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CorvusMask wrote:1) Actually, keep is replacement for save file imports. So if you want to import save file, you need to import it to keep and THEN to inquisition. That is because in past games it became apparent some flags always get imported wrong, so now you can always check everything gets imported right. Yeah, not really a question, sorry.1) Oh! Excellent. I'll have to look into it then. Does it allow transfer of info from Xbox360 to XboxOne?
I believe one of ghe main reasons for Keep was because of Next Gen Consoles so you should be good :3

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Dear James,
Do you think that the 4 heroes from the end of Wrath of the Righteous would be able to drive off or defeat invading orc hordes of Belkzen?
Depends entirely on what those orc hordes brought to the fight, and whether the GM wanted to actually challenge those heroes.
But as a general rule... when mythic heroes get involved, the opposition tends NOT to sit idly by. They tend to encourage escalation, and as such, I wouldn't be surprised to see the gods of the orcs start to invest their followers with mythic powers as well. AKA: The GM should seek to keep challenging mythic characters if you want to keep playing them.
My suggestion, though? Once you hit tier 10/level 20 at the end of Wrath, you retire those characters and start new characters.

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Most human ethnicities in Golarion have real world influences that are pretty obvious to me(Ulfen=Vikings/Norsemen etc.). What were some of the influences behind the Shoanti?
The major influence for the Shoanti, which are the ONLY ethnicity in the game more or less completely ported out of my homebrew (the Varisians were ported out from the Sczarni, so there were a few changes there), is Native American culture mixed slightly with some tiny doses of Pictish/Celtic/druidic culture.

Triphoppenskip |

Triphoppenskip wrote:Most human ethnicities in Golarion have real world influences that are pretty obvious to me(Ulfen=Vikings/Norsemen etc.). What were some of the influences behind the Shoanti?The major influence for the Shoanti, which are the ONLY ethnicity in the game more or less completely ported out of my homebrew (the Varisians were ported out from the Sczarni, so there were a few changes there), is Native American culture mixed slightly with some tiny doses of Pictish/Celtic/druidic culture.
Sweet, my guess was actually pretty spot on. The various ethnicities of the humans in Pathfinder really add more depth to them and has made playing a human in a fantasy campaign interesting for me again. What about the Kellids, what were some of your influences behind them?

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What non-core classes have you played in a campaign, and which dod you enjoy most?
Let's see...
Of the Pathfinder campaigns I've played in so far, I've played...
Shensen (fighter/bard)
Echo Sidrah (cleric of Desna)
Merisiel (rogue)
Sasha "Firetop" Dracktus (rogue)
Bezlarue (bard)
A drow whose name I've forgotten (bard/demoniac)
A character who was in Jason's dungeon delve whose name I've forgotten (cleric of Sarenrae)
Asenath Mercadicus (fighter)
Synder (swashbuckler)
So... I suppose the answer would be swashbuckler! :-)

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James Jacobs wrote:I believe one of ghe main reasons for Keep was because of Next Gen Consoles so you should be good :3CorvusMask wrote:1) Actually, keep is replacement for save file imports. So if you want to import save file, you need to import it to keep and THEN to inquisition. That is because in past games it became apparent some flags always get imported wrong, so now you can always check everything gets imported right. Yeah, not really a question, sorry.1) Oh! Excellent. I'll have to look into it then. Does it allow transfer of info from Xbox360 to XboxOne?
Perfect! Thanks for letting me know about it!
Is it something built into the game? Or a separate download?
EDIT: Nevermind. I figured it out! Will use it tonight!

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James Jacobs wrote:Sweet, my guess was actually pretty spot on. The various ethnicities of the humans in Pathfinder really add more depth to them and has made playing a human in a fantasy campaign interesting for me again. What about the Kellids, what were some of your influences behind them?Triphoppenskip wrote:Most human ethnicities in Golarion have real world influences that are pretty obvious to me(Ulfen=Vikings/Norsemen etc.). What were some of the influences behind the Shoanti?The major influence for the Shoanti, which are the ONLY ethnicity in the game more or less completely ported out of my homebrew (the Varisians were ported out from the Sczarni, so there were a few changes there), is Native American culture mixed slightly with some tiny doses of Pictish/Celtic/druidic culture.
The Kellids were mostly inspired by Robert E. Howard's stories. Conan would be a Kellid. Basically, a mix of various elements of British/West European ethnicities.

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Rysky wrote:James Jacobs wrote:I believe one of ghe main reasons for Keep was because of Next Gen Consoles so you should be good :3CorvusMask wrote:1) Actually, keep is replacement for save file imports. So if you want to import save file, you need to import it to keep and THEN to inquisition. That is because in past games it became apparent some flags always get imported wrong, so now you can always check everything gets imported right. Yeah, not really a question, sorry.1) Oh! Excellent. I'll have to look into it then. Does it allow transfer of info from Xbox360 to XboxOne?Perfect! Thanks for letting me know about it!
Is it something built into the game? Or a separate download?
EDIT: Nevermind. I figured it out! Will use it tonight!
For those who haven't heres a link. It goes off your Origin account.

xavier c |
xavier c wrote:1)Are there any good werewolves on Golarion?
2)What do you think of a Mythic pc with the Divine source power being a Neutral good god of good lycanthropes and the moon?
3)Is there a limit on how many things a god can have in there Divine Portfolio
4)Would you let a Mythic pc with the Divine source power have influence or power over the things in there Divine Portfolio?
1) Yes.
2) Not my thing, but it's possible. (I prefer evil werewolves, since that's the role they play in the best stories and movies I've seen about werewolves.)
3) No, but for sake of ease we generally limit it to only a few things.
4) Not immediately, but perhaps in time if they proved to me in play over the course of a campaign that they were really into becoming a god and didn't just pick up the thing for some free spell-like abilities. ;-)
4)Do you have an idea of how they would influence the things in there Divine Portfolio.Like how would a god of good lycanthropes and the moon influence the things in there Divine Portfolio? what would such a god be able to do

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James Jacobs wrote:4)Do you have an idea of how they would influence the things in there Divine Portfolio.Like how would a god of good lycanthropes and the moon influence the things in there Divine Portfolio? what would such a god be able to doxavier c wrote:1)Are there any good werewolves on Golarion?
2)What do you think of a Mythic pc with the Divine source power being a Neutral good god of good lycanthropes and the moon?
3)Is there a limit on how many things a god can have in there Divine Portfolio
4)Would you let a Mythic pc with the Divine source power have influence or power over the things in there Divine Portfolio?
1) Yes.
2) Not my thing, but it's possible. (I prefer evil werewolves, since that's the role they play in the best stories and movies I've seen about werewolves.)
3) No, but for sake of ease we generally limit it to only a few things.
4) Not immediately, but perhaps in time if they proved to me in play over the course of a campaign that they were really into becoming a god and didn't just pick up the thing for some free spell-like abilities. ;-)
However the GM wanted the influence to work. There's specifically no rules for that so a GM can run with it however they want.

Nargemn |

I've been running a Rise of the Runelords game for a while now, and am immensely enjoying it, using the updated Pathfinder version. My players are having a great time (though I'm not certain they're getting quite as much into the story as I might like, though I am a fanatic and my standards are probably unfair.)
At their begging, I allowed them to roll their stats way back when, which lead to very high equivalent point buys (30+). Really wanting to run Pathfinder, I acquiesced to their demands instead of making them take 15 or 20 point buys. I've also been adding a lot of extra encounters and character specific sidequests, including adding in an updated Feast of Ravenmoor module on their way to Jorgenfist. Because of all of this, I bumped up their XP track to medium and max health all of the enemies, though they're really not struggling at all (I don't mind too much). I've also updated many of the enemies with class levels or templates, usually resulting in a CR bump of 2-3.
This all leads to my question. As I've been updating foes, I've noticed that there are many discrepancies between their stat blocks in RotRL and their bestiary equivalents. This makes updating things weird, and I feel as though the monsters I'm updating may be based off of their 3.5 counterparts rather than their Pathfinder selves.
For example, Lokansir, the jotunblood hill giant, is listed as having 14 hd in the book, but with the template applied to an actual hill giant, leads to 20 hd (and a greater increase in BAB, feats, skills, etc). Even more confusingly, his in-book statblock is built as though he had the number of feats a 20 hd creature would have.
Was this an oversight? Or when the anniversary addition was created, did the designers attempt to stick closer to the 3.5 monsters in order to remain faithful to the campaign? It's not too bothersome, but something I've noticed quite a bit of and would love to know I'm not just crazy!

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Rysky wrote:James Jacobs wrote:I believe one of ghe main reasons for Keep was because of Next Gen Consoles so you should be good :3CorvusMask wrote:1) Actually, keep is replacement for save file imports. So if you want to import save file, you need to import it to keep and THEN to inquisition. That is because in past games it became apparent some flags always get imported wrong, so now you can always check everything gets imported right. Yeah, not really a question, sorry.1) Oh! Excellent. I'll have to look into it then. Does it allow transfer of info from Xbox360 to XboxOne?Perfect! Thanks for letting me know about it!
Is it something built into the game? Or a separate download?
EDIT: Nevermind. I figured it out! Will use it tonight!
Its still in beta though so at the moment its pretty buggy, hopefully by release it will be complete and import everything right
2) Oh, awesome :D

FiddlersGreen |

I'm asking this keeping in mind that you don't give official errata or rules judgments and the like, when the Lure of the Heavens Oracle revelation/Shaman Hex was written, was it intended that at level 5 the Oracle or Shaman would be able to move laterally whilst levitating, hover-craft style?
Also, if one of them were falling off a cliff, would you have them take falling damage or would you allow them to use this ability to halt their fall?
For your reference:
Your connection to the skies above is so strong that your feet barely touch the ground. At 1st level, you no longer leave tracks. At 5th level, you can hover up to 6 inches above the ground or even above liquid surfaces, as if levitating. At 10th level, you gain the ability to fly, as per the spell, for a number of minutes per day equal to your oracle level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments.
Also, do you know why the author named the ability "lure" of the heavens? Is the Oracle/Shaman being lured by the heavens? Or is he the lure, kinda like he's being dangled off the ground by the heavens like a fishing lure?

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For example, Lokansir, the jotunblood hill giant, is listed as having 14 hd in the book, but with the template applied to an actual hill giant, leads to 20 hd (and a greater increase in BAB, feats, skills, etc). Even more confusingly, his in-book statblock is built as though he had the number of feats a 20 hd creature would have.
Was this an oversight? Or when the anniversary addition was created, did the designers attempt to stick closer to the 3.5 monsters in order to remain faithful to the campaign? It's not too bothersome, but something I've noticed quite a bit of and would love to know I'm not just crazy!
I don't have my work handy for Lokansir, but he was one of the trickier NPCs to create for the book since he used a template that was written for 2 editions back (3.0, not even 3.5). There's been a lot of changes to the game since then, and as a result, additional undocumented changes occurred to make him viable at the CR he was intended for but still match as closely as possible his previous incarnation in an edition 1 edition back (3.5).

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I'm asking this keeping in mind that you don't give official errata or rules judgments and the like, when the Lure of the Heavens Oracle revelation/Shaman Hex was written, was it intended that at level 5 the Oracle or Shaman would be able to move laterally whilst levitating, hover-craft style?
Also, if one of them were falling off a cliff, would you have them take falling damage or would you allow them to use this ability to halt their fall?
For your reference:
Lure of the Heavens wrote:Your connection to the skies above is so strong that your feet barely touch the ground. At 1st level, you no longer leave tracks. At 5th level, you can hover up to 6 inches above the ground or even above liquid surfaces, as if levitating. At 10th level, you gain the ability to fly, as per the spell, for a number of minutes per day equal to your oracle level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments.Also, do you know why the author named the ability "lure" of the heavens? Is the Oracle/Shaman being lured by the heavens? Or is he the lure, kinda like he's being dangled off the ground by the heavens like a fishing lure?
I wasn't involved with that hex, but I'm seeing nothing in there that prevents falling damage. It does seem to me that the intent was to allow "walking" while levitating. In any event, a good question to post to the forums for the book for a FAQ.
And I would guess that the luring in question is the heavens luring the oracle off the ground. You know, upward, toward the heavens.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

How do chaotic good followers of groteous act???
They're INCREDIBLY rare. Not every deity has the same spread of alignments serving them. In Groetus's case, I'd say 90% are chaotic neutral, 99.99999% are chaotic evil, and the rest are chaotic good.
They'd basically be acting as good-meaning doomsayers who were trying to get their fellow doomed kin ready for the end of the world.
Frankly, I suspect that the ONLY chaotic good worshipers of Groetus anyone is ever likely to see are player characters, who are themselves the rarest of the rare in any one game world.

KaiserBruno |

I'm planning on running a Darkmoon Vale campaign in the near future and I have a few questions regarding the region and Andoran in general.
1) It is mentioned in the Guide to Darkmoon Vale that the nymph queen Syntria is one of the Eleven Eternal Monarchs of the fey. Exactly what are those? I think this is the only source I''ve seen them mentioned in.
2) Does the Church of Pharasma have a large following in Andoran? I don't recall any mention of them having a presence in the Vale, which is odd considering the large concentrations of undead and Urgathoa cultists.
3) How are people from Molthune viewed in Andoran?
4) Would it be out of the question for organized kobolds backed by dragon wealth to be able to produce clockwork constructs?
5) Would Draxathyl ( I think that is how to spell his name) the Sixth King of the Five King Mountains be considered a mythic dragon?

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I'm planning on running a Darkmoon Vale campaign in the near future and I have a few questions regarding the region and Andoran in general.
1) It is mentioned in the Guide to Darkmoon Vale that the nymph queen Syntria is one of the Eleven Eternal Monarchs of the fey. Exactly what are those? I think this is the only source I''ve seen them mentioned in.
2) Does the Church of Pharasma have a large following in Andoran? I don't recall any mention of them having a presence in the Vale, which is odd considering the large concentrations of undead and Urgathoa cultists.
3) How are people from Molthune viewed in Andoran?
4) Would it be out of the question for organized kobolds backed by dragon wealth to be able to produce clockwork constructs?
5) Would Draxathyl ( I think that is how to spell his name) the Sixth King of the Five King Mountains be considered a mythic dragon?
1) They're dropped/outdated content. Instead, we went with the Eldest.
2) Not a large one, no, but they're there.
3) As old-fashioned, I guess.
4) Probably.
5) No. I believe we've actually statted him up somewhere.

shadram |

KaiserBruno wrote:5) No. I believe we've actually statted him up somewhere.
5) Would Draxathyl ( I think that is how to spell his name) the Sixth King of the Five King Mountains be considered a mythic dragon?
Yep, in Dragon's Revisited. He's CR26, although that's a 3.5 book, so not sure how that translates.
Question: Any good recommendations for Halloween adventures? Anything scary/spooky/creepy that can be run in one sitting would be excellent.

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equinoxmaster wrote:How do chaotic good followers of groteous act???Apologetically.
They're INCREDIBLY rare. Not every deity has the same spread of alignments serving them. In Groetus's case, I'd say 90% are chaotic neutral, 99.99999% are chaotic evil, and the rest are chaotic good.
They'd basically be acting as good-meaning doomsayers who were trying to get their fellow doomed kin ready for the end of the world.
Frankly, I suspect that the ONLY chaotic good worshipers of Groetus anyone is ever likely to see are player characters, who are themselves the rarest of the rare in any one game world.
So basically you're saying that chaotic neutral and chaotic evil count for 189.9999 percent? :) Or were you trying to say that 90 percent of groteus folowers are chaotic evil, and the bulk of that remaining 10 percent being chaotic neutral, and an uncountable tiny amount of them being chaotic good?

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equinoxmaster wrote:what deity would be most suited to a character who is an egotistical jerkA mirror? :)
Ey! Let James answer the questions! :P
Speaking of which, have you played or plan on playing The Evil Within?

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LazarX wrote:equinoxmaster wrote:what deity would be most suited to a character who is an egotistical jerkA mirror? :)Ey! Let James answer the questions! :P
Speaking of which, have you played or plan on playing The Evil Within?
That technically, was a question.

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James Jacobs wrote:KaiserBruno wrote:5) No. I believe we've actually statted him up somewhere.
5) Would Draxathyl ( I think that is how to spell his name) the Sixth King of the Five King Mountains be considered a mythic dragon?Yep, in Dragon's Revisited. He's CR26, although that's a 3.5 book, so not sure how that translates.
Question: Any good recommendations for Halloween adventures? Anything scary/spooky/creepy that can be run in one sitting would be excellent.
5) Ah... It'd translate by simply turning him into the Pathfinder version. I assume he's a max-age red dragon? That's what he is in Pathfinder. No mythic needed.
For hallowween? I'd use either Feast of Ravenmoor or Carrion Hill.

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what deity would be most suited to a character who is an egotistical jerk
But that said... egotistical jerks are probably best served by being a NON divine caster in my opinion, since they might well be too egotistical to even consider the idea of worshiping something greater than themselves.

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James Jacobs wrote:So basically you're saying that chaotic neutral and chaotic evil count for 189.9999 percent? :) Or were you trying to say that 90 percent of groteus folowers are chaotic evil, and the bulk of that remaining 10 percent being chaotic neutral, and an uncountable tiny amount of them being chaotic good?equinoxmaster wrote:How do chaotic good followers of groteous act???Apologetically.
They're INCREDIBLY rare. Not every deity has the same spread of alignments serving them. In Groetus's case, I'd say 90% are chaotic neutral, 99.99999% are chaotic evil, and the rest are chaotic good.
They'd basically be acting as good-meaning doomsayers who were trying to get their fellow doomed kin ready for the end of the world.
Frankly, I suspect that the ONLY chaotic good worshipers of Groetus anyone is ever likely to see are player characters, who are themselves the rarest of the rare in any one game world.
NO... I"m saying chaotic evil is 90 percent and chaotic neutral is 9.999999 percent. I would think that would be an obvious error with an obvious answer. I might expand that 9.9999999 out to 9.999999999999999999 or more as well. The chaotic good worshipers should be statistically negligible, and might not even exist.

Tels |

equinoxmaster wrote:How do lawful evil followers of irori act?Like evil kung-fu assassins.
Could Lawful Evil followers of Irori be the kind of villains that seek to expunge weakness from the people of the land; sort of trying to force perfection on everyone possible? They might kidnap and force people to fight to find the strongest, or seek to plunge nations into war to find out who is more worthy etc. etc.
Would be kind of interesting villains right there. A group of evil Monks seeking to make the world a stronger place (if not better) by forcing it to get stronger through war.

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If a murderous criminal is cremated rather than buried or something, can they still become a morhg? Or do they instead become a ghost or something?
A morhg needs a body to manifest. And not every situation that COULD result in a morhg (or any undead) always results in a morgh (or whatever).

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James Jacobs wrote:equinoxmaster wrote:How do lawful evil followers of irori act?Like evil kung-fu assassins.Could Lawful Evil followers of Irori be the kind of villains that seek to expunge weakness from the people of the land; sort of trying to force perfection on everyone possible? They might kidnap and force people to fight to find the strongest, or seek to plunge nations into war to find out who is more worthy etc. etc.
Would be kind of interesting villains right there. A group of evil Monks seeking to make the world a stronger place (if not better) by forcing it to get stronger through war.
They could if you want to tell that story.

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:If a murderous criminal is cremated rather than buried or something, can they still become a morhg? Or do they instead become a ghost or something?A morhg needs a body to manifest. And not every situation that COULD result in a morhg (or any undead) always results in a morgh (or whatever).
So what do I do if the book says "These enemies come back as morhgs later," but my players burned the corpses already? For that matter, how do you have undead villains coming back to bother PCs in general if the players are paranoid enough to cremate anything they kill to avoid such an occurrence?

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1)How do chaotic evil followers of Calistria act?
2)How do Lawful neutral followers of Erastil act?
3)How do chaotic good followers of Gorum act?
Okay... I'm going to ask folks to ease back on the "How do (insert alignment here) of (insert organization here)" questions. Those questions are essentially asking me to write up character profiles for all sorts of different combinations, and since the combinations are infinite and I don't have time to write them all up... my general advice for those questions for now is:
"They act as needed for you to tell the story you want to tell."
Beyond that... please see the NUMEROUS books and articles and entries we've published for these topics, from Inner Sea Gods to the various player companions about religions.