGL or PCL allow (or have guidelines) for digital products? Such as a videogame?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

John Kretzer wrote:

Ok I have a condrum with the Pathfinder line. It is that it seems campaign world infomation are in the APs that I want. But there is serveral problems with me buying them...

1) I generaly dislike running modules as a GM. I perfer to come up with my own stuff that reflect my player's character better. It is easier than buying them and and moding them.

2) The GM I play with likes running them...and this is rather ingrained in me not to buy a module I am playing in.

So the questions is...

1) Am I right in that the APs are the only place to find that infomation? Or even if that infomation exists?

2) Is there any plans to release that infomation in other souces? Or am I too much of a rarity to the fan base that it is not worth the time or money?

1) Every AP volume is half adventure, half world support stuff. Now and then, some of that world support stuff gets reprinted elsewhere... but the AP line remains one of the primary places we put this content. And when we DO reprint world content from an AP... that content is almost always abridged (such as the case of all the monsters we picked up to reprint in the bestiaries; they went from a 2 page monster entry down to a 1 page one in pretty much every case). The Pathfinder Campaign Setting line also presents a lot of world information as well, though.

2) As I mentioned above, we've reprinted a LOT of the monsters in Bestiary 1 and 2. But again, they get about 800 words cut from their flavor text each time this happens. So far we haven't done much reprinting of content from the APs in other lines. When we do... reprinted material skews VERY heavily toward the rules side of things.

The Adventure Paths are designed to be the primary place we develop Golarion, in any case.

As for a GM not wanting you to buy modules... I can see that, but I kinda don't agree with it.

Why's that?

I was in college when Planescape came out. As anyone who's followed my game design career can tell, I really REALLY like demons and the Abyss and planar stuff, so when Planescape was announced, I was pretty stoked and delighted, especially since that meant that my favorite monsters were coming back to the game after being out of the game for so may years (even if they were now called tanar'ri and not demons... bleh!).

However, a friend of mine wanted very much to run a Planescape campaign, so he said "Don't buy those! I want to run them!"

So I held off buying any Planescape products with the exception of the monster collections. My friend eventually did run his long-promised Planescape campaign... but it took him nearly 10 years to get that game off the ground. The campaign went for about a year... maybe a little more... and then some of the players moved away and the game went on hiatus. It's still on hiatus, with my character, Lavinia Ameiko (readers of our Savage Tide and Rise of the Runelords APs will recognize those names!), drifting in limbo (metaphorical, not literal) ever since.

So I missed out on what was arguably the greatest campaign setting designed for 2nd edition, all for about a year's worth of half-finished campaign. In hindsight, I wish that I'd just bought the Planescape products and adventures and just let them sit on my shelf, because today, buying those products is a very expensive process—they're pretty pricey and some of them are VERY hard to find.

Gets worse. When I started getting paid to write about demons and the planes with products like "Fiendish Codex" or "Fiend Folio" or the Demonomicon series of articles in Dragon, I was painfully aware of the fact that I had a pretty vast hole in my knowledge. The portion of the game that was the MOST filled with world continuity and flavor text about my subject was one that I missed out on. Had to do a fair amount of extra work to get caught up on a lot of planar lore for those jobs, which was very frustrating.

(As an aside... the same thing happened with Chaosium's mega-adventure "Horror on the Orient Express." A friend forbade me to buy it because he wanted to run it. At least, in this case, he DID run the campaign pretty much immediately, and we finished it, so I at least got to play in the game I was forbidden to purchase... but I've always wanted a copy of the adventure of my own, to perhaps run for other friends some day, but mostly just to READ the adventure, since I think that reading adventures is the BEST WAY to make yourself a better adventure designer... GMs who avoid reading published adventures are missing out on the best way to improve their skills, I think! In any case, I didn't buy "Horror on the Orient Express," and now adays when it shows up on ebay it tends to sell for like $300 or more.)

So in the end, after this long post... my advice for you if you're really into Golarion's world flavor is to buy the Adventure Paths. Talk with your GM and tell him that you're not trying to cheat—you just like the world so much that you want to have those resources available to you in the future before they're out of print and hard to read. If the GM's cool, he'll be fine with that and will trust you not to read the adventure and "cheat." Frankly, when I'm running an AP and someone is into the AP enough that they want to buy the product... I'm excited! It's GREAT when the players are that into the game! Normally, it seems that all players are into are bonuses for their characters; they couldn't care less about world content beyond the game session itself.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jason Beardsley wrote:
Does the OGL or PCL allow (or have guidelines) for digital products? Such as a videogame?


You'll note that several of Bioware's older games have a lot of familiar elements to them, like feats and prestige classes.

It's a little tricky at places, but it's possible.

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
Jason Beardsley wrote:
Does the OGL or PCL allow (or have guidelines) for digital products? Such as a videogame?


You'll note that several of Bioware's older games have a lot of familiar elements to them, like feats and prestige classes.

It's a little tricky at places, but it's possible.

With that in mind, would it be possible to make a Pathfinder game? I realize that, without a special licence, it couldn't be based in Golarion and couldn't use the Golarion Pantheon, and other setting stuff. But using the system, it could be possible?

Dark Archive

So does this make me a mean GM? All pcs are generated by having their stats start at 10 you get 18 points to buy stats as per the point by system. You then add racials. You start with max hp at level 1, after that it's you roll what you roll, tough luck if you roll a 1. ALL rolls are made in front of the group and visible, and I mean ALL rolls even mine. If the group does not see your roll (including attacks, hp rolls, skill checks etc.) then it is voided and must be rolled again regardless of result.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jason Beardsley wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Jason Beardsley wrote:
Does the OGL or PCL allow (or have guidelines) for digital products? Such as a videogame?


You'll note that several of Bioware's older games have a lot of familiar elements to them, like feats and prestige classes.

It's a little tricky at places, but it's possible.

With that in mind, would it be possible to make a Pathfinder game? I realize that, without a special licence, it couldn't be based in Golarion and couldn't use the Golarion Pantheon, and other setting stuff. But using the system, it could be possible?

It would be possible for someone to make a Pathfinder game, I suspect. I don't know all the details and tricks and hoops you'd have to jump through. And furthermore... the pen and paper rules aren't optimized for a computer. There are things computers do worse and better; a straight port of the RPG rules to a video game would probably not be that great, but I'd love to be proven wrong there.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
So does this make me a mean GM? All pcs are generated by having their stats start at 10 you get 18 points to buy stats as per the point by system. You then add racials. You start with max hp at level 1, after that it's you roll what you roll, tough luck if you roll a 1. ALL rolls are made in front of the group and visible, and I mean ALL rolls even mine. If the group does not see your roll (including attacks, hp rolls, skill checks etc.) then it is voided and must be rolled again regardless of result.

It makes you an overly controlling GM, and it fosters an environment where building trust is very difficult... but none of that makes you mean. At worst (or at best, depending on your interpretation) it makes you impartial.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Hi James, I need rules for an incubus and I'm stumped - do I use the rules in Green Ronin's Book of Fiends, or the rules in Dragon Magazine No.353 or do I just use the succubus rules in PFRPG Bestiary I and change the gender to male? As the villain concerned is likely to be around in my game for some time, I'd hate to use the wrong rules and then have Paizo publish a different set in Bestiary III or IV which might rather throw things!! Thanks for a fantastic game by the way - hours of fun!!

Thanks for the answear...I won't reply with quoting all of it as it is very long post. Yeah I see your point...and it is mostly my own feeling on why I don't want to buy a AP I am in...I don't like surprise being ruined for me. I'll probably start picking them up...as we finish them and the ones he won't be running.

I am sorry to hear about you not being able to pick up the Planescape stuff...I have it all. But I am surprised he kept you from picking up alot of it like the Planeswalker Handbook or the Faction Guide which is meant to be a book for the players.

I only got to run one game of it...and it got cut early due players flaking. It was hard to get people to give it a try. But the books are really well written I have probably read them hundreds of times. Hope one day you get to pick them up.

Again thank you for your answear.

Any plans to develope the Great Beyond in a similiar fashion as Planescape( as a place to hold a entire campaign)?

Shadow Lodge

Timothy Ferdinand wrote:
Hi James, I need rules for an incubus and I'm stumped - do I use the rules in Green Ronin's Book of Fiends, or the rules in Dragon Magazine No.353 or do I just use the succubus rules in PFRPG Bestiary I and change the gender to male? As the villain concerned is likely to be around in my game for some time, I'd hate to use the wrong rules and then have Paizo publish a different set in Bestiary III or IV which might rather throw things!! Thanks for a fantastic game by the way - hours of fun!!

I'm not James, but I'd go with option D: whichever one of those choices you feel most comfortable with. Cos really, if you never do anything that might contradict a later release, you won't ever do anything PERIOD. And if they do come out with an incubus, and whatever you're using is substantially different, you can just say it's a special incubus.

Why does my GM feel the need to destroy everything I build that isn't attached to me?

When I built a house, he had the house raided and destroyed. I was out adventuring. None of my followers stayed in the house to protect it for some reason. I guess they all went to the hair salon. He also kidnapped my character's girlfriend to use as a sacrifice to the son of Bane.

I built a different keep. What do you know? As soon as I left, he stuck it in the elemental plane of fire. I guess I don't have to worry about those cold winter nights.

I built a castle in the mountains of an ancient and still occupied elven city. I leave to help defend the world and an army of Epic creatures fly in and lay waste to half the city which includes my home.

Now we get to Kingmaker where I spend real time making sure that the kingdom "works". I organize and pay small armies for each of the towns and the next thing I know... I leave to participate in some neighborly games and one of my cities is completely destroyed while I am away.

As it stands now, I no longer want to be involved in building anything that doesn't fall in line with a magical item slot. At least I can try to protect those.

I feel that I have been clear that I don't enjoy it when this happens. Apparently, I have not. Even though it has become a sort of inside joke with the rest of the players. What do you feel that I need to do to let him know that I am not amused by this sort of wanton destruction when my back is turned? Do you think he is trying to send me a not so subtle message that I should stop building?

Shadow Lodge

James Jacobs wrote:

Nope. If you use a weapon as an improvised weapon, you're not using it as it was intended to be used. You thus don't gain any of the trip, reach, disarm, whatever type benefits granted by the weapon.

While the monk of the empty hand is versatile in what he can use as weapons... he's NOT very versatile in the TYPES of weapons he uses. His combat maneuver tricks come from feats and class abilities, not the weapons he gets to use.

Going a step further with this, what about magic weapons? What happens if a monk of the empty hand wants to use a +2 two-handed sword as an improvised weapon. Does it provide its bonuses? Is it even considered "magical" for beating DR. What if said weapon were a bow rather than a melee weapon, would things change?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Timothy Ferdinand wrote:
Hi James, I need rules for an incubus and I'm stumped - do I use the rules in Green Ronin's Book of Fiends, or the rules in Dragon Magazine No.353 or do I just use the succubus rules in PFRPG Bestiary I and change the gender to male? As the villain concerned is likely to be around in my game for some time, I'd hate to use the wrong rules and then have Paizo publish a different set in Bestiary III or IV which might rather throw things!! Thanks for a fantastic game by the way - hours of fun!!

Use the rules you like the best.

Chances are very good that we'll get around to doing an official Pathfinder RPG incubus at some point in the future, and chances are very good that will end up being some sort of cross between the Green Ronin version and the Dragon #353 version.

If, by the time that comes out, you like those rules better, just rebuild your incubus villain to use those rules. If your player characters are paying close enough attention that they notice your villain works slightly differently, you should count yourself lucky to have players that devoted to your game! (AKA: the vast majority of players will never notice if you rebuild villains in between encounters.)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

John Kretzer wrote:

Any plans to develope the Great Beyond in a similiar fashion as Planescape( as a place to hold a entire campaign)?

Not at this point. We're going to be continuing to support the Inner Sea region as our primary campaign setting. Our first significant foray out of this region happens later this year with Tian Xia; depending on how that's received, we might consider exploring other non-Inner Sea regions in greater detail.

That said... we HAVE published a few books that further expand upon the outer planes. The two Books of the Damned immediately come to mind.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Aunasiel wrote:
Why does my GM feel the need to destroy everything I build that isn't attached to me?

Because some GMs are mean. It's a weird sort of power complex. I've seen it show up in a LOT of GMs; guys/gals who enjoy tearing down what the PCs build, killing off NPCs they like, breaking their weapons, or otherwise tormenting them. It's not a very good way to be a GM, frankly. A GM should be just as excited and eager to destroy a PCs' likes as he/she is to give the PCs things they like, frankly.

If a player reaches a point where they never EVER want to own anything they can't carry or develop a relationship with an NPC ever since they know that relationship will only be used as a lever for the GM to hurt them... that is a tremendous failure on the GM's part at building a fun game. The end result is that GM eventually runs out of players who want to play in his/her campaign. Which is what seems to be happening to you.

Talk to the GM about it if you're interested in remaining in the game. And if not, talk to your GM anyway; let them know why you're leaving the game, so hopefully they'll realize how much of a jerk they're being and, in the future, make amends.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Chances are very good that we'll get around to doing an official Pathfinder RPG incubus at some point in the future, and chances are very good that will end up being some sort of cross between the Green Ronin version and the Dragon #353 version.

Thanks, James, that is exactly what I needed to know. I'll work on that basis.

James Jacobs wrote:

It's still on hiatus, with my character, Lavinia Ameiko...

You had a character named "Lavinia Ameiko"? In my group that would be like having a character named "Mordenkainen Bigby". You sir have made it to the legendary side of game design. Bravo.

Planescape, indeed, was (and remains) my favorite 2nd edition setting.

Have you played Planescape: Torment?

What was/is your favorite of the Factions? (Planescape Factions of course.)

What are your thoughts on the concept of a central planar metropolis like Sigil? (As a game designer/world builder.)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

cibet44 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

It's still on hiatus, with my character, Lavinia Ameiko...
You had a character named "Lavinia Ameiko"? In my group that would be like having a character named "Mordenkainen Bigby". You sir have made it to the legendary side of game design. Bravo.

Ha! Awesome!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Archmage_Atrus wrote:

Planescape, indeed, was (and remains) my favorite 2nd edition setting.

Have you played Planescape: Torment?

What was/is your favorite of the Factions? (Planescape Factions of course.)

What are your thoughts on the concept of a central planar metropolis like Sigil? (As a game designer/world builder.)

Planescape: Torment is in my top 5 favorite video games of all time, in fact. Probably in my top 3 or 2.

My favorite faction were the Sensates.

I think the idea of a central hub metropolis like Sigil is a fantastic idea, and a brilliant way to allow low level characters the opportunity to adventure in the outer planes, a region traditionally skewed toward high-level play.

What would happen if enriched plutonium was thrown into a sphere of annihilation?

James Jacobs wrote:
I think the idea of a central hub metropolis like Sigil is a fantastic idea, and a brilliant way to allow low level characters the opportunity to adventure in the outer planes, a region traditionally skewed toward high-level play.

Is there an equivalent in the Great Beyond Cosmology?

It seems like Axis would be the obvious suggestion, but it skews hard toward lawful so maybe I'm missing something...

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

James Jacobs wrote:
Jason Beardsley wrote:
Does the OGL or PCL allow (or have guidelines) for digital products? Such as a videogame?


You'll note that several of Bioware's older games have a lot of familiar elements to them, like feats and prestige classes.

It's a little tricky at places, but it's possible.

Not quite right:

The OGL does not have any media type restrictions.

The Pathfinder RPG Compatibility License, however, currently only applies to printed books, electronic books, and freely available websites. At some point, we'll likely expand it to include certain types of electronic gaming accessories, but we do not intend to extend it to computer/video games.

So you *can* publish a video game using the Open Content game mechanics from the Pathfinder RPG, but you *can't* say it's compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

I'm enjoying the end of a long day with a dirty martini, reading my Gamemastery Guide in front of the fireplace with my faithful pup playfully lying at my side. Does life get much better?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Bill Lumberg wrote:
What would happen if enriched plutonium was thrown into a sphere of annihilation?

The plutonium goes away, and presto, we have a safe, efficient way to dispose of nuclear bombs and nuclear waste!

Well... maybe not safe. But efficient, for sure!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Evil Lincoln wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
I think the idea of a central hub metropolis like Sigil is a fantastic idea, and a brilliant way to allow low level characters the opportunity to adventure in the outer planes, a region traditionally skewed toward high-level play.

Is there an equivalent in the Great Beyond Cosmology?

It seems like Axis would be the obvious suggestion, but it skews hard toward lawful so maybe I'm missing something...

There's not really an equivalent in the Great Beyond, no. On purpose, frankly. If you want a planar location like Sigil, you can put it into the Great Beyond and you're good to go.

Our campaign setting is focused on the Inner Sea region, so we don't NEED a version of Sigil for all levels of play in the outer planes.

James Jacobs wrote:
Darkmeer wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Talonne Hauk wrote:
When your boss is running a game, do you receive magic items in lieu of bonuses?


No. He tries to kill us with golems and swarms.

I didn't think the Paizo golem actually animated. And Washington doesn't have too many swarms other than sweat bees from what I remember as a kid.

What other little known fact about the Paizo offices are we missing?

Hmm. Here are three:

1) A scientifically inaccurate dinosaur guards our water cooler.
2) There's a giant Paizo golem painting in one of our bathrooms.
3) I have a hand-drawn globe of Golarion sitting on my desk.

Since my prospects of making it to your desk are slim to none, given the golems and dinosaurs (and the likely labyrinth of lethal traps just to get to the Paizo offices' front door), is there a chance we could get an awesome pic of number 3?

Whether that answer is yes or no, you have made my day Mr. Jacobs, thank you for that.

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